Who is your favorite companion?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
I don't entirely trust Quin. He's presented as the defector from decadence, someone who saw Kasyrra erupt from the portal and realised that this shit is fucked up and he's in over his head. What I want to know is was sacrificing Calla not over his head? Is he down with kidnapping and murdering random travellers if demons aren't involved, or was human(/catgirl) sacrifice not mentioned in the cultist recruitment brochure?

Also, unless you're trying to seduce people he is not useful in combat. Dude needs a martial set or a debuff set or something other than 'I do resolve damage but less resolve damage than bimbo!Azzy and also I don't have Heal like she does'.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Just like Quin's skewed priorities, there may be people who can be okay with working with former cultists but won't bimbofy people, even if temporarily.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Just like Quin's skewed priorities, there may be people who can be okay with working with former cultists but won't bimbofy people, even if temporarily.
His resolve damage output on its own isn't viable though. The nerfs that slightly depowered Azzy and Charmer heroes made Quin largely impotent. His Sexiness and Temptation is lower than Bimbo!Azzy or an invested hero, his abilities are less potent - Lust Tag sets up other resolve damage and only lasts 3 turns (which is one round for an enemy like Alissa or the Wraith Chimera), Allure needs Song of Splendor as a set up, Fire Walk only works if you get hit and he cannot take a hit, Mind Snap is an Ultimate - and unless you're assuming direct control he will probably end up using Soothing Dance to heal the resolve damage he's inflicting on himself with Fire Walk.

Unless you or Azzy are also dealing resolve damage that he can add onto, he's just plinking away with negligible results.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Indeed, my words meant my Song of Splendor-using Champion and Azyrran work with him, thankyouverymuch :p
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Also Takahiro is best boy.
Are we thinking about same Takahiro? Takahiro "Oh I am so misunderstood but everyone still loves me. To bad I am always drunk, te-he". Not the worst person to call best boy, but at same time, Nakano exists.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Are we thinking about same Takahiro? Takahiro "Oh I am so misunderstood but everyone still loves me. To bad I am always drunk, te-he". Not the worst person to call best boy, but at same time, Nakano exists.

Nakano only exists to be bullied. Takahiro has a constant buff from sake and is funny to me. Also I don't think everyone loves him. He almost got shot with an arrow.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Nakano only exists to be bullied. Takahiro has a constant buff from sake and is funny to me. Also I don't think everyone loves him. He almost got shot with an arrow.
That was mostly there for comedic effect. Not everyone is fine with the way he acts. Everyone still forgives him tho. And I get it, he is part of family and all. But at same time, all of his random events do not paint the brightest picture of him. From what I gather, there will be a quest where we are going to help him combat his alcoholism. Since that is presented as major culprit for his misgivings and what is preventing him from getting married. But the way I see it, that is not the cause, it is one of the symptomes. I do not see how him getting less drunk will help him in any major way. But as his champion, it is my duty to unfuck all of his messes. So in the end, my hands are there for him.

But yeah, Nakano is for bullying. Especially as his champion and mother in law.


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2016
I don't know if I'd go that far but I definitely don't trust him. I've been burned by his character archetype before (looking at you Zevran, you sorry excuse for an assassin).
Quinn: I don't trust you Quin. Not at all. I played [insert Bioware game here], I know how this betrayal shit works. Quin just doesn't do it for me. I am happy that those who want more male content have him, and I appreciate the work Bubblelord is putting into him. But I just don't trust him. He's sold out the cult after being one of the willing recruits, and still behaves like a cultist. I'm expecting him to pull a Zevran on me at some point.

How did you mess up with Zevran, he's so easy to win affection with! He's never betrayed me once in the several, several times I've played DAO. Sorry to hear things went so badly, but hot damn did you just... Never talk to him?

Also: "willing recruits". Y'all act like Cults come out saying what their true goals are straight out of the gate when they're out recruiting, and don't hide their true intentions as they brainwash lonely people they specifically prey on to bolster their numbers.

I am just suprised that he did not try to get shelter inside of the city at least once. Like, what does he have to lose?

His life? His freedom via jail time, and then his life once he's convicted of several crimes that were perpetrated by the heads of the cult and then given the death penalty with prejudice depending on how angry people are feeling that day?

There's a lot of reasons to avoid a community who have understandable bad blood and ill will towards an organization you wanted to escape from, especially when there aren't resources available to help people get out of cults in this setting.

Anyway, favourite companions:

Ryn forever, my precious princess, I love her content and that I have the ability to build her back up just by being gentle and good to her. She deserves all the good things in life and I will willingly give them to her. Am I a Ryn simp? Yes.

Brint and Cait soon follow, both of them very much in my BFF zone and Brint being a fantastic romance. Do things move quickly? Sure. Do I mind? Not particularly. He's a fun romp, he's a great example of healthy masculinity, and he's a sweetheart. Cait, meanwhile, is a fantastic wingwoman, a great chat, and a lot of fun to bring on adventures, not to mention it's lovely having heals. They're very similar people without being the same character but with different gender identities, and they're a fun duo to have tag along on my adventures. The only reason I haven't romanced Cait yet is because unlike Brint, I'm happy just being friends who occasionally fuck. (Though at this point in time, we might as well acknowledge all of the Champ's companions as being part of a very large, healthy polycule...)

Kiyoko I have yet to save from the Amulet (because I am very slow at starting up my new save, now that Act One's mostly finished), but I do enjoy a lot of her talks and Kinu. I'm not at all into preg content so I admittedly skim over that aspect of her smut scenes, but I also want her to get all nine of her tails so here I come, 32 kits... Do I have regrets? Yes. But Kinu's not one of them, although it does hurt to know ten years passed without my being able to do anything once I finally do free my Kitsune Family from their little pocket of the Astral Plane.

Quin's an interesting case because there's mostly only set up in place right now, but I do like his character archetype, and I always appreciate more male characters in my porn games. He's a bit of a horndog, but we've just met, and I don't doubt some character development is on its way once he gets his expacks.

I like Berwyn's archetype in theory, and I love bratty tops, but there are a few moments where top!Berwyn is very unpleasant that made him go down in my estimations as a result. Not particularly interested in his subbier content, though we'll see if I change my mind and give it a try later on.

I have not yet had the chance to recruit Arona, Azzy or Atugia, so I can't comment on their content outside of introductions.

Arona is... Interesting. Also terrible, but I get there's an appeal there. I tend to prefer to have characters top my Champ, but might make an exception with Arona because woof.

Azzy is a sweetie and I will protect her and give her nothing but good things. Tied with Ryn, honestly, though again, still haven't recruited her officially.

As for Atugia: One day I'll finish her recruitment quest. One day. She seems pretty chill though.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
How did you mess up with Zevran, he's so easy to win affection with! He's never betrayed me once in the several, several times I've played DAO. Sorry to hear things went so badly, but hot damn did you just... Never talk to him?

Also: "willing recruits". Y'all act like Cults come out saying what their true goals are straight out of the gate when they're out recruiting, and don't hide their true intentions as they brainwash lonely people they specifically prey on to bolster their numbers.

I didn't fully understand the mechanics and had leliana so I just never used him. I just killed him on every subsequent playthrough. Look in my defense, I was a dumb kid and Zevran didn't interest me.

And as for the cult. We know they have willing recruits and Quinn clearly isn't brainwashed. We can only speculate why he joined for now, but it was clearly willing and he was there when the Calla thing went down. So until we get confirmation, what we have to speculate doesn't paint a flattering picture.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
His life? His freedom via jail time, and then his life once he's convicted of several crimes that were perpetrated by the heads of the cult and then given the death penalty with prejudice depending on how angry people are feeling that day?

There's a lot of reasons to avoid a community who have understandable bad blood and ill will towards an organization you wanted to escape from, especially when there aren't resources available to help people get out of cults in this setting.
So what? Is guaranteed death better than a chance of staying alive? Even if it inside of prison. Better to take your chances witgh people that you did not directly harm, than with a person whos friends sister you sent into a shadow realm.

So are people that do not trust him because he was a part of a cult bad people? That is what games think of you if you do not trust him enough for being associated with the cult. Well, can you blame us? Especially going by our experience with them. So than, my question is, if universe believes that he is good, why would not people of the city? Is it because joining a cult, especially one with such colourful record, does not paint you as a trust worthy guy? And do not give me that crap about us taking him in to keep eye on him. We are basically rescuing his ass, from mess he himself put himself into, scott free. He becomes free man. I think that the biggest problem is how extreme our choice is. He either dies or lives consequences free. There is no middle ground.

Well whatever. Same with orc camp/Arona, I am glad that there is an option to refuse him. And all that corruption can be easily be taken care of by taking a bath. So no harm there.

Edit: And as Wynt3rRyd3r said, there is nothing in his first interaction that suggests that he did not know what that cult was all about. Only reason he escaped is because it was starting to harm him in some way.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
There is a good reason to save him, no matter how shifty and untrustworthy he is.
He knows the cult. You fight an unknown enemy, so every bit of intel is useful. I also got the feeling that he will not betry us to the cult, that makes him a good ally, if not friend.

Aside from this business approach, a good champion may wish to make him a better person.
A dark knight may find his nature usefull, since it can be used to control him.

There is, in the current situation, actually little downside to aiding him. Even if he is an ass, but an ass on our side is vastly better than him on an enemy side.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
There is a good reason to save him, no matter how shifty and untrustworthy he is.
He knows the cult. You fight an unknown enemy, so every bit of intel is useful. I also got the feeling that he will not betry us to the cult, that makes him a good ally, if not friend.

Aside from this business approach, a good champion may wish to make him a better person.
A dark knight may find his nature usefull, since it can be used to control him.

There is, in the current situation, actually little downside to aiding him. Even if he is an ass, but an ass on our side is vastly better than him on an enemy side.
Yeah, and when you rescue him, he tells you jack. Wow, so useful. OK not entirely true. He tells you that cult is a bunch of horn dogs. Like we could not tell ourselves. Hell, other Cultist/Kas tell you more about there plans then him. He is less useful than people we are fighting. How do you accomplish that?
Which reminds me, why do we not force that info out of him? Why are we forced to let him live freely? If we are so afraid of him being with them, why not just lock him up? Or at worst kill him?
If we rescue him, he gets a job and place to live of our good will. See where I am going with this? We are rewarding him for being part of a cult. He gets rewarded for being associated with the bad guy.
Now I admit, this is all meta gaming. But at same time, if you are going into the game blind, you still do not have much reason to trust him.
Now this is not unique only to him. Berwyn also has that problem of being allowed to live scott free even after he rapes us. As I said, one of the problems here is lack of options. But in the end, if you do not trust him, you can always leave him to fend off for himself. And it is written in such a way where it is not obvious why the champion chose that option. So it allows for roleplay. Besides that corruption stuff (which is easy to get around), all of that is a huge plus in my book. So yeah, I am not saying that there are no good reasons to rescue him. I rescue him half of the time just because I have nothing better to do and want to comlete companion dex. I just do not see it as automatically bad thing to refuse him as game sees it.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Yeah, and when you rescue him, he tells you jack. Wow, so useful. OK not entirely true. He tells you that cult is a bunch of horn dogs. Like we could not tell ourselves. Hell, other Cultist/Kas tell you more about there plans then him. He is less useful than people we are fighting. How do you accomplish that?
Which reminds me, why do we not force that info out of him? Why are we forced to let him live freely? If we are so afraid of him being with them, why not just lock him up? Or at worst kill him?
If we rescue him, he gets a job and place to live of our good will. See where I am going with this? We are rewarding him for being part of a cult. He gets rewarded for being associated with the bad guy.
Now I admit, this is all meta gaming. But at same time, if you are going into the game blind, you still do not have much reason to trust him.
Now this is not unique only to him. Berwyn also has that problem of being allowed to live scott free even after he rapes us. As I said, one of the problems here is lack of options. But in the end, if you do not trust him, you can always leave him to fend off for himself. And it is written in such a way where it is not obvious why the champion chose that option. So it allows for roleplay. Besides that corruption stuff (which is easy to get around), all of that is a huge plus in my book. So yeah, I am not saying that there are no good reasons to rescue him. I rescue him half of the time just because I have nothing better to do and want to comlete companion dex. I just do not see it as automatically bad thing to refuse him as game sees it.

There's really not much he could say without having to account for how it'd impact the way the story quests involving the cult are handled. And I doubt he knows much. There's no way Tollus would tell the rank and file anything important. Either because the ones with their minds can't be trusted, or they're brainwashed and to far gone for him to tell them anything. I think it's considered bad to send Quinn away because we're judging him without truly knowing him and we're knowingly sending him to his death/indoctrination. We know what the cult is about and what they do. We know what'll likely happen to him when he's finally caught.

And as for him getting off free, and with Berwyn as well, that's just a thing you're gonna run into with most porn games. It was in CoC1 and TiTS. It was bound to be here. You can send Quinn, Berwyn, and Arona away though. So you don't have to forgive them. I agree that that's frustrating and can turn some people off, especially with some of the NPCs. I've bitched enough about personally. But we will have to suspend our disbelief when we're playing a fantasy porn game.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
There's really not much he could say without having to account for how it'd impact the way the story quests involving the cult are handled. And I doubt he knows much. There's no way Tollus would tell the rank and file anything important. Either because the ones with their minds can't be trusted, or they're brainwashed and to far gone for him to tell them anything. I think it's considered bad to send Quinn away because we're judging him without truly knowing him and we're knowingly sending him to his death/indoctrination. We know what the cult is about and what they do. We know what'll likely happen to him when he's finally caught.

And as for him getting off free, and with Berwyn as well, that's just a thing you're gonna run into with most porn games. It was in CoC1 and TiTS. It was bound to be here. You can send Quinn, Berwyn, and Arona away though. So you don't have to forgive them. I agree that that's frustrating and can turn some people off, especially with some of the NPCs. I've bitched enough about personally. But we will have to suspend our disbelief when we're playing a fantasy porn game.
My whole point is that sending him of to his death is not automatically a bad thing. Especially in context of the game and what options we have. That just because he left the cult does not mean we have to trust him or rescue him. Enemyof our enemy is not automatically our friend. And yeah, I also do not believe that he holds much weight as hostage. He probably knows as much as we know. Which kind defeats the purpose of rescuing him for strategic advantage.
I love the bastard (platonic/as a good friend/fuck buddy). I like him because of his imperfections, not despite them. Same with Arona and Kiyoko. I just do not see him as the most trustworthy of people or as infallible character. So my whole point ends up being that there is no objectively good answer how to deal with him. It is up to us to decide.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021
There's really not much he could say without having to account for how it'd impact the way the story quests involving the cult are handled. And I doubt he knows much. There's no way Tollus would tell the rank and file anything important. Either because the ones with their minds can't be trusted, or they're brainwashed and to far gone for him to tell them anything. I think it's considered bad to send Quinn away because we're judging him without truly knowing him and we're knowingly sending him to his death/indoctrination. We know what the cult is about and what they do. We know what'll likely happen to him when he's finally caught.

And as for him getting off free, and with Berwyn as well, that's just a thing you're gonna run into with most porn games. It was in CoC1 and TiTS. It was bound to be here. You can send Quinn, Berwyn, and Arona away though. So you don't have to forgive them. I agree that that's frustrating and can turn some people off, especially with some of the NPCs. I've bitched enough about personally. But we will have to suspend our disbelief when we're playing a fantasy porn game.

Actually, you can't do anything like sending Berwyn away (as far as I know). He will automatically go to the Frosthound and take up a space in the [Guest] tab upon completing his quest - even if you select to not take him as a companion. The only way to truly avoid him would be to just never do his quest.


With regards to Quintillus, I understand your viewpoint, but I personally take issue with his recruitment being presented as a somewhat major ultimatum from the very first encounter - something which no other companion has (not even Azzyran - because even if you attack her you can still talk to her after beating her, and are therefore never locked out of interacting with her again) - as well as it being a recruitment that seemingly has some "moral judgement" tied with it...
Additionally, Cait is very against recruiting Quintillus, yet if your PC goes along with her line of thinking they're suddenly corrupt? Does that mean that Cait would also be corrupt for trying to attack Quintillus (because it's hinted that that's exactly what she was going to do before your PC stops her)? Also, does that mean that if your PC was able to let Cait make the decision to bar Quintillus from joining she'd become more corrupt?

I dunno, the whole situation kind of irks me personally. There's not sufficient evidence / information provided to your PC that Quintillus can be trusted, yet your PC is demonized for making a judgement call that any other NPC would seemingly make (at least the NPCs in Hawkethorne for a start, Cait included).
Not to mention the fact of how post recruitment Quintillus acts towards feminine companions (lecherous, disrespectful) - especially his comments about Cait, who most definitely has a reason to distrust / dislike him...
Whilst I do definitely understand that there is a possibility of Quintillus being forced (brainwashed) into the cult, he certainly isn't helping his case for keeping him around in the interim... and first impressions matter - especially when one has to try and redeem oneself (which for him would be along the lines of proving that he's better than the cult / not still working for them) - which he really doesn't seem to be trying to do at all (quite the opposite actually, with the constantly inferred perversion - something only the cult members seem to do).

Anyways, sorry, I don't want to go on too much of a rant / tangent here.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Snip snip my dudes

I agree with what you're saying, I just wanted to say what I think is the reason why it's considered a corrupt action. I don't think it should be considered inherently bad to send him away, but it's not unreasonable to consider it cruel. And the corruption we do get is negligible and can be fixed pretty easily. Also I usually recruit Berwyn and since I like to level grind, I've never lost to him. But even then, telling him to piss off and then ignoring him does get across that you're not his friend and you don't forgive him for or trying to rape us. At least for roleplay.
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Quicksilver Tongue

Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2021
On the topic of Quintillus, since I think I've saved him in every game where the option to do so has come up, I find myself wondering: if you fail to save him and he ends up remaining in the cult, would he eventually turn into a Psion or Demontaur or something and turn up as an optional boss on the Rift? Because if that isn't what happens, it should be.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
On the topic of Quintillus, since I think I've saved him in every game where the option to do so has come up, I find myself wondering: if you fail to save him and he ends up remaining in the cult, would he eventually turn into a Psion or Demontaur or something and turn up as an optional boss on the Rift? Because if that isn't what happens, it should be.

I've thought about that to, and that would definitely be interesting. It'd make the decision more real than just a corruption increase. Like, you tell him to leave because of distrust, and that distrust throws him back to the cult. So far, nothing like that is in the game.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
On the topic of Quintillus, since I think I've saved him in every game where the option to do so has come up, I find myself wondering: if you fail to save him and he ends up remaining in the cult, would he eventually turn into a Psion or Demontaur or something and turn up as an optional boss on the Rift? Because if that isn't what happens, it should be.
I think that the game implies that they just kill him.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2020
Let me put in a word about Quin and the whole cult situation.

And let's start by examining the situation from the point of view of laws. In general, many problems and "moral" issues are calmly resolved if we act within the framework of the laws. Thanks to the smart people who came up with laws, amended and modernized them.

In our world, cults are mainly engaged in extorting money from parishioners. From this it follows that the government or, better to say, state structures should monitor their activities. That is, to ensure the protection of citizens from the legal, criminal and economic side. Here, of course, we can say that we have a fantasy world that is in the Bronze Age, but even the Sumerians had laws, courts, etc.

So this is where the problems happened. Carmen didn't bother with this problem. She could safely start using laws (all of them) against the cult. There are just a bunch of ways to insert sticks into the wheels and it (the cult) would have collapsed by itself. But as we have already from the discussion of Gweyr, she ignored it. The result is a massacre in the village, kidnapping and the summoning of a fucking demon.

Let's move on to Quin. Many people think that they will never be able to succumb to the influence of the cult, because they are reasonable and sane people. But there are only cases when people from the legislature, doctors and scientists for the sake of "scientific interest" went there and could not stand the treatment. Yes, they hold out longer than others because of their knowledge, but in the end they succumb to influence.

Let's remember what Quin told us. He tried to become one of the Talons, but failed. After that, he enters the cult for the sake of sex entertainment. And when all this bullshit with demons begins, he flees the cult. When we ask him about Tollus, he refuses to talk. Then I think he's just scared. Well, since he does not tell us anything, we cannot judge him somehow - the presumption of innocence.

I could write a lot more, but I already spent half an hour on this post.

PS: I wanted to say that Quin treatment of girls in this tone may be due to some problems. But then I thought that maybe I was looking too deeply at this situation in a porn game. Better wait for whatt BubbleLord will write for the horny bunny boy. Remembering his previous characters, I can say that it will be at least interesting.

PSS: As an example of the cults of which I do not limit the state authorities, you can look for the Ukrainian city of Uman (Умань) and what the hasids are doing there. Or the cult of Osho and their biological attacks (by the way, he reminded me of the cult of Tollus)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Let me put in a word about Quin and the whole cult situation.

And let's start by examining the situation from the point of view of laws. In general, many problems and "moral" issues are calmly resolved if we act within the framework of the laws. Thanks to the smart people who came up with laws, amended and modernized them.

In our world, cults are mainly engaged in extorting money from parishioners. From this it follows that the government or, better to say, state structures should monitor their activities. That is, to ensure the protection of citizens from the legal, criminal and economic side. Here, of course, we can say that we have a fantasy world that is in the Bronze Age, but even the Sumerians had laws, courts, etc.

So this is where the problems happened. Carmen didn't bother with this problem. She could safely start using laws (all of them) against the cult. There are just a bunch of ways to insert sticks into the wheels and it (the cult) would have collapsed by itself. But as we have already from the discussion of Gweyr, she ignored it. The result is a massacre in the village, kidnapping and the summoning of a fucking demon.

Let's move on to Quin. Many people think that they will never be able to succumb to the influence of the cult, because they are reasonable and sane people. But there are only cases when people from the legislature, doctors and scientists for the sake of "scientific interest" went there and could not stand the treatment. Yes, they hold out longer than others because of their knowledge, but in the end they succumb to influence.

Let's remember what Quin told us. He tried to become one of the Talons, but failed. After that, he enters the cult for the sake of sex entertainment. And when all this bullshit with demons begins, he flees the cult. When we ask him about Tollus, he refuses to talk. Then I think he's just scared. Well, since he does not tell us anything, we cannot judge him somehow - the presumption of innocence.

I could write a lot more, but I already spent half an hour on this post.

PS: I wanted to say that Quin treatment of girls in this tone may be due to some problems. But then I thought that maybe I was looking too deeply at this situation in a porn game. Better wait for whatt BubbleLord will write for the horny bunny boy. Remembering his previous characters, I can say that it will be at least interesting.

PSS: As an example of the cults of which I do not limit the state authorities, you can look for the Ukrainian city of Uman (Умань) and what the hasids are doing there. Or the cult of Osho and their biological attacks (by the way, he reminded me of the cult of Tollus)
Aha, what is the point of all this?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
And let's start by examining the situation from the point of view of laws. In general, many problems and "moral" issues are calmly resolved if we act within the framework of the laws. Thanks to the smart people who came up with laws, amended and modernized them.

So this is where the problems happened. Carmen didn't bother with this problem. She could safely start using laws (all of them) against the cult. There are just a bunch of ways to insert sticks into the wheels and it (the cult) would have collapsed by itself.

The problem with laws is that they require law enforcers to actually work. Hawkethorne literally had none at the time. That context is important. There is literally nobody in that castle of Carmen's other than her skinny ass and her two remaining retainers, one of whom you steal. The one time Carmen did try to hire mercenaries to clean up her realm they went rogue and became bandits. If there's a problem in town, Garth/Sanders has to go put together a militia to take care of it, and the town doesn't have the resources to keep people retained as standing guards for very long.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
The problem with laws is that they require law enforcers to actually work. Hawkethorne literally had none at the time. That context is important. There is literally nobody in that castle of Carmen's other than her skinny ass and her two remaining retainers, one of whom you steal. The one time Carmen did try to hire mercenaries to clean up her realm they went rogue and became bandits. If there's a problem in town, Garth/Sanders has to go put together a militia to take care of it, and the town doesn't have the resources to keep people retained as standing guards for very long.

We didn't steal her! We saved a poor unemployed professional, that was unjustly sacked by her employer.

Well, honestly, I kinda got the feeling the founders of Hawkethorne knew what they had to do, since they do tell you that the Baroness does not really act as a liege at all, not even taxes or such things.
Makes me wonder if they will turn to the Baron on the elvish border for help in the future.
Could allow for the town to become a part of the Barony in some endings even.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
...and her two remaining retainers, one of whom you steal.
There's only one thief in Savarra, everyone else is just trying to get their shit back.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
"What's that Carmen? You want me to take control of your lands and bring order back after you failed to do so? Very well, I shall. But you know the price I will ask. Get down there.
I need a new vibrating foot stool