What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
Hmm, Azyrran can fly right? Why not take advantage of it to differ her further from other tanky weapon + shield companions.
Like change her current at-will which is just the common Guarded Stance skill to a custom variant which among other effects put her into the 'Flight' status enemies like Harpies have which makes them harder to hit in melee.

Its not all that important a change to spend time on but would be pretty cool.
* * *

Actually this leads into a query about companions movesets in general, as they continue to reach higher levels in the future is it possible they might have some of their techniques change into "upgraded/higher level" versions?
I'm not sure what the final maximum level the developers have in mind for the player party is, could even reach 10 or more.
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Active Member
Jun 15, 2020
There's already art for Witch Cait (you can see it showcased in the patch notes post from a while ago), but it won't be a bust in game if that's what you mean. The developers don't want a new bust for each set, so our companions will only appear to be wearing their original clothes even if we change them (or so I recall)
Be rad to have them added in as busts even if it's just an occasional thing kinda like the TiTs image pack.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
make a baby with kass, give even more reasons to call her "momma kass"

About that...

This is a spoiler
For reals
Go do the Cloister Quest, lose to Whisper.


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
(This is something I mentioned in another thread but posting here because it's a serious piece of content I want to see in the game)

I want an opportunity after the "Kinu Quest" happens for the PC to train his eldest (named) fox childrens fighting skills further, as a soldier and a father it seems only proper in case an event similar to this were to happen again.

Also it would be a chance to interact with some of your Kitsune children other than Kinu which is sort of lacking honestly.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2020
How about investing some cash in Garth's tavern for passive income ?
Any sort of upgrades/bonuses you could make to the inn via donations like you can to the nursery would be pretty neat.

Hell even if its only something you can do post fully-completed nursery as an additional moneysink to longtime players.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
There are actually a couple of sources of passive income planned.

Garth's tavern isn't a great idea for investment, considering how low through-traffic is in the area.

And it's still in danger of overcrowding.


Is it possible to add the goo-girls idea from FoE or just the idea how these was going to be? On the wiki they haven't bee implemented yet and have not been updated since the beginning of this year. I know it's Alder's idea or part of it, but I only wanted to know if it's possible. It's okay if not at all but atleast some of the features to make the goo girls fun to interact with. The Goo girls on FoE was really enticing to see, but never came to be as it's not been worked on. I hope he's okay as is game I wanted to see get better in time.

Nontheless, I wanted to see the Goo girls have better options. Like these.
The "vanilla" goo-girl, with a petite figure.

Crimson goo-girl with an amazonian build and an elemental affinity for fire. It favors "envelopment" sex, molding its body into makeshift clothing around a victim's body to pleasure them.

A poisonous goo-girl whose chemical make up causes a substantial portion of its body to be made of vapors, concentrating its mass into a highly curvaceous shortstack. Unusually pliable and amorphous even by goo-girl standards, its sex scenes tend to revolve around exploring this trait, such as inserting pseudopods into a partner's testes or physically invading their uterus.

A highly curvaceous pink goo-girl who secretes aphrodisiac slime and favors the use of tentacles to molest partners, coaxing prolonged orgasms.

A conglomerate of Blue Goos that have merged into a singular mass, this Boss-Tier enemy can slowly transform a victim into a goo-girl, after which she will absorb them into her collective mass.

Yes, they are from the wiki on the site, but it's here just for the pointing I wanted to point out. Now, it doesn't need to be like these maybe make elemental goo like eletrical goo that can stimulate the partner. Or goo that loves to engulf parnters alive and kink them that way. Or even choke them with small breath-play it's possible right? Okay I said the breath-play on the other idea on Tits. Whats a water suppose to do if I can't atleast hint it with something like liquid fetish for some reason. The goo-verse anything can be possilbe! Just think of the Goo-girls! Magical Goo girls at that with elemental attributes can be used to make unique kinky scenes. Like that pink one apparenty is kinky enough!

I hope the idea comes to fruition, I hope FoE can be done in time and hope the make of it is doing fine. I also apologies for wanting to get this idea on this game as it's a small chance that it'll be picked up. Also, hoped that you all have a merry Christams and soon a Happy New Year!

These idea's aren't mine and only just there for someone to have an idea to add and make the game better. I hope Alder is okay with it, if he is then I don't have to take the idea down, but just hope from the game can be added in that game in a very long time. Good day!


When I said 'a very long time' I also ment soon too cause I just hope it gets added in the game on FoE and not at all. It'll be a waste of an idea to not see it in action so I do hope this helped anyone that wanted some sort of diversity of Goo-Girls maybe even Goo in general with species. Could be added in the late game on Coc2 cause the elemental goo's are tough to beat right?


Yes I am aware of the Goo girls, which are the slimefolk aka slime siblings. However they aren't the ones I was referring to, maybe, like I'm probably asking for more slimefolk, but with elemental attributes that can have unique scenes with them. I mean that's all I was trying to say. So far, the slimefolk are not very interactive with only play with them, and if winning get to only have four scenes depending on your characters gender and genitals.

Not even a losing scene as they would walk away. Now this is now, but maybe will have more later on. I was just putting this idea out so then can probably improve them later on.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
A male kitsune that can get your pc pregnant as much as I love kiyoko I'd like to have the option

And speaking of kitsune I'd like more eye colors and fur/hair colors

I'd like a anthro fox npc you can interact with maybe a Arctic fox or a fennec fox based one


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2020
A male kitsune that can get your pc pregnant as much as I love kiyoko I'd like to have the option
it is something that I would love too; but keros wouldn't like to see some kits wandering around and away from culture, and since the den probably doesn't have a nursery or anything like that, the kids would have to stay with their dad.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2020
I'd love a code or setting that would let us replay some limited encounters. Even if I couldn't get back into Winter City the normal way without beating her, I'd love to revisit those Gytha scenes.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
Sorry-not-sorry I haven't searched through all 130 pages of this topic to find out if anyone has brought this up: I'd like to see the Appearance descriptions include a description of the character's voice (eg "she speaks in a thick, sultry brogue" or "his voice is grating and peculiarly high-pitched").


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
Sorry-not-sorry I haven't searched through all 130 pages of this topic to find out if anyone has brought this up:
For future reference, there's a function that does that for you.
That search netted me three results, one of which was yours. Your post was the only one that mentioned the word "voice" as regards the Champion's voice being described in text.

I'd like to see the Appearance descriptions include a description of the character's voice (eg "she speaks in a thick, sultry brogue" or "his voice is grating and peculiarly high-pitched").
By "character", you mean the Champion? Why oh why, man? That's like the one thing we're free to imagine on our own. So much else is described to a "t" - y'know, being a text game and all - I enjoy being able to hear the voices as I prefer. As has been said repeatedly, the Champ is not "our Player Character"; he/she is more like an Avatar that we get to inhabit and steer most of the time, but when it comes to dialogue and emotional responses, well, we have to relinquish the steering wheel. I'd prefer to have as much of the Champ under my control as possible and if that means his/her voice being left out of descriptors, then that's A-Ok by me.

Also, it'd be a shit-ton of additional writing and coding. Like, a MASSIVE load of writing and coding. And you'd have to have, say, three or four pre-set voice "types" per gender, so that's six to eight variants of dialogue descriptors PLUS at least triple that for various descriptors for each type so they don't become repetitive and stilted, AND it'd have to be tied to variables such as gender preference or score so that it could change on a dime. And then people would claim that their Champ's "unique voice" (barf!) should be added as an option.

And I haven't even touched on accents yet. Oy vey!

Personally, I'm glad to have the freedom to imagine the Champ's voice as I like.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2020
By "character", you mean the Champion?

Among others, yeah. I think some NPCs mention it, but it's an important detail that everyone really ought to address. Actors like Keith David, Peter Cullen, or Fran Drescher are much more distinctive for their voices than for their looks.

Why oh why, man? That's like the one thing we're free to imagine on our own. So much else is described to a "t" - y'know, being a text game and all - I enjoy being able to hear the voices as I prefer.

The reason to describe the champion's voice is the same as the reason to describe the champion's physical appearance. Yes you could use your imagination, or you could use your imagination with the assistance of some descriptive text.

Also, it'd be a shit-ton of additional writing and coding. Like, a MASSIVE load of writing and coding.

I'll buy that, sure. IMO it's not that difficult to write text - I'm considering offering to do it myself, though this community hasn't been super-welcoming toward my contributions thus far - but coding is an entirely different story. I know very little about it; I would think that if the program generates a page already, it wouldn't bee too difficult to add an extra line or two of text to that page, but I could easily be wrong in that assumption.

And then people would claim that their Champ's "unique voice" (barf!) should be added as an option.

Well people will ALWAYS complain that the silver platter you served the world to them on isn't quite as shiny as they'd like. I get why some people would find this attitude tiresome, but I'm content to entertain such complaints, as long as they don't turn into abusive-level demands. Everybody has the right to say "I wish this was better", as long as they don't try to bully you into doing the impossible NOW NOW DAMMIT NOW.

And I haven't even touched on accents yet. Oy vey!

Ach, sacre-bleu! Faith and begorra, otaku-chan! Dos vedanya, mein freund!


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I see no value in adding descriptions of the PC's voice, but it would be funny (and people ask often enough) if there was a snippet in Silly Mode mentioning what actor voices/portrays various NPCs. e.g. "Barney Zethra as portrayed by BRIAN BLESSED"