What Content Would You Like Added?


New Member
Jun 25, 2020
Id like a taur-centric machine similar to the "dong designer" be available. The machine would switch genitals between "waist--hind legs" and add or subtract legs. This would make switching your character from a biped to a quadruped taur simple, and make content unavailability to taurs a non issue.
Example being Breedwell, which I love, but as I usually play as a taur I have to swap leg count and genital location via save editing constantly, just to get in the door and get my rahn egg tanks topped off. Giving us some sort of ingame machine/mechanic to do this would make it much easier, and make "not available to taurs" content (i.e. breedwell, Bianca, Roxy, etc.) less infuriating.
It's obviously somewhat immersion breaking, but similar tech has already appeared in the "centaur suit/holiday/Poe A" so it's not an impossibility to TiT's universe standards, making us pay hundreds of thousands of credits for it if need be. It would just be a nice quality of life improvement that would open up new/old content for some players.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Id like a taur-centric machine similar to the "dong designer" be available. The machine would switch genitals between "waist--hind legs" and add or subtract legs. This would make switching your character from a biped to a quadruped taur simple, and make content unavailability to taurs a non issue.
It's obviously somewhat immersion breaking, but similar tech has already appeared in the "centaur suit/holiday/Poe A" so it's not an impossibility to TiT's universe standards, making us pay hundreds of thousands of credits for it if need be. It would just be a nice quality of life improvement that would open up new/old content for some players.
In addition, Catnip: Legs (Override) already exists and guarantees a 'Taur transformation (limited to Feline legs, obviously). While there doesn't seem to be a guaranteed way to switch back to Biped, most transformatives force you back to 2 legs (and change your Leg type as well) as a random chance, rather than targeted.

A Ship Equipment would allow you to get 'Taur types that are currently only available via the Save Editor. Racial descriptions seem robust enough for 'Taurs of most (all?) races.

Actually, it might be fairly easy to write. I'm guessing it would be fairly easy to just swap the leg-count to four/two and change genital position and keep type.

While Ranged primary characters have things like Trick Bracer (+5 Evasion, +20 Shields, +3 Shield Defense) or Rouser (+10 Evasion) to put in the Melee slot, the last good Raged support 'weapon' was Warden Shield. Maybe FZR, because of the synergy with Crushing (found mostly on Melee weapons) or Aegis Light Machinegun (+25 Shields, -2 Evasion). Still, I think it's time for another.

Speaking of Aegis Light Machinegun, it's flagged as Power Armor. What would a Aegis Heavy Machinegun look like?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
What makes you think those aren't the Light Machinegun? It's already Power Armor, after all.
Go big or go home, got it. If the Zaku was PA...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
The problem with two-handed heavy weapons designed for use with power armor is that to properly aim it, one has to shift stance to one side. Ideally, it would present the thickest part of the armor to the enemy which would be the chest. That Zaku is doing it right.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
The problem with two-handed heavy weapons designed for use with power armor is that to properly aim it, one has to shift stance to one side. Ideally, it would present the thickest part of the armor to the enemy which would be the chest. That Zaku is doing it right.
If it helps, military and police forces (at least US) are trained to "square up" to their target, therefore presenting our most heavily armed body part - the front of the torso as opposed to the flanks.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Alternatively, if the Power Armor is meant to be used with such a weapon, you'd think it could be designed to take that into account.

Is anyone else bothered by the fact that Power Armor has an Evasion penalty, as do the weapons that are meant to be used with it? You take 3% more damage for each point of Evasion below 0, so you're looking at 30% more damage from Ramshackle Power Armor alone, without some mitigation. Light Jetpack makes some sense, but apparently you can deflect bullets with a knife (Rouser). Even with the higher base defensive values, I'm not sure Power Armor is worth it. Good luck if you also want to use the Saurmorian Hammer (-5). Ranged (Power Armor) Evasion penalties range from -2 (Chaingun) to -4 (Chainlaser).

Custom Shock Gear (Stun), Rough Leash and Hailstorm (both Trip) help, but at that point, you're not allowing the enemy to attack at all, so your armor doesn't matter.

If you wanted a challenge, you could stack Evasion penalties. -10 (Power Armor), -10 (Petra's Phasic Whip), -10 (Lash Cannon), -3 (Prototype Pirate Shield), -2 (Cybernetic Exoskeleton). -35 Evasion for 105% more damage.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Is anyone else bothered by the fact that Power Armor has an Evasion penalty, as do the weapons that are meant to be used with it? You take 3% more damage for each point of Evasion below 0, so you're looking at 30% more damage from Ramshackle Power Armor alone, without some mitigation.
Yes, yes it does. As long as the armor itself is slow but extremely durable, that's one thing, but...

Also, the name itself implies that there are better "factory-made" power armors available later in the game. I haven't heard anything to give credence to that implication. If the RPA were the way it is with the ability to either upgade it or trade up, then I could see why it exists. As-is, I just hit the gym until I can carry "Power Armor" weapons without it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
Also, the name itself implies that there are better "factory-made" power armors available later in the game. I haven't heard anything to give credence to that implication. If the RPA were the way it is with the ability to either upgade it or trade up, then I could see why it exists. As-is, I just hit the gym until I can carry "Power Armor" weapons without it.
The Akkadi Armored Depthsuit, described as 'stripped-down military power armor' also has -10 Evasion. It's one of the reasons the Janeria fight is as difficult as it is. Two of the three classes really don't want to be wearing it, but it's required to get into the Generator room.

Granted 'stripped-down' gives some wiggle room for the future, but I think some degree of Evasion penalty is inevitable to distinguish it from other types of armor. Personally, I'd prefer Power Armor keep it's own penalty but negate the penalties of Power Armor weapons, at least. Maybe other equipment as well. What's the point, otherwise?

As it stands, you just get up to 40 Physique or take Bigger Guns if you're a Mercenary to get the main benefit without any of the penalty. Feruze's Tranquilizer is likely (partially) meant to negate the 40 Physique strategy, but I don't see that kind of countermeasure being common.

Also, see above for just how ridiculously you could stack -Evasion if you wanted. (I was editing while you were posting.)

On a completely different subject: Why can't the Jumper Spacesuit be used for Spacewalks on Zeng Shi?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Is anyone else bothered by the fact that Power Armor has an Evasion penalty, as do the weapons that are meant to be used with it? You take 3% more damage for each point of Evasion below 0, so you're looking at 30% more damage from Ramshackle Power Armor alone, without some mitigation.
I'd actually think it would be worth it if PA gave you MASSIVE bonuses to shield and shield defense instead of regular defense


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I'd actually think it would be worth it if PA gave you MASSIVE bonuses to shield and shield defense instead of regular defense
That would likely make it best used by Tech Specialists, and PA seems intended to be used by Mercenaries.

Tech Specialists are already tanky enough (even without Shield Booster) so there's a decent chance they'd just use a different armor anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
That would likely make it best used by Tech Specialists, and PA seems intended to be used by Mercenaries.
Of all the power armor available so far, none of them have been beneficial for any of my mercs, ranged and melee alike.

As you said, power armor just tacks on too many penalties and not enough benefits to be worth it. Players don't need more protection, they need more offense. It's why I've been reduced to pairing the Signet of Bravery with whatever cybernetic gives a bonus to your primary damage stat for a max stat of 65.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
On a completely different subject: Why can't the Jumper Spacesuit be used for Spacewalks on Zeng Shi?
I believe the message pops up if you try use the airlock mentions that even though your suit is airtight, it lacks the thrusters, stabilizers and magboots that would allow you to properly walk on the station's exterior. (gameplay reason? square up to the moth if you wanna go to space)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Personally, I'd prefer Power Armor keep it's own penalty but negate the penalties of Power Armor weapons, at least. Maybe other equipment as well. What's the point, otherwise?
So much this. PA's musculature should be able to negate the weight penalty of any weapon systems it could carry/mount. I can see the armor itself being slow due to its bulk (depending on the design, of course), but systems like weapons and shield generators shouldn't slow it down even more.

On a completely different subject: Why can't the Jumper Spacesuit be used for Spacewalks on Zeng Shi?
Rules-wise, the Pirate Spacesuit (Incomplete Spacesuit + Spacesuit Helmet) has the "Pressurized" and "Airtight" flags while the Jumper Spacesuit only has the latter.

Fluff-wise, I'd say anything with only the "Airtight" flag would only be used for emergency depressurization while "Pressurized" is obviously for longer EVA. Now, should anything be called a "Spacesuit" be pressurized? I think so. Long-term or short is up for debate and really not important for the game's few EVA scenes, probably.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I believe the message pops up if you try use the airlock mentions that even though your suit is airtight, it lacks the thrusters, stabilizers and magboots that would allow you to properly walk on the station's exterior. (gameplay reason? square up to the moth if you wanna go to space)
That's the post-hoc justification for forcing you to encounter Overseer Maike, yes (you can bluff her if you're wearing the Slave Jumpsuit and get the Helmet anyway somehow). However, during Fall of the Phoenix when you board, you're described as having a spacesuit with magnetic boots (which really ought to be standard on spacesuits).

Moreover, you get the Jumper Spacesuit after defeating the Shock Hopper, which requires you to have gotten past the Elevator one way or another. And it's on Zheng Shi. Why would a spacesuit designed to be worn by one of the Pirates running the station (the top gang no less) be unsuitable for spacewalking at the station?


Aug 8, 2020
More stuff with Vava Groom, petite (and non busty) characters as well as more male crewmembers :)
I'd like to see cute and feminine male crewmembers. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all the current male crew are almost totally masculine. Different races but pretty similar in build, as far as what I've seen.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Correct me if I'm wrong, but all the current male crew are almost totally masculine.
Kase is very feminine. So that's half of the male crew (not counting Bess/Ben).
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Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
Dane will bring that statistic down further once implemented as a crew member.

It isn't that femboys aren't a popular choice though, female characters in general are just what writers want to work with more often.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'd say that whatever's between "femboy" (Kase) and "hunky man of manliness" (Eitan) is needed, but I admit I am biased since I dislike both frames :p

Then again, I'm screwed when it comes to crew members, tastes wise - I am not into females, I dislike robots, felines, canines, goo-like characters, too tall or too small characters, large assets, quadruped frames and bovine attributes, Yammi does not catch my fancy and I refuse to buy Sera or bimboify the pexiga for my main Steele.
If I could, I'd transform Pippa and Mitzi to suit my tastes, but that'd derail them.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong, but all the current male crew are almost totally masculine
You're wrong. I would never describe Kase as "totally masculine".

Mad Dog

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2018
Kally's [Seduce Her] option should be available to those with the [Alpha Scent] perk. It could even use the same text as the Brute version.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
If I could, I'd transform Pippa and Mitzi to suit my tastes, but that'd derail them.

Seeing that I am both nosy and curious, how would you transform them?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Pippa and Mitzi tap into things I somewhat like: one's a pig and the other one is a hypersexed pal that was functionally brain drained. First and foremost, I'd give them ManUp to make them males, give them male genitals (although I have a feel that Mitzi would be happy with Red Rocket!) and shrink their breast sizes. I'd then have them use the Dong Designer as I'm not into pig and gabilani's penises. Probably, I'd also give them Anusoft and Bumpy Road. Semen's Friend, Pink Eggs, EasyFit Cream, ReductPro, Circumscriber/Turtleneck and EasyFit Cream would be fine for finetuning, but I aknowledge that would be a code nightmare. As for what I'd do to each character...
  • Find a way to change or remove Pippa's food fixation. I am so sick and tired of seeing pigs tied to food. Perhaps, this could be changed by tampering with the Mindwash Visor, or by strengthening Pippa's ties to Yammi - how about cooking food instead of eating it? Or, perhaps, find ways to create new oils with food components? How about twisting it with the help of Semen's Friend or even Slutshroom/Spunkshroom?
  • Realistically speaking, I'd love to rehabilitate Mitzi. But, from a kinky point of view, I'd just like to make Mitzi taller (bring on Lemon Loftcake!) and a male herm whilst keeping the mindset and drug consumption. The cuntnosis scenes are an interesting touch, so I'd like to keep them. Plus I'd like to see all those Soak scenes affecting a male. For Throbb ones, we already have Penny's.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2020
Okay, I know not long ago Nova got an expansion, but I'd like more options to change her appearance when you're wearing it.
I read the document i know that not everything was implemented and I have seen that there are options in question for customization that were not implemented.

What I mean is that instead of giving her more options, what I'd like is the option for Nova to be able to copy the look of the last armor Steele was wearing.
For example, let's say you're wearing the Insulated Coat and ask Nova if she can copy the look of it, so you can wear her.