Gonna post the list of stuff that I usually post.
1. Reworking of all the classes to make them more than just Ranged and Melee.
2. Support of other body types besides bipeds.
3. More Gryvians and less Ausar, in fact more of anything that's not Ausar.
4. A storage outside of our inventory that could be used to hold a set amount of items, Like a courier service, a storage warehouse, or a bank box.
5. The accessories slot being reworked and having accessories be classified as head, body, and other to allow use of more than one item at a time, because taking off a coat to use a drone is retarded and putting away a drone to use a coat is even more retarded.
6. Dunno if this is still a thing, but not being able to hit flying people with melee when you have wings or a jet pack.
7. Less Futas and more males and females, as much as I like futas there seems to be too many, galaxy ain't big enough for everyone to be a futa.
8. More scenes that are Gay and that are straight.
9. Some more character's with preferences and that will reject the player steele if you have or don't have the body type they like.
10. As crazy as it may seem, some content that isn't all just sex.
11. More Doms, like the one guy on Uveto said there needs to be a bit more doms in the galaxy.
12. A way to Debimbo characters, is that a word? Like a way to turn people like Mitzi and a couple other bimbos into normal people.
13. An end to the Myrillion war, through peace or violence, as long as it's an end.
14. A return to older characters like Reaha who kinda got forgotten about.
15. More Characters that are just plain bitches, like if you're gonna go with the more fem characters then make some of them real bitches like Riya levels of bitch like.
16. Some combat perks, both Lust based and physical and maybe stuff directly to take down shields.
17. Having backup from some of your crewmates and if they get their ass kicked they leave to go back to the ship.
18. A medic on the ship that can cure Stds and heal steele hopefully not a bimbo.
19. Anything with the Red and or Gold Myr off world that's not the war queen to see how they interact with some of the other life in the galaxy, maybe just add Red myr to other places.
20. One silly one, A way to be able to Rocket punch someone with a robotic dildo arm, or having a robotic arm that has a dildo launcher, so that when you do a Johnny Cadge Nut punch, or cunt uppercut you launch a dildo up their ass or puss.