So, i realize the planet is considered to be complete at this point, but --playing through it with zero foreknowledge-- in its current shape it kinda asks for an extra push for the player to venture into the far-east territory (other than "it's there" which was an old school approach already some 20+ years ago and something the game otherwise mostly manages to avoid).
There's already a hook for it in place, with Anyxine mentioning the dragon causing her company some trouble, so perhaps this could take shape of a side-quest, with her asking Steele for help with resolving this problem? (or Steele deciding on their own it'd be something worth looking into, after inquiring about that topic)
This provides incentive to seek out the frostwyrm, with a number of ways to resolve the issue -- either by putting the frostwyrm down, asking her to stay away once befriended, siding with her even if it means trouble for your company persist, or trying to arrange some sort of meeting between involved parties to find a middle ground (which, let's admit it, is just a thin excuse for potential Steele-filled dragon sandwich)