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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
I saw a small comic with Kiro and kally where Kiro asks kally for one last drink, they they were in a chibi style


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Well some sort of royalty

That's still not how Red Myr work. They're a republic; their leadership is elected. Per Lieve's dialogue:

Lieve Thyrsa said:
Just like the civilian government, we're all ultimately answerable to High Command. That's a group of generals that we veterans elect to run the Federation, make all the important decisions.

You can already meet one of their highest-ranking military leaders in Field Marshal Sellera. She even has a sexpak in the code hopper.

Also is it possible to make it where Kiro gets a knot?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
One big thing i'd like (though I appreciate it may be hard to implement) would be a character model that updates with the changes & modifications presented in-game.

Not sure if anyone else has played games with this in, but it adds real flavour and a stronger ability to empathise with your character.

This was attempted in CoC1, and the consensus is that it takes FAR too much work for a mediocre result to be even close to worth it. It's not just that it's hard to implement, but also it's very taxing on artists. The problem for both is that you have to account for every possible permutation of the character, which by now is an all but impossible task. Sure, some can be automated away with for example scaling images for things that can scale (penises, breasts), but that is also gonna look worse than custom stuff.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
That's still not how Red Myr work. They're a republic; their leadership is elected. Per Lieve's dialogue:

You can already meet one of their highest-ranking military leaders in Field Marshal Sellera. She even has a sexpak in the code hopper.


Ok I understand the red myr thing, but why is it impossible for Kiro to get a knot?


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2016
The most holiest of grounds
Ok I understand the red myr thing, but why is it impossible for Kiro to get a knot?
Knot impossible(intended), just a whole lot of work that no sane person would be willing to go through in order to modify each and every single one of her scenes to account for her now having a knot. Plus you'll need character permissions, etc, it's just a big mess to be honest.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Would be nice to have a better inventory system and having certain items being temporary key items for certain task so they don't take up inventory space. Or a rehaul for the assesories slot, so people can wear that scarf that Resner put together and use some thing else in that slot


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Commission - verb - to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or to formally ask for a special piece of work from someone.

Commission, as in pay the writer to make the adjustment.
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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2018
Commission - verb - to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or to formally ask for a special piece of work from someone.

Commission, as in pay the writer to make the adjustment.

I know what it means, I was just varifying that


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
I'm really hoping for more Thraggan stuff. I really, really enjoy what little we got to see of that beautiful Thraggan pirate, and the penal expansion that gives you a chance to visit her in prison is great... I'd love to have her, or another Thraggan for a crew member. I'd also love, love, love content that pits us up against some powerful Thraggan foes... I would also like to be able to make a Thraggan character. Or at least get my hands on some transformatives. The whole brutal battle turning into a turn on for their entire race is such a fun concept.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I find it funny how the gold queens don't even react to you being a red myr. I know its not made, but I think it would be kind of funny if they saw you and were like what the hell. :D

I would like to see a few sex scenes altered if you have the Myr Venom perk, especially those with Irellia.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2017
With the Space suit on Zheng-shi we see a perfect precedent to implement a new system retroactively all across the game. To be precise, ability to combine 2 items to create a new enhanced item, here is some examples:

1) https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Myr_Greatcoat + https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Knitted_Scarf = (Myr Greatcoat with a Scarf) has 60% Freezing Resistance, Higher then https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Traveler's_Cloak which is to be expected from a clothes piece that is made from modern refined materials instead of just fur and leather.
In this case we have 2 unique items(1 of the kind in the game) a popular "Base" item in the form of Greatcoat and a mostly useless in comparison to other alternatives "Enhancement" in the form of the Scarf. by combining them we also free 1 space in our Storage.

2) https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Flash_Goggles + https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Aim-assisting_Eyepiece / https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Mark_II_Aim-assisting_Eyepiece = (Flash resistant Marksman Goggles / II) nobody even remembers about Flash Goggles unless a new mob or boss drops and has blindness de-buffs in their fight (Male Milodan), on the other hand Aim Eyepieces get used in early or current endgame content.
By combining those 2 items we revive a forgotten "Base" item with its passive immunity effect and at the same time give even more reason to use the "Enhancement" Aim Eyepieces and create Mark I / II items. Also Goggles are re-buy-able so when you finally get the Mk II eyepiece you can simply dispose off or sell the old version.

All mechanics for this are already present in the game in the form of combining a https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Spacesuit_Helmet and https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Incomplete_Spacesuit to make https://wiki.smutosaur.us/TiTS/Pirate_Spacesuit. I would like a opinion from @Savin on this idea and possibility of its Implementation.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
I kinda wish the bite tease attack you can do when you have the Myr Venom perk did a set amount of lust damage to an enemy and then either increased their tease susceptibility or added a smaller lust buildup over time effect that did lust damage every round for the rest of the encounter, as I feel that would better portray the effects of an aphrodisiac drug entering the enemy's body. As it is right now, there's not really anything that sets the Myr Venom bite apart from the other tease attack options in combat and that's a real shame because I think it's one of the most unique perks that you can get in the game and I'd love for it to be able to fill a niche outside of opening up different sex scenes.


New Member
Jan 13, 2019
Not sure if this has been brought up before, but would like to see some further interactions with Hand So, as when you take her back to your ship there isn't any further content when you do, so it just makes it pointless to take her in the first place.


Aug 27, 2015
Not sure if this has been brought up before, but would like to see some further interactions with Hand So, as when you take her back to your ship there isn't any further content when you do, so it just makes it pointless to take her in the first place.

I'm hoping to do Hand So very extensively in the near future, but probably not in the form you think. Hold onto the data bead though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I'm hoping to do Hand So very extensively in the near future, but probably not in the form you think. Hold onto the data bead though.

I'm assuming she doesn't get uploaded into your ship become a sexy ship's computer voice with a customizable naked hologram avatar...
That's how reverse psychology works, right?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2018
Wait...I just realized we don't have a perk that replicates the stages of heat. We already have the Omega Fever perk, which is basically the exact same thing, except for butt stuff, so why don't don't we have a permanent perk that replicates the effects of Breeder's Bliss after a while when we aren't pregnant?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
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