What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
The thing I'm for at the moment is a good Headquarters. The Tavern is good for socializing in general and showing that your companions are around but I suppose after some time I would like a proper base (though maybe also show companions down at the tavern sometimes even if not in your party)

There is the Wayfort but what I'm hearing so far is it's more for corrupt people or something more for the corrupt side so I'm unsure if it'll function the way I would like? honestly I'm thinking like camp from CoC1 with many an upgrade and the Wayfort seems like a perfect Bulwark against spreading corruption (with some variability since i'm fine with reasonable demons like that catgirl merchant that goes there) to Hawkethorne with maybe sinking some money into defenses to give you some passive bonuses either for resting or extending and making rest benefits better or for areas outside like say you'll have friendlies join in battles here and there (or simply make an extra attack sometimes like "a small concentrated volley of arrows come from the city walls to lay suppressing fire") if you're like happening on a Guard on patrols or something of the like that you commissioned.

It's a lot itself and it can depend on if the game is focusing on you traveling or defending the place but yeah I just like having forts even if it's text based forts for my companions to be comfy in ;w;

I have also heard mention of Castle Hawkethorne itself which would give you a whole town to play with, though my words are unfocused and not really planned out I hope the idea gets across proper anyways. Though it's not like I'm in a rush for it as the game is already really good in my opinion and only getting better the more that is added.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Some sort of "Lone Wolf" Skill or ability available from level 1. IE something that would provide a significant boost to your stats or abilities as long as you don't currently have any standard companions in your party.

Similar to how lone enemies get a boost to their number of attacks per round and reduced debuff duration. It would make starting off the game without companions much more viable if you're really not interested in the initially available selection. And then later on if you finally encounter companions you're interested in the skill can easily be swapped out for something else if you no longer want to go solo.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Some sort of "Lone Wolf" Skill or ability available from level 1. IE something that would provide a significant boost to your stats or abilities as long as you don't currently have any standard companions in your party.

Similar to how lone enemies get a boost to their number of attacks per round and reduced debuff duration. It would make starting off the game without companions much more viable if you're really not interested in the initially available selection. And then later on if you finally encounter companions you're interested in the skill can easily be swapped out for something else if you no longer want to go solo.



Oct 30, 2020
Not sure if this has been brought up before, but the ability to manually tell your companions what attacks to use like the player's attack menu, or to switch roles out of combat to use in combat, like say what they should focus doing, like attacking, defending or healing.
and as a diminishing return if you tell a companion who is not good at one role to do another. They will do it, but it wouldn't go as well as a companion whose skilled in said role instead.

Orzo Savo

Jul 24, 2019
Not sure if this has been brought up before, but the ability to manually tell your companions what attacks to use like the player's attack menu, or to switch roles out of combat to use in combat, like say what they should focus doing, like attacking, defending or healing.
and as a diminishing return if you tell a companion who is not good at one role to do another. They will do it, but it wouldn't go as well as a companion whose skilled in said role instead.

there's already manual control in the game for companions


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I can't imagine NOT having companions alongside me in this game, its one of the biggest improvements between CoC1 and CoC2.
Eh to each their own. My lack of interest in the initially available companions is one of my barriers to getting invested in the game. Cait is an alright casual fuck buddy but eh she's not waifu material / has no interest in being waifu material so I'd prefer to leave her behind. Atugia seems interesting but you can't get her until you can beat the dullahan fight which doesn't seem at all doable as a solo level 1 character. Brint in the form of Brienne seems like they could be interesting but first you gotta manage to survive dragging him down south to pick up the cursed armor...

From what I've seen of her on the forum Azzyran seems like a companion I'd eventually pick up, particularly the Bimbo variant but I probably have a snowballs chance of getting to her solo without a masochistic degree of grinding. Etheryn is a similar situation. Berwyn is alright I suppose but I'd definitely replace him with Etheryn in a heartbeat so if I didn't have to I wouldn't bother with him in the first place...

Even on easy mode trying to solo grind on against low level enemies is a protracted and heavily RNG based endeavor... So yeah if there was a way to get past the beginning of the game without having to deal with companions then it would make getting to the point where I can finally pick up companions I actually want a lot more enjoyable.

Alternatively a better save editor would be cool. I'd just hack my stats to be strong enough to go solo but eh there's no way to disable the annoying warning message that your save file has been tampered with...
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
My lack of interest in the initially available companions is one of my barriers to getting invested in the game.

You know you don't have to fuck any of them, right? Just grab Cait and Brint and use them to get to the companions you do want.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I can't imagine NOT having companions alongside me in this game, its one of the biggest improvements between CoC1 and CoC2.
I do find companions fun tbh. Having a band of friends to travel and rush into battle with is a sorta feels good that I can't explain. Like knowing that whatever baddies you take on there's always a few by your side to help and support ya.
You don't really get that feeling from games like CoC1 or TiTS because the quests are such solo tasks even when you have followers.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2020
I do find companions fun tbh. Having a band of friends to travel and rush into battle with is a sorta feels good that I can't explain. Like knowing that whatever baddies you take on there's always a few by your side to help and support ya.
You don't really get that feeling from games like CoC1 or TiTS because the quests are such solo tasks even when you have followers.
Honestly though. Because of CoC2, one of my biggest wants for TiTS is the inclusion of companions.

Like, I like the setting of TiTS way more, but goddamn CoC2 is just much more fun to play.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Honestly though. Because of CoC2, one of my biggest wants for TiTS is the inclusion of companions.

Like, I like the setting of TiTS way more, but goddamn CoC2 is just much more fun to play.
Would be nice, but also, it would require the rebalancing of pretty much the entire game for you to have a partner all the time. Not that it's not doable, there have been sweeping balance changes before (like the rework to lust/tease), but it would require quite a bit of work and I'm fairly certain there are plenty who like the solo aspect of TiTS. I used to prefer TiTS because I disliked the companion system of CoC2 (which was mostly because I first played when the Foothills was the only region, and at the time, you did not have manual control of your companions).
It would need a major, massive rebalancing, which is likely harder to do than just reworking tease, considering you'll need new npcs or additions to existing npcs to function as combat companions, modifications to the majority of scenes to account for your constant companions, powers intended to interact with your party and party members, higher enemy damage to compensate for healers, higher enemy health to compensate for the greater damage from your side, etc. But regardless, this is the COC2 thread, and thusly out of topic.


Dec 30, 2020
This has probably been asked before but, is there any chance we can get Bimbo Azzy as a follower even if we Corrupt the Hive? It just seems like a shame that she has the move set and personality all set to go but unavailable unless you go pure route. Even if she came with a constant debuff to the player I'd take it.
- This message brought to you by the "Corrupted the Hive before Patch Gang" in solidarity with "Corrupt Nyzerrah is really hot gang"
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
This has probably been asked before but, is there any chance we can get Bimbo Azzy as a follower even if we Corrupt the Hive? It just seems like a shame that she has the move set and personality all set to go but unavailable unless you go pure route. Even if she came with a constant debuff to the player I'd take it.
- This message brought to you by the "Corrupted the Hive before Patch Gang" in solidarity with "Corrupt Nyzerrah is really hot gang"
There's been an entire thread about this, and it seems the majority of the playerbase (at least those that responded to that thread) were basically like "You're an absolute dumbass if you think you should get a bimbo follower, since bimbos are useless in a fight." I do not get why this was so commonly said, considering that, as you point out, there literally is a bimbo version of her available in the game (and also the player can still fight when they're bimboified). As was also said in that thread, albeit at the very end, it feels odd that the corrupt players who want a Bimbo Azzy do not get her as a companion, but the non-corrupt players, who specifically decide against bimboifying her, do get a Bimbo Azzy. Why give something to the players who chose against it, but not to those who desired it?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
There's been an entire thread about this...
There have also been entire threads about the death of Flash, TiTS porting to JavaScript, and tutorials on how to use a forum's Search function. Doesn't stop people from not knowing how to use a forum's Search function.


Giving non corrupt players the bimbo seems pretty counter intuitive....
Wait, what? Why? Who? Champs can be Bimbos yet remain effective combatants, why not NPCs?

Also, "giving the bimbo" sounds like some Cockney rhyme slang I really want to know the origin of.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
But Azzy isn't a perma Bimbo in the pure hive route.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
But Azzy isn't a perma Bimbo in the pure hive route.
But the fact that she can fight and function while temporarily bimboed establishes that she wouldn't be useless as a companion as a permanent bimbo.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
But the fact that she can fight and function while temporarily bimboed establishes that she wouldn't be useless as a companion as a permanent bimbo.

The item she uses to be a temp Bimbo is the honey core blessed by the power of Lumia, with a lingering taint from Kas. I'd imagine the blessing helps keep her focused and offers some protection from corruption, while the taint boosts libido and unlocks deep down desires within Azzy.

All that is just theorycrafting, so it could easily be wrong. Never seen SKoW make a statement about it one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2018
There's been an entire thread about this, and it seems the majority of the playerbase (at least those that responded to that thread) were basically like "You're an absolute dumbass if you think you should get a bimbo follower, since bimbos are useless in a fight." I do not get why this was so commonly said, considering that, as you point out, there literally is a bimbo version of her available in the game (and also the player can still fight when they're bimboified). As was also said in that thread, albeit at the very end, it feels odd that the corrupt players who want a Bimbo Azzy do not get her as a companion, but the non-corrupt players, who specifically decide against bimboifying her, do get a Bimbo Azzy. Why give something to the players who chose against it, but not to those who desired it?

Tbf the thread was more like: "why does pure hive get more content than corrupt hive? It's not balanced" and the answers were more like: "It's not meant to be balanced".

To no derail the thread I'll say I would like some kind of corrupted village added to the game in the future similar to how the Bazaar was supposed to be in CoC1.


Dec 30, 2020
it feels odd that the corrupt players who want a Bimbo Azzy do not get her as a companion, but the non-corrupt players, who specifically decide against bimboifying her, do get a Bimbo Azzy. Why give something to the players who chose against it, but not to those who desired it?

Yeah that's what I thought too. Whelp guess I'll just run two play throughs(but then forget about one).


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Yeah that's what I thought too. Whelp guess I'll just run two play throughs(but then forget about one).

You can add notes to your saves...