What Content Would You Like Added?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Just a random idea, shade invites you to dinner after part 2 of kara's quest and amara also shows up(and depending on how things went went in that mission can make it very awkward).
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Jul 11, 2016
Think it'd be possible for some variant of the Amazon variant to turn a cowgirl into a sexy hell knight a la Hdoom? You know, with the horns and the Amazonian figure and the satyr/Minotaur legs:



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hell knight a la Hdoom look...interesting. Even if it just gonna be npc not one of possible TF paths.


Sep 28, 2015
It feels like the base classes are kind of lackluster. There's been a lot of work going into post-fight encounters and adding scenes for NPCs, but scarcely anything (recently shown, at least) about the way your Steele fights. It's also a bit disappointing that your skill set is based on a completely linear path in all three classes; you can't dip into one while following another. I'm not saying that the current battle system is bad at all, just that it lacks the big flair and availability for experimentation that other games like CoC and FoE have.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
CoC was like...hey let go for Jack-of-Trade build with mixing up perks that may be normaly locked by been halfway in some class progress. THen their went to TiTS with attitude of full 180 degree turn to make PC follow really narrow paths we choosing at the start. Well maybe thrid game Fen will make after TiTS will finaly have healthy balance of not going from one to other extreme.


Oct 20, 2016
What´s next? Turning Kaede into a dude?

As said before this has already been shot down.
If an author doesn´t want to write specific content for a character, please don´t make him/her have to keep shooting it down.
The last thing we want is for Savin to include vaginal only to have some other random person take her virginity, out of the annoyance...
He probably wouldn´t do that though. Savin is a kewl dude.

But seriously, if you know it´s been shot down, don´t ask for it again. It can be quite annoying for the writers, who have certain visions of their content and what they want it to be like.
Besides, some people prefer her the way she is :D
I´ve gotten over the awkward boner a long time ago.
1. Kaede can be turned Futa so your argument doesn't make any sense.
2. I didn't know if my specific suggestion had been made before. As much as I'd enjoy omnipotence, I sadly lack it.
3. This is "What content would you like to see". I wasn't making demands, it was a suggestion.
4. "As said before" Then why did you feel the need to pile on? You're criticizing me for repeating a suggestion, while repeating several other people saying the same thing as you, just in a more priggish manner.

One of the things I like about TiTs and CoC is the lack of taboo when it comes to gender and sexuality. As well as bodily augmentation. Trying to say it's taboo to suggest someone with a penis being made futa or getting genital swapped seems to go against the entire premise of the in game universe.
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Jul 11, 2016
1. Kaede can be turned Futa so your argument doesn't make any sense.


Trying to say it's taboo to suggest someone with a penis being made futa or getting genital swapped seems to go against the entire premise of the in game universe.

It's taboo to suggest Syri be given a vagina.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
@HugsAlright: Syri should be given a vagina. Naturally it'd have a hymen since it'd be new. Also you should be able to cumflate and impregnate her in the same day, eventually cuddling and falling asleep with a knotted Syri while scratching her behind the ears. Then later you'd have lots of tiny little puppers running around.

Kaede doesn't want a vagina because she enjoys the perversion of being buttfucked as a female despite being born as a male.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
1. Kaede can be turned Futa so your argument doesn't make any sense.
That´s probably Saendra you´re thinking about.
Kaede herself can´t be turned into a herm.

1. Kaede can be turned Futa so your argument doesn't make any sense.
2. I didn't know if my specific suggestion had been made before. As much as I'd enjoy omnipotence, I sadly lack it.
3. This is "What content would you like to see". I wasn't making demands, it was a suggestion.
4. "As said before" Then why did you feel the need to pile on? You're criticizing me for repeating a suggestion, while repeating several other people saying the same thing as you, just in a more priggish manner.

One of the things I like about TiTs and CoC is the lack of taboo when it comes to gender and sexuality. As well as bodily augmentation. Trying to say it's taboo to suggest someone with a penis being made futa or getting genital swapped seems to go against the entire premise of the in game universe.
*Searches up priggish
Oh my.
I´m sorry if I came of as a bit rude, that wasn´t really my intention.
It´s just that once in the past Savin got spammed really hard with requests for preg content (Hellspawn) something he wasn´t all that comfortable with.
I´d hate to see something like that again, to any author
But as you said, you´re not omniscient so you couldn´t really know whether or not it´s been shot down before. I guess I took it as you knowing it had been shot down before, but asked again anyway. That was a misunderstanding on my behalf. And again I´m sorry if what I wrote came out as aggressive.

It´s not really illegal to suggest stuff like that.
It's taboo to suggest Syri be given a vagina.
...Except in Hugs presence I guess...

But in some cases people will comment and say why an idea is unfeasible, as good as it may be.
F. ex. whenever someone suggest a chastity belt or more arms.

@HugsAlright: Syri should be given a vagina. Naturally it'd have a hymen since it'd be new. Also you should be able to cumflate and impregnate her in the same day, eventually cuddling and falling asleep with a knotted Syri while scratching her behind the ears.
With the exception of the impregnation thingy, these things can already be done with an asshole.
But the scratching behind ears idea...

Edit: I must get faster at editing...


Jul 11, 2016
eventually cuddling and falling asleep with a knotted Syri while scratching her behind the ears.

Hnnnnnnng, need to write an emergency Erra scene.

Syri should be given a vagina. Naturally it'd have a hymen since it'd be new. Also you should be able to cumflate and impregnate her in the same day, eventually cuddling and falling asleep with a knotted Syri while scratching her behind the ears. Then later you'd have lots of tiny little puppers running around.

This man is trying to use my extremely niche fetishes to get me to petition for Syri vag, arrest this corrupt man.

But the scratching behind ears idea...

I think you do that during her missionary scene and it makes her whimper and bite her lip.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
@HugsAlrighteventually cuddling and falling asleep with a knotted Syri while scratching her behind the ears.
Hnnnnnnng, need to write an emergency Erra scene.
Good job Captain.
You´ve done the TiTS/pupslut fanbase a great service.

I´m looking forward to see what Hugs cook up this time.

I think you do that during her missionary scene and it makes her whimper and bite her lip.
Mmmm. That you do. Thanks for reminding me.
But the best part of that scene was honestly:
“I love... the feeling of you inside me, Steele,” Syri purrs, stroking your hair. “Gods, I’m so glad I met you... that we can be together.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
When will Syri tearfully confess her love of Steele to the PC?
Syriquest II?
When Syri becomes a crewmember?
When Syri finds you sharing your bedroom with Anno and can no longer contain her frustrations over Anno taking her beloved Steele, and end up confessing to you, right before confessing to Anno that she has an incest boner?
When Steele takes the initiative and kiss the girl passionately in just the right moment?

You know what a bionahole is, right?
Yeah...I think I remember this being talked about before.
Getting a Syri bionahole that is.
(I want to jack her off with it...)


Jul 11, 2016
Here, fixed it for you.

I mean that's probably what'll happen, I like Syri's lack of ability to fully address how she feels out of pride/stubbornness.

But maybe, just maybe, that hardass shell of Syri's will crack, revealing the quivering ball of emotion beneath.

You know what a bionahole is, right?


Or oh yes? I dunno.

When Syri finds you sharing your bedroom with Anno and can no longer contain her frustrations over Anno taking her beloved Steele, and end up confessing to you, right before confessing to Anno that she has an incest boner?
When Steele takes the initiative and kiss the girl passionately in just the right moment?

Every time something like this gets posted my patience in waiting for SyriQuest slowly erodes.


Jul 11, 2016
You get to I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN Syri with her own vagina.

Shit, that's actually a fun idea, chance during the masturbation scene for her to walk in, "You know I'm a whole five steps away from you at any given time, right Steele?"

Then after pupcest we find out Syri had an Anno Bionahole made.

(Or maybe it was Anno's Idea)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I mean that's probably what'll happen, I like Syri's lack of ability to fully address how she feels out of pride/stubbornness.

But maybe, just maybe, that hardass shell of Syri's will crack, revealing the quivering ball of emotion beneath.
Actually, I think that the 'cracking' option has a good chance to come true, especially if Anno is involved, because it creates more drama. And we all know that Savin-senpai loves his drama. I'd be perfectly fine with that route, especially if Junior will be able to avoid making the Choice

But personally, I'd like for her to just grow so comfortable around the PC that her shell will just open up gradually and naturally, until at some point (during cuddling, obv) she will just go "You know that I love you, right, Steele?" And we'll just say "Yup".

When Syri finds you sharing your bedroom with Anno
She already knows, the narration even makes a pretty clear remark about her being jealous of Anno. Though I suppose that being confronted with it constantly for some time after becoming a crew member can be the catalyst - but only if PC will continue to favor the wrong puppy.

Yeah...I think I remember this being talked about before.
Getting a Syri bionahole that is.
(I want to jack her off with it...)
This guy gets it.
Then after pupcest we find out Syri had an Anno Bionahole made.

(Or maybe it was Anno's Idea)
They should have a tech-out between them and make PC the judge. Syri will make the first move and try to throw Anno off by using her as the model - after all, how can Anno argue against the virtues of her own vagina being extolled? But then Anno will use SCIENCE (and connections) to pull the data out of Ausar Fleet medical records and pay Syri in kind.


Jul 11, 2016
But personally, I'd like for her to just grow so comfortable around the PC that her shell will just open up gradually and naturally, until at some point (during cuddling, obv) she will just go "You know that I love you, right, Steele?" And we'll just say "Yup".

Hnnnnnnng, actually this is the perfect route.

She already knows, the narration even makes a pretty clear remark about her being jealous of Anno.

That's the best part: "Pussy stealing bitch."

wrong puppy.

This is the correct terminology.

SCIENCE (and connections) to pull the data out of Ausar Fleet medical records and pay Syri in kind.

I mean, it probably wouldn't be that hard to find Syri DNA, especially if she's on our ship, so long as Celise doesn't get to it first.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
All manner of scheming going in this thread.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Actually, I think that the 'cracking' option has a good chance to come true, especially if Anno is involved, because it creates more drama. And we all know that Savin-senpai loves his drama. I'd be perfectly fine with that route, especially if Junior will be able to avoid making the Choice

But personally, I'd like for her to just grow so comfortable around the PC that her shell will just open up gradually and naturally, until at some point (during cuddling, obv) she will just go "You know that I love you, right, Steele?" And we'll just say "Yup".
Dawww. That sounds really cute.

She already knows, the narration even makes a pretty clear remark about her being jealous of Anno. Though I suppose that being confronted with it constantly for some time after becoming a crew member can be the catalyst - but only if PC will continue to favor the wrong puppy.
Banging her sister is one thing, but sharing a bedroom and being all lovey dovey with her is another thing :p

Shit, that's actually a fun idea, chance during the masturbation scene for her to walk in, "You know I'm a whole five steps away from you at any given time, right Steele?"
Steele hands Syri her own bionahole and says teasingly "go fuck yourself".
Let her get it out of her system...or more like into her system :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well I wonder if we get in same way some others npc that are more male now than their was female before....so we can give themr heir own bionahole and tells to go to fuck themselfs ^^