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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2016
She already knows, the narration even makes a pretty clear remark about her being jealous of Anno. Though I suppose that being confronted with it constantly for some time after becoming a crew member can be the catalyst - but only if PC will continue to favor the wrong puppy.

>Implying that such a thing as the wrong puppy exists
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Seeing as all of the puppies are up to threesomes, choosing them all and unlocking the foursome is the true correct answer.
One can never have too many doggo girls wagging their tails at you.

(Anno getting triple stuffed by Kaede, Syri and Steele when?)


Jul 11, 2016
Anno getting triple stuffed

Anno bent over, Syri beneath her grabbing her waist, Kaede behind her, and Steele able to stick their dick between Kaede's legs into Anno while playing with the red head's tits.

(Actually we might be get some triple stuffing sooner than expected, if this consentacles scene goes the way I'm planning.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Anno bent over, Syri beneath her grabbing her waist, Kaede behind her, and Steele able to stick their dick between Kaede's legs into Anno while playing with the red head's tits.
A big/long dick or even better a knotacle should do the trick :smuggo:
Doing it in that position also comes with the added bonus of being able to stick a secondary dick into Kaede´s hole.
The D between her legs can also work as ball massage for her.
So many good ideas comes up with a foursome :D

(Actually we might be get some triple stuffing sooner than expected, if this consentacles scene goes the way I'm planning.)
Sounds good to me. Do you plan to make it cockwing exclusive? Or can you consider making it available for future tentacle cocks (the ones in your pants)?


Jul 11, 2016
Speaking of Syri and Kaede, have they fucked at all? If not they should, it just makes to much sense: the perfect butt-slut for the perfect butt-lover. Syri pinning Kaede against a wall like her shower scene (after a blowjob of course), some light D/s stuff thrown in there, Syri commenting on how her sister was right about Kaede's sensitive ass before finally knotting her, rubbing her knot around inside her and giving the half-breed a handy.

Fanfiction mode engaged.

Sounds good to me. Do you plan to make it cockwing exclusive? Or can you consider making it available for future tentacle cocks (the ones in your pants)?

Eeeeeeeh, given that you'd be behind one of the two puppysluts at one point, the angling and required length make it seem awkward to me, not to mention they'd need to be long enough to reach around to both of their mouths, and it kinda ruins the whole premise of the triple stuffing I have in mind.

I'll finish the cockwings and see how I feel about it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Speaking of Syri and Kaede, have they fucked at all? If not they should, it just makes to much sense: the perfect butt-slut for the perfect butt-lover. Syri pinning Kaede against a wall like her shower scene (after a blowjob of course), some light D/s stuff thrown in there, Syri commenting on how her sister was right about Kaede's sensitive ass before finally knotting her, rubbing her knot around inside her and giving the half-breed a handy.

Fanfiction mode engaged.
This needs to happen one day.
It would be an awesome pairing.
But the thought of Kaede being the pitcher, but dominated by Syri is also a pretty nice idea.

Eeeeeeeh, given that you'd be behind one of the two puppysluts at one point, the angling and required length make it seem awkward to me, not to mention they'd need to be long enough to reach around to both of their mouths, and it kinda ruins the whole premise of the triple stuffing I have in mind.

I'll finish the cockwings and see how I feel about it.
I was just curious. Please don't feel any obligation to write another variant.
Just the fact that you're coming up with a use for the cockwings is much appreciated :)
I'd be plenty satisfied with that.


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
I'd like to see a sort of "Reputation" score, tho I know it would be complicated or time consuming to do.

Could be split between different reputations: combat rep (though guy/gal or wimp), sexual rep (sensual lover or cheap slut). Maybe some others too (good at bargain, renowned diplomat, etc), but would be maybe too complicated.

So, an NPC (or specific encounters) options (both talk and sex) could vary based on the rep score:
a fighter-type of NPC might be a intimidated/ admired/ respectful by your "though guy/gal" rep, but eager to try to beat you because your sex rep.
A sex scene could have variations depending if you're a sensual lover (sort of Kamasutra expert) or a cheap slut (you just like to get fucked senseless). Note: with variations I mean some extra details on the already existant text, not a whole new text.
A talking scene with some arrogant type of NPC might have alternative options for dialog if you have a though reputation.

This could lead to certain combinations to fit desired character roles:
a "wimp-cheap slut" rep is the sort of submissive char that doesn't get much respect around (doesn't affect the in-game achievements anyways).
a "Though-sensual lover" might be the alpha type of character that everyones nods respectfully and is eager to fuck.

Come to think of, there might not even a need for a respect score: a simple call for win/loss battles and specific sex scenes would be enough, without needing to add a new set of flags.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I want to write a bunch of non-sexual scenes about the puppysluts. Like Syri watching a cheesy romance anime and crying.
Follow your dreams!

Maybe one day we'll have that friendly video games and cuddles night with Syri.

Or an option to hug her at the bar.
Or some sort of sneaky surprise cuddling while she is in a match against someone else.

I'd like that.
I love both these ideas :D

Or randomly interrupting the match/her victory lap by giving her a passionate kiss causing her to be flustered then irritated, but ends up melting in your grip, knees trembling and all that. (and then she says "I love you". Followed by people cheering in the background before the credits rolls. Perfect ending)
...I'm a sucker for romance.

Non sexual stuff is underrated.
I'm looking forward to watching series with the two upcoming characters by Gardeforde. (At least I hope they get in)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Reputation thing was I think planned as something during offbeatr campain. Maybe it will be added or maybe not...


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I want the addition of consensual heterosexual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.

Truly the lewdest thing I've heard all day!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2016
Well, If we're talking about non-sexual content, a nice simple gesture could be Yammi's and Reaha's official employments into SteeleTech, similar to what you do with Bess/Ben. Not sure how much would this interfere with their canons though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
After both would be not counted as inadventire servants it would be quite fast and easy thing like writing 1-3 scenes and some blurbs to update their interaction menu. Well that the most simple thing. More complicated would be add more stuff for interactions after their are SteeleTech employments or smth similar


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Isn´t Yammi employed as the ship´s chef?
She´s gotta be able to pay for her ingredients somehow right?

I´m pretty sure I´ve said this before somewhere, but some yummi Yammi foodplay would be nice.
Like her putting cream on top of risky areas.
Or whatever the heck this is: http://g.e-hentai.org/s/a5fd8ce46d/1012845-9
Edit: It´s called wakamezake and I guess it´s another form of body shots.
(We should have a scene where the crew gets drunk and they all take dares like body shots and such, or just a random party where something like that happens)

I also like the idea of more water sex scenes, like you do with Lola.
I wonder if Yammi´s bathtub has room for one more?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2016
Reputation thing was I think planned as something during offbeatr campain. Maybe it will be added or maybe not...

I dunno what's "offbeatr campaign", but reputation could be worked -more or less- like bimbo speech (Ditz).
Basically, addind some extra dialog lines for NPCs, depending on certain things achieved.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Reputation System
Regarding the rep system, I'm pretty sure Fen axed that idea long ago. There was a thread yelling about it somepoint last year.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I dunno what's "offbeatr campaign", but reputation could be worked -more or less- like bimbo speech (Ditz)

The "offbeatr campaign" was the initial roundup of potential investors into TiTs, with the idea being that if enough money was invested past certain milestones, we'd get certain things done. Like a year of instant updates without having to wait for the public builds, or a capital ship would be included in the game as something you could own.

At least I think that was the offbeater campaign, might have mixed it up with a different fundraising thing. It has been years since it happened.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ahh yeah maybe I got my memory fuzzed over what offbeatr campain prmises are still valid and which ones not. Now I also quite sure rep system been one of thse been...tactifully axed out last time. At least we may still have capital ships eventualy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2016
I'd love to be able to use the Dong Designer on my cock tail, since it seems only the like very last little bit is the "cock" portion and the rest is just smooth tail it seems to reason that you'd be able to use it on your cocktail and turn it whatever you want as opposed to hoping for RNG to get something more exotic than your standard human cockhead.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I'd love to be able to use the Dong Designer on my cock tail, since it seems only the like very last little bit is the "cock" portion and the rest i just smooth tail it seems to reason that you'd be able to use it on your cocktail and turn it whatever you want as opposed to hoping for RNG to get something more exotic than your standard human cockhead.
You can kinda get different cocktail variants already, you just have to hope for the game to give you something other than a humanoid one, because there ARE other variants available in the cockvine seedling encounters, you just gotta work around the RNG to get the one you want, not to mention pay attention to the text given that describes it's look.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
You can kinda get different cocktail variants already, you just have to hope for the game to give you something other than a humanoid one, because there ARE other variants available in the cockvine seedling encounters, you just gotta work around the RNG to get the one you want, not to mention pay attention to the text given that describes it's look.
This. And using foxfire allows you to change an existing cocktail into a furry one with a vulpine penis.

I'd love to be able to use the Dong Designer on my cock tail, since it seems only the like very last little bit is the "cock" portion and the rest i just smooth tail it seems to reason that you'd be able to use it on your cocktail and turn it whatever you want as opposed to hoping for RNG to get something more exotic than your standard human cockhead.
This actually sounds like a reasonable idea.
I imagine that in universe there are other means of getting a cocktail than ordering one at a bar attaching a parasite. And that people, in universe, would perhaps want to change its shape, if not a public expansion it could be a black market thing. So in the future having the dong designer be able to do this through an upgrade or something seems reasonable, lore wise in the very least.

But how feasible it would be to do code-wise I don't know.