What Content Would You Like Added?


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
for me i agree with the fact that the nursery really lacks content. yes it has gotten expanded in resent months but even with that its still so empty. its our home after all yet unless I'm their for the progress with the children their isn't anything to do. even most of the children themselves are underdeveloped. some are exstreamly developed like the melodeons, that have multiple different events that you can find and different periods of growth as well so you can see them becoming more and more alive. yet even with that they still have no end or send off thus when their fully grown their gone, while at the same time the events outside their room is just stock sentences meant for every race. yet the worse is if we go to the children who still have nothing even after all this time, like the zil its almost as if we don't have any because if it wasn't for their listing their blank.

yeah like, I can't even nurse the children, or leave behind my lactate, or leave them with the JoyCo bags. Which is particularly jarring because the text in game -says- I'd be able to do that.


Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
I wonder if it's possible to have something similar to the predatory organs(Kagune) from Tokyo Ghoul ?
Like The cuntsnake, only if you could also use in a fight


Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
Hey, all!

I'm currently brainstorming ideas to for things I'd like to see added to TiTs--in terms of combat encounters and sex scenes--and I'm wondering what you, as players, would like to see more of included in the game.

This can be anything as simple as: "I'd appreciate more hypnotism content!" to "It'd be great if X or Y combat encounter had a scene specific to Taurs or Multi-cock PCs!"
It'd be cool if there was a mod that let you grow a vagina/anus in the characters palms05.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
It'd be cool if there was a mod that let you grow a vagina/anus in the characters palmsView attachment 9393

We already have plenty of neglected body types, naga, nipple cunts, etc.

If you can get a couple of writers to really stick to it, good luck.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
This is the thread about content you would like added. It's also important to think about WILL it be added and can it be added with little to no pain.

I mean, plenty of painful(to code) projects have gotten in. Bess springs to mind. Think there's only been two subtractions from the game: Willow(quality control issue) and Frostwyrm incest.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
yeah like, I can't even nurse the children, or leave behind my lactate, or leave them with the JoyCo bags. Which is particularly jarring because the text in game -says- I'd be able to do that.
Hate to break it to you, but the original intention of the nursery was just a place to dump the kids. If I remember correctly, a lot of the interaction there comes from other writers who just wanted to add something - Sera's content the first that comes to mind.

Otherwise, its very much dependent on someone choosing to add content.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Hmm maybe something like kotor's swoop bike racing where you have to use your reflexes to get ahead and win, it could even be a bad end where they have several races going at once and you have to use reflexes to dodge other swoop bikes and if the reflex isn't high enough you either get a bad end where you're a ball of fire and the quote of live fast and leave a sexy corpse is put up, or it could just be where you hit another bike and spin out and just DNF.

Anything with Myr off their home world would be nice, after you visit Myrillion.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
where you're a ball of fire and the quote of live fast and leave a sexy corpse is put up
Yeeaaaaaah......the end of that sentence isn't going to happen if the first part is what does you in.

More like crispy bacon bits.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Yeeaaaaaah......the end of that sentence isn't going to happen if the first part is what does you in.

More like crispy bacon bits.

Hey you never know with some people's kinks around here, some might tell their real Kinks in that one thread, but not all of them are gonna share what truly gets them off.

But personally I'd just like more done with the myr, sadly that probably won't ever happen.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
In my personal opinion, doing some form of common sign language would be kind of a non-starter in a text based medium. That's just replacing quotes and the word "say" with something like "they gesture for you to buy a cheeseburger" or something. The impact isn't really there. Having a mute character is similarly kind of negligible for this sort of medium as then you start to have to describe anything they do in detail with hopeful clarity that the average person of varying reading comprehension can parse it - or just doing the same sort of flat "they gesture negatively," which makes it just as flat. It's better in a more physical one like a film, given the old saying of "a picture if worth a thousand words." Well, a thousand words is a lot and having more narration doesn't in fact lead to a better narrative, usually a worst one.

I'm sure it can be done interesting and well of course, it just the environment doesn't really support that kind of character.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Ooh, does Ciaran have a pegging scene? It's been way too long since I played, mostly because my phone broke and I don't have the heart to restart.

But anyway, if he doesn't, we really need one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Gonna post the list of stuff that I usually post.

1. Reworking of all the classes to make them more than just Ranged and Melee.

2. Support of other body types besides bipeds.

3. More Gryvians and less Ausar, in fact more of anything that's not Ausar.

4. A storage outside of our inventory that could be used to hold a set amount of items, Like a courier service, a storage warehouse, or a bank box.

5. The accessories slot being reworked and having accessories be classified as head, body, and other to allow use of more than one item at a time, because taking off a coat to use a drone is retarded and putting away a drone to use a coat is even more retarded.

6. Dunno if this is still a thing, but not being able to hit flying people with melee when you have wings or a jet pack.

7. Less Futas and more males and females, as much as I like futas there seems to be too many, galaxy ain't big enough for everyone to be a futa.

8. More scenes that are Gay and that are straight.

9. Some more character's with preferences and that will reject the player steele if you have or don't have the body type they like.

10. As crazy as it may seem, some content that isn't all just sex.

11. More Doms, like the one guy on Uveto said there needs to be a bit more doms in the galaxy.

12. A way to Debimbo characters, is that a word? Like a way to turn people like Mitzi and a couple other bimbos into normal people.

13. An end to the Myrillion war, through peace or violence, as long as it's an end.

14. A return to older characters like Reaha who kinda got forgotten about.

15. More Characters that are just plain bitches, like if you're gonna go with the more fem characters then make some of them real bitches like Riya levels of bitch like.

16. Some combat perks, both Lust based and physical and maybe stuff directly to take down shields.

17. Having backup from some of your crewmates and if they get their ass kicked they leave to go back to the ship.

18. A medic on the ship that can cure Stds and heal steele hopefully not a bimbo.

19. Anything with the Red and or Gold Myr off world that's not the war queen to see how they interact with some of the other life in the galaxy, maybe just add Red myr to other places.

20. One silly one, A way to be able to Rocket punch someone with a robotic dildo arm, or having a robotic arm that has a dildo launcher, so that when you do a Johnny Cadge Nut punch, or cunt uppercut you launch a dildo up their ass or puss.


IIRC, there was talk of having a nursedroid recuiteable later on. That and improved storage likely are dependant on the ship expansion that's been in the works for a while now.

I certainly hope peace between the Myrellion factions is on the cards later on, as well as follow-ups to other plot threads, like Aurora's significance, Hand So's potential. I'm definitely forgetting a lot more, there's a lot of things big and small that I'm still waiting for the pay-off to, if I really think about it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2017
Since y'all talking about doctors. I have submitted a Nova xpack that among other things includes doctor functionality, so maybe one day, with luck, we might get a portable doctor.


Active Member
Apr 24, 2019
Hate to break it to you, but the original intention of the nursery was just a place to dump the kids. If I remember correctly, a lot of the interaction there comes from other writers who just wanted to add something - Sera's content the first that comes to mind.

Otherwise, its very much dependent on someone choosing to add content.

Ouphe. Well, the likelihood of my producing content to go in that place is low, since I don't know what it even ought to be. I didn't want it to be anything in particular anyway. But the writing elsewhere built me up to think something would be there; it seemed like a glitch when the nursing station location had no buttons.

Thanks for the info. I have nothing to worry about, then!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I wish Deerium gave you a normal pair of bipedal deer legs before transforming you into a full taur so I could use them for satyr/faun/generic forest spirit characters. I know we already have goat legs from Capraphorm and such mythological creatures are often half-goat, but I just personally prefer the less-fluffy image of deer's legs and myths are notoriously varied on the subject anyway.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
More clothes.Maybe add something like "Sexy Clothes:A pair of rather sexy clothes.Their not too much revealing for everyone to call you a slut,but enough to find yourself a quick date. Sexiness:+2"


Mar 26, 2017
More clothes.Maybe add something like "Sexy Clothes:A pair of rather sexy clothes.Their not too much revealing for everyone to call you a slut,but enough to find yourself a quick date. Sexiness:+2"


Almost of every piece of clothing does that.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019

Almost of every piece of clothing does that.
Ehh its not like everyone goes on dates with business clothes or skintight suits.Plus i thought of it like Comfortable Clothes were its "here's some clothes,i wont say what kind of clothes so just imagine whatever you want".
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
it would be cool to see that moose taur use your mounting equipment on your ship on you, and maybe get fucked by amber, and the moose taur
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I wish Deerium gave you a normal pair of bipedal deer legs before transforming you into a full taur so I could use them for satyr/faun/generic forest spirit characters. I know we already have goat legs from Capraphorm and such mythological creatures are often half-goat, but I just personally prefer the less-fluffy image of deer's legs and myths are notoriously varied on the subject anyway.
I'm pretty sure there's a method of using Deerium to become a deer taur and then becoming bipedal instead, but I don't mod much so I've got no idea what you need to do.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Still think we should be at the point where we have mods that just make us into the things we want to be, or into the certain species.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Violent_Peace, the reason for that not happening yet is that the code for such a mod would be as big as Bess/Ben because of the code's spaghetti nature. Now, I haven't looked too in depth into the code, but I assume that each modification to the player is not in its own separate function call. That means that the coders would have to copy and paste the code for each case in the super mod rather than make a function call. Additionally, they will have to keep remembering to come back to this super mod in order to add the new modifications that can occur when Steele consumes a new-fangled mod.

Anyway, I would like to see more options for completing Shekka's recruitment quest. Since you can give Shekka the Platinum 190 and the probe, wouldn't that be able to negate one of the payment hurdles? Even if it doesn't directly correlate to her project (if I remember correctly, she wanted those items so she could research them), one could argue that the funding she doesn't have to spend on another project can then be funneled into her recruitment project. For example, if you give Shekka the probe without making her buy it from you, you can get the 5000 credit hurdle completed right away. The platinum could cover the cost of any one of the three payment hurdles. Because as of right now, I don't know of the benefits of giving Shekka the probe.


  1. I think Goo-morphs/Galotions should have the option to grow wings.
  2. There really needs to be a way to get regular cum without using Terran Treats
  3. On top of that, some way to choose from an assortment of cum types (think Dong Designer, but for cum) would be great.
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