well as it was
that would explain why I missed it as I said I only checked THIS page.
Source: One page ago, this thread
that would explain why I missed it as I said I only checked THIS page.
Source: One page ago, this thread
Steele just sounds like a third wheel in this scenario, because if kaede and anno are at a point where they want to have a kid together they aren't going to need steele, the same goes if kaede or anno want to have a kid with steele the other will not be necessary.
I feel like it should be more of a wrestling or kick boxing ring at the New Texas gymNew Texas Tease combat arena
I feel like it should be a wrestling or kick boxing ring at the gym![]()
Oh that's cool I also hope to get new moves to learn at the gym like holds or strong kicks or punchesI was working on a wrestling ring, actually, but it got stalled due to current events. I'll get back to it after winter break.
Anyways, I hope the change to Javascript eventually leads to more overarching quality of life changes that I think would smooth out the game overall. I'm still hoping we get a "Buttslut" mode, like in CoC2, for instance. And it would be really nice if HL strap-ons would be decoupled from clothing and made into a generic strap-on that would automatically give you a hardlight penis with sterile cum for scenes that allowed it. Really sounds like it'd save a ton of time in the long run, especially considering how few are willing to support strap-on scenes. It really does require more work than you'd think to write a proper variation for them.
I know big mechanical changes might require that a ton of scenes be edited and tested, but...isn't that also true for the Java port? I know it's probably a pipe dream, but I can't help but hope.
I'm still hoping we get a "Buttslut" mode, like in CoC2, for instance.
And it would be really nice if HL strap-ons [were good]
I know big mechanical changes might require that a ton of scenes be edited and tested, but...isn't that also true for the Java port?
Oh that's cool I also hope to get new moves to learn at the gym like holds or strong kicks or punches![]()
That would require rewriting (or at least editing) every vagOrAss scene in the game, since all writing in TiTS using that parser assumes that if something's in your butt, you don't have a vageen.
That would also require rewriting everything that system touches.
No. Zero content is being rewritten.
Also a cactus. I don't particularly care where or how, but I'd like a cactus to be represented in the game. As for why... I like cacti.
It's alright to admit that you like pricks around here. :^)
There are actually a few:I've been thinking, and there's no combat TF, so that's what I suggesting, combat TF.
And before anyone asks the million-dollar question, they wouldn't be linked to any race and anyone could use them.
There are actually a few:
Certain Wing types allow hitting Flying enemies with melee attacks.
Red Myr Venom unlocks a Drug-based Tease attack.
Certain perks like Mega Milk or Milk Fountain make Milk Squirt always available (normally based on Fullness).
Pheromone perks add a random amount of damage to Tease attacks up to Pheromone level.
Sexy Thinking and Innocent Allure (both from the Treatment) directly add to Sexiness.
Dumb4Cum increases max Intelligence, which is of variable usefulness depending on Class. Arguably Broken (Tech Specialists), Really good (Smugglers), mostly Irrelevant (Mercenaries).
Do you have any suggestions for what, specifically, you'd like to see?
The ones you mentioned are tease base. What I'm talking about is something more aggressive in question,
Certain Wing types allow hitting Flying enemies with melee attacks.
I think what Z-z is talking about - and correct me if I'm wrong, dude - is non-transformative transformatives, meaning items that give you combat abilities/attacks without making anyone feel they're forced to change their Steele's outward appearance.I've been thinking, and there's no combat TF, so that's what I suggesting, combat TF.
And before anyone asks the million-dollar question, they wouldn't be linked to any race and anyone could use them.
Combat cybernetics when paired with the right perks and accessories are pretty powerful.
examples: melee merc with strength augments + signet of bravery offsets all penalties (well all but 1 WIL point thanks to Iron Will) and gets Steele to 65 STR 55 AIM at max level/max stats.
The INT booster stacks with Dum4Cum, granting a total of 80 INT after ingesting cum.
I've been thinking, and there's no combat TF, so that's what I suggesting, combat TF.
And before anyone asks the million-dollar question, they wouldn't be linked to any race and anyone could use them.
The ones you mentioned are tease base. What I'm talking about is something more aggressive in question, something like the ability to produce electricity and use it to stun the enemy or other type of attack that causes damage or stun.
I think what Z-z is talking about - and correct me if I'm wrong, dude - is non-transformative transformatives, meaning items that give you combat abilities/attacks without making anyone feel they're forced to change their Steele's outward appearance.
Two things could achieve this, I think.
1) Cybernetics. Plenty of combat augs and implants have been added to the game.
2) Psionics. They've been hinted at here and there throughout the game, so maybe one day...
Bimbos are too smart.