What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Snip to the lou my darlin'

Why add so many variables for something nobody would like? I don't remember Fallout 1's time limit being praised. Why invest time and energy into making a system that punishes the player for not engaging in every single fight and for enjoying content instead of speed running. I get wanting a sense of urgency and/or more corruption content, but adding that at the expense of everything else just isn't worth it. Especially since a system like that would just punish players for not playing in a very specific way by altering content in in such an obtuse way. This whole thing reminds me of that one time someone wanted to force sex scenes for winning because of stuff outside of their control.

but tits already added a few events that are related to it, which is very in line on the example I offered on that message. In tits we find for example Kiro rescue and the rescue of that princess on that cold planet (forgot the race name),

Those two examples aren't really comparable to what you're suggesting. They're isolated to their own specific mission and content and don't affect the game world at large. What you were suggesting sounds like it would affect everything if not properly monitored. And while a lot of the CoC2 crew work or have worked on TiTS, both games still have different directors and directions for their worlds'. Time sensitive missions on their own aren't bad though. Just when everything becomes time sensitive it becomes more annoying than it's worth.

I don't think the porn rpg being written, drawn for, and coded by a core team of like ten people is going to be the living, breathing, immersive sandbox game you're looking for. There's just too many limitations:

So negative. I'm sure Savin is made of money and could easily create the porn version of Skyrim.

For floof champions it becomes a bit more complex if the champ has accepted to be a vassal Baron to the elf crown. Boreal elves from WC are mainly Lumians, IIRC.

If we can't sell our soul to every god, then we'll sell space in the wayfort to every god and have them fight over it.

Please, no more fucking variables.

No we need more variables. It's not enough. We cannot rest until every line of code and dialogue contains 10 variables minimum.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
@Wint3rRyd3r I would appreciate that you read my whole comment:

"Related to previous games I don't mean to jump from 0 to 50 on time stuff, but tits already added a few events that are related to it, which is very in line on the example I offered on that message. In tits we find for example Kiro rescue and the rescue of that princess on that cold planet (forgot the race name), I kind of hope that the game keeps advancing on that direction, still I can understand that it isn't the rule on tits"

Overall I get that your post is sarcasm and absurd simplification, but at the very least it would be nice to take more than 2 seconds to do it, I will take the liberty to take a bit of that humour:

Why bother trying to advance? we have everything we need! everything over the simplicity of fire shouldn't even be talked about even on a thread with 0 importance and in which we just share stuff we would like to see. We know that coc was already the sky, we should have made another remake of skyrim!.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I feel like it needs to be brought up again, the stuff seems interesting but when it comes to saying what you'd like to see added, think about the proscess of trying to code it into the game, I commend the people who have to do it so much with some of the bullshit the engine seems to give them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
I would appreciate that you read my whole comment:

And I would appreciate it if you stopped strawmanning and assuming that just because someone disagreed with you that they didn't read your post.

That point is what I focus on, I didn't say it had to happen always nor that it became something that is truly annoying, it's to add something more of life to the game.

Adding more life to the game is fine. But it can be done in easier, less time consuming ways. And adding something like a dynamic world is more trouble than it's worth. Making it so content is locked and you have perform some kind of area maintenance if you haven't been there in some time is just busy work. It may make the world more dynamic, but what does it add otherwise and is it a detriment to the overall experience?

To be fair all I said could be watered a lot from the ideal and still be a nice addition to the overall gameplay.

How is it a nice addition? Why go through the trouble of making a watered down version of a system that doesn't inherently improve the game in any form? How is it a nice addition?

Related to previous games I don't mean to jump from 0 to 50 on time stuff

But you did and still are.

but tits already added a few events that are related to it, which is very in line on the example I offered on that message. In tits we find for example Kiro rescue and the rescue of that princess on that cold planet (forgot the race name)

TiTS having a couple of time sensitive missions is not in line with what you're suggesting. Again, you're suggesting something that affects the whole of the game world. Kiro rescue only affects Kiro and ignoring the princess may miss out on her quest lines but it won't lock out or change most of Uveto. It'd be like adding some war system to Myrrellion that had to be micromanaged so as not to lose characters and content. Babysitting an area to keep content and encounters balanced is more involved than just forgetting Kiro and letting her get bimbofied.

I kind of hope that the game keeps advancing on that direction, still I can understand that it isn't the rule on tits"

I don't know why you bolded this part. But I'm glad you like it. But how are those examples in a completely different game in line with the system you're suggesting?

Overall I get that your post is sarcasm and absurd simplification, but at the very least it would be nice to take more than 2 seconds to do it, I will take the liberty to take a bit of that humour:

That's just how I talk. My sincerest apologies for letting you assume I didn't actually read and overanalyze your every word simply because I didn't feel like typing out a massive response to every sentence. My infinite laziness has horribly misrepresented us all and I can never atone for this sin.

Why bother trying to advance? we have everything we need! everything over the simplicity of fire shouldn't even be talked about even on a thread with 0 importance and in which we just share stuff we would like to see. We know that coc was already the sky, we should have made another remake of skyrim!.

Truly you're absolutely right! The game is fine as is and requires no more updates or contents. It has a satisfying conclusion and we are all fools for daring to entertain this thread and debate the words within! You have clearly reached the heart of the matter and in no way, shape, or form have jumped to conclusions and strawmanned those who have disagreed with you.

In conclusion: CoC2=Skyrimjob


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
Also to the swimsuit thing, I dont think that would happen cause you know people would want busts for it, but after Kiyoko and her 27 fucking busts, they want to limit them to more mainstay things.
if they don't want to add any bust am find with it


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
First will copy this part of the message that you didn't read "Overall it isn't meant as something as what you thought of, it could easily be coded to not happen more than once per week but the meaning is to show that "people are in danger" and "the corruption is actually something to fight off".
I didn't specifically address it because there was no need to do so as what I already said made my point. You're proposing a system by which the player is compelled to babysit regions or they'll be punished for it by either permanently enfuckening the content in that region or requiring them to undergo additional content to un-enfucken the crap caused by them not wanting to fight a stupid random battle while they were just trying to hunt for Winterstem.
Second, your argument before was flawed and I just extended said incomplete logic, your original critic felt exactly as "Get rid of all fighting because it interferes with muh porn". now you added something else which is the concept of balance between gameplay and porn
Because you seem to be hard of thinking, allow me to repeat the previous exchange in it's entirety. I will type slowly so you can read it before you strawman me again:
-Troubled travelers: There are some characters that are travelers or merchants that need ot go outside the safe places and have to go against the risk, just to give a few examples the caravan of wonders, the elf troupe... they should sometimes need help or be under attack, with risk of being raped and raising their corruption.
This sort of thing would require adding a new system on top of the existing encounters to randomly proc some sort of fight scene and it would slow down the experience for people who are trying to find a particular encounter to shop, have sexy funtimes or whatever, if there's a random chance of having to fight some trash mobs first. That would get annoying really fast.
You will note that I never said anything resembling 'get rid of fighting because I just want teh pornz', what I said was that adding fights to scenes that do not already require them would slow down the experience. That's all.
. still this aspect is very difficult to talk about because of how subjective it is and because we don't know if we are on the optimal point or not. Personally I feel that adding more gameplay would be good to the game but it's hard to truly defend either a positive or negative opinion over something like that.
Uhhhh, actually no, it's very easy to defend the status-quo as compared to your proposals because what you're suggesting would, even if you only did part of it, still represent an insurmountable fuckton of work, which would take the devs away from literally anything else they could be doing.

And because you seem to have ignored it entirely in your haste to misrepresent what I've said, I refer you to my earlier suggestion that you try your hand at rewriting just one scene using your proposed guidelines (without any concern for all the parser variables) and then extrapolating from that how much time it would take to rewrite every scene in the game to implement your suggestions. Then rewrite every tile's descriptive text, and all the companion content. And, you know, write all the code to add another three dozen variables to the parser while making it work without the code having an aneurysm and dying.

I'm sorry if this comes as a shock to you but there is no Magical Parser Fairy that changes content and all that stuff really does have to be done by hand.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
-Related to territory corruption I do realize how hard it is to do, but I feel it's well worth it to actually do it. This is actually something that could be used all the time if implemented and it would have a great use on later acts, especially on zones that have already been worked on. Of course we can debate on if it's worth it to actually implement it, personally I do find it worth it and from a gameplay perspective it gives a new level to the game.
So, please, tell us how creating this big convoluted sliding scale/bar of corruption which fills passively unless you're constantly working every day to keep it down will improve a game where it is entirely feasible to just sleep for 98 days in a row after picking up the Amulet of Transference to pop 32 kids in and out of Kiyoko to max out her tail count, and the game does not even bat an eye? Not only is the game not built for timed quests/encounters/events except for when you deliberately trigger then (like Brienne's armor), it's pretty much designed for the polar opposite.

And even aside from that, on changing up encounters and stuff in territories themself, how would this sliding bar that needs constant attention be better than what we have now, where some encounters do change already after certain events, quests, or level thresholds? If corruption would be making enemies in an area stronger, then why tie that to something that you could max out by sleeping for 98 days in a row and as such thoroughly fuck yourself by needing to fend off level 10 foes with a level 2 team, when you can do as has already been done, and change or add encounters after certain points, like the Painted Demon encounter appearing in low level areas after you clear the Winter city? I would rather more encounters be changed along these lines, where events that you actively experience change things up, rather than what you've suggested where you not experiencing events would be what change things.
But well to end I would just say that the "it would be a lot of work" actually doesn't deny stuff, what should be debated is if that work is worth it. Personally I do believe that everything that goes towards making the world more dynamic and interesting is something to welcome, the problem with most sandboxes tend to be the lack of stuff happening and feeling that you can just stay there without doing anything at all and nothing will change. Best sandbox games tend to be those with events and stuff happening that complement the gameplay and experience.
The best sandbox games don't say "hey, an explosion happened 5 miles away, if you walk over there you may catch a whiff of the burnt gunpowder." They make it so that you walk through a forest and suddenly a guy hurls the explosive device in your face. You can have hints of a "living world" where things happen without the player, but when things actually happen completely devoid of the player, that only works if the game is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or something similar, where the point is that you aren't special and you're just another one of the riff-raff struggling to survive.
On the time aspect it isn't that you are wrong but it's on a different line compared to what I meant. Let me show an example of how would it be what I said:

-Garth asks you to go to the farm and ask if everything is alright.
-You go to the farm and everything is okay but they tell you that there are too many cultists on the zone.
-You don't focus on fighting the cultists then suddenly one day you go back to the city, sleep and when you wake up one of the farm girls comes and is asking for you, the farm is under attack and they won't be able to fight for much longer. Now you have the timed part of all of this, you have 3 days to go rescue the farm from the attack before it falls to the cultists. Possible situations:

a) You help defend the farm:
1º You get defeated, the farm falls and you managed to escape and get a new mission, recover the farm.
2º You win. This event won't activate until 2 weeks later and it will stop activating if you defeat the cultist's dungeons in the zone.

b) You don't help: The farm falls and you get a new mission recover the farm.

This is the type of stuff I mean on general lines, you advanced a questline, you unlock some kind of stuff, if you just focused on cleaning the cultist dungeon after talking to the farm girls there wouldn't even happen an attack on the farm, but this event could actually be used on future acts when the more "warlike" stage happens by adjusting it.

About the effects of being captured by the cultists on act 1 it would be okay to be kind of like what happens with Nihara corruption, basically more lustful and pregnancy hungry characters and increasing a bit the zone corruption. By no means I mean something rushed that would drive a new player crazy. Still I kind of understand that when you talk to people about "timed stuff" it's easy to think about the worst case in which everything is rushed.
So, you see, I think that the concept of getting told "hey, the farm got attacked and we need your help" can be interesting. The problem is that you frame this as a punishment for not speeding through the Harvest Valley content. You do not want to be Cyberpunk 2077, where things that geniunely hold your interest will be interrupted by 12 overlapping calls which you are not allowed to reject telling you about a random encounter in which your job would be to sniff someone's farts. Honestly basically no sandbox game I can think of except for the Dead Rising series will have things strictly timed, and in Dead Rising that's because the timer is the whole point. The game is built from the ground up around a timer. If you take a game where things are built with the firm idea of "no strict timer," and suddenly start adding in strict timers and punishments for not doing things quickly, then that is going to clash with the game that is there and it will, in no uncertain terms, detract from the experience. Work with the core vision, not against it, just because what you think goes against it would be cool.
In tits we find for example Kiro rescue and the rescue of that princess on that cold planet (forgot the race name)
One: That's a different game with a different design principal. Even though "Events generally are not timed" is shared between the two, something being in one game does not mean it should be in another.
Two: The princess on Uveto, is a Korgonne named Ula. It takes 5 whole days for her to be removed from content, and this can be solved instantly if you have one of the several items usable there or with just a few hours walk since what she wants is sold nearby. It does not take heavy focus to constantly keep track of and manage several bars where you don't want them to fill up and you get punished for not keeping it at an absolute minimum.
Three: I dislike the Kiro Quest precisely because of this design decision. A timed quest is not inherently bad, but Kiro Quest feels like such a strict timer that unless you just teleport straight to the end I'm not sure how you would end it before Kiro can start getting transformed. Granted, you can still finish it whenever, if you don't care about the tf'ing, but if you think Kiro is perfect the way she is, you don't get to enjoy the quest/dungeon. You only get to speedrun it. There are permanent, scaling consequences based on time passed, like what you proposed as an area corruption mechanic, and that just does not feel good to me. But even then, it's still better than what you suggested, because you get notified that there's something really urgent, and then go straight into a dungeon where you can only focus on it and it alone, rather than just completely fucking over massive parts of your game because you didn't do one specific thing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
You do not want to be Cyberpunk 2077, where things that geniunely hold your interest will be interrupted by 12 overlapping calls which you are not allowed to reject telling you about a random encounter in which your job would be to sniff someone's farts.
"Cousin it's your cousin! Why don't you take me bowling?"

You don't want to be Cyberpunk 2077 at all anyway.

Worry not, your mom didn't lie to you here: Santa Brint/Brienne is indeed real and will bring you a very special present if you've been naughty good all year.

Oh thank god. Santa Milf still exists. Unfortunately I am physically incapable of being good. But at least my childhood wonder isn't fully dead yet. Thank you mysterious helper of Santa.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Honestly basically no sandbox game I can think of except for the Dead Rising series will have things strictly timed, and in Dead Rising that's because the timer is the whole point. The game is built from the ground up around a timer. If you take a game where things are built with the firm idea of "no strict timer," and suddenly start adding in strict timers and punishments for not doing things quickly, then that is going to clash with the game that is there and it will, in no uncertain terms, detract from the experience. Work with the core vision, not against it, just because what you think goes against it would be cool.
Out of my personal recent experiences with RPGs, Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous spring to mind when I think about the games that have successfully put timers on missions. In both having some sort of pressure put onto me by the game prevented me from optimizing the fun out of those games, to immerse myself in their worlds and to have the open world exploration flow better.

However in KCD you can almost never fail a quest in that manner, the circumstances simply change, usually for the worse, if you are faffing about too much despite being told to hurry - still leaving you with enough information/resources/NPC good will to finish the quest in an imperfect manner. Meanwhile PWTOR only ever works with timers that are tied directly into its Acts system, with all of such quests clearly labeled. Moreover the Act shifts are rarely tied to the passage of in-game time (as opposed to player actions), and when they do they are is incredibly generous.

Now that I think about it, one of the most universally requested changes between the two Pathfinder games was the removal of separate and often hidden or vague in-game timers on quests and certain events. So it seems that even are far less casual audience of nerds looking specifically for an old-school RPG experience by and large hated the idea of racing against the clock.

"Cousin it's your cousin! Why don't you take me bowling?"
I hope you aren't impugning the honor of GTA 4? It is only a slightly less heinous crime than disrespecting HoMM3, and I will be obligated to 1v1 you on de_dust at dawn.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
I'm already tired so will be just direct.

First I don't get that by posting in this thread I had to write a full document, what do you think is the chance that whatever is said here gets done? zero. I originally thought that it would be fun to comment and other people comment and all that, but it did get into a debate, sometimes not even that about the implementation and how a vaguely defined idea that was.

People, i didn't make a full 100 page document about stuff nor did I prepare how to implement it.

Second the reason I got tired is cause you can say whatever you want but the whole situation is you interpreting the worst possible outcome and not going over that. I just thought sharing an idea could be fun, by no means it is perfect and it would need heavy reviewing and thinking to make it into something okay to implement. So congratulations on showing how an idea in itself isn't ready to implement.

I don't know why did I even bother to enter a debate over something that wasn't even meant for that, on that aspect is my mistake. Would I find it fun that territories could change based on corruption? hell yeah, would I find it fun a more reactive world balanced so that it doesn't get annoying? yeah. Do I expect that to happen? to be fair not at all.

So gonna leave it at that, forget my sin and move along if possible.

Jorr The Great

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2019
I'm already tired so will be just direct.

First I don't get that by posting in this thread I had to write a full document, what do you think is the chance that whatever is said here gets done? zero. I originally thought that it would be fun to comment and other people comment and all that, but it did get into a debate, sometimes not even that about the implementation and how a vaguely defined idea that was.

People, i didn't make a full 100 page document about stuff nor did I prepare how to implement it.

Second the reason I got tired is cause you can say whatever you want but the whole situation is you interpreting the worst possible outcome and not going over that. I just thought sharing an idea could be fun, by no means it is perfect and it would need heavy reviewing and thinking to make it into something okay to implement. So congratulations on showing how an idea in itself isn't ready to implement.

I don't know why did I even bother to enter a debate over something that wasn't even meant for that, on that aspect is my mistake. Would I find it fun that territories could change based on corruption? hell yeah, would I find it fun a more reactive world balanced so that it doesn't get annoying? yeah. Do I expect that to happen? to be fair not at all.

So gonna leave it at that, forget my sin and move along if possible.
The general summary is that it is too much work to carry out your idea, not necessarily because it is bad or something similar. I honestly think they should have told you that as a final point (which is what developers commonly do) from the beginning to avoid wasting time on both sides and do not worry, these conflicts happen very often in this forum and I doubt that it is the last time.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2016
The general summary is that it is too much work to carry out your idea, not necessarily because it is bad or something similar. I honestly think they should have told you that as a final point (which is what developers commonly do) from the beginning to avoid wasting time on both sides and do not worry, these conflicts happen very often in this forum and I doubt that it is the last time.
To be fair on that aspect I'm guilty, Wolfram said directly at the start that it would be too much work and I answered that some of the stuff I would consider it worth it for the time used which made the debate continue, albeit I didn't mean it as anything other than that.

Still rather than a closed answer like that I would have liked to get a more idealistic talk about what he would like to see, what parts of what I said he would take out and why and what would he improve. That's kind of the talk I hoped for.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2021
Something I've noticed for tanks, is that atugia's ability to redirect damage other party members take to herself seems good in a way that seems like it should be a bit more commonly available. might be for balance reasons but it'd be cool if the tanks at will stances like shielded etc had the damage redirection added to them, and maybe reduced the other benefits some to compensate? currently as a player tank without a direct way to guarantee aoes primarily hit you it feels like you ought as well just use a 2h and take atugia as a comp instead, there's plenty of defensive options and combat rez but especially on equal playing field content where everythings the same level, it seems like damage can flux high enough with enemies that it'd help squishy pcs or comps to do that, to keep atugia special maybe just make the redirection on other tank characters or comps a bit weaker since they have more offensive options. could also do what a few other turn based rpgs have done and instead have a "cover" ability where a tank can select one character in particular to defend. might not be able to add it for balance purposes but especially on higher settings could feel a lot better imo, and make other tank/y companions fulfill their role


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Something I've noticed for tanks, is that atugia's ability to redirect damage other party members take to herself seems good in a way that seems like it should be a bit more commonly available. might be for balance reasons but it'd be cool if the tanks at will stances like shielded etc had the damage redirection added to them, and maybe reduced the other benefits some to compensate? currently as a player tank without a direct way to guarantee aoes primarily hit you it feels like you ought as well just use a 2h and take atugia as a comp instead, there's plenty of defensive options and combat rez but especially on equal playing field content where everythings the same level, it seems like damage can flux high enough with enemies that it'd help squishy pcs or comps to do that, to keep atugia special maybe just make the redirection on other tank characters or comps a bit weaker since they have more offensive options. could also do what a few other turn based rpgs have done and instead have a "cover" ability where a tank can select one character in particular to defend. might not be able to add it for balance purposes but especially on higher settings could feel a lot better imo, and make other tank/y companions fulfill their role
At the same time though Atugia is lacking in a lot of ways such that this is the only thing she really has going for her
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Ideally, the player's side will see the Threat mechanics made 100% reliable in drawing aggro away from targets that don't generate it, while the enemies will have more of their dedicated tanks directly getting in the way of attacks aimed at the squishes they protect. However if it is vital to have both sides working in the same mechanical framework, the second method is inherently more reliable and it will feel more natural for such a system to require set-up, allowing the hyper-fast characters to get an attack in before the meatshield abilities are activated.

As for Atugia, if she either gets her regen spell reworked to give a more powerful effect on a longer cooldown or gets an immunity to non-resolve crits, she will be golden. Hell, if there ever will be more potent hybrid threats in the concurrent endgame, her hybrid tanking capabilities will finally come into their own.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
Ideally, the player's side will see the Threat mechanics made 100% reliable in drawing aggro away from targets that don't generate it, while the enemies will have more of their dedicated tanks directly getting in the way of attacks aimed at the squishes they protect. However if it is vital to have both sides working in the same mechanical framework, the second method is inherently more reliable and it will feel more natural for such a system to require set-up, allowing the hyper-fast characters to get an attack in before the meatshield abilities are activated.

As for Atugia, if she either gets her regen spell reworked to give a more powerful effect on a longer cooldown or gets an immunity to non-resolve crits, she will be golden. Hell, if there ever will be more potent hybrid threats in the concurrent endgame, her hybrid tanking capabilities will finally come into their own.
Yeah, it’d be a really big buff for her to get a shield


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Yeah, it’d be a really big buff for her to get a shield
She can even do without the shield and its associated boost to defense stats. Her status as a weird not!undead sustained by overly abundant life force and practically immune to decapitations can be enough of a justification for just giving her a crit immunity as is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
There really isnt a good tank ability for the PC is there, I say this because at this point my party will probably always be fuckin Cait and Kiyoko, they can handle everything. But from my ecperience Mirror stance is still the best stance to do tanking. I dont think there is any recharge ability for tanking is there?


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
There really isnt a good tank ability for the PC is there, I say this because at this point my party will probably always be fuckin Cait and Kiyoko, they can handle everything. But from my ecperience Mirror stance is still the best stance to do tanking. I dont think there is any recharge ability for tanking is there?
uh, there is guard stance and the upgraded shield stance you also have holy ward to protect a specific companion.

for defensive recharge abilities you got shield of light, spirit veil and vanguard.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2021
There really isnt a good tank ability for the PC is there, I say this because at this point my party will probably always be fuckin Cait and Kiyoko, they can handle everything. But from my ecperience Mirror stance is still the best stance to do tanking. I dont think there is any recharge ability for tanking is there?
Shield Stance increases your damage reduction by 50% and generates a ton of threat, then generates more every turn automatically. It’s way better than mirror stance for tanking


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
It'd be nice if we could wield two shields at once to become the ultimate tank.
Would be pretty neat.

Could even just add something like a specific Spiked Shield or Blade-edged Shield to be obtained that is equipped to the primary hand instead of being off-handed, would still provide the crit-protection but in stats would be halfway between a shield and a weapon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
No Attack Moves. Only Shield.

And when you go down, a bunch of self-propelling tiny shields pop up that still protec allies.

Become The Wall That Walks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
The only commands should be defend, shield stance, and unbreakable. Nothing else allowed for the twin shield might. Imagine only using one shield like a fucking plebian. No weapons. No offence. Only shields now.
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