Who is your favorite companion?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I just wish there was a way to do her quest without sexing her or beating her down

You can, actually! If you do her knightly challenges like 10 times in a row WITHOUT sexing her, she'll tag along for the quest. I am pretty sure it is not mandatory to sex Azzy to do the quest.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021
You can, actually! If you do her knightly challenges like 10 times in a row WITHOUT sexing her, she'll tag along for the quest. I am pretty sure it is not mandatory to sex Azzy to do the quest.

Yeah you don't have to sex her. But then I think you have to challenge and beat her 3 times (from my experience), have beaten the Alraune, as well as having met Sanders. Then you'll get a prompt for the quest by a "!" icon on her tile / square.

Although I think that's exactly what sumdude was saying - I don't think he wanted to have to challenge her and beat her or sex her.

Same thoughts with regards to myself - I wish I didn't have to sex Nyzerrah to complete the quest.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
Same thoughts with regards to myself - I wish I didn't have to sex Nyzerrah to complete the quest.
I don't think you have to. When you beat her you can refuse and scritch Azzy while Nyzerrah gets herself off and after purifying the hive you can just go for a hug.
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Active Member
May 14, 2020
You can, actually! If you do her knightly challenges like 10 times in a row WITHOUT sexing her, she'll tag along for the quest. I am pretty sure it is not mandatory to sex Azzy to do the quest.

Although I think that's exactly what sumdude was saying - I don't think he wanted to have to challenge her and beat her or sex her.

Undecided said what I meant, that was poor phrasing on my part. My bad!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2019
To be honest I can't think of a single companion i don't like in some way, which speaks to how well the writing is cause even in bioware games i have at least one companion that hits the bench and stays there.

I can't wait to see more content for them of just new companions in general


Active Member
Apr 5, 2018
I have to say Kiyoko

I am quite biased due to my love for kitsune and this game doing more than enough to spoil me in kitsune content, but for me Kiyoko is the ultimate waifu companion, being a loving wife and all. I also appreciate the multitude of content that she has both fleshing out the fluffy tail faction and being able to breed an army of little fluffs and being rewarded by getting her more tails. That and she is incredibly strong in combat

I can see why not everyone would like her as much as me, and I respect that, so besides her as a waifu companion I genuinely enjoy Brint, he rapidly grew on me and I have ended up taking him to most unique encounters just to hear his thoughts on matters and being a total bro. If I am honest, I really don't like the genderbent Brint, I dont know why, but I just dont

Honorable mentions to Cait and Berwyn, I dont hate the other companions but these two are just fuckin great


Feb 22, 2021
Having finally (mostly, still need to do the post-Winter City content) finished a run of COC2, my personal take is broadly similar to sumdude's, but with a few revisions.

Cait: Pretty much the same. Her personality is kinda simple sure, but it's also incredibly endearing and I like her spunk. Also her being jealous of Miko and Mai was funny. The lactation stuff helps, though I don't think I actually sexed her this run, surprisingly enough. Good Titty Kitty.

Brint: Best Bro Ever. I'm not really into dicks (especially ones that huge) but I like him as a person a lot. I kept with Cait - Me - Brint/Brienne for most of my run, barring the Frostwoods/Winter City since I felt like I had to bring Ryn along with me. Very useful for a lower level player and his weakness to resolve based attacks never felt too dehabilating. Also, Healer - semi-support semi-offensive Black Mage - Berserker is just a good party model.

Brienne: Theoretically, I should have adored her. I like buff and buxom girls, I like lactation. Unfortunately, her personality was different enough from Brint's and since I wasn't really interested in her romantically it didn't really make up for it. I kinda regret letting her be TF'd, honestly. Still a very useful companion though, even if I was jealous that my Black Mage character couldn't deal as much damage as Brint/Brienne until I was lvl 5 or 6.

Ryn: I like elves and I like Ryn, but I see her as more of a little sister (minus the uh, occasional sexing) who I'm encouraging to become her own person in her own right. Also I'm not into anal and I never clicked romantically with her. I like her character arc though, and she's very useful as both a healer and damage dealer. Unlike Brint, her weakness to resolve was a big issue that kinda got on my nerves.

Quin: Never utilized him despite technically unlocking him as a companion. He seems ok, but I haven't actually spent enough time with him to say if I dislike him or not.

Berwyn: Ditto. He never really annoyed me like some people here though.

Kiyoko: I capital L LOVE Kiyoko as a character, and everything connected to the Kitsune in general. I also like Hime!Kinu and Nakano and though it bums me out I missed so much of her life, I also like her character arc and the importance of her being her own person. I already paid for the Steam version, but I would become a patron if I had the spare cash just because of her, who really made me appreciate CoC2 as a setting rather than something to wank off too. However, it never felt right to actually bring Kiyoko along with me. I know Kinu can look after the kits for her, but it feels wrong to rip her away from our children and Komari after centuries of isolation like that, so I only used her once before regretting it and letting her stay home. Sorry foxwife :(

(My only complaint is that I wish Kiyoko had some unique dialogue if you played a girl-with-peen like I did, but I also understand the effort required for new content like that so I'll take what I can get)

Azzyran: Kinda like Ryn or Kinu, I never felt any reason to take her with me and felt like her story was resolved with the purification of the hive. And I can't even imagine bimbofing the poor girl like that. She's nice enough, but never grabbed me romantically.

Atugia: I'm gonna be honest, when I met her I went "oh. neat." and then never interacted with her again. Not bad, but not really interesting to me.

Arona: I kinda hate her as a person. I'm the exact opposite of a Social Darwinist like she is and honestly it might be better for the Marches if Argoth stays in charge waiting for his battle with Kasyrra. Never interacted with her again after she took charge of her tribe.


New Member
Jul 13, 2016
I'll admit there is a lot I like about Kiyoko, I'll also admit I restarted my game after I meet Hime Kinu, I just like Inari Kinu's design and personality much much better, and as others have mentioned various things to do with the after orb content are... irritating, but she's still a character I like

Cat is adorable, I have to admit I would kill for a chance to knock her up, but oh well, she's super useful and gets even more so with her unlocked outfit

Brienne is great, I spent a good long time with her and Cat grinding my character up to level 6 after restarting thanks to the Hime event, I'd love her more if I could get the tank outfit with her, but even without it she's great

Atugia is super useful, but needs more character development

Brint, eh, I'm neutral on him, he's useful, but frankly when I've not even talked to him about sex having him talking about how much I love sucking his dick was a bit of a wtf moment o_O if your into that more power to you but he's not to my taste

Azzyran I've only just got, her basic mode is kinda meh, another tank character who's worse at it than the other options, her lust combat version could be useful if that was the way I rolled but there are not enough slots in party for me to feel right bringing her once she's hit current max level

Etheryn what can I say, the elf girl is not my favourite character, I feel sorry for her, but frankly she's not very useful in her base form, her other outfit takes a lot to unlock, and dick or anal is a turnoff for me, maybe if she can get the body she wants *I think /frown don't throw things at me if I'm wrong please* she'd be interesting, but I just feel like a bully doing things to her she and I don't enjoy just to try and keep her combat viable when I level her >.<

Arona frankly this one is tied for my least fav character, frankly if we could put her in a collar and remove that dick she's obviously not responsible enough to have considering what she does with it she might be fun to play with, as it is she's a meh at best

Berwyn: I do not like this brat, frankly it would serve him right if at some point in the future we get the option to turn him into a her, I mean lets be fair, if we can do that to Brint, who's a much nicer character than I will be very disappointed if we don't get the option for it to happen to worst mage, even if it's just him doing something stupid and his master doing it to him or something /shrug not to mention his *and other* summons are anoying in that you can only have one up at a time and they overwrite each other

Quin: while I don't dislike the slut bunny, well I sure don't trust him, and feel more then a little cheated that we got a bunny boy rather than a bunny girl, but such is life

and that's my thoughts /shrug and before someone gets annoyed with me I'm all for people having the option to slap a dick on any character they feel like it if it will make them more interesting, more options are always good, even if I don't/won't use them

It would be nice to be able to upgrade companions weapons and such as well, I'd like to get some use out of all these unique items I have no use for with my current build /laugh
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Berwyn: I do not like this brat, frankly it would serve him right if at some point in the future we get the option to turn him into a her, I mean lets be fair, if we can do that to Brint, who's a much nicer character than I will be very disappointed if we don't get the option for it to happen to worst mage, even if it's just him doing something stupid and his master doing it to him or something /shrug not to mention his *and other* summons are anoying in that you can only have one up at a time and they overwrite each other
Turning Berry into a girl is not on the menu, even if he is now under a different writer, B has stated in the Discord that he doesn't wanna do that to Hug's character, especially without his consent. Just because you can turn Brint into a girl doesn't mean the other guys are gonna get that option just because you don't like them. (And Brienne is very very pandering to the genderbenders anyhow, and I don't mean that in a good way.)

Also just saying rn, forcing/asking for someone to be a sex/gender they don't wanna be just because you don't like their personality is not getting back at them like you think it is (I'd even say this for Hirrud, who's """redemption""" is apparently turning him into a girl and making him fall in love with you or whatever the frick it was that was meme'd in the Discord when Bubs was talking about that project idfk). Actual character development to Berry is better for him in the long run as a companion.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2020
Must protect the green futat amazon.
But seriously, the accusations of orcs in slavery are very strange. So it is considered normal all over the world to use slaves. Moreover, the code states that slavery is almost the main business in Jassira. Remember that this is the Bronze Age, not modernity.
As for the personality, I do not want to judge any of our companions because we are only at the beginning of our adventures. But about Arona I will say that she is at least honest with herself and others. If she doesn't like something, she will say about it.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
and dick or anal is a turnoff for me, maybe if she can get the body she wants *I think /frown don't throw things at me if I'm wrong please* she'd be interesting,
What do you mean? Going based on context, I feel like you're implying that she wants to have a pussy. She does not want to get rid of her cock (the tfs she took that shrunk it in an attempt to remove it was only because she wanted to get rid of the cage. She's perfectly comfortable with her own cock, though if you want to give her tfs to grow her breasts and hips she does show interest in those specific modifications in their scenes). Aside from that, while a character's body/design factors into their personality, I do not see how changing her body would make her "interesting."
I do not like this brat, frankly it would serve him right if at some point in the future we get the option to turn him into a her,
Berwyn will not be tf'd into a female. At any point. That is not party of the original creator's vision, and when B announced that he'll be taking control over Berwyn, he said he won't be going against Hugs' vision for the character. Not just in relation to gender/sex, though that was the main thing that Berwyn-haters wanted changed (others just wanted a reduction in cock size).


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
maybe if she can get the body she wants *I think /frown don't throw things at me if I'm wrong please* she'd be interesting, but I just feel like a bully doing things to her she and I don't enjoy just to try and keep her combat viable when I level her >.<
If you talk to Ryn enough, it's clear that she's perfectly fine with having a penis and doesn't want to get rid of it (the Champ suggesting she remove it to remove the cage is met with horror) and talking to her post-WC makes it clear that she doesn't want a vagina. Her being half-sexed meant decades of misery under Alissa but it's part of who she is, she doesn't want to change that and Savin's made it clear that it's never happening... but she might be able to grow her little twig into a fat elvish yule log at some point after the cage comes of. Currently she can be given TFing items to increase her breast and ass size; that's something she's fine with.

As for things she doesn't want to do, have you considered... not doing the domineering rough stuff with her and treating her gently? Because a confident Ryn enjoys sex and likes being on both the giving and receiving end.

It would be nice to be able to upgrade companions weapons and such as well, I'd like to get some use out of all these unique items I have no use for with my current build /laugh
Not going to happen.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021

Whilst I am in agreement, there is some evidence to somewhat suggest she did wish to remove her cock (at some point). Not saying that it matters, at the end of the day I like Ryn the way she is.

The evidence I bring forth is:
  • She tried to shrink her cock down to remove the cage.
  • When that didn't work she tried to outright remove her cock completely to get rid of the cage.
  • She mentions that if she was a full male Boreal Elf Alissa would not have been able to bully her, but then quickly states that if the Gods had given her a choice she would have rather have been a full female Boreal Elf.
  • Dream sequence Ryn (The Queen, although one could argue the validity of it being considered canon) has a vagina, which she makes the champion eat out - and the champion ponders with this new found confidence (reflected in her dream sequence self) if that must be how she truly feels.

I think the above does have a lot to do with the decision being hers and hers alone though (and a lot to do with the cage as well). So I could definitely understand her apprehension to having the champion or anyone else suggest for her to do something, even if she was contemplating it herself.

That and once you've built her up as a person, she grows to accept herself - and doesn't mind the way she is. Which makes sense, and I think everyone is mostly fully content with.

That's why, at the end of the day, I don't mind the way she is - just felt like mentioning things I had noticed at some point. The only thing I wish for would be for my male champion to have kids with her, but alas...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
The evidence I bring forth is:
  • She tried to shrink her cock down to remove the cage.
  • When that didn't work she tried to outright remove her cock completely to get rid of the cage.
That doesn't really mean she wants a vagina tho. it just means she wants that ding dang damn cage off and it was a last resort.
Dream sequence Ryn (The Queen, although one could argue the validity of it being considered canon) has a vagina, which she makes the champion eat out - and the champion ponders with this new found confidence (reflected in her dream sequence self) if that must be how she truly feels.
Dream sequences are not canon.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
Ryn said that she was terrified when she shrunk her dick and realized that the cage shrunk with it. She wanted to remove it only as a last ditch effort to treat the symptom once the disease has proven incureable. It's not that she's whining that she doesn't want a dick, it's that she has had to suffer being denied release for days on end and only being granted it once she has proven that she was sufficiently broken to not even try, under lass than the most dire circumstances, to escape from her sister. But now with someone who she can trust and who regularly helps her get off without snapping her will like a twig*, why would she want it gone?
Just let a confident Ryn parley with Hethia and you'll get the picture.

*dark knights and douchebags excluded, on that note add an option to have cait help her and not force chaste pcs to let her suffer
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Whilst I am in agreement, there is some evidence to somewhat suggest she did wish to remove her cock (at some point). Not saying that it matters, at the end of the day I like Ryn the way she is.

The evidence I bring forth is:
  • She tried to shrink her cock down to remove the cage.
  • When that didn't work she tried to outright remove her cock completely to get rid of the cage.
  • She mentions that if she was a full male Boreal Elf Alissa would not have been able to bully her, but then quickly states that if the Gods had given her a choice she would have rather have been a full female Boreal Elf.
  • Dream sequence Ryn (The Queen, although one could argue the validity of it being considered canon) has a vagina, which she makes the champion eat out - and the champion ponders with this new found confidence (reflected in her dream sequence self) if that must be how she truly feels.

I think the above does have a lot to do with the decision being hers and hers alone though (and a lot to do with the cage as well). So I could definitely understand her apprehension to having the champion or anyone else suggest for her to do something, even if she was contemplating it herself.

That and once you've built her up as a person, she grows to accept herself - and doesn't mind the way she is. Which makes sense, and I think everyone is mostly fully content with.

That's why, at the end of the day, I don't mind the way she is - just felt like mentioning things I had noticed at some point. The only thing I wish for would be for my male champion to have kids with her, but alas...

Dream sequences are one of worst things about this game and they break characters since they are just what ifs that "our" characters comes up with. Lets not use them as any sort of evidence for any case.

And while I understand that you have dedicking and genderbend fetish, nothing wrong with it, that does not mean that this game is going to have many cases of it. It all depends on authors wishes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021
Alright, well I'm not going to state anything further. I've already prefaced that I like Ryn the way she is. If comprehension doesn't prove that then, I don't know. All I was stating was things I had noticed ingame that at least somewhat hinted at the possibility of Ryn wanting a vagina. Never said if I was for it, in fact quite the opposite. I have mentioned in other posts on the extent to which I like Ryn.

Apologies if this was offensive or not welcome. I didn't mean to cause a stir just by mentioning my thoughts on the matter.

And while I understand that you have dedicking and genderbend fetish, nothing wrong with it, that does not mean that this game is going to have many cases of it. It all depends on authors wishes.

Huh, kind of a baseless assessment, don't you think? If you refer to just the previous page, you'll note that I felt guilt over the Brint/Brienne situation, but okay. Only reason I did such content is because I wanted Brienne as a companion - if there was any way to get Brienne without genderbending Brint, I would have done so.

Apologies for derailing this thread and wasting anyone's time on this matter.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Alright, well I'm not going to state anything further. I've already prefaced that I like Ryn the way she is. If comprehension doesn't prove that then, I don't know. All I was stating was things I had noticed ingame that at least somewhat hinted at the possibility of Ryn wanting a vagina. Never said if I was for it, in fact quite the opposite. I have mentioned in other posts on the extent to which I like Ryn.

Apologies if this was offensive or not welcome. I didn't mean to cause a stir just by mentioning my thoughts on the matter.

Huh, kind of a baseless assessment, don't you think? If you refer to just the previous page, you'll note that I felt guilt over the Brint/Brienne situation, but okay. Only reason I did such content is because I wanted Brienne as a companion - if there was any way to not genderbend Brint to get Brienne, I would have done so.

Apologies for derailing this thread and wasting anyone's time on this matter.
I assumed you had it since you mentioned dedicking of both Ryn and Arona and genderbending of Berwyn. And you would have liked if Quinn was a bunny girl but that one is me really pushing it.

But yeah, sorry for assuming. But you do nor need to apologize for it. People asked for opinions on a subject, you gave them respectfully.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2021
I assumed you had it since you mentioned dedicking of both Ryn and Arona and genderbending of Berwyn. And you would have liked if Quinn was a bunny girl but that one is me really pushing it.

I think you are confusing me and someone else, I think you mean AlexnChaos.

Etheryn what can I say, the elf girl is not my favourite character, I feel sorry for her, but frankly she's not very useful in her base form, her other outfit takes a lot to unlock, and dick or anal is a turnoff for me, maybe if she can get the body she wants *I think /frown don't throw things at me if I'm wrong please* she'd be interesting, but I just feel like a bully doing things to her she and I don't enjoy just to try and keep her combat viable when I level her >.<

Arona frankly this one is tied for my least fav character, frankly if we could put her in a collar and remove that dick she's obviously not responsible enough to have considering what she does with it she might be fun to play with, as it is she's a meh at best

Berwyn: I do not like this brat, frankly it would serve him right if at some point in the future we get the option to turn him into a her, I mean lets be fair, if we can do that to Brint, who's a much nicer character than I will be very disappointed if we don't get the option for it to happen to worst mage, even if it's just him doing something stupid and his master doing it to him or something /shrug not to mention his *and other* summons are anoying in that you can only have one up at a time and they overwrite each other

Quin: while I don't dislike the slut bunny, well I sure don't trust him, and feel more then a little cheated that we got a bunny boy rather than a bunny girl, but such is life

For context this is my post from page one:

So, I don't want to go on too much of a tangent (I hope I can stick to that) - my in brief thoughts would be:

  • Etheryn - Ice princess. The feels, really makes me wanna just hug and protect her. That and deck Alissa something fierce.

  • Brienne - Best girl (imo). Only issue is I need to overcome the crippling guilt of essentially ignoring an NPC when they explicitly tell me something is wrong after I tell them to put the suspicious (and totally not cursed) armor on.

  • Atugia - Tui is a cool character with a lot of potential. I like her easy going nature with an eagerness to do something - not just sit idly. Eagerly awaiting for more content / backstory on her.

  • Azyrran - Best bee bug. I like the fact that there is an NPC whom did not give into corruption - I just wish that saving her hive didn't require sexing her mom (pretty awkward dynamic there). Other than that, I like the cuddles.

  • Cait - Curious cat. I like how she cares for the champion and will take eggs upon losses or even offer herself up for trade if the champion needs - shows endearment (or eagerness).

  • Brint - Best bro.
  • Kiyoko - Foxwife. Astral plane content is 10/10. Post Astral plane content (and by extent where she is actually a companion) makes me resent her slightly. Not often do I opt to take her out on adventures, more like just the resident stay at home den mother.

  • Arona - Eh. I don't know, sub Arona is kind of okay, but how she acts prior to being submissive as well as her dom Arona path kind of just make tolerating her unbearable. Also, she bully Clem - that is unforgivable!!!!!!!

  • Berwyn - Irritating. Openly attacks you to practice the ways of magical arts / summoning - then suddenly needs your help. I don't know, it kind of irks me to say the least. Not the best way of going about getting help (especially the potential continuity issues of asking for help even if he was the victor - sort of seems redundant - at least Arona addresses this when she asks you for help).

  • Quintillus - Nope. Just a nope on that one. Supposedly reformed, but still acts lecherous and disrespectful in companion talks about feminine companions.

No offense intended, but I do find this sort of ironic with it being on a text game forum nonetheless. Anyways, I won't be replying further to this thread - lest I spam it any more than I already have.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I think you are confusing me and someone else, I think you mean AlexnChaos.

No offense, but I do find this sort of ironic with it being on a text game forum nonetheless. Anyways, I won't be replying further to this thread - lest I spam it any more than I already have.
Well, now I really feel like a god damn idiot. I am sorry.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
Turning Berry into a girl is not on the menu, even if he is now under a different writer, B has stated in the Discord that he doesn't wanna do that to Hug's character, especially without his consent. Just because you can turn Brint into a girl doesn't mean the other guys are gonna get that option just because you don't like them. (And Brienne is very very pandering to the genderbenders anyhow, and I don't mean that in a good way.)

Also just saying rn, forcing/asking for someone to be a sex/gender they don't wanna be just because you don't like their personality is not getting back at them like you think it is (I'd even say this for Hirrud, who's """redemption""" is apparently turning him into a girl and making him fall in love with you or whatever the frick it was that was meme'd in the Discord when Bubs was talking about that project idfk). Actual character development to Berry is better for him in the long run as a companion.

I agree with everything you've said, but I think making him more feminine (not turning him into a girl, but making him wear a cute dress and wear lingerie) would be a great path for (corrupted assholes) dark knight path, more in line with how much of an asshole we could be when corrupted in CoC1. It would be a way to add that corruption of ourselves and Co that we are still lacking.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
Fav: Azyrran (literal cuddlebug & honorable warrior) Brint/Brienne (best bro , good teammate gr8 personality / cute ,milky and has some really cool scenes ) Etheryn (interesting story wise , champ can influence her behavior , is overall cute)
Like: Cait (really good chemistry with champ & Brint/Brienne + a healer ,kinda too vanilla to be my fav) , Arona (good warrior , has some good scenes especially when you are preg with her ,my main grudge against her is that you cannot knock her up), Atugia ( fun personality , decent combat skills lacks in the amount of scenes)
Neutral: Kiyoko (not into vampires) , Quin (bunny boi , great shenanigans although i cannot find a use for him outside of being a part of my charmer run)

Disliked: Berwyn (really like the design outside of his dick , you are forced to let him be your dom if ya wanna have some pups with him <aka the main grudge of mine , outside of slightly too big doggy pole>cannot find use of him in any team since any other companion works better than him (yes even bunny boi does)
Also while we are on topic of companions does Lyric count as one?

EDIT: Descriptions + Ryn moves up on the ladder (neutral->fav)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Also while we are on topic of companions does Lyric count as one?
Lyric's more of a follower than a companion really, they can't exactly fully battle alongside you nor level up like you and the other comps can. But they're the closest to a B companion we have atm.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Brie, no contest, only an impregable Arona could compete.

Impregable is not a word... I think.
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Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
Impregable is indeed not a proper word. Impregnable is a word, unfortunately it has nothing to do with the kind of impregnation you are referring to.

I'm too indecisive to determine which of the companions would be my favorite. I'll just cop out and state that all of them have content I enjoy.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
i've always interpreted the quote above as her not being too fond of her dick. it could be talking about the cock cage but i just dont see how hiding that would make her "really feel like a woman"
The reason Ryn "feels like a woman" in her lingerie is because she feels femme and sexy. It has nothing to do with how she feels about her dick.

As has been said before, Ryn likes her dick just fine. She would very much like it to be out of its cage, and she has tried many things to get it out of the cage. She believes that, had she been born a woman with ladyparts instead of half-sexed, she would not have had to endure the cage or Alissa's bullying, which would have been nice. Given the choice between being born fully female or fully male, she would have picked the femme option. (Ryn very clearly doesn't want to be a guy, and gets extremely angry at Hethia for calling her a "princeling" in Dog Days.) But she doesn't actually want ladyparts, and she outright panics when Champ suggests that removing her cock would be the best way to go about uncaging her.

This interpretation accords with everything Ryn has ever said in the game, and it's the one that Savin has explicitly said is correct. It's understandable for people to misinterpret what Ryn says to suggest that she wants or will get ladyparts, but it remains a misinterpretation.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
The reason Ryn "feels like a woman" in her lingerie is because she feels femme and sexy. It has nothing to do with how she feels about her dick.

As has been said before, Ryn likes her dick just fine. She would very much like it to be out of its cage, and she has tried many things to get it out of the cage. She believes that, had she been born a woman with ladyparts instead of half-sexed, she would not have had to endure the cage or Alissa's bullying, which would have been nice. Given the choice between being born fully female or fully male, she would have picked the femme option. (Ryn very clearly doesn't want to be a guy, and gets extremely angry at Hethia for calling her a "princeling" in Dog Days.) But she doesn't actually want ladyparts, and she outright panics when Champ suggests that removing her cock would be the best way to go about uncaging her.

This interpretation accords with everything Ryn has ever said in the game, and it's the one that Savin has explicitly said is correct. It's understandable for people to misinterpret what Ryn says to suggest that she wants or will get ladyparts, but it remains a misinterpretation.

Maybe I misread something but don't the intersex elves have overall feminine features with a dick and they're considered female? So Hethia's statement would be more along the lines of being intentionally culturally insensitive. Plus Ryn only seems to have issues with her penis due to her cage and the nature of abuse she suffered rather than just having the penis.
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