What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
Really? I though Gwyn's love for daddy dearest was unrequited (at least to her degree of affection).

Maybe it is, I think Gwyn just might be "Daddy's little girl" in Garth's eye so hearing how Thirsty Gwyn is for her dad might have made me mistake Garths more familial overtones for something else.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Garth is still very much only in love with his wife. He dotes on Gwyn because she's his precious baby girl, and the last person to get her pregnant fled town. He doesn't even give Gwyn headpats anymore, despite how thirsty she is for those, too.

Gwyn keeps her dad-lust to herself and the PC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Garth is still very much only in love with his wife. He dotes on Gwyn because she's his precious baby girl, and the last person to get her pregnant fled town. He doesn't even give Gwyn headpats anymore, despite how thirsty she is for those, too.

Gwyn keeps her dad-lust to herself and the PC.
Well then, a great pure route would be to unite the family for some family bonding, and a great corruption route would be to unite the family for some "family bonding."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
Well then, a great pure route would be to unite the family for some family bonding, and a great corruption route would be to unite the family for some "family bonding."

hehe I don't think that will ever happen. While a threesome with siblings just skirts the line and talk about past incest from the royal siblings may be the correct amount of toeing the line Savin has already said that Parent/Child incest is a Nono in the game. Partly because of Patreons rules, partly because it makes Fenoxo uncomfortable considering he is a father himself.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Gwyn was said to be moreorless finished I believe.
That's not fair! She is the only female lupine character with whom we can really interact in the game! (the other is just an unnamed enemy)
TBH that's just Ryn.
Another great reason to kick Alissa's ass!
Garth is still very much only in love with his wife. He dotes on Gwyn because she's his precious baby girl, and the last person to get her pregnant fled town. He doesn't even give Gwyn headpats anymore, despite how thirsty she is for those, too.

Gwyn keeps her dad-lust to herself and the PC.
that's exactly why i think i should have an option to talk to her about it! it's not like you need to have an entire mission just for that, but it would be nice if we could try to help her overcome this complex! (Especially if it involves too many love sessions so that she can start directing her wishes to the champion instead of her father! You know, only for therapeutic purposes, of course!)
In fact, since Tychris is due to be added in the future, it would be great if we could find Garth's wife there (I remember it was said that she left for the north, and since she was not in Winter City, Tychris would be the next option). and finally discover the mystery behind this family, maybe even fix it. (since it seems that the root of the Gwyn complex comes from her mother's resentment)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Well then, a great pure route would be to unite the family for some family bonding, and a great corruption route would be to unite the family for some "family bonding."
the pure part would be great and in fact could be implemented, I would really like to be able to repair this dysfunctional family to a minimally acceptable level. (you know, without a semi-depressed father, a son disgusted with the world and a daughter with dangerously intense incestuous desires!)

on the other hand, a corrupted option would be to finish breaking this family right away! (perhaps not nasally in the sexual sense)


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Another great reason to kick Alissa's ass!
At this point it would be quicker to list the reasons not to kick Alissa's ass. And those would be... ummm... okay, I've got nothing. I can think of a few reasons why you could argue against killing her (or possibly destroying her soul if Evergreen's thoughts on the chastity belt are accurate), most of which boil down to how Ryn might feel about it since she's clearly conflicted on the matter. But kicking Alissa's ass up between those pointy ears of hers, I'll do that any day and smile while I do it.

And lose on purpose at least once to see what's likely to be a lot of rough fucking of the Champ and Ryn with that demonic horsecock but that's neither here nor there...
In fact, since Tychris is due to be added in the future, it would be great if we could find Garth's wife there (I remember it was said that she left for the north, and since she was not in Winter City, Tychris would be the next option)
I can't recall exactly where the conversation happens but I'm pretty sure the game tells you that she was sentenced to 'walk the ice'. Tobs confirms here that whenever her expansion happens, it will be up in the Glacial Rift, not in Tychris.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2020
as far as killing someone is a preference and on the pc you. like unless ryn says otherwise if i'm given the chance to kill alissa on my main pc that wont fuck up ryn i going to. same for any other npc we get in the future. i could see you fighting her and you are given the choice and she goes full apology mode on you and Ryn and that side with kas was wrong or she tell you to fuck off and Ryn just give you the look and you done with it. similar thing with kas (if bad ending are considered a canon ending.) where she just comes out for you even as you try to kill her. she love the pc may in be i want you soul for power or for love. in a way i kinda hope she can be redeemed as i do like her even if you don't kill her at the end and just end up locking her up in some place to hold demons or someshit. or hell probably will never happen but you uncorrupt her or in a non bad ending way join her. but as far as killing someone even as dark this game can be the only one that for me warrants killing in tollus. saying this now. he will end up as the final boss of the game as he tries to take your soul and make kas in slave once you bet her and goes full demon tyrant the you kill him and then you are given a choice on what to do with kas. then it ends or you go back to how things are. im saying this as he is the first villain you meet is reasonable for the events of the game and in a bad ending and one of the cultist in the tundra says he has not become a demon because of some bs can't quite remember but i feel like it has something to do with the pc and want to take your soul before become a demon.
but back to the main point. i can see alissa and kas be somewhat redeemable so you don't have to kills the but tollus. i hope when you can kill him you fucking get to curb stomp his skull through the planet's crust
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
I do feel sorry for Ryn and I have a heavy dislike for Alissa. Ryn's relationship with her seems to be Familial love compounded with Stockholm Syndrome. My character is running the romance option with Kass and I know she is a selfish bitch but when Ryn was talking about how Evil Kass is for turning Alissa into a demon all I was thinking '...that bitch jumped on Kass' dick on the reg, don't try and shift all the blame away from your sister'


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
After taking Cait's anal virginity in the future, I wanna. Buy a butt plug for her. Bonus points if it has a gem cut in the same shape and color as the heart on her staff.
Now that I think about it doesn't the buttplug we buy from the caravan have a heart gem on its base?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
Now that I think about it doesn't the buttplug we buy from the caravan have a heart gem on its base?
It does actually, I just checked on the wiki because I couldn't remember, this is perfect.

Nothing says best fuck buddies forever like gifting a buttplug to your favorite cat slut after fucking her in the ass. Something to remember you by.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2016
I think I’d love to see more Shar content. She’s just so bubbly and cute. It’d be great to see her become a cute little warrior!
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I can't recall exactly where the conversation happens but I'm pretty sure the game tells you that she was sentenced to 'walk the ice'.

Yeah it would have been real anti-climactic to have like 2 years of building up the mystery of what happened to Garth's wife and then find her just living in the next town over like a divorcee.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
It's really only Gwyn and Garth. Garret is very uncomfortable with this sort of stuff. He actually asks you not to fuck the ghost of Magna because she looks like his mom and he gets really uncomfortable if you do. Garret really is the normal one out of the family.
Garret's got both daddy and mommy issues that color most of his scenes. With Gwyn it feels like she's a bit infantilized just because the other two keep insisting on seeing her as a child and she ends up playing into that in some not-so-healthy ways. On the outside Garth is trying to get his kids to grow up but he's subconsciously keeping them little. Refusing to let Garret do anything on his own isn't much different than insisting that Gwyn is still a puppy and needs to be taken care of.

Seems to me he's holding on to his children too tightly after losing his wife.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
interestingly enough, I never thought of killing Alissa!
Even if she was already a cruel shrew long before Kas arrived in Savara, as Ryn has a heart that doesn't fit in her chest, she would be very sad if we just killed her sister!
But I could certainly make a list of things I would do with it!

1) Reform the royal throne and put a hole in the seat! Alissa's face would go in that hole and she wouldn't even have the title Royal Buttlicker Alissa, Duchess of the Rim! She would simply spend the rest of her life with her face as a pillow for Ryn's throne, and would be nothing more than a piece of furniture for the rest of her days, which is already much more than she deserves!

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I think I’d love to see more Shar content. She’s just so bubbly and cute. It’d be great to see her become a cute little warrior!
Shar was originally planned to be a companion, funnily enough. The only reason why she isn't (as far as I know) one currently is because Savin, her author, is also the lead writer on CoC2, and, in addition to writing a high number of quests and characters (including Kass, of course, and every single Harpy currently in the game), he has three companions, those being Cait, Arona, and Etheryn. And, to paraphrase him, 4 companions is entirely too much work.

Shar's content relating to the Cloister and (I think) Ovilixer were written by Tobs though. So there could be more content written by other authors, though we'll probably not get to see her fight again, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
I just realized something!
we know almost nothing about Kasyrra!
I mean, we can even interact a lot with her, and in several bad endings, we even become her lovers! But what about your past? Who was she in Mareth? What was she? I just created a corrupted character named Lucius, and I realized that despite being in love with this demon lady, I don't know anything about her!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
I just realized something!
we know almost nothing about Kasyrra!
I mean, we can even interact a lot with her, and in several bad endings, we even become her lovers! But what about your past? Who was she in Mareth? What was she? I just created a corrupted character named Lucius, and I realized that despite being in love with this demon lady, I don't know anything about her!

iirc she actually tells you her background (or at least A background) during the Halloween event, if you humor her role-play.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
All this talk of punishing Alissa... and here I am wanting the opportunity for my champ to Eiffel Tower her ass.
Hey, kicking her ass and ravishing it aren't mutually exclusive y'know.
But what about your past? Who was she in Mareth? What was she? I just created a corrupted character named Lucius, and I realized that despite being in love with this demon lady, I don't know anything about her!
There's a ton of stuff in her design doc, most of which hasn't made it into the game yet. It's publicly available but you have to dig through the main doc to find the link so it's easy to miss. Link here.

My guess is that a bunch of the material is intended to come out in post-WC events since that's the point when her motivations become relevant and the path you're on with her gets codified. I'd further speculate that the important stuff will get mentioned in all possible relationships but there will be other things gated behind Romantic!Kas.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Hey, kicking her ass and ravishing it aren't mutually exclusive y'know.

There's a ton of stuff in her design doc, most of which hasn't made it into the game yet. It's publicly available but you have to dig through the main doc to find the link so it's easy to miss. Link here.

My guess is that a bunch of the material is intended to come out in post-WC events since that's the point when her motivations become relevant and the path you're on with her gets codified. I'd further speculate that the important stuff will get mentioned in all possible relationships but there will be other things gated behind Romantic!Kas.
that was exactly what I wanted! I wonder how this is going to be implemented? I even remember that in CoC, it was possible to purify Lethice, you could retrieve her Lethicite from the statue, you could start to revert the demons back to what they were before (or almost). But considering that we had to fight a giant living statue, and everything else she did, not everyone was willing to do so much work just to give her a happy ending! But Kas is different! While you only encounter Lethice at the end, you interact with Kas from the beginning and throughout the game! If it were possible to purify her in the end it would be great! (Maybe using Tollus' Lethicite after the final battle)


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
finally put that baby in her that she so desperately wants :V
that would definitely be nice!
imagine two possible senarios, one pure and one corrupted!

Pure): After defeating Kassyra in the final battle, Tollus, feeling betrayed by his supposed "Dark Lady", uses one of the relics that the cult stole and corrupted to become a demon. The PC then fights him and after killing him, we use his Lethicite to purify Kassyra and turn her back into a human! You go back to Hawkethorne and tell everyone that you killed the demon and show the demonized Tollus head as evidence, when they ask who the woman is next to you, you say that she was a prisoner of the demon and that you saved her (what technically it wouldn't be a lie)! The two have several children and spend the rest of their lives loving each other! Perhaps even giving rise to a lineage of powerful conquerors, thus initiating a prosperity dynasty as never seen before, reborn from the ashes of the ancient Belharan empire!:cool:

Corrupted): Same thing as before! However, after killing Tollus, you are enchanted by the power of the demons, and then you decide to accept Kassyra's love, but with the proviso that YOU are going to be the boss! She transforms you into a demon, she eats your lethicite, you eat Tollus' lethicite, you two bring the first demon to be truly born (the first of many) and take over the world! Demonizing his excompanies and transforming them into the generals of his demonic army in constant expansion, until the whole Savarra becomes an endless orgy! And when you hear nothing more to corrupt, you will begin to spread your power to other worlds! MUAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020

I think there may be more than 2 endings probably around 3-4 of them depending on how you interact with Kassyra, your level of corruption/purity, I would expect a difference between the lust Kassyra route and the romance Kassyra route. As for her turning back? I wonder if she would turn back into a human or maybe she would turn into a cow-girl because of her affinity for them? -shrugs- guess we will find out if it ever happens.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
I think there may be more than 2 endings probably around 3-4 of them depending on how you interact with Kassyra, your level of corruption/purity, I would expect a difference between the lust Kassyra route and the romance Kassyra route. As for her turning back? I wonder if she would turn back into a human or maybe she would turn into a cow-girl because of her affinity for them? -shrugs- guess we will find out if it ever happens.
not entirely human, but probably less demonic!
maybe without the wings and tail of a dragon, and definitely NOT RED!


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
I know Fenoxo doesn't really want to add content from CoC I to the second version.

But the tentacle beast was my sexual fantasy. I want him back as an encounter in the forest.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
I know Fenoxo doesn't really want to add content from CoC I to the second version.

But the tentacle beast was my sexual fantasy. I want him back as an encounter in the forest.
The tentacle beast was a corrupted mutant plant, the result of years and years of corruption distorting nature, since in CoC1 more than 20 years have passed since the demons had appeared!
there would be no way for such a thing to arise in Savarra like that, since in CoC2, we are still at stage 1 of contamination, at most!
Unless it was created artificially, like Alraune, it's just that much more heinous!

Good luck coding this!