What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
That's more a problem with the English language really. English never even considered the need to address people as anything other than man or woman, so there's no real way to capture the nature of half-sex short of inventing another bloody new pronoun (which, if past attempts are anything to go by, will never catch on because it's spelled something ridiculous and is unpronounceable by the human tongue).

Sometimes I wish we'd do it as the Koreans do and get rid of gendered pronouns. or do as the Japanese and avoid using third person pronouns altogether. Could be better, could be worse; at least It's not French. One can only assume the writers and by extension citizens of Balhar, who speak a language similar to English, assigned these pronouns based on appearance, which is no less arbitrary a criterion than genitalia. You are, however, correct in that if the game decided to refer to Etheryn as she, the players should do so as well, for consistency's sake, if nothing else.

It's hardly a priority, but it would be a nice bit of world building to read about how the boreal elves themselves handle this issue. Surely their language would have a more elegant solution.

As a side note, the PC can only be a wyld elf, not quite the same thing. Let's not start melding our elves together as well.

...I am not going to get into that discussion. The game calls Fritz and Ryn "She and Her" so I am gonna stick with it. if a new Shemale comes into the game and likes being called he I will accept it just as I do with Ryn and Fritz's pronouns.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Have you ever stopped to think that considering all that this poor elf went through in Alissa's hands, as well as the love sessions with the Champion, Ryn could potentially have become a ButtSlut to the point that even if we take off the chastity belt, that she can not cum on the penis again?
Eh, if Savin wants to write a very specifically set up Ryn that way, I suppose he could. Low-Confidnece/high-Libido Ryn is basically an extreme buttslut with no self-confidence so it's not a huge stretch from that to 'so affected by the ordeal (and possibly a nasty-minded Champion 'encouraging' this) that she has great difficulty getting the royal scepter to stand to attention'. It comes down to 1) Would it be practical to do from a coding perspective and more importantly 2) does Savin want to?

Speaking much more generally, the fact that he's repeatedly floated the suggestion that she could TF her penis to something larger makes it pretty clear that after the cage comes off, she'll be in a position to use it. Terribly awkwardly no doubt but it's okay, she can take as many goes as she needs...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
I hope more Rings and Necklaces get added. I would also not mind the ability to get piercings (for cosmetics only mind you), my characters feel so naked with their virgin earlobes, tongue and eyebrows.
Considering that your avatar is a goblin (at least I think it is a goblin, sorry if I'm wrong), I understand and also share your desire for piercings as well as jewelry!
Damn, I have 4 elven characters and they all urgently need gold rings on their ears (one of them would have silver rings, since this one I would have made to be a pale elf).upload_2020-10-7_8-55-46.jpeg
And as I said before, TiTS has more than 185 items, and that counting only the clothes / armor and underwear, if you still include accessories, weapons, shields and piercings add another 243. giving a total of almost 450 items
even though CoC2 is much more recent than TiTS, it still has very few items.
Also, does anyone else find it strange that they have a buttplug in the game, but not the option of walking around with it already "installed"? I mean, this is already kind of his role, right?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Eh, if Savin wants to write a very specifically set up Ryn that way, I suppose he could. Low-Confidnece/high-Libido Ryn is basically an extreme buttslut with no self-confidence so it's not a huge stretch from that to 'so affected by the ordeal (and possibly a nasty-minded Champion 'encouraging' this) that she has great difficulty getting the royal scepter to stand to attention'. It comes down to 1) Would it be practical to do from a coding perspective and more importantly 2) does Savin want to?

Speaking much more generally, the fact that he's repeatedly floated the suggestion that she could TF her penis to something larger makes it pretty clear that after the cage comes off, she'll be in a position to use it. Terribly awkwardly no doubt but it's okay, she can take as many goes as she needs...

I've always thought it would be funny that if/when Ryn does get the cage off she's got terrible ED from decades in chastity and you gotta help her fix that too.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Time to engage in a funny madcap quest to find that rare herb that 100% gives Elves a boner so hard that it resets their physiology to baseline~

Naturally, it's guarded by Amazon Druids who've gone futa. :^)


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Time to engage in a funny madcap quest to find that rare herb that 100% gives Elves a boner so hard that it resets their physiology to baseline~

Naturally, it's guarded by Amazon Druids who've gone futa. :^)

Funnily enough that WAS a dungeon we thought about doing once....
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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Funnily enough that WAS a dungeon we thought about doing once....

The Futa Fungal Druids right? TObs mentioned it once on the Discord, but it was dropped for one reason or the other.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Ryn could potentially have become a ButtSlut to the point that even if we take off the chastity belt, that she can not cum on the penis again?
That could be a possibility, though I'm fairly certain she can cum from a ball massage. Not sure, I never really looked at that particular scene beyond cursory looks, but that is still her genitals rather than her ass. Just a different part.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I've always thought it would be funny that if/when Ryn does get the cage off she's got terrible ED from decades in chastity and you gotta help her fix that too.
That would be horribly cruel of you to do that to poor Ryn (and us) but... if you did I think I could bear with it to help her fix that. The lengths you'll go to for the person who's special to you, and all. :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
That would be horribly cruel of you to do that to poor Ryn (and us) but... if you did I think I could bear with it to help her fix that. The lengths you'll go to for the person who's special to you, and all. :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
It's hardly a priority, but it would be a nice bit of world building to read about how the boreal elves themselves handle this issue. Surely their language would have a more elegant solution.

As a side note, the PC can only be a wyld elf, not quite the same thing. Let's not start melding our elves together as well.
Based on what we've seen the chilly elves have a very inelegant solution in that they just bully the half-sexed and refer to them mostly in cruel terms.

It's seemingly even less clearcut for the wyld elves considering the codex describes them as flat-out not having much in the way of sexual differentiation. A boy elf will look a lot like a girl elf will look a lot like a shemale elf. We haven't seen many of them but it seems to me that they differentiate more by wyld markings than gender.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Of course he'd have a crying Ryn image on standby. :D There there, virtual Ryn, it's gonna be okay. Eventually.

and speaking of elves, do we have dwarves in the game?
Nothing's been mentioned and the minotaurs of Khor'minos seem to be occupying the general role that dwarves usually fit into; they live underground and are good miners and expert craftsmen and engineers. The only thing missing from the classical/Tolkien dwarfs is that the minos are big, especially where it matters most.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
bit of a shame, wouldn't mind getting into a wrestling match with some stocky dwarven woman to see who gets to top. She can go low, sweep the legs, and claim her prize!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
I just got back from the topic "They won't see it coming" and realized that we urgently need more content for Gwyn! Here are some of my arguments for defending this agenda:

1) She is a lovely character with a captivating personality! When I interact with her, I can't help feeling like she's in front of that typical shy childhood friend of anime!
2) Even though she is one of the first characters that you find right at the beginning of the game, however, she practically has no participation in the rest of the lore! Even in the events that directly affect her family, she is at most cited by Garth and Garret. (and that part of the content doesn't seem to change, even if we have a lot of puppies with her and the affection at most)
3) She obviously has a serious case of Electra Complex, even though this part of the content is totally optional (and I admit that it is fucking hot), it would be great if we had a conversation scene with her after it occurs, since I I think that any character who is not extremely corrupted, would at least want to talk about it with her later. (even why, we have to admit that that scene starts as a simple roleplay, but it starts to get really weird really fast!)
4) SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF THE TAVERNER !! This is literally one of the ten biggest cliches in the RPG world (the first, if you play bard)! For pitt's sake, how is it that even after all this, all we have is a scene of a father sermon in the style "if you make my little girl suffer, you will suffer even more"? How come we have no scene of Garth being the classic grandpa and telling his grandchildren stories? Or Garret playing the big silly and unresponsive uncle? At least we could have a chance to give her a ring (or a collar, I don't know how the lupines exchange their vows), since we saved her brother AND her family's story!

Bonus) I would also love to get my hands on the scoundrel who ran away and abandoned her pregnant! Maybe even dragging it kicking and screaming for the Frost Hound, and when the asshole pleads on his knees for her forgiveness (obviously more out of fear of parental punishment than genuine repentance), Gwyn simply holds the champion's arm and says she has already found one A real MAN, who not only stood by her, taking care of her, but was also a father to ALL her children!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
Bonus) I would also love to get my hands on the scoundrel who ran away and abandoned her pregnant! Maybe even dragging it kicking and screaming for the Frost Hound, and when the asshole pleads on his knees for her forgiveness (obviously more out of fear of parental punishment than genuine repentance), Gwyn simply holds the champion's arm and says she has already found one A real MAN, who not only stood by her, taking care of her, but was also a father to ALL her children!

God wouldn't that be demoralizing for the coward, that my Herm character is more of a man then her will ever be (especially downstairs considering she is packing twin great rods of satisfaction :p)

At this point in time my Orc is now a 8ft tall Oni looking character with red skin, Gold demon eyes, horns and extremely buff, so whoever the guy is he will most likely come off as inadequate in most cases XD
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
God wouldn't that be demoralizing for the coward, that my Herm character is more of a man then her will ever be (especially downstairs considering she is packing twin great rods of satisfaction :p)

At this point in time my Orc is now a 8ft tall Oni looking character with red skin, Gold demon eyes, horns and extremely buff, so whoever the guy is he will most likely come off as inadequate in most cases XD
I created a lupine character called Fenrir just to pair with Gwyn. a wolf almost as tall as Garret, wearing heavy armor and Jarl Gunvaldsen's sword and cloak. so I ask, how much longer does Garth have to start calling me son?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Gwyn was said to be moreorless finished I believe.

Rear Admiral Chimera

Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2017
Perhaps I'm reading too much into the dialogue provided by Gwyneth, but doesn't she have a major obsession with Garth? Seems to me Champ will always lose out on that front.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
Perhaps I'm reading too much into the dialogue provided by Gwyneth, but doesn't she have a major obsession with Garth? Seems to me Champ will always lose out on that front.

Well, we all knew that Gwyn has an Electra complex for her father so I don't touch that. But the little bitch who fucked Gwyn and ran is free real estate to flex on.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
That whole family has a weird quasi-incestuous vibe.

It's really only Gwyn and Garth. Garret is very uncomfortable with this sort of stuff. He actually asks you not to fuck the ghost of Magna because she looks like his mom and he gets really uncomfortable if you do. Garret really is the normal one out of the family.