What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Also, since we can't become a naga, I'd at least like be able to fuck one. Preferably a cobra naga, kinda like those Vipers from XCOM.

Edit: Actually, maybe we can make a compromise with the naga content, and instead be able to become a snake-morph with a super long tail, like this handsome motherfucker:

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Oct 20, 2017
I took a look at the design doc, consider adding a status effect that is equivalent to blue balled for female bodied characters as well. Orgasm denial works just as well for the ladies.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018
Something along the lines of custom races like a fill in the blank kind of deal of naming whatever the hell you are yourself like you do with your name or your special kids


Apr 3, 2018
A few hypnosis-related characters or events similar to Lane in TiTS, though not necessarily with the player as the subject. Or at least with more than a permanent master-slave relationship.

Also masculine men. TiTS and CoC have a fair number of 'em, iirc, but it's kind of a -- I'm not sure what to call it -- the gender inversion of a sausage party? A taco buffet.

Speaking of the dick-to-vagoo ratio or whatever, is it possible (and likely) that unisex characters not always (100% of the time) solely use feminine pronouns? TiTS and CoC are great, but if a character so much as has boobs, they're referred to with feminine pronouns. And as a gay guy who wants my (male) PC to get some dick, it's kind of distracting to be sucking "her cock" or to be submitting "to her." Specifically, I'm asking that an ambiguous pronoun be used (i.e. the singular they) or for the option to change the character's pronouns to be masculine, feminine, or neutral. The latter of which is obviously more tech heavy and I'm not expecting that to be done, but still...
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New Member
Apr 3, 2018
Think a lot of people gonna have the fetishes covered but general-wise: would like to see some more world building go into the new CoC lands, something that felt quite lacking in the first iteration. Yeah I can collect 'em all & turn them into waifus, but we're always stuck in a dirty tent out in the open. I really like to see the creation of a home hub that we can pour resources into and build up from a dirty bungalow all the way to even say a fortress where players can store other NPCs when they're not in party; or hang the "trophies" from the many sexual conquests on a wall that can also double as some sort of memory gallery for discovered scenes.

Also, the final leg of the journal to Lethice's auditorium in the final dungeon felt underwhelming in the sense that all the companions you collected throughout the game just sat in camp twiddling their thumbs. Really would love to see an ME2 style suicide mission against the demon queen where ALL the companions you've managed to gathered are utilized in the final dungeon, and if you fail, whoever you've managed to bring, gets enslaved or corrupted with you.

Basically, I just want that feeling I'm also investing into something that can develop into something new & better rather than just simply collecting something or someone for the sake of it. This is one thing Kitteh tried to do with the camp mechanics.


Apr 2, 2018
More 'innocent/kind-hearted' people, be they male or female. I know the game is about fucking people and fighting or whatever, but it's always nice to be able to come back to your waifu/husbando for nice lovemaking or cuddles. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but I quite like roleplaying a man who tries his best to only love his woman, and vice versa. If possible, marriage would be a lovely thing to implement. Perhaps some sort of 'Affection' stat to help streamline it?

Going off of that page, some 'gentle dom' action would be nice, as well. Less 'slap her in the face hah bitch ur mine', if that makes sense.

I'd also like to see more references/reactions to height/muscularity, if that's possible. Maybe an Intimidation factor added, based on a certain variable? Wouldn't surprise me if some skinny bandit threw down his weapons and surrended submissively to a ten foot tall, hugely jacked dragonmorph.


Jun 10, 2016
I, too, would like to see a little bit more typically masculine male and/or gay stuff, but I realize that's not most writers' bags. I just wish I had more time and wanted to work in all the variables in the writing. :(

As far as things I'd like to see (but knowing full well they might be too complicated, etc., so they're not to be mistaken or expectations or demands or anything silly like that):

Wearable items that cause slow transformations over time (and perhaps cease to exist when full transformation is reached). Possibly cursed so you can't remove them until they're spent. I suppose this could also be food/an enchantment/etc.

Body swapping (characters that transform themselves into you and you into them, possibly causing some fine havoc as part of the story).

Related to body swapping--Power swapping. Temporary (or permanent under extreme circumstances that aren't quite bad ends), such as quests, where, say, you are transformed into an Incubus/Succubus and only have access to sexual/lust powers until you do Unspeakable Evil at the behest of a villain and/or get yourself back in order.

Transformations as the result of losing battles (rarely, with warning maybe, or perhaps temporary or easily reversible). Also surprise transformations if you abuse mechanics that wouldn't otherwise transform you. Invest too much of your spooge in a cum-to-money/power potion, and you might find yourself losing some mass...

Scenes that are more/less difficult based on muscularity/agility/etc. outside of combat. Picking up the Heavy Stone Cock of Fertility could be harder (no pun intended) for a mage than a warrior, but with the proper spells/Mcguffin, you can suck it right out of there (pun intended).

More F to M content, even if it's just as punishment and not permanent or long lasting, even beyond the scene. Being cursed with huge, milky boobs is fun sometimes, but an unnecessarily huge and leaky cock that freaks NPCs out or compels you to breed/provide magical spunk can be a fun curse, too, right?

Events that are harder to resist not just based on corruption, but also on body size/type. If you have a supernaturally hypersensitive cock or urgently lactating breasts, maybe that slightly enchanted milking machine will snare you.

And more!

Even if none of these suggestions are implemented, I look forward to seeing what you guys do. Thanks for soliciting input!
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New Member
Apr 3, 2018
Awh man, I'm not sure quite how niche these might be but:
  • Branching Characters. That is to say, characters or companions that have significant changes to their mannerisms or behaviour depending on how you treat them! This could be as simple as resenting the PC for being an ass to them or growing to appreciate their company, or it could be something as impactful as having a character who looks up to and learns from the PC in a monkey-see, monkey-do fashion. Said character might grow into anything from a devout and pure priest to the most corrupted, depraved demon simply depending on how you nurture them.

  • Chroniclers. This is a pretty niche thing as well, but something that I'd just love to see included would be a character that served as something of a historian! As the PC grew in fame or notoriety, this character - perhaps a companion that remains in town or at your camp? - could make it their duty to detail your actions and accomplishments, so they might later be documented more accurately in history.

  • Prejudice. Perhaps a bit of a weird inclusion, but I think it'd be rather interesting to have some amount of pre-existing prejudice placed upon the PC depending on stats like their Past, Class and Race. Perhaps a particularly brash Orc character might have a different view on your PC if they were an Elf, rather than if they were a Lupin or another Orc. Or, a devout Priest may shun users of Black Magic, viewing it as taboo or impure in the eyes of the Living Gods.

  • Intelligent Slimes. Alright this is just a personal thing. I adore slimes in all shapes and forms, but I admittedly have a bias towards slimes with higher levels of sentience or intelligence! I'd love to have a character of that sort included - perhaps one that originally served as a familiar to a Mage, slowly.. Well, smart! Aware of their surroundings in a way beyond typical, bestial knowledge. They don't have to be scholarly or have a doctorate or anything, just... Well, enough to hold a proper conversation or have preferences! Smart slimes, yes.

  • Temp-TFs. That meaning, TF's that only last a given amount of time! They might be considered 'permanent' for their duration, in that they're a factor that cannot be changed - say, Breast Expansion that can't be undone, and has to be waited out. These could also be used as a form of flavour for some spells or effects in or out of combat! For example, a character may give themselves a bonus to virility, which could be shown in a Temp-TF where their balls grow in size and their cum grows thicker and stronger.


New Member
Apr 3, 2018
Some stuff a majority of people probably don't want but I would like to see.
Forced tf, branding and maybe something feral/bestiality related?
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New Member
Apr 2, 2018
That does remind me, I hold no ill will against forced TF as a fetish, but that's definitely something I'd prefer to be able to avoid. I do understand it's a central part of the game (CORRUPTION of Champions) but I'd really like options to back out of TF scenes that will change my character in ways I don't want. So generally just warnings about permanent TF and ways to back out so you don't have to just take the hit.

I shouldn't need a save editor to keep my character on track with the fetishes I'm after.

Also vaguely related, something Far Cry 5 has instilled in me is a burning desire to viciously headbutt any antagonist that gets into my personal space to monologue.
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Scars Unseen

Sep 23, 2017
Also, the final leg of the journal to Lethice's auditorium in the final dungeon felt underwhelming in the sense that all the companions you collected throughout the game just sat in camp twiddling their thumbs. Really would love to see an ME2 style suicide mission against the demon queen where ALL the companions you've managed to gathered are utilized in the final dungeon, and if you fail, whoever you've managed to bring, gets enslaved or corrupted with you.

I think something like Final Fantasy VI's multiparty dungeons would be a good place for this. The game already has a leadership trait, and it wouldn't be much of a stretch to use that for companions as well as the champion, creating a system where some party members are better suited to leading parties than others. Granted, the number of available companions is seemingly planned to be low, but I imagine there will still be enough to support something like this in some fashion.

On a related note, I'd like to see interaction between companions and even non-joinable NPCs to possibly be more quantified rather than simply event based like CoC's was. Ideally, a multiaxis meter with affinity on one axis and harmony/discord on another. Affinity could be affected slightly by being partied up together and more significantly by specific actions such as guarding a party member against damage, healing, or sharing assigned tasks at camp/home base. Harmony/discord would be more nature and goal aligned, so competing romance interests would be in discord with each other as would companions with significantly different outlooks(e.g. in CoC, Jojo and Vapula would be in heavy discord with each other).

This could then lead to different situations depending on where on the two axis two characters fall in relation to each other. For example, two rival lovers with low affinity with each other might quarrel in the camp while with high affinity, they might actually compete in bed(possibly leading to a flip to a more harmonious multipartner relationship). This could also be used with non-joinable NPCs that have slept with the champion or any companions, leading to more variety in the nature and effectiveness of any tease attacks depending on how high their affinity is.
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New Member
Apr 3, 2018
A bear race for PC. Big, soft, and huggable.

Also a larger than 'overwieght' starting build. Be able to start fat not just slowly get fat. The options for a larger size character build didn't seem to hit it fully. There is plush, overweight, and bear, but none of them made the description of big and squishy. Wide belly, meaty chest, thick thighs, and large hips attach to a big rump.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Well, there is one small thing I would absolutly love: Customizable surnames.
Would be nice if some people use the surname and other people the first name.. :D
That and less-well endowed characters are something I would love.

Aside from that, I'm pretty sure most of the things I like will be added. =)


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2015
Okay, so my list. It's a long one but I long for a high-quality porn RPG and the ones out currently rarely cut it for me, and I've been hoping to see CoC2 for a long time. So, here it goes!

- An interesting plot with both major and optional quests that are fun to play through. I've had more fun with stopping the planet-cracking pirates in TiTS or trashing Krawitz' mansion than I did when I was just clicking through dozens of cheap sexual encounters in TiTS.

- No walls of text. Larger amounts of text only when it's required.

- Coherent setting. If it's fantasy let it stay fantasy without throwing in random modern-day references (those coffee machines really threw me off in CoC1).

- The ability to skip sex if you don't want it. For the sake of roleplaying heterosexual, homosexual characters.

- Character sexuality? It'd be cool if my gay character wouldn't be aroused by characters of the opposite gender.

- Good, fun, old-school dungeon crawling, especialy optional. "Hey dude, heard there was a handsome dragon prince living at the end of that underground fortress with tons of cool loot to spare and millenia of solitude to *cough* make up for! *cough* "

- Diverse and genuinely well-written characters who are characters first and fetishes second (or third). I have a hard time getting to like a lot of TiTS characters because of that. On the other hand the more I knew Terry in FoE the more I wanted to have sex with him. Another thing: They really don't have ALL to be over-endowed. A character can be attractive without having enormous tits and a dick so huge he/she can use it as a lasso.

- The ability to grow a dick so long you can use it as a lasso.

- Some sex options that you have to earn. Not all, of course, but I always enjoyed developing relationships in CoC and FoE that gradualy turned sexual.

- More furries! I missed them in TiTS.

- Inter-follower sex scenes and romance subplots you can encourage or stop. Inter-follower interactions in general, makes them feel more like characters with their own agenda.

- Party member sex options for encounters? I always enjoyed my fair deal of voyeurism in Fall of Eden.

- Some limits (story limitations, subquests, date/relationship continuation options on few day long cooldowns?) to how fast can you progress with characters. This may seem odd but I never felt happy with how often you'd click through an entire relationship in one day in-game. Let those things grow naturaly through the game.

- Consensual, non-punishing, non-depriving sex. It's nice to see some BDSM/fetish options but it gets boring when every single character wants to walk you through the town naked on a leash.

- Customizable party members? At least to an extent?

- A good variety of m/m, f/f, f/m encounters. I never play heterosexual characters in those games but I noticed it can be damn hard to play a straight male who's not into dickgirls or, even worse, a straight female. It can also be hard to play a straight lesbian.

- Less over-endowed dickgirls. PLEASE.

- Cuntboys! Cuntboy followers! And, of course...

- Mpreg! Not just c-boy, but m/m and f/f (Fpreg?...) impregnation in general (say, a rare magical spell/potion/transformation that turns an anus into a womb or makes female cum impregnate other females/you). It'd be cool to be able to see such content without having to transform into a herm. Of course, this option should be adequately hard to get.

- Incest (Yes I know it's off limits due to Patreon but I CAN DREAM HAROLD!)

- Ability to hire prostitutes (maybe for your followers, too?) and to prostitute yourself.

- Rare transformations from very rare encounters/boss battles/dungeon loot that can give you special powers. Say, a potion that gives you magical draconic horns of infernal power +3, that sort of thing. Kinda' like Ember turning you into a dragon if you wanted to.

- Subtle transformations like glowing eyes/magical horns/mystical tattos et cetera; So you can have physically unique characters without transforming into a different (or completely hybrid) species.

- Tons of weapons, equipment and armor, including jewelry, bracelets, various types and forms of weapons even in the same category with the ability to mix and match the elements to be able to have exactly the character you want. Those games are about expression, after all.

- Interesting class system with rare/special class options (E.g. Paladins, Death Knights, Sexmancers, et cetera)

- Living armors, Goo armors, modifiable, body-tight armors, I have a soft spot for those.

- Lion TF <3

- Vendors and shops where you can purchase cool stuff and not only gather stuff as you go.


In general what I'd enjoy would be, basicaly, a sex-filled fantasy RPG which is first and foremost enjoyable as an RPG that happens to focus on and have lots of sex scenes, and not a random RPG-tinged repository of mismatched sex stories.


Active Member
Jan 14, 2018
- Living armors, Goo armors, modifiable, body-tight armors, I have a soft spot for those.

Party system offers so many intriguing ways to go with living armours.

Like, say, living goo armour which offers great protection but will start groping/fucking you in response to lust attacks, making you more vulnerable to them.

Or maybe it goes the other way, and automatically provides "relief" in response to lust attacks.

Or living armour that offers low protection but does damaging attacks itself.


Active Member
Mar 5, 2016
I do hope we'll be able to win a fight like in CoC and TiTS trought lust.
If i can be wishfull i'd like to see an implementation of bondage. There is a mod for Skyrim, Cursed Loot it gives a chance (based on arousal) to find bondage devices while looting containers or enemies and lock them on the player, some of them can restrict player actions, force them to go around naked and may compell other npc to use the pc (there is a slave collar that will only open when pc fucks a set number of ppl and after a set number of days, untill then pc goes around naked and is free for public use). Something like Ceraphs fetished items in general. A collar that would get the pc gangbanged when they enter a settlement would be awesome to have.
I'd really like to see something like this in CoC2, an armbinder that prevents you from attacking/using items but gives bonus to lust damage (and /or seducers skills) maybe bondage as a enemy fetish or make a bondage wearing pc viewed more favorably by dominant/devious npc's and less by the more prim 'n proper ones, so many fun possibilities.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Ooo, lion TF... Do want! I might try my hand at writing it, since that sounds like an easy thing to do.
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Skeleton Man

Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2015
Characters with semi-reasonable proportions.

I don't hate the hyper-oriented designs that make up much of FenCo's work but it sure ain't my preference and I know that I'm probably in the minority, but characters with impossible proportions just break any sense of logic or reason I can apply to the lewds. When Kiro's balls are supposed to be like giant melons and her dick would practically tickle her chin at full mast, my brain can't really put that into any practical visualisation and it takes me out of the experience entirely. Instead of thinking "that's hot" I think "that makes no sense, how could a creature like that possibly function in society?"

Also can we get some flat chests in here? I'm a big skele-man with small needs.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Oct 20, 2017
Here's a suggestion that's less about content and more about sex encounter design. Consider breaking long scenes up into small pieces, and having branching decisions within each scene. The downside to branching sex scenes is obviously the extra cost in writing time, but the advantage is giving the player agency. Obviously, you could give dominant players a menu of options for what they want to do to a fallen enemy or submissive npc like in CoC and Tits. But, this also includes player-submissive content as well. Even if the player character is in a situation where they're powerless to decide what happens to them you could give them options in regards to whether they enjoy it or not.

For example, let's say your character lost in combat and is about to be ravaged by a tentacle monster. You could create an intro paragraph describing the character getting penetrated. Then, you could allow the submissive player to choose between grinding their ass back into the monster, or trying in vain to pull the tentacles out. Both options result in the character getting fucked, but the player will remain in control of what their character does and what their character thinks about the scene.

The important part is that, if you block the scene into smaller chunks in a smart way, you might not need to rewrite two entire scenes, but only a few paragraphs of each. In the tentacle monster scene, both the enthusiastic, and not-so-enthusiastic versions of the scene could have the same initial scene setup, penetration, and cumshot writing in common. The only thing that would need to be written twice would be the paragraphs describing the character's reaction to being penetrated.

Another advantage of splitting up long pieces of writing into smaller pages is readability. This will solve the "text walls" problem that people complain about. (Most people don't like reading entire pages of solid text, but they'll happily read the same amount of text if it's presented in a top 10 list, for instance.)


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I very strongly hope that there's a good mix between genders for the companions... Not *only* futas, but feminine females and masculine males (and I guess some masculine females and feminine males, for the ones who like that) as well

It would suck to play the game and not have any companions because you can't stand any of the 15 different futa girls out there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Floppy golden retriever dog ears. Dunno why, but the available animal ears are usually those pointy things--those aren't nearly as fun to play with. (lost my save before reaching Uveto, so I don't know yet if that rare huskar ear type was implemented)

I will also echo the desire for more modestly busted characters. Though I do understand that previous games do have them as read in their descriptions, and it's mostly artist preference to strap watermelons or beach balls onto every chest they draw. C'mon though. The B in B-cup doesn't stand for basketballs.


Dec 18, 2017
Unless someone else has already said this (which I wouldn't be surprised), the ability to use your dick or clit as a weapon to bludgeon someone with that deals lust and physical damage...

Either that or you could specialize in ranged combat with your cock or vagina. Nothing says dangerous like blinding and damaging your opponent with lust by shooting a copious amount of cum into their eyes... or mouth... maybe doing that could silence them and deal lust damage? Hmm.

Also, just more weapons in general... gotta make each of my characters wield a unique weapon!

The B in B-cup doesn't stand for basketballs.
Sure, and the next thing you'll tell us all is that the C in C-cups don't stand for cannonballs? ;)
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