Uveto Content Discussion (GENERAL)

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
In some games it's because someone is providing the items and gold to said monsters.

We can have TiTS Robina Hood, no?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well givne it's beast that some may want beat only explanation could be some other fellow unlucky rusher to die to Wyrm and this belt was in wyrm stomach we cut open....muhahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Wyrm was doable with the energy boost from Irellia's honey. Am willing to wait for goodies now that I know I can.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
You cannot find a shield on the Frostwyrm, and never could. It was never even planned to be dropped, and it's kind of a silly idea to find a high tech piece of equipment on a wild (abit sentient) beast. I have no idea why this is a thing.

It was just a suggestion, I wasn't actually saying you COULD find it. It was just an idea.
But hey, to act as devils advocate in like 87% of games, you can find items on creatures that they honestly shouldn't have, like gold for instance. Animals drop gold in all kinds of games. What is with that?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
It was just a suggestion, I wasn't actually saying you COULD find it. It was just an idea.
But hey, to act as devils advocate in like 87% of games, you can find items on creatures that they honestly shouldn't have, like gold for instance. Animals drop gold in all kinds of games. What is with that?
I wasn't specifically replying to you, but that entire thread of conversation. Sorry that I couldn't make that clear :oops:


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2017
Is there going to be a sex scene with Nerrasa in the near future?
Probably, if someone is willing to ask an admin about it. But in the near future, maybe, though I kinda doubt it, it all depends on if someone decides to write her sex scenes or not.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
It was just a suggestion, I wasn't actually saying you COULD find it. It was just an idea.
But hey, to act as devils advocate in like 87% of games, you can find items on creatures that they honestly shouldn't have, like gold for instance. Animals drop gold in all kinds of games. What is with that?

I do like the Last Sovereigns take on that old trope, in that the worlds economy is based on monster guts, and so it isn't that monsters have money so much as it is that monsters /are/ money. For other games, I assume its because monsters tend to eat people wholesale and metal coins doesn't desolve as fast as flesh does.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
I do like the Last Sovereigns take on that old trope, in that the worlds economy is based on monster guts, and so it isn't that monsters have money so much as it is that monsters /are/ money. For other games, I assume its because monsters tend to eat people wholesale and metal coins doesn't desolve as fast as flesh does.

Yuck, now all I can imagine is after every victory scene digging through some creatures digestive track just to make a few bucks.

How do you recruit the Siegewulfe?

I think it is an item that you can buy from one of the stores?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
How do you recruit the Siegewulfe?
The normal Siegwolfe is available at one of the shops on the first part of Uveto, and the bimbo seigwolfe is in Dr. Badger's shop. It should be noted that you can only have one or the other, you will need to sell the one you have if you want the other one to be available.


Active Member
Dec 14, 2016
Regarding the male milodan in the ritual cave, how likely is it to get pregnant from that encounter? How long does it take to notice you're prego? Also, is there any consumable that speeds up your pregnancy like in the other games?


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
Regarding the male milodan in the ritual cave, how likely is it to get pregnant from that encounter? How long does it take to notice you're prego? Also, is there any consumable that speeds up your pregnancy like in the other games?
1. Not very. You'd need to go to the code to get the exact number though.
2. Pregnancy can be instantly detected by the codex, and appears there in the PC's details, under the belly info.
3. Yes, I believe the blue eggs you get from Shelly on Tavros speed up any pregnancies you currently have. There are items that give you a perk that speeds up all pregnancies, but it comes with the side effect of completely destroying the PC's intelligence stat, and a whole lot of other bimbo perks.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2017
The Frozen North, Canada
I miss some of the CoC breeding perks, where you could just have increased pregnancy speeds without really having to give anything up. But in this game you can just go to the nursery on Tavros Station and hit the 'wait until the pregnancy is over' button, lol.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I miss some of the CoC breeding perks, where you could just have increased pregnancy speeds without really having to give anything up. But in this game you can just go to the nursery on Tavros Station and hit the 'wait until the pregnancy is over' button, lol.

While I never played a long enough game to get it, the brood mother perk which you get for giving birth 10 times was pretty sweet since it halved the pregnancy times the PC had to go through. The TiTs equivelent is probably Breed Hungry, which requires 9 sneezes from Dumbfuck, which sadly hits you with several other potentially unwanted perks. Guess I'll have to just rely on Incubator instead... :(
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Pretty sure you lose it once you get pregnant. iirc


Feb 1, 2017
Edit: Not sure on the Milodan pregnancy length. I've used an obscene amount of the eggs and got the message of "A thrilling spasm throbs at your cervix, nearly buckling your legs. Your codex informs you that the pregnancies you’ve been expecting have been expedited." each time, but the pregnancy doesn't seem to ever reach the actual due date. I've even dabbled with the cheat for infinite use of items and just spammed the hell out of egg-nomming for a good five minutes and see no difference after the original belly change of being up the duff. My character has the Incubator trait as well.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I've been wondering is Shade going to be expanded on, or made into a possible companion/crew member, because after discovering I've been beating it a bit too close to the family bush and telling her you just want a sister she does admit while it is your adventure she wouldn't mind helping out sometime which just popped the thought of Steele and Irons vs. the galaxy into my head, which could work as lovers too. Or maybe I just really love that I got eggs and bacon/cookies out of either decent choice and food is the quickest way to my heart, especially bacon!


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Alright, thanks for the response, I figured something was in the works.

As for companion/crew It just seemed like a good potential idea at the time so I wasn't really expecting anything anyways.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2017
I've been thinking of writing a scavicite mine for uveto with a gryvian Maleherm as the inhabitant.
Any ideas that could help?


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
I've been thinking of writing a scavicite mine for uveto with a gryvian Maleherm as the inhabitant.
Any ideas that could help?
Just write it if you want it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Meteor07 Make gdoc with all your thoughts on this place. Make it accesable. Make thread with link to it in ideas for now. Wait for people to turn it into meat paste while commenting, giving their ideas, giving critique and generaly helping you move toward wirting it.

Ahh yes as Eme said: Unless you decide to write it I think noone will be interested atm in writing it for you. Tough life but that how this forum works now. Vanish trying or succed getting your own piece of fantasy ingame.


Aug 8, 2017
What about an overnight scene with Jerryn you "pay your tab" by riding in her coat all day then return to her place for the night

also is would be cool if she could get you pregnant or become a lover or crew member as well as shade