Uveto Content Discussion (GENERAL)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Oh I'm so fucking stupid, for some reason I thought this was a Vesperia thread. My bad.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
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Mar 14, 2016
So is the Frostwyrm TF going to be essentially a dragontaur like Jerynn? IE four legs, dragon body, human torso? Or like full on fuck-your-human-anatomy-i'm-a-goddamn-dragon kinda thing? Also how can I encounter lurelings and stormguards? All I'm getting are female korgonne, male milodan and milodan priestess.
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Aug 26, 2015
Neither of the above, assuming it gets in. That quest has not been reviewed by staff. If it does get in, it's designed to produce an anthropomorphic dragon: two legs, two arms, wings and tail, dragon head and full-body scales.
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Mar 14, 2016
Neither of the above, assuming it gets in. That quest has not been reviewed by staff. If it does get in, it's designed to produce an anthropomorphic dragon: two legs, two arms, wings and tail, dragon head and full-body scales.
So basically the CoC dragon blood morph, but with more eyes?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Given some TF not adding all race traits (ant tf for ex.) it is debatable if frostwyrm one would give multiple eyes (thou this one change isn;t as game breaking thing than others things from other races).


Mar 9, 2017
Is it possible to recruit Pippa as a member of your crew after reducing her dominance and maxing her affection?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yeah, the only crew member you can get from Uveto is the combat Siegwulfe, and it's arguable if Siegwulfe is an actual crewmember.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yet. I bet we would get some crew member soon(ish) form Uveto too. I would not mind have this fertility priestess...or maybe merely begining one that still need to bear enough pups to be considered true priestess. Thing that PC can help her attain for taking on tour around the galaxy (with mandatory taking towel)


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Actually on Github her Author seems to have done a recruitment X-Pack.... (FUCKINGWHY!)
I wasn't aware of that, thanks. That doesn't change my answer though, it's not possible to recruit Pippa, even if it is planned for the future.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Uh, it's a pull request, assuming it gets approved, it could be in as early as the next build.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Uh, it's a pull request, assuming it gets approved, it could be in as early as the next build.
Idk bruh, Pippa got in pretty fast and yet she's badly coded and written herself to the point she, and I'm being completely honest here, downgraded the game's quality when she got added. Many on discord even say the same thing.
If she got in that easily despite being literally 'CoC Revamp-Tier' quality (All because she was already coded.. yet even that was done badly) then who knows what would happen.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I've never actually met her, lol, what's wrong with her?

Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Pippa is a second massage person for Uveto. In a different shop. while Carbando exists. Other than that, her gimmick is sexy body massage (Nuru Massage/Full body). Its her longest scene and the others are rather short with two being only 4 paragraphs. and a few sentences. Her character tends to flip flop personalities very often. From being cute and vanilla, to an emphatic dom. (Also Abusive dom, motherly dom, and conceded sub)

Reading her code makes her very strange though. She has an affection meter and a dominance meter. The affection meter determines what she call you, while dominance does nothing. At all.(Shame)

If I'm gonna be honest, I kinda like her, but she is pretty bare bones. Even her expansion really doesn't add that much. It adds a new sex scene, plus a threesome with Yammi when you recruit Pippa. Weird thing about the scene is that it actually has a variation depending on the dominance meter. Which makes me a bit upset cause I wanted it to actually do something with the other scenes too, similar to Gianna's scenes.

I'm only vaguely familiar with coding (Just started a class) but even with my lack of knowledge I also see how the code is a bit messed up.

I've tried getting the authors attention on the forums to ask some questions but they are never on.
Pippa definitely needed more work done with extended or variations to scenes (Her code would make sense then...) but she simply doesn't.

I didnt bat an eyelash when she was added, but I will voice out if her expansion comes out, without the author adding more to her character that her "expansion" right now holds.
(Its really not a lot).


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
If you want more examples of bad coding/writing, I remember Aullama from the Discord chat mentioning how Pippa mentions a cock on their PC in one of her sex scenes, yet their character doesn't have a dick at all. It mentions a non-existent dick. So that just proves that even though she was already coded, it was really wonky coding at best. Her sex scenes are 'meh' at best, but the quality of them drops to the dirt by the time the 'climax' of them comes around. It lasts about 1-2 sentences and is pretty much like "You cum, the end". (As said, her writing is very awkward and CoC Revamp tier at best. And when you have a character being compared to that shoddy mod you should KNOW something is wrong)
Which just makes me kinda worried for the game's quality and very skeptical on if there even is decent quality control going on with these submissions. I hate to bitchy, but it's just that just because she was coded already shouldn't mean jack shit if the content itself is sub-par at best (Hell Tentacool was added at around the same time as her and that is very sub-par in the TF texts as well), she and her scenes either need to be drastically reworked or shouldn't have been in the game at all.
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Alabaster Chimes

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
If you want more examples of bad coding/writing, I remember Aullama from Discord mentioning how Pippa mentions a cock on their PC in one of her scenes, yet their character doesn't have a dick at all. It mentions a non-existant dick. So that just proves that even though she was already coded, it was really wonky coding at best.
Which just makes me really skeptical on if there even is decent quality control going on with these submissions. Just because she was coded already shouldn't mean jack shit if the content is sub-par at best, she and her scenes either need to be drastically reworked or shouldn't have been in the game at all.

Thats depressing.

I agree, she definitely needs a rework with some extra fine tuning, and that may fix the problem.

I'd like to talk to the writer about these issues, but they have been radio silent here on the forums. They made Tentacool, and I haven't heard anything negative from that TF so maybe its a one time thing.

I believe this couldve been avoided if they did the process the right way, and made the Gdoc first and let us edit it, but here we are talking about it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
She amy have appealed to Fen boner much so he possibly turn blind eye on her quality problem. Now that her code is in public repo too it wil be easier to work on improving it, right? She may start not at best ground but this can be still improved to stop make people feel she's not up to rest game content quality.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2016
I am just wondering, taking probable/planned/submitted future developments of the Uveto code into account, what to do with the frostwyrm and other non-repeatable special events one may find in the frozen wilderness. I mean, I'm able to kill the bloody wyrm once and for all, but I wonder if it would be the smart thing to do. Wouldn't it lock me out of some nifty boon or item that is waiting to be coded someplace in the expansion stack, or is it a safe thing to do? I'm vaguely aware different ways of dealing with the frostwyrm are supposed to provide different items (wyrm TF vs. armor/weapon). Certainly its periodic re-appearance gets annoying after a while. Same issue as it concerns the milodian fertility ritual: I'm just uncertain whether to interfere with it, and how. So far, I've only noticed you may unlock milodian priestnesses as a spawnable enemy by messing with the ritual.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
False positive on the cock is as simple as a 1 being a 0 (on a local variable meant to guide the scene). That's not bad coding practice, that's a mistake easily fixable with a bug report.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2017
Since this is the uveto content discussion, how about getting a high quality shield emitter from the frostwyrm? :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
frostwyrm could give good armor...ohh right he can give material for good armro after quest for it will be added. Or genes to make wyrmfrost TF. It not looks like good source of high quality shield belt drop source.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
You cannot find a shield on the Frostwyrm, and never could. It was never even planned to be dropped, and it's kind of a silly idea to find a high tech piece of equipment on a wild (abit sentient) beast. I have no idea why this is a thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I take it has to do with that video game mentality of getting rewards after beating an enemy regardless of which type of enemy it was. Quoting that Brentalfloss Final Fantasy's Victory Fanfare theme, "You're a squirrel that somehow has money and sometimes swords and shields."