Okay I am really late to the party to this thread, and forum by extension. But I feel like pregnancy in all areas needs to be expanded upon in general. Even with characters that are "forbidden" such as a lot of the ones that Savin creates. My reasoning for this line of thinking is more because of how the game currently handles pregnancy in general.
First off in the character creator you get the option for multiple Perks to help with pregnancy in various forms, thus this sets the expectation to myself and probably a decent size of other players that it will have a decent focus in the game. But that isn't what happens. Then there are all the drugs/items in the game that are suppossed to increase your fertility/virility... How about the PC going into a Rut or Heat how does this not help with these "sterile" characters.
Of the 14 "Types of NPC's" that can get pregnant 7 of them are egg pregnancies, 3 of those are always pregnant, 2 of them are just random monsters you fight, the others are Shade which is a cunt tail pregnancy and Briha which actually has a full term pregnancy....Not looking great for "egg" ones.
The other 7 are not that great either. 3 of them are pretty much "forced" breeding which cool the first times is just boring and only boosts the number of characters that can get pregnant, this being the 3 pirates you send to the jail. Then it is the random female Zil enemies you defeat. The Zil call girl, Ellie, and Sera requiring going through their story lines to get them pregnant, which I am fine with, but this creates a suspension of disbelief problem, because the only named female character you can get pregnant through just random casual sex is Ilaria. No other female NPC's can get pregnant in the game. None are you trying to tell me that every other character is on massive amounts of birth control/ mods to make them infertile. Never mind what is the point in increasing your virility if these are the only ones that can get pregnant, 500% + virility loses to standard birth control/ mods....okay that makes total sense apparently.
You the PC getting impregnated has a problem that too many of these pregnancies are just random pregnacies caused by the monsters/creatures you fight and not by named NPC's. There are 8 types of Natural Pregnancies, yet 5 of them are from the random monsters. The other 3 are from Sera (like I said before I am fine with) Riya and Renvra... No other NAMED NPC's in the whole game for natural pregnancies zero zilch nada. Again how does this make any fucking sense in a game that crosses planets.
You can get impregnated through 10 "general incubation" encounters but 6 of those 10 are from random monsters not NAMED NPC'S. The other four are from the Deeps Queen, Ara kei, Taivra, and Renvra; I personally have no problem with these ones, but I do feel like more of these types of NAMED NPC's could be added.
Ah Almost forgot about the cunt-tail pregnancies... Not much too write about her that hasn't been said. 10 of them available. 6 from random monsters. 1 from yourself impregnation. and the last 3 are from Sera, Dally, and Burt....again why so few NAMED NPC'S.
Then we have the Unnatural ones, which for the most part I am indifferent on. I like them for the most part but I feel like the BreedWell Center could be expanded upon too cater to more than just rahn pregnancies. Maybe a whole storyline gets added to it where you became such a great breeder that they work a a middle man so to say with them getting requests from other as of yet unknown breeding centers for other races to use/rent out their great breeder.
Hell my personal feeling without even factoring in my enjoyment of pregnancy content in games, is that their is no consequence in general for having sex in this game. Besides the Sexy Stds: which can be cured easy enough and the rare instances that you can impregnate or get impregnated by a NAMED NPC there is no consequence for just having sex with all of them. Which even there gets boring real quick because again, there is no risk so what is even the point once you have seen all the scenes, what makes me or any other player want to come back to the game or those areas of the game. For instance New Texas. Why would I ever go back there after I open up the BreedWelll center, there is Ellie but her pregnancy seems to be a one off, there is the girl from the diner you can recruit and some actual interesting characters. But god damn it the one planet in the game that it would make sense to have full of Pregnancy content, there is zero content there besides Ellie's storyline. How does that make any sense especially with there being multiple references to the treated males trying to get her pregnant and failing over and over again until you do her story... But you plain jane whatever that doesn't have Ellie's biological problems are as sterile as her when fucking these NPC's for some reason......
This is the problem it is inconsistent with what we are being shown and told in the game.
The Ula content and the milodan breeding event I feel like are foots in the right direction somewhat but I don't think we need more "breeder" NPC's/events in the near future. More it is adding unexpected pregnancies with characters that have so far been sterile that I think more people want.
For instance lets say with a combination of factors it becomes possible for Syri to get the PC pregnant. Fertility boosts, being in Heat. all these boosts should at least give it a chance at happening. It doesn't have to be a big chance. Hell it could be less than 5 - 1% of happening every time she cums in with those boosts active. But this allows for the suspension of disbelief to not be broken as easily. This could also open up some rare character development for both the NPC's and the PC. Maybe if the PC and NPC's relationship isn't at a specific level it would destroy the relationship all together. For instance since Syri has been stated to not wanting Pups this early in their life yet if Steele's and her's relationship isn't to the xyz point it makes her hate the PC because even with all her personal protections you somehow got pregnant. Which means you have to have been going against her wishes in a way by either boosting your fertility up to a stupid level or by going into heat to boost it. You were actively trying to get pregnant with her child against her wishes.
You could also potential stop her from hating you all together if you tell her you are extremely fertile and might be in her upfront so thus you have to use a condom every time for sex now, and there should be a minuscule chance for the condom to fail. Thus maybe resulting in a pregnancy which then wouldn't technically be anyone's fault but the characters for having vaginal sex. Again this is only an example using Syri it doesn't have to be her at all but it is an idea to make more NAMED NPC pregnancy things into the game.
Ahh anyway long winded post over. Jut thought I would finally get this off my chest. I have put a couple hundred hours into the game, and while I enjoy it I have always felt that the pregnancy content has always been lacking compared to the other games.(COC, Fall of Eden)