What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Whaaaaat no wayyyy u crazy. Ignore the fact she's up and running already after getting stabbed and almost saying a different world's goddess name in caliquest2.
Or the fact she's level 10 and has -100 holy resist, instead of something like fire as the nature divine champion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2020
More Axes and with variety whether they are light at 1H or 2H, thanks to the introduction of Vitruvius in the game at least we had more variety that were not swords like a hammer and new spears which helps in the variety but as a barbaric roleplaying character there is no many options regarding axes.

Item Holy Water: There are other items like Naptha applying this to your weapon but if you are someone with great corruption you don't have access to holy weapons besides scaling with cunning like other items it would be a good substitution regarding Charge Weapon, because if your character doesn't He has invested points in Willpower, his damage is ridiculous low.

Power Protect: Kind of like Protect that enemies use, there are teammates that I don't use because they're glass even though I'm a big threat, luckily RNG and they decide to ignore me or area skills die by 1KO if the programmers believe that that could unbalance the game, maybe a modified variant could be created that the player can use.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2022
I'd love more Unicorn Genova (both pure and corrupted) and Vacia content (perhaps that's hinted at with the idea of a Kas threesome). If you want me not to get attached to these minor characters then please tell Moira to stop doing such a good job with their busts

Edit: also I'd really like the option to change menu icons when characters are in their sets.

For example, Sun Dancer Cait and Queenly Raiments Etheryn. Cool art, but I prefer the standard art (#pinkcaitgang), and I'd rather not have to change the art to equip the sets - so I just don't equip the sets, even though I'm currently running a Charmer build for which Sun Dancer would work better (according to what I've read.) You have the option to change icons when the characters are in their default sets - I'd like that option to be added to the extra sets. I'm not sure I'm making sense.

Basically I want to be able to use Sun Dancer Cait, but the icon looks like this:
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Since my previous comment on Vacia, I found Savin mentioning in the blog comments that it's possible we'll see more of her. If more content gets added I expect the 'Execute' option to be tweaked with some form of signposting for the reasons I mentioned earlier, but with that comment it's ever so slightly more likely than before that there may be something planned.

And yeah, Moira's done a lot of amazing work lately. She's also been sharing some upcoming stuff that's looking good too. :D
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2021
Possibly an easier way of selling items, as currently one can only sell all of a specific item (such as an item stack of 9 items) that they have and not individual amounts, as well only being able to buy back all of a specific item (again, such as an item stack of 9 items that one has sold) -- which is much unlike the process of buying items.

With the JS port for TiTS we see that feature there, with the ability of changing the amount when buying with the '+' (add more to an item stack) or '-' (remove from an item stack) from the shops inventory, as well as the player character's inventory when selling items.
This is notably where the difference lies with regard to CoC2, there are no options (+/-) present for the player character's inventory when selling items -- only in the shops / stores menu, and only for buying from their already established stock, not for anything the player character sells them (again, only the option of buying all of a stack of sold items is present).

Currently it seems that the only way one would be able to sell a specific amount of an item stack would be if they added a certain amount of the items they wished to sell to their storage and then sold the remainder (such as storing 2 Blue Eggs and selling 7 Blue Eggs, if one only wanted to sell 7 of them).


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Moira is absolutly killing it recently yeah, though I still am going to choose to execute them both. Might as well keep the triple real all things considered with that 3rd one and my very obvious preferred route.


New Member
Apr 27, 2022
I would really like to see butt eggnancy be expanded. I'm trans masc and really like ovi porn, but I really don't want to have a vagina. Maybe if the Ovillixer could work with butt eggnancy? Or maybe if there was an egg-only womb?


Apr 27, 2022
First, have you found all the expansions yet? There's five of them so far and that makes for a whopping sixty storage slots. If you're missing out on expansions, hop to it! Second, are you actually using or planning on using all those Uniques, or just hoarding them because they're shiny? I'm guessing the latter and if so I can guarantee you the devs will tell you that's a You Problem, not a Storage Problem. :p We'll get more expansions when the devs think we legitimately need more space and there's an appropriate opportunity to introduce one.

Go ahead. It's kind of what this topic is for. :D
Where can I find all of them, the expansions?


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
Kind of hope we can eventually take Miko as a concubine if we've impregnated her to save her and your children from the shame. I know most of the Kitsune content is complete, but a dude can hope. LOL


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
The one you get from Winter Wolf isn't listed in the updates, probably because it's incidental to the update that introduced it instead of being a standalone thing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Kind of hope we can eventually take Miko as a concubine if we've impregnated her to save her and your children from the shame. I know most of the Kitsune content is complete, but a dude can hope. LOL
She can't as a shrine maiden, and in likely hood they really won't, especially with the fact it's a backwater colony.

And it's not really a issue to her considering her bloodline is cursed and all.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
She can't as a shrine maiden, and in likely hood they really won't, especially with the fact it's a backwater colony.

And it's not really a issue to her considering her bloodline is cursed and all.
I mean I figured as much, but sadge all the same.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2021
The one you get from Winter Wolf isn't listed in the updates, probably because it's incidental to the update that introduced it instead of being a standalone thing.

It's odd that it isn't on the wiki, though, as that quest is fairly exhaustively described there.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2021
I would love to see a proper Kobold TF added into the game eventually, maybe have it be some variant of the Scale Salve


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
Mouse/rat tfs.

Svern exists. And save editing allows for mouse bits with descriptions!
although i would love to be a Rat, hear me out please, Rathtazuel (sorry for butchering his name) seemed like he was more rat than mouse,

and i would love to have a ratmorph (sillymode - Skaven) lol, what better to be a corrupt ratling warlord corrupting the world with the help of his/hers red demoness?

oh and Bearfolk needs a muzzle tag!
currently to my understanding the ursus bulb doesn't give face tags, and it feels... off.. that my bearfolk has a human face, especially combined with the ears, mane and body fur and ofcourse clawed legs and arms.

hmmm. i had a lot more content that i would like to see added but cat's got my tongue.

OOOHH! i remembered, floppy ears for my lupine!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Pretty sure the TFs you can save edit in arent in because the area to get them logically in the game yet, but have already been partially(or more) done.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2021
Pretty sure the TFs you can save edit in arent in because the area to get them logically in the game yet, but have already been partially(or more) done.
i tried looking into save editors but there is no kobold option only dragon, lizard, and snake


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
What a great time to be alive to learn that the term "kanga-cock" exists.

(I was checking if there really wasn't any kobold option in the save editor, only for me to find kangaroo greatness instead.)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Given the amount of legacy code from CoC1 and TiTS in this game, I wouldn't read too much into anything you can do with the save editor when it comes to TFing options.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
well, there's alot of TF's in the save editor, but alot of them dont work as you'd think:

if you try to make a morph with say mouse parts you'll end up a chimera if im not wrong. Same with other stuff that aren't "in the game" and if i give my character a bear face and add the "muzzled" tag the ingame appearence menu will give a error code stating that the part doesn't have a decription.

wish i knew how to "add" stuff myself, so i could give the bear face a description and a muzzle!

the current workaround i do is give my character a fox muzzle, as its description is "neutral" compared to say lupine, where it explicitily state that its a wolf muzzle. Fox muzzle is simply stated as just a animalistic muzzle. Which makes "sense" for a bear i guess.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
well, there's alot of TF's in the save editor, but alot of them dont work as you'd think...

Yeah, consider it evolutionary appendages, left over from the TiTS fork of CoC2, which at some point was the fork of CoC1...

There is a lot of leftover functionality in the parser and the whole appearance system due to that. Some is here but does not work properly, like the many different face tags. Its a new addition, and does not exist for stuff which is not needed by any TF in the game. There is however a lot of stuff, like dicknipples, which is already supported due to it being a leftover feature from TiTS.

There is a whole philosophical debate why this stuff is not available through normal TFs already. It comes down to the devs want of: If a TF is in the game properly, then it needs content.

But stuff is subject to change. My idea of a cum-transformative was shot down by members in this thread, claiming the devs had put a 'no' on anything that changes the type of cum you produce. Even though the parser would support it.

But somewhere along the year, the hornet sting was added.

And I am a happy bee :)

Still... Maybe I reboot my transformative idea and see what happens. I wanted to write a "corrupted strawberry shrub", which you could encounter in the valley. Some centaur has off-loaded his cum into the poor shrub. Its berries clearly corrupted, with a faint pink glow to it. Would you take it?
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
oh and Bearfolk needs a muzzle tag!
currently to my understanding the ursus bulb doesn't give face tags, and it feels... off.. that my bearfolk has a human face,
The bearfolk race that was invented to go along with the TF are mongirls, not furries. So no.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
Given the amount of legacy code from CoC1 and TiTS in this game, I wouldn't read too much into anything you can do with the save editor when it comes to TFing options.
I actually forgot about the legacy code.