What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Kinda a shame since you can rule that frozen chunk of rock for some reason ,
Conquering Uveto with Krosty & kids is also a Bad End. If Steele taking over Zheng Shi as an actual, proper pirate lord ever gets implemented, it'll likely be a similar scenario where they won't be able to become the CEO of Steele Tech; thus, Bad End material.
also i meant i donated over 2 mil credits to the Rats and nothing in their looks\equipment does change do they eat the credit chits like Varmints?
Giving/losing money to the Raiders doesn't have any meaningful in-game effects other than you not having that money anymore.

Kingly K Duel

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2019
Actually, what about Buying Planets then? Thats actually within the lines of using paperwork and claiming the planet as your own. Gotta first get a license to get that though I think.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I mean, I know I've definitely put forward some ideas, like having Khorgan chained down and nude, ready for a pounding from Steele, and to fit Kaska with a cockring that could punish or reward her.
moar dzaan


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Alypia, this love of Dzaan has come out of nowhere and has left me shocked beyond belief. I did not see that coming.


Active Member
Aug 10, 2020
I'm not sure if it's already said... but I would like drones to have their own slot... While I get that not all Steele's will get their own drone, I'm a bit miffed I have to choose between a type of drone and something useful like the aim goggles


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
a shop to get multiple types of collars would be a neat way to get a collar that's non-related to the characters who give you one, I just want my Steele to walk around with a cute pink lace collar with a cute bell on it


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
Dedicated piercings merchant could be nice or some gadget that increases their drop rate from enemies . I think lures/repellents and drones should have their separate slots or more slots in general like this, head (so goggles or other eyepieces) torso ( shield augs , coats etc) and overall accessories (drones , lures , repellents) , any thoughts on that?


Mar 6, 2017
I'm probably going to be in the minority for this one, especially considering how much extra writing and scene-implementing this would be, but... more content for tailcocks? I've just completely and utterly become obsessed with the Zaika, so perhaps even just a TF that gives you the same "Cum is stored in the Tits" would be something I'd kill for. Of course, I'm not an idiot, and I recognize that it'll probably take a lot of work, so this is probably just going to remain a pipe dream... still, figured I ought to put it out there, just on the off chance that maybe someone decides to implement this. Just know that if someone actually makes this, I'll appreciate it. A lot.

Kitsune Lord Momiji

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2016
I'd love to be able to reprogram the Advanced Herm Sexbot as a companion.

I'd also like to let my Steele get penetrated by Kaska, but I doubt that'd be possible given the precautions in place by the prison.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
more content for the milodan amazons.would love to get a proper milodan tf or to go to the amazons camp and just get drugged by what ever made them.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Being able to reverse the milodan amazons transformations or at least reverse the mental/personality changes and destroy whatever mutagen Joyco left to make them that way.
I don’t mind the physical changes too much but I’d like to reverse the mental&personality changes.
Damn joyco.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
Being able to reverse the milodan amazons transformations or at least reverse the mental/personality changes and destroy whatever mutagen Joyco left to make them that way.
I don’t mind the physical changes too much but I’d like to reverse the mental&personality changes.
Damn joyco.
na mate i want to take whatever that is fluid that changed them. from when i found out about them i have just fell in love with them just something about the fact that a place with a giant frost dragon on it is still out done in the size department but a drugged up kitty.


Aug 15, 2020
Anatae TF? I really want to make Steele an Anatae but there is no item(To my knowledge) that does that.

Also, Buttplug? Please? And unlike COC2 it would be nice if you could keep it in.

Btw, is it possible to disable addictions? like is there a cheat code or something?
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Dec 24, 2017
I'm not sure if it's already said... but I would like drones to have their own slot... While I get that not all Steele's will get their own drone, I'm a bit miffed I have to choose between a type of drone and something useful like the aim goggles

Dedicated piercings merchant could be nice or some gadget that increases their drop rate from enemies . I think lures/repellents and drones should have their separate slots or more slots in general like this, head (so goggles or other eyepieces) torso ( shield augs , coats etc) and overall accessories (drones , lures , repellents) , any thoughts on that?

This, barely ever seen a point to most accessories because I could stat boost or mutate to invalidate them, where drones are almost always useful. Would love an extra slot or two to actually use other items, or at the least a dedicated Drone slot.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
New Brunswick
A way to remove Brute/Bimbo Speech & also be able to remove perks like Easy & Weak Will all though a special item that boosts intellect would be neat (If overdosed might cause a "bad" end. I SEE EVERYTHING I KNOW EVERYTHING!!!)


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Dumb4Cum overrides Bimbo Speech. You just got to suck a dick first.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
It's hard to say if Overdose will be a proper item that can be used in-game. I'm not holding my breath for it.


Well-Known Member
What about that hypno snake on Tarkus? Maybe it could be an answer
An answer, but not the answer. It's possible to make Lane permanently inaccessible, so ideally we'd need someone/something else capable of removing Ditz/Brute Speech. I'm not saying that Lane couldn't do that (only their author and/or the devs can say that), just that they and Dumb4Cum shouldn't be the only options. Doctor Lash comes to mind...

There's also the question of whether a bimbo/bro Steele would even be capable of consenting to removal of the Ditz/Brute Speech perk (answer: probably not); if they can't, such an option wouldn't make sense from a roleplaying perspective and it would have to be forced upon them somehow, which would be very difficult to set up without violating the player's sense of agency and control over their character.