Which NPCs would you most like to have preg content?


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Given the situation that a male does gain much less childs in TiTsverse, It is explained very easy:
Sterilix, near unbreakable (and at least half a dozen actual unbreakable) condoms, Dr. Lash... And so on.
This universe being positivly sexcrazed and technological advanced has developed multible methods to avoid pregnancy.
And since most conception lays in the hands of te female, you can be positivly sure that most of the females you can not knock up do not want to have children, or at least not with just anyone.

Additionally, It seems so that the UGC has outlawed abortion (irrelevant at wich stage of pregancy) and even illegal operating Doctors like Lash would not stop any pregancy.
So if you DO get pregnant without planing it, there is no system in place that will help you. Afterall, you got the tools to stop it beforehand.
The UGC seems to work at a nearly biblical method: If she got pregnant, she must have want it.

I wonder if the explanation with the UGCs anti-abortion politic can be considert canon or if it is 'just' gameplay and story-seperation...

So yes, I would enjoy more Pregnancy-Content, but only if it is written with the caracters being at least not against getting children.
Unwilling Pregnancys would be not friendly to the existing world. Well, except for Slaves, that is...

Rhena, both as a Slave as well as a free Cowgirl. That would be a great Expansion for her!
It would make some nice content, I am sure of it. And being genetical Human, but with X Generations of Treatment in the bloodline, 7 months sound about right.
And hey, Steele DNA always takes the Backseat, so give the small ones little Horns like the mother. If only I could write...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Actually, I feel that a male Steele kinda gets jipped. He can bang whomever he wants, but only a few of them can get pregnant, while a fem or herm Steele can get knocked up by almost anything. Albeit with eggs for the most part. Plus, with the right mods, they can pop them out in a matter of days, depending on how fast you wanna go. Using the furfag cheat and spamming the small blue egg can have Steele get within minutes of birth. A male Steele has to wait. And wait. And wait. Unless it's the female raskvel who can pop out an egg for him in 5 days, but only if you happen to find her at the right time. I have one Steele who has fathered 75 raskvel eggs, but only got to keep 3. Kind of a rip-off, if you ask me...

Wow, it's almost like the sexes aren't equal or something.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Assuming she would keep her same personality and treat my trappy Steele the same way, Ramis would be a dream to have preggo content with.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@Irrlicht re:Spoiler: I wouldn't so much say that it's outlawed but just a very messy moral topic no one wants to touch, or as in case of Lash a mess to clean up to stop it midway.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
@Karretch As I saied, gameplay and story-seperation it propably the actual cause that there is no way to get rid of a unwanted child, But since so many females are simply not able to even get pregnant, i belive that 'the pill' or its big brother sterilix are simply fairly common. A lack of any possibebilety to abort seems like a fairly good explanation why everyone does not only got acces, but also uses this pills. Otherwise, i belive many persons would simply not go trough the trouble of takeing a pill once a month. (Or whatever are your heatcycles...)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I want to be able to give Nazareh a fertility plus. That way I can nock her up.
At this point I think you misspell everything on purpose :p. I wanna knock her up too, but I think the writers are feeling the burnout from ant planet.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Does anybody know who the hell he's referring to? I honestly cannot tell.


there ya go. She's got only one scene in the game and her creator left the community a while back due to something Fenco did. Don't know the details because I was on haitus from the site then. TO sum it up she's a abandoned (author wise mind you) red ant girl character, one of the first characters you meet when getting on ant gurl planet. Unlikely more scenes will be written for her unless someone takes up the reigns and writes it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2017
I want to be able to knock up more random encounters, actually. Only a couple of them actually can get knocked up as is. (Bonus points if we can get a "Total Impregnated" counter in the codex...)

This also has the advantage of being really easy to implement since it won't require like ten new scenes or anything.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2017
I want to be able to knock up more random encounters, actually. Only a couple of them actually can get knocked up as is. (Bonus points if we can get a "Total Impregnated" counter in the codex...)

This also has the advantage of being really easy to implement since it won't require like ten new scenes or anything.
That would be great. I could increase both counters with the Vanae Maidens.
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lcie nimbus

eh, I didn't like Futa either at first when I picked up CoC, but Savin'll eventually warm up to the idea....I hope.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Preg content isn't for everyone. I can't say what Savin dislikes about it, but for me personally it's because I think it's really dumb for everyone to start popping out babies for the sake of it; there's a lot a parent has to be besides genetic material, and that aside, most characters are pretty young, incredibly so by TiTS standards, and should spend their time doing a thousand other things before they decide to have kids.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Funnily enough, his non-crew one offs tend to have preg content. Zheniya and Illaria spring to mind. I might've put Ellie in that list, but Wsan did that. Uh... Tam-Tam and Khorgan got preg content too.


Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, it's a myth he doesn't do preg content. As he likes to regularly point out whenever this is brought up, he's produced more preg content for TiTS than anyone else.

What he doesn't like doing is preg content for big, established characters that weren't created with that in mind, a trait he shares with every writer.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Lets just say Savin shys away from preg content for established characters due to the Helspawn fiasco. Lets leave it at that and not discuss that can of worms mmkay?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2017
Lets just say Savin shys away from preg content for established characters due to the Helspawn fiasco. Lets leave it at that and not discuss that can of worms mmkay?

You know, I've heard bits and pieces about it, but what exactly was the Helspawn fiasco? I played CoC way back when, so I know the character, but I wasn't very community active until recently, so I don't really know what the deal was.


New Member
Mar 22, 2018
So many good characters to choose from for this. Top picks for who to impregnate, that I have yet to experience doing so would have to be: Anno, Fisianna, Inessa, Reaha, and a few others but I think those are my big ones right now. TiTs already does so many things so well I've practically stopped playing other adult games, haha.

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You know, I've heard bits and pieces about it, but what exactly was the Helspawn fiasco? I played CoC way back when, so I know the character, but I wasn't very community active until recently, so I don't really know what the deal was.
*sigh* I won't go into details completely about it but sufficient to say that "fans" of the character and Hel in particular bugged Savin way too much about sexing up basically the PC kid (incest) which he refused to do. People kept bugging and he stood his ground. So he isn't gonna turn around and change his stance on adding preg content for well established characters who are intended to become crew members for Steele in the future. Its best to not open the discussion about it again since the last "few" threads about discussing it or even adding it ends not very well. I didn't really pay attention or read those threads but I know enough to STAY THE FUCK away from that direction of discussion. Speaking of which I will speak no more of this now.

Give me an actual Elf like race in the game and I'll wanna have my PC knock up Elvish characters or get knocked up by them just to have cute pointy eared babies :p I doubt we'll see a race in game until proper psionic mechanics will be added into the game because psionics is basically space magic. Think Eldar from 40k but sexier, sure we have Slyvanol but that's just a transformation item, you can't just go and knock up Ceria and expect to end up with Elvish looking babies, that's not how transformations work ingame and even if you're half-human Ceria is full human herself... also I doubt Couch is willing to write content in that context for the character. I could be wrong but again babies with characters who look Elvish due to Slyvanol won't be Elvish.

Holy fuck I went on a spiel there about something.

Deleted member 15512

So, about the Fisianna xpac that dropped a few versions ago... there's a "Breed Her" scene now. Is that, like, literally breed her or just roleplay breed her with medicinal help to trigger a state of heat?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
So, about the Fisianna xpac that dropped a few versions ago... there's a "Breed Her" scene now. Is that, like, literally breed her or just roleplay breed her with medicinal help to trigger a state of heat?
roleplay with some breeders bliss added in iirc.

Deleted member 15512

roleplay with some breeders bliss added in iirc.
Alright that's cool. She seemed a bit young to be ready for kids. Still a damn hot scene, especially when she'd taken some B.B. ahead of me speaking with her.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
It is proved that kids can inharet their parent's TF traits. Bunny zil women got her double dicks from her father and people are having bigger assets because their parents keep modding themselves. That one is in a topic, I can't remember what NPC said it.
It's a little more complicated than that; we've seen evidence that the TFs affect children, like Shade being full Kaithrit with Victor Steele as her father, but at the same time we've seen Steele Jr's kids come out half-human or even full human(especially weird if you're legitimately a half-breed).