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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Naleen Nip will give you naga legs, and there are enough other items to do most variations on the upper body, along with some that can be used to replicate mermaids (Shark Bites will turn a naga lowerbody into a shark tail).

Honey milk and cum renders a syrup TF redundant.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
New Brunswick
Naleen Nip will give you naga legs, and there are enough other items to do most variations on the upper body, along with some that can be used to replicate mermaids (Shark Bites will turn a naga lowerbody into a shark tail).

Honey milk and cum renders a syrup TF redundant.
yes but Naleen Nip causes taint the syrup tf should probably be on Canada Station plus there is a npc https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Canada who already has the tf but the item isn't made yet
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New Member
Oct 2, 2020
Honestly, as silly as it sounds, some adultery kinds of play. A partner that may enjoy a bit of an adrenaline rush of sneaking around or finding a big partner. Maybe even some light I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN stuff. It's pretty rare in games, but especially with tons of planets and species, there's a lot to see and sneak around with :>


New Member
Oct 2, 2020
OK I'm new here but honestly i would love some more customization available for the robot girl you pick up in that desert area. More physical and kink related development, maybe add in a few experimental kinks?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
OK I'm new here but honestly i would love some more customization available for the robot girl you pick up in that desert area. More physical and kink related development, maybe add in a few experimental kinks?

Since you're new, I must cruelly crush your hopes with glee: Bess/Ben's writer no longer writes for TiTS. The coder that worked on that project, Gedan, worked their ass off for it, and NOBODY, not even Gedan wants to touch it again.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
Huh. All this time I thought that Bess/Ben was one of Jim T's. That's what I get for reading while drinking I guess.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
But they are, and somebody just added new customization to bess so never say never
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I must have missed where sumgai said coder in reference to Gedan. Like I said, I probably shouldn't drink and read.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Thanks for clearing that up for me. I must have missed where sumgai said coder in reference to Gedan. Like I said, I probably shouldn't drink and read.

Alternately, keep drink reading and posting up for funny shenanigans~


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2019
even though I am working on my tits project, I still want to see space pirates on gastigoth (expect RK Lah) to be released and become a single mom.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
New Brunswick
Oh I just got an interesting idea for a tf item that makes soda flavored cum comes in cherry, orange, crème, root beer, grape etc. and has an energizing effect if you drink it!!!(should also get a fizzy flag since its well... soda)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
A victory sex scene with the Gabilani vactioners where the PC fucks both of them if they have two or more penises. I know there's a double oral scene but I'd still like to be able to use both of their lower holes at the same time.


Sep 23, 2020
When you guys are done with your backlog, can we set Captain Khorgan, Tam, Sam, and Kaska free? Realistically, I doubt they'd be actually freed. But with a HEFTY amount of creds, they could be put under strict probation and we can be the probation officers (or slave owners if we can take that path too). The Warden could do the Suicide Squad thing of putting microbombs in their heads and give us special permission to watch over them. Only if we take responsibility for any illegal actions they commit. Which should be no problem since Khorgan is in love and loyal to us. And as loyal underlings, Tam and Kaska obeys Khorgan thus obeys us. Sam would probably just be happy just to be kind of free and an opportunity to explore her character. All four of them are too awesome to just rot in Gastigoth.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
When you guys are done with your backlog, can we set Captain Khorgan, Tam, Sam, and Kaska free? Realistically, I doubt they'd be actually freed. But with a HEFTY amount of creds, they could be put under strict probation and we can be the probation officers (or slave owners if we can take that path too). The Warden could do the Suicide Squad thing of putting microbombs in their heads and give us special permission to watch over them. Only if we take responsibility for any illegal actions they commit. Which should be no problem since Khorgan is in love and loyal to us. And as loyal underlings, Tam and Kaska obeys Khorgan thus obeys us. Sam would probably just be happy just to be kind of free and an opportunity to explore her character. All three of them are too awesome to just rot in Gastigoth.
I like this idea because : 1) pirates are awesome 2) having them on board could potentially add combat free ticket to zheng shi or different talk with urbolg before the fight
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
can we set Captain Khorgan, Tam, Sam, and Kaska free?

I'd love to write Captain Khorgan on your crew -- either releasing her from Gasti or just pulling her out of her mech and potato-sacking her onto your ship right from the boss fight.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I want to free Captain Khorgan almost as much as I want to put more people in Gastigoth. I get that most enemies you aren't in a situation to have them arrested, like Dr. Po is technically not committing any crimes and all the fuckers on Zheng Shi are not capable of being arrested on their own pirate micro-nation, but Gastigoth is such a good concept for revisiting defeated enemies and is only used by 5 or so characters with so little content.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I want to free Captain Khorgan almost as much as I want to put more people in Gastigoth. I get that most enemies you aren't in a situation to have them arrested, like Dr. Po is technically not committing any crimes and all the fuckers on Zheng Shi are not capable of being arrested on their own pirate micro-nation, but Gastigoth is such a good concept for revisiting defeated enemies and is only used by 5 or so characters with so little content.

I would say Gastigoth is for the worst criminals of the galaxy. Those who do the worst of all crimes from a Galatic viewpoint.

Of course there are those who have wronged governments or major Corporations that be made to go there because of the influence being put forth. Remi is an example for this......although he 'could' be considered a terrorist.

But apart from that I do feel it's more for mass murderers, terrorists, Cannibals, Matt Damon, major Pirate, extreme mad scientists, the worst of the worst. A random thief or someone convicted of manslaughter feel like they would be stuck on a prison for whatever government they belong to.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2020
if there wasnt enough Domme Ardia, a scene where if the pc enters their (her) ship smelling/reeking of cum, She gives them a shower and a full body facial. // Ardia wants her beta to reek of HER cum.

also i wanna see Sera become successful in her buisness ventures i think she really deserves it, her showing up on dahl could be cool. Bethany is seemingly shaping up to be predatory so if she eventually has presence on dahl, Sera and her rescources would be so hot. right now all i can think of is bad end insurance >.< Out of all the Dom/mes that collar the pc, Sera has had the most potential for plot relevance and D/s dynamic and i wanna see that grow. cc giving Sera bjs in her own wing after shes worth a few million credits, facing debt and slavery just to come out on top hmm. The dynamic of Sera being a self built buisness owner and her collared steele being an heir to theirs is something that should be explooored.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I want more to be added to what the various starting perks do. Or for it to be made more clear. Because like, you have hung and mini, which affect transformatives, and Ice Cold, which adds a whole special mechanic, and milky, which makes lactation harder to stop (and based on the wiki, increases the milk produced). And then you have things which I think are effectively just one-time transformatives that aren't even all that strong. Basically, I want these perks to have a persistent, if small, effect on the character, rather than being something I can easily get by doing something like farming Motherwort or getting some other item.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I want more to be added to what the various starting perks do. Or for it to be made more clear. Because like, you have hung and mini, which affect transformatives, and Ice Cold, which adds a whole special mechanic, and milky, which makes lactation harder to stop (and based on the wiki, increases the milk produced). And then you have things which I think are effectively just one-time transformatives that aren't even all that strong. Basically, I want these perks to have a persistent, if small, effect on the character, rather than being something I can easily get by doing something like farming Motherwort or getting some other item.
You're right, they could probably use an overhaul. They were implemented long before most (all?) of the transformatives were and it shows.

What's the point of Extra Ardor, anyway? Especially after minimum Lust requirements for sex were removed. Voluntary hard mode?
Why would you take Infertile when Steriliex is right there? If you want it to be permanent, it's just 750 Credits, and it's easily reversible with one dose of Fertite+ if you ever change your mind.
I tested Milky awhile ago and as far as I can tell, it doesn't actually change the amount produced. Maybe it did, but got changed. Starting lactation is easy, since there are a number of TFs that just set it to the proper value. Preventing stopping is easy with perks like Hypermilky, Mega Milk or Honeypot preventing cessation entirely. Or just wear the Bounty Bra. After the Tease combat rework, it's not behind on Sexiness anymore.
Edit: What it does do is make Milk, Production Training gain from boostlactation events 1.5x more effective (Hand Milk/Magic Milker/Milk Barn, Milk Squirt Tease, etc.), and reduce the loss from overfilling to 1/5. And blocks loss entirely if you're not at 200% fullness, if I'm reading this correctly.

If you want permanent effects that can't be replicated, your choices are Ice Cold (which you mention) and Incubator.

Incubator stacks with every source of bonus Incubation speed. Unlike, say, Elasticity, which is ignored by the two best sources of Elasticity (Orefish Shards and Black Cat Costume).

Ice Cold is weird. Normally for a Tease build, you want high Libido. You start with a low Libido and raising it can be expensive, unless you want to take the Treatment. Libido increases are also usually tied to other effects you may not want. That said, I've found the Bimbo Siegwulfe can carry pretty hard in the early game. You're also more vulnerable to Tease attacks if you start a combat with high Lust. Did they decrease base Lust gain over time at high Libido? It feels like they did, but I can't be sure.
With Ice Cold, you want low Libido (for accuracy) but high Sexiness gear (for damage), which increases Libido. You also have a decreased base Lust gain on top of a low Libido. It also locks you out of Energizing Libido, if that's something you're interested in. If the proposed Hard Mode (where masturbating decreases your XP) is implemented, Ice Cold will likely be the strongest choice, mechanically.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
i think if penny if she is a cumslut or a bimbo can be given another dose of throbb that just makes her grow super huge both with her horse cock or dog one going from im right 18 inches for dog and 20 for horse to something dumb like 3 feet each or something along those lines. or to give her other drugs.
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Jorr The Great

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2019
I dunno if it was mentioned before but doesnt it seem strange that frostwyrm tf doesnt give you natural resistance to uveto's weather ?
I don't remember where, I think a Nykke dialogue, but it seems that the Frostwyrms are not immune to the cold, they just endure it, she said something like "going out hunting is always a torture since it's cold", if it also happens with the original species and not just hybrids, it gives a much greater meaning to Frosy's Christmas present.

So it makes sense that it doesn't give you cold immunity, rather maybe it should give you a will power boost.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Incubator stacks with every source of bonus Incubation speed. Unlike, say, Elasticity, which is ignored by the two best sources of Elasticity (Orefish Shards and Black Cat Costume).
Ah? By this, do you mean that it affects it on top of other bonus incubation speed bonuses? Or is it just an addition to the base value so you'll still have the same cap with others?
Like, Motherwort's incubation speed increase caps at 700%, so does Incubator give you 100% and let you get to 700% and then adds the 100% on top, or it's just starting at 200% rather than 100% for the transformatives?