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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
The game wouldn't let me enter the orc camp, it said it was "pure suicide" (which also seems to be true of the centaur village, but it would let me in there, so consistency seems not to be this game's strong suit).
You... seriously haven't figured out how to get into the warcamp? For fucks sake, this is a text-based game, try reading from time to time.

Yeah, otherwise, I can barely manage getting jumped by Crazy Horse on my way too and from the plains.
He's a Level 2 encounter, if you're really having that much trouble with him the only advice anyone can give you is to suck less. Or turn down the difficulty, because the default setting is clearly too much for you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2021
Ok I'm a bitch with too much free time so I just rolled a new character (thief, the one class I didn't try yet) and despite some slip ups like forgetting to grab the tutorial potions and accidentally using garth's free camping gear, I had my first wizard ring in 24 minutes. This is after I bought a curved blade and leather coat, and I had 280ec left.

Tease the effigies, dude.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2021
If he's not banging Arona consistently I can see the warcamp being a little tricky to get in. I guess he never helped the centaurdad's daughter either or talked to the marefolk?

He's a Level 2 encounter, if you're really having that much trouble with him the only advice anyone can give you is to suck less. Or turn down the difficulty, because the default setting is clearly too much for you.

Or just TEASE MORE. I admit that horse enjoyed my butthole a few times at first, but then I SHOWED him my butthole and now he's nothing :p


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
You... seriously haven't figured out how to get into the warcamp? For fucks sake, this is a text-based game, try reading from time to time.

It said something about "establishing dominance" with Arona. Now, I wasn't at all attracted to this orc, so I don't appreciate the game forcing me to fuck the brute in order to go forward, but I figured it was necessary so I just clicked on it and skipped over the unpleasant scene. I've done that like three times, and still I can't get in. It's just like the thing with recruiting Azzyran. There are secrets which are mandatory to complete objectives, and they either aren't in the game text at all, and have to be looked up on the forum as I eventually did for Azzy (and it hasn't worked yet), or they're so well hidden in giant walls of text that I missed them. I do like that there's a lot of descriptive text, but it can make it hard to tell what's irrelevant window dressing and what's a crucial clue. Adventure games tend to have important items highlighted, maybe this game could use such a mechanic, perhaps activated by game stats so it isn't automatic.

He's a Level 2 encounter, if you're really having that much trouble with him the only advice anyone can give you is to suck less. Or turn down the difficulty, because the default setting is clearly too much for you.

I shudder to think what Hard difficulty might look like, if Normal is this much of a wipe. Should I ever begin a new character again, I'll certainly put him on Easy.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Adventure games tend to have important items highlighted, maybe this game could use such a mechanic, perhaps activated by game stats so it isn't automatic.
Text. Based. Game. If you aren't willing to read things at least the first time they appear, that's your problem. And I'm pretty sure there is no in-game stat corresponding to 'Blarg, I'm incompetent and need to be handheld through everything' so good luck with that mechanics idea. Really important stuff is already highlighted, especially when it comes to options that result in permanent consequences.

I shudder to think what Hard difficulty might look like, if Normal is this much of a wipe. Should I ever begin a new character again, I'll certainly put him on Easy.
You can do that right now, the game allows you to adjust the difficulty on the fly. It's only the very first option on the menu...

It's not. RIP ur buttginity tho.
There are far worse ways to lose it than to a big amazonian orc. xD


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2021
you can just have Brint fuck Arona if it's so horrible (I usually ride her dick but to each their own)

the horse is easy if you tease. PS I just saved Quin, 36 mins from start and 1300gp worth of gear, mostly by having everyone shake their butts at monsters.
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Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
It said something about "establishing dominance" with Arona. Now, I wasn't at all attracted to this orc, so I don't appreciate the game forcing me to fuck the brute in order to go forward,
You can just keep defeating her to "establish dominance." You don't have to fuck her.

But then again, given the rest of your posts, I'm honestly impressed you're able to post on the forum without giving yourself twice the brain hemorrhaging you've given all of us, let alone manage to play the text-based game that can, on occasion, require critical thinking.

So I guess hats off to you friend, for making new strides every day.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Yeah, otherwise, I can barely manage getting jumped by Crazy Horse on my way too and from the plains. (And it really annoys me that I have to ford the river like eight times and get ambushed by Lumpy-Tits every time; I can win that fight without much trouble, but she really ought to stop respawning after a while.)
Warpstone in the Marefolk village.
It said something about "establishing dominance" with Arona. Now, I wasn't at all attracted to this orc, so I don't appreciate the game forcing me to fuck the brute in order to go forward, but I figured it was necessary so I just clicked on it and skipped over the unpleasant scene. I've done that like three times, and still I can't get in. It's just like the thing with recruiting Azzyran. There are secrets which are mandatory to complete objectives, and they either aren't in the game text at all, and have to be looked up on the forum as I eventually did for Azzy (and it hasn't worked yet), or they're so well hidden in giant walls of text that I missed them. I do like that there's a lot of descriptive text, but it can make it hard to tell what's irrelevant window dressing and what's a crucial clue. Adventure games tend to have important items highlighted, maybe this game could use such a mechanic, perhaps activated by game stats so it isn't automatic.
Arona's mechanic is related to post-battle scenes: +10 for interrogate and "let her finish", and several are +15 (ride, bend her over, and Brint fucking her). As pointed out, you don't need to fuck her, if you have Brint with you.
3 times is nowhere near enough. She starts at 0, and goes to either 100 or -100. If you want to get in real quick, just surrender 4 times with a fresh character, as each loss scene is -25. That said, she'll definitely fuck you each time and your character will be her sub. If you want to get to the dungeon without losing to her, you'll need to beat her a minimum of 7 times, assuming you do a +15 scene for six of them and a +10 or +15 scene for one of them
I shudder to think what Hard difficulty might look like, if Normal is this much of a wipe. Should I ever begin a new character again, I'll certainly put him on Easy.
Normal is generally pretty easy for me. Very few situations where it's super difficult.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
Warpstone in the Marefolk village.

My level 5 character is the only one who's unlocked the Warpstones, and I don't recall why; my level 4 hasn't managed it, despite having beaten the Alraune which I thought was the trigger for it.

[quote[Arona's mechanic[/quote]

If these stats are so mechanical, why are they not visible like all the other game numbers?

you'll need to beat her a minimum of 7 times, assuming you do a +15 scene for six of them and a +10 or +15 scene for one of them

Bleah, I'd really rather not have to see a giant green erection that many times. I think I'll just stay out of the foothills entirely from now on.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
My level 5 character is the only one who's unlocked the Warpstones, and I don't recall why; my level 4 hasn't managed it, despite having beaten the Alraune which I thought was the trigger for it.
The trigger for Warpstones is going above the Wayfort and talking to Lady Evergreen. Generally if you beat the Alraune you will unlock the Warpstone almost immediately after, considering how close the two are, but if you don't go above the Wayfort and talk to her then it doesn't unlock.
If these stats are so mechanical, why are they not visible like all the other game numbers?
A lot of the game's numbers are not visible. A lot of the relationship mechanics are behind-the-scenes numbers, which you don't see unless you're save editing or looking at the wiki. Even aside from that, most of the stats/mechanics are numberical, regardless of if you see. Like the femininity stat, which ranges from 0 to 100 (0 being masculine, 100 being feminine, 40-60 being androgynous). You can't just read a number for your character's femininity (unlike TiTS), you can only get approximations based on descriptions and labels. Same with pregnancy, they have a set, specific amount of time that they take and you can't just view the the number showing when specifically it will end.
Bleah, I'd really rather not have to see a giant green erection that many times. I think I'll just stay out of the foothills entirely from now on.
You can just run away from the battle, or chose to not do any of the sex options with her.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
...if you're trying to avoid giant dicks of various hues, this is not your game

I've noticed that. You saw my rant on the other thread right? Relevant excerpt: "I love Mortal Kombat except for the fatalities". I'm not stranger to being in love with a game while disliking one of its central features. Kind of the equivalent of "I love my wife, but I wish I could get her to have a boob job, since her flat chest does make me a little sad". Maybe that makes me a male chauvinist pig? If so, I wear the label proudly.

The trigger for Warpstones is going above the Wayfort and talking to Lady Evergreen.

Ah, that explains why I haven't done it again. I hated that character instantly and without reservation, I guess I'll have to go back, but I'll be gritting my teeth the whole time.

You can just run away from the battle, or chose to not do any of the sex options with her.

Then I guess that's what I'll do. But it's a bit of a waste of the game's potential, that so many of the sex scenes - even the ones I actually like - end up becoming so boring so quickly, and keep repeating so endlessly, that I end up annoyedly fast-forwarding past them all. The game could have been great, and is merely good instead, and things like this are part of why.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
This is a mess and Hammer dude I'd suggest stop playing the game if you're gonna be this terrible at playing it and complain from your own incompetence and denseness.

Anyways, let's keep the poop untouched to gain dust in a corner from then on and get back to the point of the damn thread.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
Well let's see...

What about when the full 'player base' is developed the ability to have your other companions not currently in your team work on side-jobs, thus bringing in various benefits (and I suppose opportunities for sex scenes).
Would obviously depend more on the details of the base, but could do things like gather materials such as pristine wood, stone or scrap metal... could have them training in a training hall to gain small daily XP... going by official word on potential party member corruption sending Cait off hooking to earn the team money? Various little things like that

In game with large amounts of recruited heroes its just nice to be able to have them doing something even when you don't actively use them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
"I love my wife, but I wish I could get her to have a boob job, since her flat chest does make me a little sad".
In your case it's more like, "I love my wife, but I wish I could stop beating her."


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
In your case it's more like, "I love my wife, but I wish I could stop beating her."

Well that escalated quickly. Way to smear me with misandrist slurs, dude.

When i read that all i felt was sorry for his wife, to be married to someone with such a material view of her.

I have no wife, but if I did have one, she would be a person who understands why there's nothing wrong with me expressing a sentiment like my original one (as opposed to the libelous version quoted above). You can love a person and still wish they would improve themselves; doing so is pretty much just idle fancy, and even if it's a bit shallow, it's certainly not equivalent to domestic violence.

You do realize that this entire community is dedicated to a game (well, several games, but i'm only familiar with the one) that is full of rape and perversion and all sorts of horrible antisocial things? Everyone who is here is at least basically okay with something that would make the "average person" extremely uncomfortable. I would think that this would lead to a greater degree of understanding and tolerance. But nope, apparently we just leap straight to accusing anyone we don't like of serious crimes, as though we had the moral authority of being in the social mainstream. Well call me seesaw.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Well that escalated quickly. Way to smear me with misandrist slurs, dude.
Where the fuck did he-

Bruh, just walk away. Literally just stop. You say you're not doing this on purpose but at this point I do not believe you. Just walk away so that we can get on with our fucking life on this thread and NOT maybe get it locked or something because you can't comprehend the game.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
You can love a person and still wish they would improve themselves
Yes, but also self-improvement which people generally encourage is things like having a healthier diet, working out more, things like that. Not getting pressured into getting breast implants. The pressure to commit to cosmetic surgery does take on the appearance of abuse, even if it is a lot more subtle than physical assault and thusly may be harder to recognize as abusive.
You do realize that this entire community is dedicated to a game (well, several games, but i'm only familiar with the one) that is full of rape and perversion and all sorts of horrible antisocial things?
Direct, overt rape, along with several other illegal or taboo aspects, are banned within these forms and these games. Partially as a result of patreon's terms of service, but partially because the community isn't filled with people eager to commit terrible acts. Even if the player doesn't want it, scenes generally try to make any sexual situation appear and act consensual.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
Direct, overt rape, along with several other illegal or taboo aspects, are banned within these forms and these games.

So what do you call it when my straight male character loses a fight to a Crazy Horse and gets assfucked without making any choice to allow it?

scenes generally try to make any sexual situation appear and act consensual.

If that was designer intent, then the execution was unsuccessful.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
So what do you call it when my straight male character loses a fight to a Crazy Horse and gets assfucked without making any choice to allow it?
That is your view of the character. Canonically the champion is bisexual (as are the overwhelming majority of characters in the game world), regardless of how the player wishes to play them.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
That is your view of the character. Canonically the champion is bisexual (as are the overwhelming majority of characters in the game world), regardless of how the player wishes to play them.

Even if this is true, it doesn't change my point. No consent is given in the case of that "surprise buttsecks" or any other such incident.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Even if this is true, it doesn't change my point. No consent is given in the case of that "surprise buttsecks" or any other such incident.
Crazy horse is an easy encounter with Brint on hand. You might as well Git gud if you don't wanna be buttfucked.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
Crazy horse is an easy encounter with Brint on hand. You might as well Git gud if you don't wanna be buttfucked.

You clearly managed to Git Gud at the Shift Goalposts skill. For the third time, Crazy Horse is rape. You have said nothing to prove otherwise.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Pretend I have no idea what you're talking about. Like maybe, oh I dunno, I have Aspergers' Syndrome or something. Exactly what the fuck do you mean.

You're extremely obnoxious and you've demonstrated such an incredible stubborn denseness to crucify yourself, regardless of everyone trying at one point to help you, as you continue to make yourself and by extension everyone around you suffer -- is what he means, and frankly your continued awful posting is giving the collective community an aneurism. I think it's finally time for you to leave, friend.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Pretend I have no idea what you're talking about. Like maybe, oh I dunno, I have Aspergers' Syndrome or something. Exactly what the fuck do you mean.
My father is Autistic and yet he would be more than able to handle this, he understands that others do not see the world as he does and so creates tools and systems to approximate and anticipate the world of others.
Example Lying - My father is incapable of lying of his own volition, however he knows that others lie and that it is required in certain social circumstances. When confronted by a situation the only way to account for discrepancies is that someone is lying, he uses a variant of occam's razor concluding the lie is the one that requires the least people to lie. I have seen at funeral and other place where the unvarnished truth would cause harm he will create an untruth though it visible pains him. Having asked him he does it when it is better for him to be hurt than the person he is talking to.

My Father does his best to mitigate the effects of a debilitating disorder.

You are willfully stupid and expect the world to conform to your whims if you just stamp your foot enough.

I will leave others to judge which is a more useful member of society.