What content would you like added?


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2019
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil
Well, one involves fantasy people with animal features, the other involves literally your dog and a jar of peanut butter.
I was drinking a mug of tea when I read this thing!o_O
Miraculously my keyboard was not damaged!:D I can't say the same about the nose AND clothes!:colbert:

Yes! Her expansion includes:
  • Two new sets: Red Mage (Magic DPS) and Dancer (Lust)
  • Bunch of new Cait scenes, including:
  • Anal deflowering
  • Relationship stuff, talks, sleeping with her, y'know -- the good stuff
  • Cait Leothranization TF (become thicc and fluffy like Syrish/Liresh)
  • Optionally Set up a Temple of Mallach in town with Cait's BFF from the homeland and engage in Advanced Catte Thottery
:yes::catte::gizz: i swear to god that if i had the money for it, i would now buy a plane ticket to where you live just to kiss you. For Father's sake, say that one day we can make that kitten box dream come true! PLEASE!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Well, in a way, of course the Patreon poll will be a massive minority. The people who support the Patreon are the ones who are okay with the game in its current state: okay enough to support it financially in fact. In the patreon you will not find people who are advocating for such big changes in the first place! If the game did not had these issues it has in my eyes, I have no doubts in my mind I would be part of the Patreon as well! But since it doesn't, I don't. Hence why the Patreon poll is probably one of the most biased places you could ask that particular question.
It's not biased, it's just a limited and skewed sample. That's not what bias is. Sure, it has limited utility, but at the same time it is the best and easiest way for the devs to get actual metrics on what their community wants them to make. Meanwhile, polling people who don't currently spend money on CoC2 could potentially turn up an untapped fanbase, but it's more likely to turn up a lot of useless responses from people uninterested in the actual game and who just want to fuck with the results in the best tradition of Internet polls.
I know it is a big change and not something that could be tackled feasibly unless I get a large group willing to work together to do so. I mean, darn, I doubt I could event tackle this myself if I even tried! I am more of an ideas and scenario person, not an actual writer myself! My writing is atrocious, not helped with the fact that English is not my first language, so yeah, I am at an innate disadvantage at that. I mostly talk about the dude-iffication of current girls because there are far too many female characters. Even by making 10 to 30 new male characters (I have been counting it. The ratio to shemale to male is MASSIVE even for a fantasy world. Shemale isn't even that popular of a fetish), the balance will still be skewed, but writers already said they aren't really looking for balance but just writing what they like. I guess it is to be expected when there isn't really a diverse cast of writers with different tastes.

I guess I am just rambling now and this might not be the most well-written or structured post, but it is basically how I feel about this whole discussion.
I'm very familiar with the ratio, because I've counted it myself. For what it's worth, the number of female characters with no dick is actually more than double the number of DGs/futas.

The characters that are already in the game are there to stay. You're not going to get characters changed from being what they are to being something else. You're unlikely to get significant TF/TG options added to characters purely on your request, either, especially when you don't seem to care much about the characters themselves and much more about the abstraction of the Ratio.

Like I said in my previous post, the best way to get a larger percentage of dudes into the game is "write or commission more dudes". It's emphatically not "try to change existing content". Submissions are open. If you don't think you're capable, find somebody who can meet the game's quality standards and get them to write what you want. That's where a lot of the women in the game have come from, after all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
And polling people who don't currently spend money on CoC2 could potentially turn up an untapped fanbase, but it's more likely to turn up a lot of useless responses from people uninterested in the actual game and who just want to fuck with the results in the best tradition of Internet polls.

It could also be a way to expand the fanbase but I see what you mean. Baby steps is the safest way.

For what it's worth, the number of female characters with no dick is actually more than double the number of DGs/futas.

Yeah, I understand that. Porn will always be made by males, for males in mind and I have fully come to terms with that sad fact.
But what hurts more is the whole dickgirl thing. It's just, like, so close yet so far away! "Look, a nice cock but whoops! It's on a female body!" It is insult to injury in a way. If they were shemales who only had their cock as decoration, I wouldn't mind, but almost every shemale is a top.

not going to get characters changed from being what they are to being something else. You're unlikely to get significant TF/TG options added to characters purely on your request, either, especially when you don't seem to care much about the characters themselves and much more about the abstraction of the Ratio.
Like I said, not even if it's an optional toggle for people like me? Something like silly mode for limited things? I do know about the lore of some characters (altho I must admit I had no idea who Evelyn was, as I always ran away from her. Kinda sad that there is no "gentle male dom" though)

Submissions are open. If you don't think you're capable, find somebody who can meet the game's quality standards and get them to write what you want. That's where a lot of the women in the game have come from, after all
I guess there is no other way around it. It is much easier said than done though. I have no idea where I could even start. Post a draft and/or ideas and get suggestions/help from people on the forums who could help me improve it OR would rewrite it themselves? Much easier said than done. Specially because most men prefer women, hence why women are much more popular.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
Kinda sad that there is no "gentle male dom" though
Brint does a pretty good job of filling that niche (and a lot of other things), IMO.
I guess there is no other way around it. It is much easier said than done though. I have no idea where I could even start. Post a draft and/or ideas and get suggestions/help from people on the forums who could help me improve it OR would rewrite it themselves? Much easier said than done. Specially because most men prefer women, hence why women are much more popular.
It's all about skin in the game, whether time or money. I'm aware of one gentleman that's being commissioned into the game as we speak.

Also, there's nothing wrong with requesting more dudes. Just don't expect people to change existing non-dudes into dudes.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
Brint does a pretty good job of filling that niche (and a lot of other things), IMO.
Meh. Horse-face fucks Cait as well so no dice. He is just my bro.

I'm aware of one gentleman that's being commissioned into the game as we speak.
I hope he is a partner, because there is a serious lack of male partners. That's probably the worst. There is only Brint and... That's it. I am not counting traps.

Also, there's nothing wrong with requesting more dudes. Just don't expect people to change existing non-dudes into dudes.
I guess that's asking much, yeah. Even if it was just a toggle-able.
It seemed like the easier way rather than adding more things into the game tho.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
My writing is atrocious, not helped with the fact that English is not my first language, so yeah, I am at an innate disadvantage at that.

I like to say it often, but:

English as a second language is not an excuse. My first language is Chinese and that's about as far from English as you can reasonably get because it's a language that uses pictograms and not an alphabet. Somehow, I still manage. Shocking, I know.

I am more of an ideas and scenario person, not an actual writer myself!

We already have more than enough ideas that we took a year off the main story to fill in all the things we wanted to write; idea guys are worse than useless to us in that regard. The fact that our usual response to the average idea guy spitting out requests for content is basically "do/commission it yourself" stems from the fact that idea guys never have any kind of clue as to the sheer amount of work their additions or changes would involve. Once we tell them to actually do some work, the vast majority of them fade into obscurity.

Stop talking and start doing; several of our writers got started that way.

If the game did not had these issues it has in my eyes, I have no doubts in my mind I would be part of the Patreon as well!

It could also be a way to expand the fanbase but I see what you mean.

As the saying goes, fork out or get out; put your money where your mouth is. We're not about to go chasing pie-in-the-sky imaginary players; not only is there no evidence any such significant userbase exists, but talk is cheap and we have evidence against any such userbase existing in any reasonable quantity. The last time the outrage brigade cast its baleful eye on our game, their claims of boycotting us where they would otherwise have been paying customers proved to not even move our sales metrics one inch. After their demands were met for completely unrelated reasons and they claimed to be satisfied with promises of buying our game, we did not experience any spike in sales. We're not about to divert resources from or alienate our existing playerbase just because the hundredth person promises that there really is a great untapped market out there and we would make so much more if we just did what they wanted us to do.

As for growth, we are not a silicon valley internet startup which has to report to angel investors and show massive userbase increases every quarter or the funding dries up like thin spit on a hot stove. Growth for growth's sake is the mantra of the cancer cell; I'm not about to speak for the boss, but catering to a smaller yet dedicated fanbase has produced far better results for us and long-term sustainability. Growth has to be aimed towards ends in order to be useful as opposed to being an end in itself; I literally don't care about expanding the fanbase of my content if it means not being able to deliver to the people enthused with my little fiefdom.

Like I said, not even if it's an optional toggle for people like me?

You're not the first person to claim "make it a toggle" would solve all problems. Hint: it doesn't. It really doesn't. Alypia correctly points out the massive resource sink and hence opportunity cost involved in such efforts. Constantly repeating "just make futa a toggle" doesn't change the fact that, for example, a person's sexuality and gender are core elements of their identity, or the massive number of scenes which would be need to be added to support it; there's a reason why Brint/Brienne have such a massive wordcount.

That's not to mention that a lot of authors are outright going to forbid you from genderbending their characters -- because again, it's not just a matter da ween or da puss, but it's often core to the idea of who they are. Alypia has already pointed out the example of Etheryn, but there are many more. I can't speak for anyone else, but I can assure you that if you tried to genderbend any of my characters I would deny you without even thinking twice.
Last edited:


Jan 8, 2016
Well, in a way, of course the Patreon poll will be a massive minority. The people who support the Patreon are the ones who are okay with the game in its current state: okay enough to support it financially in fact.
The devs are aware of this. That's why we don't use it as a "what should we do next?" barometer, otherwise you just end up with an infinite feedback loop. Anyway you're not the first person with grandiose ideas to "fix" the game and I doubt you'll be the last. I have to admit "turn every shemale into a male" is pretty low on the tier list of improvements we've been notified of though, for the reasons already mentioned. I don't mean this as a slam dunk but this idea was a no from its very inception.

I get it, too. One of the big reasons I even wrote Brint at the start when there was only 1 companion and BubbleLord didn't exist to prove me wrong yet was because I knew nobody else would write a male companion and I figured I should do some catering to that segment of people. The gritty truth is that despite loving Brint and enjoying writing him, I prolly coulda not bothered and we'd be no worse off as a game aside from the memes it'd spawn. Relatively speaking, hardly any STRICTLY gay dudes or STRICTLY straight women play these games. The vast, vast majority -- yes, outside of the patreon poll -- of players want women and sometimes futa to fuck, and sometimes futa to fuck them. Do I think male characters (and companions) add something to the game? For sure. Were they necessary additions? I doubt it, but we'll never know. Still, I'll keep writing them because I like it and I think there are things male characters can do -- and feelings they can evoke -- that female ones can't.


Oct 1, 2020
Whatever fetish the Patreon says are not allowed I believe. So Incest, necrophilia, Beastiality, and Rape. Fenoxo and Savin try and toe the line on some of those fetishes. cos I guess whenever our character gets in a fight we have an unwritten agreement with the enemy that the winner gets to sex up the loser. There is also "I can't believe it's not incest" and TiTS has a Frostwyvern which I guess is a intelligent mythical beast so it doesn't count XD

Incest is banned? But... there is a shit ton of games on Patreon right now containing incest. Strange. Any chances there will be content featuring *step*siblings and *step*parents, where MAYBE imputing a code or an "unofficial" patch removes the *step* part?


Oct 1, 2020
I've brought this up before but Nice Time for Roo in a game with transformations is really weak to begin with. It's hard for an NPC to credibly steal your beloved when you can TF your dick to be 24", increase your stats, etc. It also has the added downside of making 85% of the playerbase despise
1) the character doing the NTRing
2) the character being NTRed away from you -- they are now considered 'tainted' forever even if the Nice Time for Roo scenario doesn't actually occur, simply because it could occur and that lessens the player's faith in them
3) the writer who did the Nice Time for Roo scenario
So it's lose-lose all around. And if you just make the scenario happen between two non-significant characters then it has no weight or authenticity because who really gives a shit if written-to-be-NTRbait is taken away from you by NTRchad? Nobody.

Jesus, people really should address their emotional issues to a therapist, not in video games. You can add any sexual content in a game - threesomes, orgies, incest, bestiality, watersports, gay, rape, loli - and people not liking said content will usually just quietly skip it, or ignore it. Add Nice Time for Roo, and a small but VERY vocal minority comes out of the woodshed.

I understand you perfectly well, Wsan, in not wanting to deal with it. As to how it would be implemented whilst also addressing the lack of actual "from normal to slut" corruption, as well as adding a cuckquean path to the same character - I've made a separate post for that one or two posts below the one you're quoting.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Incest is banned? But... there is a shit ton of games on Patreon right now containing incest. Strange. Any chances there will be content featuring *step*siblings and *step*parents, where MAYBE imputing a code or an "unofficial" patch removes the *step* part?

It is banned, but enforcement is selective so Patreon can crack down on people they don't like for other reasons and use it as a pretext. Look at the rules -- compliance with them all simply is quite impossible for these kind of games. FFS, minotaurs are banned.

Given that they've claimed the right to police you for saying things off-platform, do you really imagine that a fig leaf of a step-family mask would deter them if they were determined to enforce their rules?

But to clarify: parent-child incest is the only kind of incest that we personally ban, and that's more due to Fen feeling uncomfortable with it as a father rather than anything else. We already have multiple sibling pairs who fuck each other and you in the game.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
hell, people have been banned off of patreon for having furry x human relations, for being bestiality. Just depends on what power tripping loony you get assigned on a given day.

granted, there is a small handful of implied incest situations in the game already, right? like with Ryn and the queen.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
Jesus, people really should address their emotional issues to a therapist, not in video games. You can add any sexual content in a game - threesomes, orgies, incest, bestiality, watersports, gay, rape, loli - and people not liking said content will usually just quietly skip it, or ignore it. Add Nice Time for Roo, and a small but VERY vocal minority comes out of the woodshed.
To be fair, Nice Time for Roo is quite a different beast to all the others on that list. At the end of the day, it's a matter of tone.

Simple debaucheries like threesomes and orgies are already perfectly wholesome unless you're bloody Victorian, as participating parties all go in consensually with the intention and expectation to simply have a good time. They fit right into a sexually open cultural setting.

Those that don't fit are simply...not present in full.

Watersports isn't presented at all, and it's one of the lighter fetishes. Unless you want to count squirting, but scientifically it's still undecided.

As I recall, there isn't any - for lack of a better word - "proper" rape in this game. Not the type where the victim would have to live with emotional and sometimes physical scars for life, or the type that are near-death experiences. It's less rape and more regular consensual sex with a unique, overly vigorous, DnD themed take on foreplay.

Bestiality isn't really bestiality when the beast in question is talking to you about his home town mid-coitus.

And uh...well the whole "she's actually older than the atoms in my body" doesn't work in court, but it helps those people sleep at night after their wank so long as no SWAT teams bust in. There aren't any of that in this game regardless of excuse.

Point is, these fetishes can be sanitized in one way or another to not be emotionally upsetting...to various degrees of effectiveness (seriously it won't work in front of a jury). Not all kinks are created equal, and I'm sure there are kinks you'd consider more than reasonable for people to be outraged about. CoC2's kink writing has always been in this sanitized realm, where all of it is at least somewhat consensual, and more importantly, fully enjoyable for everyone involved. None of it is genuinely disturbing, enraging or depressing. That is the tone of this game.

In the case of Nice Time for Roo, the emotional upset IS what makes it work. It has to be enraging and humiliating, and not even humiliating in the kinky way. Sanitize Nice Time for Roo and it's no longer Nice Time for Roo, at least not Nice Time for Roo enough for the people who are into that stuff. Consensual, fully enjoyable Nice Time for Roo is just pimping with a heavy discount, which we already have in the form of deploying Cait like a pokemon.

If CoC2 was the kind of dark game that presented all of those fetishes in their fully fucked up and in at least one case severely illegal glory, then yeah, people would let Nice Time for Roo slide. But it isn't. People in this section of the kink pool don't want to go any deeper, so it won't do to start digging potholes beneath their tippy-toed feet.

As a last note: being on this end of the internet for too long can really skew your views. Ask 100 people on the street who is more likely to need a therapist: the person into Nice Time for Roo or the person repulsed by it, 98 is gonna say the former. Some of us are being good little stoics about it and that's cool, but let's not pretend it's even remotely unreasonable to be upset about something that ruins decades long marriages. The vocal minority in this case comes from a majority that's too desensitized to actually bother speaking up, and that woodshed they came from is fucking enormous, filled with enough people to declare itself a major city.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
This last page is why I usually just answer things with "lol no" by the way.

say that one day we can make that kitten box dream come true! PLEASE!!!!

Not during the course of the game.

That's why we don't use it as a "what should we do next?" barometer

Correct. The patreon content poll, both the one we're doing now and the one we did in April, are me sticking a thermometer up the player bases' ass and seeing what the temperature of the room is. More curiosity and sometimes settling annoying inter-dev arguments than anything else.

there is a shit ton of games on Patreon right now containing incest. Strange.

That would imply Patreon doesn't just make up rules to fuck with people and then selectively enforce them to spite others :^)

I would like to third the motion plus suggest a sleep with option, Ryn is so precious I just want to hold her all night long.

Probably when I get around to Etheryn's first major expansion.


Oct 1, 2020
To be fair, Nice Time for Roo is quite a different beast to all the others on that list. At the end of the day, it's a matter of tone.

Simple debaucheries like threesomes and orgies are already perfectly wholesome unless you're bloody Victorian, as participating parties all go in consensually with the intention and expectation to simply have a good time. They fit right into a sexually open cultural setting.

Those that don't fit are simply...not present in full.

Watersports isn't presented at all, and it's one of the lighter fetishes. Unless you want to count squirting, but scientifically it's still undecided.

As I recall, there isn't any - for lack of a better word - "proper" rape in this game. Not the type where the victim would have to live with emotional and sometimes physical scars for life, or the type that are near-death experiences. It's less rape and more regular consensual sex with a unique, overly vigorous, DnD themed take on foreplay.

Bestiality isn't really bestiality when the beast in question is talking to you about his home town mid-coitus.

And uh...well the whole "she's actually older than the atoms in my body" doesn't work in court, but it helps those people sleep at night after their wank so long as no SWAT teams bust in. There aren't any of that in this game regardless of excuse.

Point is, these fetishes can be sanitized in one way or another to not be emotionally upsetting...to various degrees of effectiveness (seriously it won't work in front of a jury). Not all kinks are created equal, and I'm sure there are kinks you'd consider more than reasonable for people to be outraged about. CoC2's kink writing has always been in this sanitized realm, where all of it is at least somewhat consensual, and more importantly, fully enjoyable for everyone involved. None of it is genuinely disturbing, enraging or depressing. That is the tone of this game.

In the case of Nice Time for Roo, the emotional upset IS what makes it work. It has to be enraging and humiliating, and not even humiliating in the kinky way. Sanitize Nice Time for Roo and it's no longer Nice Time for Roo, at least not Nice Time for Roo enough for the people who are into that stuff. Consensual, fully enjoyable Nice Time for Roo is just pimping with a heavy discount, which we already have in the form of deploying Cait like a pokemon.

If CoC2 was the kind of dark game that presented all of those fetishes in their fully fucked up and in at least one case severely illegal glory, then yeah, people would let Nice Time for Roo slide. But it isn't. People in this section of the kink pool don't want to go any deeper, so it won't do to start digging potholes beneath their tippy-toed feet.

As a last note: being on this end of the internet for too long can really skew your views. Ask 100 people on the street who is more likely to need a therapist: the person into Nice Time for Roo or the person repulsed by it, 98 is gonna say the former. Some of us are being good little stoics about it and that's cool, but let's not pretend it's even remotely unreasonable to be upset about something that ruins decades long marriages. The vocal minority in this case comes from a majority that's too desensitized to actually bother speaking up, and that woodshed they came from is fucking enormous, filled with enough people to declare itself a major city.

You've just proven my point. People write bloody essays as soon as Nice Time for Roo is even mentioned, not even implemented in any form. I'm not surprised @Savin doesn't employ it, seeing as how he would need to act as a psychiatrist for half the forum.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2020
You've just proven my point. People write bloody essays as soon as Nice Time for Roo is even mentioned, not even implemented in any form. I'm not surprised @Savin doesn't employ it, seeing as how he would need to act as a psychiatrist for half the forum.
People react that way because netorare is an extreme fetish - much more extreme than say, loli or just voyeurism. There might be no prolapsing organs or gore, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a fetish made to provoke a deeply negative emotional response. It's obvious that people against it will be very vocal about it. I bet this topic has been talked to death here.

As for the thread topic - I'd like to see more "bad" ends(that being game overs where the PC just decided to ditch the main quest and become a cocksleeve/whathaveyou) - not even neccessarily with the player being the bottom in the scenario.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2020
You've just proven my point. People write bloody essays as soon as Nice Time for Roo is even mentioned, not even implemented in any form. I'm not surprised @Savin doesn't employ it, seeing as how he would need to act as a psychiatrist for half the forum.
I mean, yeah?

It's like saying "why are you getting upset at the mention of a steak knife during our BDSM session? I'M NOT EVEN USING IT RIGHT NOW!"

I didn't try to deny the fact people get upset over Nice Time for Roo, that's the point of Nice Time for Roo even for people who are into it. It's only bizarre that you're trying to frame perfectly reasonable reactions as ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
all this talk about Nice Time for Roo and all I am thinking about is the idea of a married couple asking you to go a few rounds with the wife while the husband watches. Sometimes from a chair, sometimes from a closet. Almost always dressed as superman. And yeah that does mean I don't mind the idea of it being an older couple. You would not believe how many times I would have banged Nelia if I had the chance. gotta love a woman with experience.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
This last page is why I usually just answer things with "lol no" by the way.
Such a short response is a literal slap on the face to people tho. I feel much better having honest feedback from TheObserver, Wsan and Alypia like I have been doing. I think this kind of discussion is extremely productive for all parties involved, and just not for me but also for anyone else in the future!

English as a second language is not an excuse. My first language is Chinese and that's about as far from English as you can reasonably get because it's a language that uses pictograms and not an alphabet. Somehow, I still manage. Shocking, I know.
You cannot in good faith just say "lol get writing" and expect someone to reach your level of quality, guys. By the time I finish writing an enemy or two, or the time I commission one NPC, there will be like 5 new female ones or so! I would require help, like people reviewing me.

Or I could go the cheap route and commission something. I would only really commission a partner. Everything else, I could probably do myself if I really try.

Stop talking and start doing; several of our writers got started that way.

I am mostly just brainstorming right now. I guess I could try something myself. People always say to "be the change you want to see", since none of the main Content Creators beside Wsan seem to be interested in males.

We're not about to divert resources from or alienate our existing playerbase just because the hundredth person promises that there really is a great untapped market out there and we would make so much more if we just did what they wanted us to do.
I now the "toggle" option is a no-no now, but to play devil advocate for myself:
I am not asking for something that would be against the current playerbase at all. I don't see how a separate play mode would go against the playerbase interested. Let's say it was me changing the gender of all the futas for a toggle feature on a SEPARATE function, I don't think any of that would be offensive for any current playerbase. I am not coming here, and calling this place my own, at least I think I am not.

have to admit "turn every shemale into a male" is pretty low on the tier list of improvements we've been notified of though, for the reasons already mentioned. I don't mean this as a slam dunk but this idea was a no from its very inception.
Well I wouldn't have known that until now. It still makes a lot of sense in my head, thought. For some reason, making more male characters would make the game feel a bit cluttered in my mind, but most people seem to think that's the better way to "fix" this ("fix" because they don't consider it an issue)

The vast, vast majority -- yes, outside of the patreon poll -- of players want women and sometimes futa to fuck, and sometimes futa to fuck them. Do I think male characters (and companions) add something to the game? For sure. Were they necessary additions? I doubt it, but we'll never know.
That's part of why I suggested the "toggle" thing. If not for gender changes, then maybe for two different modes: One focused on people attracted to females and the other for the ones who fancy males a bit more. I know the vast majority will always be people attracted to females because that is how hentai and porn works, but, like you said, sometimes male characters can do something special!
The fact Ogrish cannot be sexed yet, for example, is borderline criminal!

much more extreme than say, loli
Citation needed, pal.
Loli is only accepted in the anime community. Ask anyone else and they will most be repulsed by it, and be all like "weird but ok" with Nice Time for Roo.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
You cannot in good faith just say "lol get writing" and expect someone to reach your level of quality, guys. By the time I finish writing an enemy or two, or the time I commission one NPC, there will be like 5 new female ones or so! I would require help, like people reviewing me.

Your writing should not be impacted by the number of new females/herm/shemales added and I mean that personally. If you are going to write male characters to fill up a quota or try and catch up you will never get there and the end result will be bland shallow fuck dolls in the shape of males rather than characters. If you get serious with making a character leave all the "needs more males" at the door and write because you want to create a male character you and others could be interested in. You write a decent character in a week/month/next 3 months and someone will still be interested in checking it out and reviewing it, don't try and create a hard deadline. It will just create stress, the other creators are making characters because they like it, not to fill up a quota.

I now the "toggle" option is a no-no now, but to play devil advocate for myself:
I am not asking for something that would be against the current playerbase at all. I don't see how a separate play mode would go against the playerbase interested. Let's say it was me changing the gender of all the futas for a toggle feature on a SEPARATE function, I don't think any of that would be offensive for any current playerbase. I am not coming here, and calling this place my own, at least I think I am not.

The problem with the toggle system is that they would be working backward. Silly Mode was created around the same time as the original so there was less to edit and less to change so it and buttslut mode were made practically in parallel and as such any additional work was minimal. If they tried to make a "Herm to Male" conversion they would have to rip up a lot of their work to edit and look through their work with a fine-tooth comb to change all the dialogue and descriptions to fit the new play mode. as would the artists be commissioned to make new art which is more work and money that could be spent on their next update. This is very much a case of the creators needing to look forwards over looking back. Because if they look back they will stagnate.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
You write a decent character in a week/month/next 3 months and someone will still be interested in checking it out and reviewing it, don't try and create a hard deadline. It will just create stress, the other creators are making characters because they like it, not to fill up a quota.
I guess in a way I see what you mean. I just don't like what I see, I guess. That's just the truth of it, lol.
I guess I just like the way too much and wish it had a bit more for my taste.

. Silly Mode was created around the same time as the original so there was less to edit and less to change so it and buttslut mode were made practically in parallel and as such any additional work was minimal.
That's actually a good point. It's probably way too late for that. Had it been suggested at the start of the project, it could have probably been used, but now it is far too late. I can't imagine the amount of work it would take.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Such a short response is a literal slap on the face to people tho.
When the point has already been discussed ad nauseam, sometimes all that's needed is to put the discussion to rest with a one-word answer by the guy who has the last word on things.

Or I could go the cheap route and commission something. I would only really commission a partner.
Assuming by 'partner' that you mean a companion character, that door has closed, that ship has sailed and that train has left the station. You might want to read this deceptively prominent topic.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2020
Citation needed, pal.
Loli is only accepted in the anime community. Ask anyone else and they will most be repulsed by it, and be all like "weird but ok" with Nice Time for Roo.
I chose the wrong example here since loli is pretty degenerate by itself. You could argue that jerking it off to drawing of underage girls is preferable to getting off to actual emotional self harm, but this isn't a battle I am willing to take. My point still stands though. I have yet to meet someone who would regard a genuine I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN as anything else than truly pathetic, or a degenerate. And I don't mean online. Smells like a giga cope.

A question to any user that wants Nice Time for Roo in the game because that's their fetish: would you have any problems calling yourself a 'cuckold'?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
When the point has already been discussed ad nauseam, sometimes all that's needed is to put the discussion to rest with a one-word answer by the guy who has the last word on things.
It is still a slap on the face nonetheless. I wouldn't know it has been discussed before.

I guess this is also related to the gripe thread (but NOT related tot he subject at hand ITT) where Savin just said "no" to me on something else, without giving me any solid reason. I've just responded to that now.
I am searching and I haven't found why Alraune cannot be spared without having to have sex with her. If someone could point me at the discussion where that is settled in stone, it would be nice to see.

Assuming by 'partner' that you mean a companion character, that door has closed, that ship has sailed and that train has left the station. You might want to read this deceptively prominent topic.
I have read that one already. I was under the impression that only purple names get to make partners. So, even if I commission a purple name to make a companion character or something? Male companions are far too uncommon and you all know it far too well!

You could argue that jerking it off to drawing of underage girls is preferable to getting off to actual emotional self harm
You could not. I for one would rather have people harm themselves over and over than harm children.
Children are untouchable.

I have yet to meet someone who would regard a genuine I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN as anything else than truly pathetic
Because they are.
But that's neither here nor there, and unrelated to this. I still support I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN content in the game and don't see it as morally repulsive. or anything. If anyone is offended by I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN content in this game, they need a grip on reality.


Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
I am mostly just brainstorming right now. I guess I could try something myself. People always say to "be the change you want to see", since none of the main Content Creators beside Wsan seem to be interested in males.
On behalf of bubble lord, since he's not around to see this because of real life issues, let me just say, "fuck you."

Quotes like this are a huge part of why there are so few writers who will write males. Bubble's written a huge chunk of the in-game males—an even larger chunk if you only count the named ones—and is actively writing more, but you can't even be assed to count him. Shit, he wrote the other masculine male companion, for god's sake. Imagine putting in all that time and effort to add a range of male characters and the people who're crusading for more of the content like what you write don't even acknowledge your works' existence.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
You cannot in good faith just say "lol get writing" and expect someone to reach your level of quality, guys.

I can. Hop to it; all I'm hearing are excuses. The road is hard and long, but if you don't make that first step you'll never get anywhere.

People always say to "be the change you want to see", since none of the main Content Creators beside Wsan seem to be interested in males.

Since Bubblelord is not around due to real life issues -- you know, that Bubblelord who has not only written considerable numbers of male characters and has a male companion, as well as M/M content, allow me to deliver several choice expletives in your direction on his behalf. Poor man gets really really angry when people forget his existence like this. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this is another (albeit minor) reason why no one, especially not new writers, write male content, because people will continue to pretend that your work just doesn't exist to push their agenda.

Then there's the matter of Hugsalright...

I am not asking for something that would be against the current playerbase at all. I don't see how a separate play mode would go against the playerbase interested.

opportunity cost
noun Economics.
the money or other benefits lost when pursuing a particular course of action instead of a mutually-exclusive alternative:

Time and resources are not infinite, ideas guy; when you actually start doing things, you'll understand. You are asking for resources to be diverted from our actual paying playerbase to cater to... who, exactly? A market of nebulous people who all our metrics and experience shows doesn't exist in any significant manner? For what, exactly? To fill some kind of diversity quota we've already said we don't care about?

The fact Ogrish cannot be sexed yet, for example, is borderline criminal!

The starting people in Hawkethorne cannot be sexed; this is to avoid a Tavros situation where people don't leave the starting town for hours. Leorah is the only exception because i needed something to gate ranged training behind, and said scenes are perfunctory at best.

By the time I finish writing an enemy or two, or the time I commission one NPC, there will be like 5 new female ones or so!

Your writing should not be impacted by the number of new females/herm/shemales added and I mean that personally. If you are going to write male characters to fill up a quota or try and catch up you will never get there and the end result will be bland shallow fuck dolls in the shape of males rather than characters. If you get serious with making a character leave all the "needs more males" at the door and write because you want to create a male character you and others could be interested in.

This is the important thing. Knowing this, even if your writing were superb, I would be loathe to actually accept anything coming from you because you're not writing to actually create interesting characters that add to the game, your attitude is simply one of filling that quota and it's not an attitude we want anywhere in the dev team. All of our characters, great or small, are labours of love; they are who they are because that's what they struck us as, and if they happen to be a particular sex or gender then that's it.

Every time a new face comes into the discord starry-eyed and wants to show off their submission, you can feel the love and enthusiasm for their creation, and if you're going to reduce that to a paint-by-numbers kit of extruded prose product I have nothing more to say.