What are your gripes/criticism of TiTs?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
...Did you know of the 100+ eggs I had with the Frostwyrm, my Steele laid 75 of them without skipping any time or cheating at all?...

What did you even do in all that time? Last time I did it I had already done everything. Probably because I put it off so I could have other pregnancies.
Minimum time is going to be 75 four month segments plus two for turning them all into wyrmlings 77*4 = 308 months = 9240 days.
Maximum time would be a full year for each 75*12 = 900 months = 27000 days.

My Steeles generally end up as broodmother simulators (even the traps). Love getting pregnant. Love being pregnant. Love giving birth (more than anyone irl I should think). Yeah so pregnancy in game is all about imagining what your Steele is feeling.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
What did you even do in all that time? Last time I did it I had already done everything. Probably because I put it off so I could have other pregnancies.
Minimum time is going to be 75 four month segments plus two for turning them all into wyrmlings 77*4 = 308 months = 9240 days.
Maximum time would be a full year for each 75*12 = 900 months = 27000 days.

My Steeles generally end up as broodmother simulators (even the traps). Love getting pregnant. Love being pregnant. Love giving birth (more than anyone irl I should think). Yeah so pregnancy in game is all about imagining what your Steele is feeling.

I did everything. I even grew a dick and started knocking people up.

Your math is a bit off: my Steele has three wombs. So every 4 months my Steele lays three eggs which she can stockpile and then hatch all at once later on. So that would be 25 four month segments plus whatever it was to hatch and raise your clutch 25*4 = 100 months.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
My only gripe at this point is that i wish the equipment system was as in depth as CoC2's system is. i know it's never gonna happen, but it is something i like


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
I kinda feel like you're overthinking it to be honest, fetishes aren't really a rational thing most of the time
That is a very good point actually. I do tend to overthink things, but I was trying to understand something I don't.

I apologize if I came off as rude to anyone, as I'm sure I did.


Oct 9, 2016
There are plenty of reasons to not want children, or be incapable of having children, and as far as I'm aware, people get into relationships because they love the person they're with, not because they think it would be a great idea to have kids. Most people in-game don't have or want kids, leading to the complaining of lack of NPC pregnancy; most people aren't '"breeding like bunnies", they're having sex for fun or for love. I got the Sterile perk at the beginning, so the Nursery literally makes no sense, but I did do the Queen of the Deep eggnancy, so I guess it helps.

Hughes' character was defined by his being a father, just like in real life. Taking his daughter out of it would have made him a different person and altered the story, even if only by a little.

I don't think there's anyone you can kill, unless I'm missing something. I'm pretty sure it's stated outright that murder isn't allowed in the game. And personally, I avoid slavery and rape content. I know the Nursery gives them food, shelter, and clothing, but I don't see the situation as good for the children. I know rich people already do stuff like this, but that doesn't make it okay. The differences between species raising their young is purely cultural, not racial, and usually take inspiration from other human cultures or wild animals, which are far less advanced than Coreward cultures in TiTS, and thus don't make a great example.

At any rate, this discussion isn't what I had in mind when I was asking what people thought was great about either being or making someone pregnant as much as possible.

That is a very good point actually. I do tend to overthink things, but I was trying to understand something I don't.

I apologize if I came off as rude to anyone, as I'm sure I did.

Again, as already acknowledge I know that some may have reasons not to want children and the like. But that's just it, such a decision usually comes with reasons. We expect reasons because it is not the norm. Humans like most creatures are biologically predisposed to wanting to eventually reproduce with our partners. Population would not be anywhere near what it is if it were it otherwise. Though individuals may choose to deviate, everyone knows the biology and those impulses are hard coded into our species overall. Here though there are hardly reasons given for the mass deviation. The norm isn't simply that the NPCs don't want, but can't without reason. Many of these characters quite obviously would be fertile, would be open to kids and certainly prone to accidents. So it feels odd and incomplete when that optional path doesn't exist for almost any of them.

Every change alters the story by a little. But there is a difference between essential or not essential. You'd be hard pressed to write someone like Roy out of Hughes character development because of how essentially entwined their stories are. You'd have to overhaul almost everything to do so. His daughter is different. You would barely need to alter anything but the very references to her. Replace her picture with the picture of his wife, remove the birth/birthday scene and you're basically done. That said, adding her did wonders for him. And I think the same could be done for characters in this game, especially given they don't have as rich connections with characters outside of it as Hughes did.

Mind you, I've not approached this from a point of simple fetish. Personally, I'm not even a fan of things like sex while pregnant. I just feel it's more the gameplay and story that suffer from not fully utilizing pregnancy. There's just too much one and dones that have no impact on anything and samey casual relationships that go nowhere. The balance is off and the lack of diversity in that respect makes the character stories feel repetitive and pointless.

In any case, I think we can end the discussion here. And no worries on the rudeness front, for the most part I thought you were okay. I certainly appreciate that despite your aversion at least you were able to have a discussion instead of simply being dismissive.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
This is gonna be a little gripe, but I hate how Steele and other characters from the previous games just pick up any if not everything from an enemy and not given the option of leaving it some things and taking others.

And before someone goes."There are some encounters where you can just refuse to pick up some items." I know that, but in all situations I'd rather just be able to pick up one item instead of completely mugging someone after beating the shit out of them.

Like if I crack a zil over the head I don't want her crappy tf ration, I just wanted to get by her and maybe take her credits then move along.

Plus I hate, I get my inventory full because I beat a bunch of enemies and Didn't focus or notice they were dropping stuff and then come across something I want or something interesting and end up having a full inventory.

Kinda small but I'd rather Steele not pick everything they can fit into their backpack, gives me the thought my Steele is a kelpto or a hoarder


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i think that it would be cool to have a real job. in these games you just fight people and take their shit.
i'd like to slow it down for once and chop some wood or something. maybe even mercenary work.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2018
I, too, wish we could overdose on the Treatment. I know it't be a bitch to program in 16 different variants, but it might be more manageable if those variants were really just variants of the four main Treatment results, with four minor variants each. I've also said the word variants way too much in this post.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I, too, wish we could overdose on the Treatment. I know it't be a bitch to program in 16 different variants, but it might be more manageable if those variants were really just variants of the four main Treatment results, with four minor variants each. I've also said the word variants way too much in this post.
What does overdosing on treatment do? Have any in game characters overdosed?
There's no "overdosing" on the treatment. It's a one-and-done thing, and because of that there's literally no point trying. Once you prick yourself you're stuck with what you get.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
i was talking about the modified version of the treatment called overdose


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
i still wish you could use multiple items at once and buy more than one at once
taking the treatment twice (or adding overdose to the game) would be nice too

I think that taking the treatment twice should just give a sort of bad end good end where you're just living on new Texas as the biggest whore there but loved by everyone, just the planet just turns into that bar where everybody knows your name.

i think that it would be cool to have a real job. in these games you just fight people and take their shit.
i'd like to slow it down for once and chop some wood or something. maybe even mercenary work.

Whoa whoa whoa, you're speaking too much sense here man. Jk

Tbh I would want it too, would get me back playing more than like twice in a month, having a job there not just do slut work at beths would be cool to do Tbh.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
But Steele has a job. It's your character class, the game just doesn't do anything with that (yet).

Actually it kinda does but most of it is few and far between like techie gets most of it, merc gets a couple while smug gets like 1.

Techie hacks Into stuff with easy mode puzzles.

Merc just goes off your strenght score.

Smug just lock picks a door in Annos quest.


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2017
Do you guys remember that amphibic bird that wants you to bring them honey because they are legaly unable to buy it themself?
Imagen a smuggler going and work with them more in-depth...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
You know now that I think about it, I think that this game had alot of missed potential and opportunities in game, like stuff that could make the game better like the above there where you could go more in-depth with the bird dude as the smuggler.

Or maybe like outta respec Ramis joins your crew seeing you as a badass merc, and maybe in the future helps you in combat which could be cool to have someone give you back up and be there for sexy times, just have some sex scenes be not available because you could Leave Ramis high and dry or like she gets jelly and goes back to the ship to leave you on your own.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2016
the job could also make the puzzles easier to do general.
the tack makes any hacking puzzle easier and gives you a lot more tries.
the smuggler allows you to picklock a door without hacking or braking it down. and if not it could make that disarming puzzle esier to do
while the mercenary helps with anything that involves braking something
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Actually it kinda does but most of it is few and far between like techie gets most of it, merc gets a couple while smug gets like 1.

Techie hacks Into stuff with easy mode puzzles.

Merc just goes off your strenght score.

Smug just lock picks a door in Annos quest.
Mercs can use a tank, and Smugglers can also use stealth instead of hacking the turrets on Tarkus.
the job could also make the puzzles easier to do general.
the tack makes any hacking puzzle easier and gives you a lot more tries.
the smuggler allows you to picklock a door without hacking or braking it down. and if not it could make that disarming puzzle esier to do
while the mercenary helps with anything that involves braking something
I don't think there's a way to make those puzzles any easier, and breaking would only really apply on planets where everything isn't an uber-strong space age material.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
If i remember one character had do work as some fast food place. I think it may have been Aina or one of the others on Tavros, but it was on Terra


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
Aina: "I got a part-time job at McChow Hut. It took me three years to save up the money. Sometimes I thought about just taking out a loan, but I was too scared of defaulting.”
“Anyway, that’s how I became a centaur - selling fast terrible cheeseburgers and watered down soft drinks. It gave me a new appreciation for home grown food, at least.”
also i have never touched Yammi, and i was wrong it was on Vaernes.