What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019


Feb 7, 2018
1. A different way to grind stats besides the gym on new Texas would be nice, or perhaps a function to where the game calculates the amounts of time one needs to bench press to get to their current max and just takes the time would be very convenient.

2. I'd also like to see more content where an activity takes more time, like Xanthe's dom sessions do.
Like you could get hired to be someones girlfriend/sexdoll for a couple of weeks.

3 .More Npc's that come hit on you while you walk into a bar or walk around town would be cool, instead of going to everyone yourself.

4. A system where one could rent wombs would be cool, this could either be used to get specific half breeds you want to have or make some extra money as a female/herm pc.

5. Criminial/delinqeunt acts to put us at odds with local law enforcement, sexy local law enforcement.

6.More content for the nanny bot at your nursery.

7. Content (or more content) where my Steele gets to be akward in bed with a more expiernced partner.
weird reqeust for a sex game i know, but i kinda like the idea of my Steele not being a sexbomb right out of virginity.

8. Public restraint sex, ai you get tied to a lamppost and every passerby gets to have a go.

9. Slave/master content, i'm not entirely sure how to explain this but a pet peeve i have with the ben or bess 13 and 14 models is when i sub or specifically tell them i want them to dom me nothing really changes, sure they sortof demand more kisses but i was kinda hoping of them demanding things of me, like you return to your ship and your dom is waiting there for you with leash in hand. or waking up with a cock inside me, either one works.

10. More taur content, i think that with the chick on Mhenga and the ranger on Uveto we covered all of them.
On that note more Gryvain is Always welcome.

11.The ability to break into the wextraxxels den and steal his bitches, would be hilarious.


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Apr 16, 2018
United States
On the public Discord, Shou made a picture of Anno standing in front of text: Scritches 4 Bitches. Someday I really want to see if I can sit down and write a shop called Scritches 4 Bitches into Tavros where the PC can pay just to get pet like a good bitch. Requiring animal ears.

There's also this picture that makes me want to write a business that lets you contract yourself as a service pup/kitten/bunny whatever to be a good pet for rich people to pet and love, and you can customize your collar and uniform to denote what acts the customer who rents you can perform. There would be caveats, like being required to obey certain orders...


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2019
On the public Discord, Shou made a picture of Anno standing in front of text: Scritches 4 Bitches. Someday I really want to see if I can sit down and write a shop called Scritches 4 Bitches into Tavros where the PC can pay just to get pet like a good bitch. Requiring animal ears.

There's also this picture that makes me want to write a business that lets you contract yourself as a service pup/kitten/bunny whatever to be a good pet for rich people to pet and love, and you can customize your collar and uniform to denote what acts the customer who rents you can perform. There would be caveats, like being required to obey certain orders...

These both sound like lovely ideas. You could possibly maybe combine them into the same store, but either or could be set up on just about any of the planets/stations we have now. Well besides Poe and Castigoth.



Well-Known Member
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Apr 16, 2018
United States
When I theorized a scritches 4 bitches shop, it would have been run by a man and woman so you'd have split sex scenes, and you could get both of them at once, it'd be really small and just for fun. Besides, people have been wanting to get pet forever. I'd feel bad about it competing with Vava Groom though, but they both serve two entirely separate purposes.

The Service Pup Contracting would be something super fun, and Bimbos would be totally at home in the content. You could rent (for like a day) one of their stock for some basic sex, or be rented. If you contracted, you would basically be told up front nothing bad is going to happen, you are free to say "I'm done" at any time if you feel uncomfortable, and you'd have a collar, but it would be loaded up with tracking electronics so nobody could ever try to kidnap you etc, you'd be totally safe and that'd be something they make very clear up front.

I'm just a silly optimist.

Either way, you'd be rented out, have a collar, a uniform, and you'd get a grooming to make your hair, ears, and tail extremely pretty (you would be required to have all these IMHO), then you'd just be rented out to increasingly wealthy and important people, attending meetings, sitting in laps in their offices, etc. Your collar tag would display if you're available for sex or not, but your job is really just to smile and wag the tail, being a comfort companion.

However, you'd be contractually obligated to obey commands given like a pet, or you don't get paid. If you were told to crawl on your hands and knees, you have to. They want you on a leash? Thou must. If you're told to roll over or present for headpats, you do it. Sexual acts are things you determine beforehand, i.e fondling. It'd be a huge undertaking I think, but one I'd love to pursue later in the year for sure.


May 10, 2019
More mentions of losing your virginity in sex scenes or variations of scenes for virgins, especially in the early zone(s) where it's very likely most people lose their virginity (of any or all kinds). After riding a bunch of the characters on the station on brand-new virgin Steeles, I was shocked when I found one vaginal scene that was actually notably different and made for a really hot 'deflowering' scene. After that, I was surprised that that was the only encounter in which the NPC noticed your virginity and said/did anything differently (let alone had an entire variant scene for it!).


Aug 27, 2015


May 10, 2019
More pregnancy possibilities, even if the kids are generic/randomized, from more male NPCs that are the player's choice to walk up to and have sex with. The list of who can impregnate Steele seems to be almost exclusively from combat encounters and/or herms. I know this is because the outcome kids are more involved, with the nursery and such (which is fantastic!), but it was a shock coming from the old CoC to TiTS and realizing that it's NOT the default assumption of 'if this NPC cums in my vag, there's a chance I'll get pregnant'.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I still use browser. I use a browser that is GUARANTEED not to drop flash support. Because the browser itself has already been dropped. I am of course talking about Internet Explorer. And before you ask, no I don't use Explorer to browse the internet. I only use it for playing flash games.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Hmm? Would be nice to have more weaponized goo girls or maybe something like a weapon attached to your body. Or the ability to have a fight with an enemy where you could lose a limb and have to get a robot one.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I kinda wish Jack/Jill were a bigger threat. They and whichever bodyguard they bring along basically feel like Team Rocket at this point between the ease with which they are defeated and the fact that they wouldn't even be a threat to begin with if Maximilian hadn't stolen most of his money from Victor in their backstory instead of earning it himself through alternate, darker means, and I just wish they could present a more substantial threat so the idea of loosing to them (aside from the first encounter with Dane, which happens early enough that most people casually running through the game will probably lose to it) could actually feel real and concerning. I don't have an issue with them being a spoiled brat with no street smarts whatsoever, but I feel like they should at least possess the proper amount of raw power that their wealth should grant them in a Sci-Fi setting like TiTS in order to back up their superior attitude.

At the barest of minimums, I hope that their bodyguard gets a significant relative difficulty boost by the time the next planet rolls around, but maybe we could take it a step further and eventually have them inject themselves with a similar strain of microbots to the ones that your father left you (maybe for the final probe or something), except theirs are N A N O M A C H I N E S S O N and actually let them compete and even seriously threaten you in combat despite the vast difference in experience between both of you.

I also wish your cousin could bad end you if you lost to them because I want to see just how sadistic they could actually get given the opportunity considering how disinterested they are in your presence normally.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2018
I want to know who the mole in Steele Tech is that keeps feeding J. Steele the coordinates. However incompetent J. Steele is, they always seem to get there first.

I don't think the Cousin is meant to be a threat, just a reminder of the kind of personality rich, indulgent parents can produce. And be annoying in a personal way. If you gave them the kind of muscle their money could actually get them, you'd be talking at least a squad or platoon of mercenaries instead of just one bodyguard. That would be hard to represent in a way the player could deal with instead of auto-losing. Maybe there's a clause in the Will that restricts what any claimants can do/have access to for the purpose of the challenge. The purpose is to prove Victor's Heir has what it takes to lead the company, after all.

I would like to see more scheming, the kind that Maximillian apparently did. Claiming credit for your work, bribing informants and court officials. Leaking your unsavory connections (seriously, you befriend a lot of pirates). They set the Rats Raiders against you, which is a start.

I've heard J. Steele is intended to become irrelevant once we get to Tainted Space. The Probe chase is the beginning of the plot, but not the meat of it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Dunno why people fucking want lolis?

But most if not alot of these bitches in space are just tits and ass bigger than their heads then giant as fuck and crushing you during sex.

tbh just normal sized bitches with normal sized tits and maybe big asses once in a while would be nice cuz shit how many characters now have tits that are like JJJJJJ-cup or Asses the size of your ship?

And cue in the person who's gonna argue that."I remember that there are only approx like 5 women in the game with JJ-cup sized breast."
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I was talking in general terms, and considering I'm looking at this thread right now, your choices don't even scratch the surface since I'd argue those girls would still be stacked by normal human standards. I mean, the Vanae Maidens are already the closest this game gets to catering to loli fans; Annarrie has her lover that appeals to those who want small chested woman paired with a "stacked" woman (I have seen this a lot on imageboards, at least); I was certain Yarasta fit that category, too, but I don't think she has any scenes with her assistant? I'm not really sure, I don't get to read her scenes that often. She's got a vert tight schedule; Liliana is....just adorable. And Sam- wait, Sam is an A-cup??? Well, someone forgot to tell Adjatha. I haven't read her scenes yet, I always just assumed she was a C-cup. Well.

And the list goes on, but you get the point. There are indeed quite a few women with smaller breast sizes (and hey, the Frog Girls are flat as a board. Though, if we're talking just about characters we can talk to...I got nothing, the only flat-chested persistant characters I know of are either masculine and referred to with male pronouns, or were feminine males. Maybe I'm forgetting someone?). I'm just saying that it's a generally good idea to maintain a variety of body types (regardless of gender), especially when there are around 300 characters in TITS already. Not just their measurements, of course, but I hope you get the gist.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I was talking in general terms, and considering I'm looking at this thread right now, your choices don't even scratch the surface since I'd argue those girls would still be stacked by normal human standards. I mean, the Vanae Maidens are already the closest this game gets to catering to loli fans; Annarrie has her lover that appeals to those who want small chested woman paired with a "stacked" woman (I have seen this a lot on imageboards, at least); I was certain Yarasta fit that category, too, but I don't think she has any scenes with her assistant? I'm not really sure, I don't get to read her scenes that often. She's got a vert tight schedule; Liliana is....just adorable. And Sam- wait, Sam is an A-cup??? Well, someone forgot to tell Adjatha. I haven't read her scenes yet, I always just assumed she was a C-cup. Well.

And the list goes on, but you get the point. There are indeed quite a few women with smaller breast sizes (and hey, the Frog Girls are flat as a board. Though, if we're talking just about characters we can talk to...I got nothing, the only flat-chested persistant characters I know of are either masculine and referred to with male pronouns, or were feminine males. Maybe I'm forgetting someone?). I'm just saying that it's a generally good idea to maintain a variety of body types (regardless of gender), especially when there are around 300 characters in TITS already. Not just their measurements, of course, but I hope you get the gist.

The reason there’s no flat chested females is because there’s a very small crowd that’s into flat chested females, majority like them busty, plus females with a flat chest look weird, rasks don’t count as flat chested, they still have some


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
Who’s that?
m8...u make m3 s3d
Mashiro Shina-An 18 yr old artist who's works are considered majestic all over the world.Unfortunatelyor not she's a lazy,cloudheaded girl that can't cook or wear underwear without someone's help.
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The reason there’s no flat chested females is because there’s a very small crowd that’s into flat chested females, majority like them busty, plus females with a flat chest look weird, rasks don’t count as flat chested, they still have some

There is definitely an audience for that since...flat-chested women are a thing that exist. Hpwever, I'll agree that audience may not overlap that much with the people TITS and COC are aimed at. Still, that means there's room for at least one, should someone step up to the plate. I do know someone was working on a character who was flat-chested with a heavy-emphasis on breast expansion content, but I'm struggling to find it now.