As she's talking, Ivris reaches up on her tip-toes and hooks one of her antlers' points through a bag on the ceiling, craning it down into her grasp. <i>"The next thing you need is a <b>reagent</b>: that's the core ingredient, and determines what you're going to have the potion do in the end. Most of the reactive ingredients like puppy pepper or minotaur's blood... you could eat them raw and they might still make you mutate in weird ways. Well, </i>you<i> could, anyway — most people would just get a stomach ache. But <b>a reagent focuses the ingredients, targets them to a specific part of your body</b>."</i>
<i>"Wait,"</i> you say, [pc.isDK||gently ]grabbing her wrist. <i>"What do you mean about me?"</i>
Ivris cocks her head to the side and scratches at her blindfold. <i>"Uhhh, well, people who've been exposed to a <b>lot</b> of magic tend to be more reactive than other people when it comes to alchemy. Or anything, really. Once you get blasted with enough raw magical energy, your body and mind become a little... softer, I guess? Easier to reshape. And I can totally </i>smell<i> the magic on you, []! Like you got dunked in a well of it!"</i>