Trapped in Equestria 3.0 {The REAL Rp}


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The helpless Princess strains against her Empress' hold, knowing she can't move even a speck and that feeling only driving her need for release further. Unlike her former peaks, this refuses to subside and only bounces back harder every time, a continual feedback loop that has the Pet's eyes watering heavily with pure ecstasy as her voice peaks in hard moans, her whole world going black and purple and mind blank.

Segmet growls from deep inside her throat as her gaze travels down coincidentally with her wrestling of her pet's tongue. It is not a coincidence that she turns Amity's face to gaze far down at the pet's own trapped canine shaft where it throbs since Segments knows perfectly well it will not allow Amity to release at full force without the Empress giving the order to - but if that order is given then the pet will obey regardless of the imperial latex pet's own will. The Empress further presses her tongue to that of her pet to will Amity to feel its utter dominance over the helpless little pet, trapped now in a suit, under her empress, and now with even her gullet opened wide like begging for a treat, all the while Segment's own facial expression gleefully shows her own enjoyment of every moment, if her heavy breaths of thick air were not hint enough.

Rivet backtracks to the pathway leading towards the mountains. He trots briskly down the well-worn trail, pleased with his ever-improving coordination.

Traveling the second path proves more difficult. There are roots, rocks, ice, snow clumps and puddles of sloshed mud to dredge through but the path yields a slow direction that approaches the mountain. Although traveling is slow Rivet makes progress nonetheless and soon reaches a wide split on the road. The road that continues directly ahead with a faint arc heads directly forwards and, as far as Rivet can see through the foliage, apparently up a slope. The branch turning right on the other hand cranes far to the direction it goes snaking through grass on a mostly straight path. The trees are larger in the area and their shadow seems to be choking the thicker undergrowths somewhat.

Both dirt paths are oddly enough quite wide, about three Rivets could stand side to side marching along them without bumping into each other. It also seems like there is a crude signpost at the end where the fork splits and a choice has to be made: in that spot a tree stands with some of those carvings on its bark. Maybe it declares where those paths will lead?

The ones with the necromancer have something completely different in their mind and all snuggle up the him, looking up at him with bedroom eyes, their manes slowing down, a wicked grin on their faces... it's quite clear that they are looking forward to what they'll do with him.

'Well, tell me when you're ready to literally clean your mare's dirty mind.' she jokingly teases him, 'There's seven of us, all waiting for you to scrub us all over.'

N'm squeaks and she awakens and fly-by kisses her mommies all over their faces like a terrifying swarm of tiny nymphs, somehow emptying her mommies in that fractured second when N'm passes them by but not without leaving a nymph-shaped impression in their breasts...again somehow. Then N'm leaves a small elemental shadow right by a brush of her tail which leaves a small water copy of herself behind who latches onto a mommy closest by, leaving one or two for each mommy N'm visits before the nymph reaches the odd golden nymph N'm does not recognize - and boops Bene with a happy squeak as she hops very high in the air, squeaking again for a good measure, clearly sounding happy with her wide, bright blue eyes.

On the other hoof the shadow of the necromancer swoops down, revealing his form to unravel all at once like some primordial force predating the universe: he eclipses the sun, the stars, even the little nymph, cascading all over the mares as he entangles himself all over them caressing every curve, nipping every ear and mane, growling along their necks, purring right above their heads, letting his voice revertebrate all across their withers...and gently nuzzles their shadows while playfully dragging them like captives towards their "doom" while chuckling exactly like a warlord, all but radiating malevolent might.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The seven elemental Chromas with the nymphs all happily wrap all the nymphs up in the softness of, especially that of their numerous massive breasts, completely encasing most of them with their bodies.

"Looks like we have a nymph who loves to cuddle with everyone at once." the massive mares giggle bending down to nuzzle the nymphs who are snuggled in softness.

"Looks like someone is having fun... and looking forward to even more fun." the mares purr playfully in unison, "One might get the impression that the prospect of carressing every bit of my body seems quite enticing to you."

The mares all push towards him, one eye carefully hidden behind their mane as she playfully looks at him.

"Question is: How would you like to do this? Would you prefer to wash me like a filly?" the mares inquire, purring happily, "Or would you maybe like to literally take the washcloth's place and have me scrub all my body with yours?" 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Traveling the second path proves more difficult. There are roots, rocks, ice, snow clumps and puddles of sloshed mud to dredge through but the path yields a slow direction that approaches the mountain. Although traveling is slow Rivet makes progress nonetheless and soon reaches a wide split on the road. The road that continues directly ahead with a faint arc heads directly forwards and, as far as Rivet can see through the foliage, apparently up a slope. The branch turning right on the other hand cranes far to the direction it goes snaking through grass on a mostly straight path. The trees are larger in the area and their shadow seems to be choking the thicker undergrowths somewhat.

Both dirt paths are oddly enough quite wide, about three Rivets could stand side to side marching along them without bumping into each other. It also seems like there is a crude signpost at the end where the fork splits and a choice has to be made: in that spot a tree stands with some of those carvings on its bark. Maybe it declares where those paths will lead?

Rivet approaches the tree and takes a closer look, hoping to find some directions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Segmet growls from deep inside her throat as her gaze travels down coincidentally with her wrestling of her pet's tongue. It is not a coincidence that she turns Amity's face to gaze far down at the pet's own trapped canine shaft where it throbs since Segments knows perfectly well it will not allow Amity to release at full force without the Empress giving the order to - but if that order is given then the pet will obey regardless of the imperial latex pet's own will. The Empress further presses her tongue to that of her pet to will Amity to feel its utter dominance over the helpless little pet, trapped now in a suit, under her empress, and now with even her gullet opened wide like begging for a treat, all the while Segment's own facial expression gleefully shows her own enjoyment of every moment, if her heavy breaths of thick air were not hint enough.

Amity is all too aware, and the feeling of the latex suit binding her as her Owner pins her down and  dominating her so fully has the Pet shuddering and kissing back against the tongue so fully claiming and filling her mouth as her whole body aches with pleasure.  The look on her Empress' face, her gleeful joy as she effortlessly leaves the Pet trapped under her a trembling mess of pent up pleasure and sopping love drunkeness only furthers Amity's love and devotion for the Empress pressing down on her.

Legs splayed out, mouth filled, shaft throbbing, and insides filled fuller than she could ever imagine the latex coated puppy moans into her Owner's mouth practically begging for more, more Goop in her, more pressure on her, more carresses on her throbbing knotted latex shaft, more forceful kisses, more Segment. Amity craves her Empress so badly as she feels all the wonderful torturous things the Changeling can do to her. Amongst it all, Amity is so proud to be her Pet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
 Then N'm leaves a small elemental shadow right by a brush of her tail which leaves a small water copy of herself behind who latches onto a mommy closest by, leaving one or two for each mommy N'm visits before the nymph reaches the odd golden nymph N'm does not recognize - and boops Bene with a happy squeak as she hops very high in the air, squeaking again for a good measure, clearly sounding happy with her wide, bright blue eyes.

Benevolence is taken by surprise by the affection at first, before closing her eyes happily and giggling at the cute Nymph.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The seven elemental Chromas with the nymphs all happily wrap all the nymphs up in the softness of, especially that of their numerous massive breasts, completely encasing most of them with their bodies.

"Looks like we have a nymph who loves to cuddle with everyone at once." the massive mares giggle bending down to nuzzle the nymphs who are snuggled in softness.

"Looks like someone is having fun... and looking forward to even more fun." the mares purr playfully in unison, "One might get the impression that the prospect of carressing every bit of my body seems quite enticing to you."

The mares all push towards him, one eye carefully hidden behind their mane as she playfully looks at him.

"Question is: How would you like to do this? Would you prefer to wash me like a filly?" the mares inquire, purring happily, "Or would you maybe like to literally take the washcloth's place and have me scrub all my body with yours?" 

N'm's watery clones are clearly mirrors of her sedate side since they easily curl up for cuddles and will quietly squeak ever so often while playing Boop The Nose with their respective mommies between hungrily emptying those bountiful breasts in their reach, or climb the mare's body to reach either of those objectives like adventurers scaling up or down a mountain.

The shadow that dragged her mares to the dark dimensions on the other hand gently cradles them each as its voice hisses in their ears right as he kisses them all over: 'Chroma, my elemental malestrom of beauty, would you please allow me to treasure you as I wash each of your selves like I would the crown jewels of an ancient artifact?'

Rivet approaches the tree and takes a closer look, hoping to find some directions.

The signs are easy enough to read clearly although they are clearly worn by weather.

The mountain is apparently home to Cobalt, an astronomer and a sorceress, who makes her home on its highest ridges; the road will lead up there but the numbers scratched underneath indicate it will be a long trek and risk meeting mountain's denizens. One post-trek note warns of outright rock trolls wandering on the mountain's terrain.

The road on the ground level on the other hoof seems to be leading to a settlement named Ponyville. It is not a very long trek to get over there judging by the small number etched close by to the directions.

Legs splayed out, mouth filled, shaft throbbing, and insides filled fuller than she could ever imagine the latex coated puppy moans into her Owner's mouth practically begging for more, more Goop in her, more pressure on her, more carresses on her throbbing knotted latex shaft, more forceful kisses, more Segment. Amity craves her Empress so badly as she feels all the wonderful torturous things the Changeling can do to her. Amongst it all, Amity is so proud to be her Pet.

"I think we have found one of your natural poses pet," growls Segment with a gentle tone as she grazes her fangs along Amity's nose, now letting her eyes considers that black muzzle from those ears to the lips, adoring the detailed single black color that all at once manages to be a great number of shades varying under each strand of the silvery light yet with a blink it can change to another shade if the angle is altered so that the lightless void once again stares into the Empress' eyes. She especially enjoys her reflection mirrored in that dark place as her vision swim hinting at the monster she could see, right before she let herself taste those ears, still pining her pet in place but now stroling her tail along Amity's knowing the unicorn will feel it lively.

Benevolence is taken by surprise by the affection at first, before closing her eyes happily and giggling at the cute Nymph.

N'm squeaks and boops Bene again before outright conjuring a small yarn ball in-between them and squeaks as she hops in the air and boops at the ball with her magics, apparently inviting her golden sister to play ball with N'm.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"I think we have found one of your natural poses pet," growls Segment with a gentle tone as she grazes her fangs along Amity's nose, now letting her eyes considers that black muzzle from those ears to the lips, adoring the detailed single black color that all at once manages to be a great number of shades varying under each strand of the silvery light yet with a blink it can change to another shade if the angle is altered so that the lightless void once again stares into the Empress' eyes. She especially enjoys her reflection mirrored in that dark place as her vision swim hinting at the monster she could see, right before she let herself taste those ears, still pinning her pet in place but now strolling her tail along Amity's knowing the unicorn will feel it lively.

Amity tries to offer some sort of verbal  affirmation but her words come all at once and thusly cancel each other out, only leaving exhalations heavy with pleasure as the latex coated puppy pants splayed out helplessly on her back. The bound Unicorn further shudders from the fangs grazing across her hyper sensitive latex coating and the tickling nature of the Empress' tail further adds to the sensations driving the pressed down Pet mad with pleasure. In response her marehood grips the invading Royal Sceptre begging it to pour more hot Goop into the trembling Princess. Blissed out and completely content Amity is eating up all this affection and pleasure wantonly, just wanting to experience her Owner as much as she possibly can.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
N'm's watery clones are clearly mirrors of her sedate side since they easily curl up for cuddles and will quietly squeak ever so often while playing Boop The Nose with their respective mommies between hungrily emptying those bountiful breasts in their reach, or climb the mare's body to reach either of those objectives like adventurers scaling up or down a mountain.

The shadow that dragged her mares to the dark dimensions on the other hand gently cradles them each as its voice hisses in their ears right as he kisses them all over: 'Chroma, my elemental malestrom of beauty, would you please allow me to treasure you as I wash each of your selves like I would the crown jewels of an ancient artifact?'

All seven mommies are quite amused by the little nymph's antics and start playing with the ones who are already playing and exploring.

They place obstacles like wind, walls or swampy ground in N'm's way in order to give the tiny changeling an appropriate challenge.

The drinkers and cuddlers on the other hand receive big hugs from their respective mommies, several of them being snuggled between mommies big hooves and her chest, all way softer than they normally would be.

'Oh, so it'll be a surprise then?' the fire mare and the earth mare ask the necromancer curiously.

'Sounds awfully fun! I love surprises!' the air, the light and the aether mares add excitedly.

'We'll accept your offer and hope that your cleaning method will be appropriate.' the dark mare and the water mare answer Bones' question.

All of them give the necromancer a playful, but expectant look, all of them quite curious to see what he has in store for them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The signs are easy enough to read clearly although they are clearly worn by weather.

The mountain is apparently home to Cobalt, an astronomer and a sorceress, who makes her home on its highest ridges; the road will lead up there but the numbers scratched underneath indicate it will be a long trek and risk meeting mountain's denizens. One post-trek note warns of outright rock trolls wandering on the mountain's terrain.

The road on the ground level on the other hoof seems to be leading to a settlement named Ponyville. It is not a very long trek to get over there judging by the small number etched close by to the directions.

Rivet doesn't know exactly what a rock troll is, but he's pretty sure meeting one wouldn't be a pleasant affair. He finds it odd that this Cobalt person would choose to live in such a perilous environment. But then again, where better to watch the stars than perched atop a mountain peak? And who better to tell him about the world in which he now resided than a person of scientific learning? Rivet assumes that Cobalt's title of Sorceress is just the result of superstitious yokels trying to describe what they don't understand.

He lets out a rueful snort. Astronomy wasn't exactly his forte, but he knew enough to be certain that tracking the heavens didn't result in supernatural powers. Clearly Cobalt had impressed the locals by predicting an eclipse or two. Difficult, yes. Magical? Definitely not.

Rivet clops in the direction of Ponyville.  Eager as he is to discover the details of his befuddling entrance into this realm, his meticulous nature wins out. He resolves to visit Madam Cobalt but only after he first secures some supplies and information.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
 Blissed out and completely content Amity is eating up all this affection and pleasure wantonly, just wanting to experience her Owner as much as she possibly can.

"Beg for it pet, like a proper well-trained puppy for a teat," growls not only the empress as she looms over Amity yet again squshing her latex entombed unicorn pet between her body and the floor but in so doing also squishes the tunnel around her unfolding lotus flower of an imperial scepter, bringing out a large geyser of her thick goop to entirely fill the tunnel before a slight amount finally trickles into her pet's insides where the goop does not join the rest in there but instead clings to the walls quietly sinking into position coating the pet's interiors, much to the vibrating approval of the empress. "Let me hear your voice finally let the late puppy reach out like a good puppy you want to be, paws in the air and tail wagging."

The Empress knows those paws are working more on subconscious orders so if Amity's subconscious obeys, as is all but guaranteed, then the paws will inflate slightly larger particularly in the pads, that tail will inflate like a balloon and Amity will be left with only the most pleasing of canine vocabulary rich with whines, yips, woofs and such, all of them derived from the unicorn's oice but altered to a more exotic voice tone solely for Segment's enjoyment.

All seven mommies are quite amused by the little nymph's antics and start playing with the ones who are already playing and exploring.

They place obstacles like wind, walls or swampy ground in N'm's way in order to give the tiny changeling an appropriate challenge.

The drinkers and cuddlers on the other hand receive big hugs from their respective mommies, several of them being snuggled between mommies big hooves and her chest, all way softer than they normally would be.

'Oh, so it'll be a surprise then?' the fire mare and the earth mare ask the necromancer curiously.

'Sounds awfully fun! I love surprises!' the air, the light and the aether mares add excitedly.

'We'll accept your offer and hope that your cleaning method will be appropriate.' the dark mare and the water mare answer Bones' question.

All of them give the necromancer a playful, but expectant look, all of them quite curious to see what he has in store for them.

The small swarm of water nymphs are rife with those who are all too happy to curl up cuddling a mommy, especially when the nymphs discover what fun it is to hug a mommy's breast since one nymph can easily squish between them using her body's fluid configuration thus allowing her to play with them like she were in a bouncy castle of the best kind: equipped with infinite milk taps! The few mountaineers seek out heads to squeak aloud from - the contrast is clearer still when they jut out their wings, throw dramatically their tiny stubs of manes and squeak in a manner they think is fierce but brings forth tiny squeaks that ring with their tiny hearts, as long as the mommy underneath them does not move...and then one of them decides to bap at its respective mommy's mane, finding it a great toy.

The shadow encapsulates each mare like a great ooze that towers over each one but phases out to let itself become more like smoke in mirror than a full shadow, right before coiling itself around its mares one after one yet also all at the same time, literally doing the impossible as its will becomes a tangible manner of forces that first secures each mare's undercarriage, then her belly, then encapsulates her breasts before reaching out an ethereal wind to let help unravel her hair as a smooth force begins kissing along it with brushing motions. These very same motions repeat along their bodies beginning at the horn tips but they are much lighter as well as tentative as it proceeds with measuring out the details sing a tender attention to the detail. 

'I always begin by first considering the treasure lest I injure it,' the shadows whisper. 'First I need a good hold that is still gentle, and then proceed with an examination to appreciate its multitude of details; did you know that your mane and tail both have a riveting amount of details upon every strand which is unique to each time they form, always reflecting their element? I could marvel at that for millenia and not grow bored.' A kiss upon each tail affirms this claim, although the second one snuck at every lady's nethers followed by one for every mammary may just hint that the tail is not the sole marvel in the ladies.

Rivet clops in the direction of Ponyville.  Eager as he is to discover the details of his befuddling entrance into this realm, his meticulous nature wins out. He resolves to visit Madam Cobalt but only after he first secures some supplies and information.

One step at a time Rivet makes good progress on the road: it is solid and despite looks it is also safe. Several times the snow is broken by trails that are torn about in the snow but frequently there will be a trail of hooves in the snow. At times there are scorch marks and/or marks where something large tore through the vegetation. The sounds are very distant but Rivet is sure focused attention might let him hear distant zapping about.

A while later he spots what are clearly brightly colored equines. There are three of them and about rivet's size scale but large, bulky and with a powerful bright lilac of their body coloration which is highlighted by a barding on their body which is close to the color of the Winter sky above them. Each seems to have a large set of lances on their sides along with a helmet spike of some kind. They are alertly trying to eye the forest around them and have not noticed Rivet. He can see the ground around the three is violently torn up by something but the trio are uninured although covered in some upturned dirt.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The shadow encapsulates each mare like a great ooze that towers over each one but phases out to let itself become more like smoke in mirror than a full shadow, right before coiling itself around its mares one after one yet also all at the same time, literally doing the impossible as its will becomes a tangible manner of forces that first secures each mare's undercarriage, then her belly, then encapsulates her breasts before reaching out an ethereal wind to let help unravel her hair as a smooth force begins kissing along it with brushing motions. These very same motions repeat along their bodies beginning at the horn tips but they are much lighter as well as tentative as it proceeds with measuring out the details sing a tender attention to the detail. 

'I always begin by first considering the treasure lest I injure it,' the shadows whisper. 'First I need a good hold that is still gentle, and then proceed with an examination to appreciate its multitude of details; did you know that your mane and tail both have a riveting amount of details upon every strand which is unique to each time they form, always reflecting their element? I could marvel at that for millenia and not grow bored.' A kiss upon each tail affirms this claim, although the second one snuck at every lady's nethers followed by one for every mammary may just hint that the tail is not the sole marvel in the ladies.

The mares all purr happily, clearly liking how the dark form starts embracing them in their entirety, wiggling a little to settle into it better.

'Well, I can definitely see that you like it, considering that you're brushing through it so eagerly.' the mare of darkness remarks in a deep and calm, yet teasing voice, 'I never paid too much attention to these fine nuances, but I know that they are created randomly each time, never creating an exact copy of one that already existed before, lest and incredible coincidence happens.'

'But do tell me...' the rocky earth mare inquires, her voice strong and determined, 'Why do you think I am so fragile? I am not made of cheap glass that shatters when you look at it funny.'

The mares all wiggle their tails when it is kissed and squeak in surprise when they feel their teats and nethers being targetted as well, rewarding the kissing necromancer with a taste of milk and very feminine juices.

The pink aether mare squeals excitedly and snuggles into the hold of the shadow.

'You naughty stallion you, going right for the naughty bits.' she teases him, giggling amusedly into her hoof, 'I will wait and see what you have in store, though, and hope that you will clean this mare's dirty mind, though I fear it might get even dirtier on the way.'

The small swarm of water nymphs are rife with those who are all too happy to curl up cuddling a mommy, especially when the nymphs discover what fun it is to hug a mommy's breast since one nymph can easily squish between them using her body's fluid configuration thus allowing her to play with them like she were in a bouncy castle of the best kind: equipped with infinite milk taps! The few mountaineers seek out heads to squeak aloud from - the contrast is clearer still when they jut out their wings, throw dramatically their tiny stubs of manes and squeak in a manner they think is fierce but brings forth tiny squeaks that ring with their tiny hearts, as long as the mommy underneath them does not move...and then one of them decides to bap at its respective mommy's mane, finding it a great toy.

The elemental mares turn their teats into literal milk fountains for the nymph to play with, all of the different elements creating a different coloured milk.

The fluid quickly soaks the surrounding area, Chroma's mammaries working in overdrive, secretly hoping that this dream didn't translate into reality.

She is quite amused to see how much fun the nymph's can find just bouncing on the soft flesh and therefore chooses to make them even bouncier than before.

Kiro kept flying for quite a while, but soon he could make out the mountain he was looking for in the distance. Next to it, he could make out the base in the clouds where he intended to pause for a bit.

Having gained a fair bit of height and having his target in sight, he decides that he can spare a bit of his strength to dash the last bit, flying a lot faster than before.

He excitedly flew a looping and then moved left and right as if to dodge imaginary obstacles in his way, playfully finishing the last bit of the first section of his journey.

Reaching the post, and therefore the border to Equestria, the little griffon takes a look around to see where he could potentially rest, also curiously eyeing everyone who wasn't a griffon.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Beg for it pet, like a proper well-trained puppy for a teat," growls not only the empress as she looms over Amity yet again squshing her latex entombed unicorn pet between her body and the floor but in so doing also squishes the tunnel around her unfolding lotus flower of an imperial scepter, bringing out a large geyser of her thick goop to entirely fill the tunnel before a slight amount finally trickles into her pet's insides where the goop does not join the rest in there but instead clings to the walls quietly sinking into position coating the pet's interiors, much to the vibrating approval of the empress. "Let me hear your voice finally let the latex puppy reach out like a good puppy you want to be, paws in the air and tail wagging."

The Empress knows those paws are working more on subconscious orders so if Amity's subconscious obeys, as is all but guaranteed, then the paws will inflate slightly larger particularly in the pads, that tail will inflate like a balloon and Amity will be left with only the most pleasing of canine vocabulary rich with whines, yips, woofs and such, all of them derived from the unicorn's oice but altered to a more exotic voice tone solely for Segment's enjoyment.

Segment's Pet obeys without delay, feeling the latex pawpads swell and her tail assume a more canine shape with the help of the latex. Wagging said tail happily the latex coated puppy barks with pleasure, pawing weakly and shakily at her Owner's underside with her front limbs, mind too scattered from the feeling of the new consistency of Goop coating her insides as the Royal Sceptre continues to rub and tease the Princess' insides in ways she has never even imagined before. 

As the Empress pressed down on her, letting the fleshy petals root deeper into her delicate marehood, Amity feels her tongue extend to match her new much more canine panting so filled with barks and howls begging for more and more attention from her beloved Owner. 

In tune to these vocalizations the trapped Pet's latexy canine shaft jumps and pokes into the Empress' soft underside, as if a rhythmic sign of how excited the squeaky, blacker than black latex pup is to be held down and filled by such a wonderful Owner. So pleased by being doted on so much by such a kind, loving, and wonderful Owner the latex Pet is not the slightest bit concerned as to when she will be allowed to have release as all this attention makes her happier than any orgasm ever could.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
A while later he spots what are clearly brightly colored equines. There are three of them and about rivet's size scale but large, bulky and with a powerful bright lilac of their body coloration which is highlighted by a barding on their body which is close to the color of the Winter sky above them. Each seems to have a large set of lances on their sides along with a helmet spike of some kind. They are alertly trying to eye the forest around them and have not noticed Rivet. He can see the ground around the three is violently torn up by something but the trio are uninured although covered in some upturned dirt.

Rivet regards the strangers warily. They are clearly warriors, and with nothing in sight worth guarding, on the hunt for enemies. The young pony gulps and debates whether to approach or not. They might be peacekeepers willing to help him... Then again, their arms and armor are clearly aren't for show. It might be better to just turn around and...

He startles as he see the torn landscape. What could have caused such carnage? Had he stumbled onto a battlefield? He canters frantically, looking for the pony knights' opponent.

If a conflict becomes apparent, Rivet will do his best to take cover and observe the situation. He had just gotten put back together again and wasn't keen on meeting his end while carrying out foolhardy heroics.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The mares all purr happily, clearly liking how the dark form starts embracing them in their entirety, wiggling a little to settle into it better.

The shadow's first action is to coil its miasma-cloud self around its mares before adding faint steam to its body composition. The heat that it adds into the steam thereafter it makes sure to spread very widely, in effect creating a steam sauna for each of its beloveds that it tints in the respective Arts to make them feel more at home while it trails several more solid points along their  bodies; the first key parts it pays attention to is every mare's mane, their tails, and then the fur on their bodies; upon all three it breathes gently as it lets its Art tell it how a mare's looks would be best washed or treated, allowing the finer details of the steam bath to be altered by every mare's own wishes that it projects to them. After all, a lady should enjoy her steam bath the most since it is her personal massage even if it is a communal activity in this field of stars.

She is quite amused to see how much fun the nymph's can find just bouncing on the soft flesh and therefore chooses to make them even bouncier than before.

The majority of nymphs are very curious of this new kind of development but they are a bit scared by the odd events being about their mommies, which produces several worried squeaks from the nymphs who fly up in a buzz of watery wings, squeaking at the mares responsible in clear mental inquiry of what this is about as these nymphs find it a little scary as changes. The climbers on the other hoof are very few but take leaping dives onto the mammaries, bouncing on them gleefully and audibly squeak-laughing so clearly it rings among the stars around them. The few nymphs who did not belong to those two hide between their own suddenly big palaces, peering out safely from under the bouncy fortresses.

In tune to these vocalizations the trapped Pet's latexy canine shaft jumps and pokes into the Empress' soft underside, as if a rhythmic sign of how excited the squeaky, blacker than black latex pup is to be held down and filled by such a wonderful Owner. So pleased by being doted on so much by such a kind, loving, and wonderful Owner the latex Pet is not the slightest bit concerned as to when she will be allowed to have release as all this attention makes her happier than any orgasm ever could.

"Excited, aren't you pet?" murmurs the domineering empress as she presses her body further down on Amity grinding her thorax especially against that trapped shaft without making a secret of how her facial expression slithers in tune to every thrust, both her thorax's and that of her blossoming scepter. The latter in particular she makes sure to move in long, drawn-out motions that mirror those of her body to give her further pressing leverage so that she can loom over the latex canine panting under her. When she does that, she presses her face to the latex dog' so that their eyes meet with each other and then proceeds to hiss in a clearly enunciating tone full of power and volume: "That suit is not coming off unless I tell it to. For all purposes I remade you, pet, and until I am sated so thoroughly I fall over too tired to stand you are trapped, helpless, captivated by your own drive and need to submit; isn't that just a dream come true for such an eager pet like yourself? A captive within captivity!" 

He startles as he see the torn landscape. What could have caused such carnage? Had he stumbled onto a battlefield? He canters frantically, looking for the pony knights' opponent.

If a conflict becomes apparent, Rivet will do his best to take cover and observe the situation. He had just gotten put back together again and wasn't keen on meeting his end while carrying out foolhardy heroics.

It is this frantic cantering that draws the eyes of the trio. The middle one wastes no time reaction. "Citizen, over here!" the equine yells in a commanding as well as immediately masculine voice while waving a forehoof which has a very large armored greave on it. "Quickly befo-"

From the forest scant meter away comes a... sound. As Rivet's brain has no reference it is without compare but there is no mistaking a monster's cry. A second later there is a violent rustling of crashing trees as a thing six ponies tall and eight wide emerges. It stands on four large limbs all of which are equal length, its head sports nothing but two tiny pinpricks of light and a massive gaping maw full of teeth, its entire body is covered in thick scales that radiate an emerald glow. 

The two others charge it with a resounding battle cry while the third waves his graved hoof at the creature. "Quickly, before it sees you! Run for it, we've got you covered!" 

Rivet can see that the beast is turning to meet the charge of the pair, leaving him a clear run on the right side of the path while the fight happens on the very left of it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The majority of nymphs are very curious of this new kind of development but they are a bit scared by the odd events being about their mommies, which produces several worried squeaks from the nymphs who fly up in a buzz of watery wings, squeaking at the mares responsible in clear mental inquiry of what this is about as these nymphs find it a little scary as changes. The climbers on the other hoof are very few but take leaping dives onto the mammaries, bouncing on them gleefully and audibly squeak-laughing so clearly it rings among the stars around them. The few nymphs who did not belong to those two hide between their own suddenly big palaces, peering out safely from under the bouncy fortresses.

Benevolence squeaks back to the Nymphs, assuring them everything will be alright, taking special notice of one Nymph holding a ball.

"Excited, aren't you pet?" murmurs the domineering empress as she presses her body further down on Amity grinding her thorax especially against that trapped shaft without making a secret of how her facial expression slithers in tune to every thrust, both her thorax's and that of her blossoming scepter. The latter in particular she makes sure to move in long, drawn-out motions that mirror those of her body to give her further pressing leverage so that she can loom over the latex canine panting under her. When she does that, she presses her face to the latex dog' so that their eyes meet with each other and then proceeds to hiss in a clearly enunciating tone full of power and volume: "That suit is not coming off unless I tell it to. For all purposes I remade you, pet, and until I am sated so thoroughly I fall over too tired to stand you are trapped, helpless, captivated by your own drive and need to submit; isn't that just a dream come true for such an eager pet like yourself? A captive within captivity!" 

The latex Pet explodes in pleasured sounds of agreement, her Owner's words setting the puppy's heart alight in a lightning storm of desire before sinking deep into her mind to influence the Pet's thoughts even further. The sweet poison floods her every thought like the Goop fills her insides, invading every crease and fold and coating them in the inescapable presence of the Empress. 

The knowledge that her Owner has does this to her, reformed and remade her into the Empress' ideal and perfect Pet is so deafeningly intoxicating that the latex coated Princess nearly faints for a moment, just feeling too overwhelmed with admiration and awe for Segment to comprehend in that moment. Pressed down and feeling the latex rubbing all over her the Pet knows every word her Owner speaks is absolutely true, there is not a single way that she could escape from this, her Empress is in total control of her and has trapped her deeper than she could ever find her way out of and she loves every moment of it. This is her truest self, there is no fighting or resisting this absolute reality of submission and obedience. The pleasure on the face of her Owner, as well as the pleasure the Pet can feel pulsing inside her as her walls hug and massage the Imperial Sceptre deep inside and from the much larger body she feels holding her down further drags the latex puppy down into an endless sea of helplessness and devotion. 

Completely unable to comprehend a way to express her love and gratitude, the puppy lets out small pleasured barks between a barrage of loving and appreciative licks to her Owner's face to thank her for doing all of this for and to her Pet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The shadow's first action is to coil its miasma-cloud self around its mares before adding faint steam to its body composition. The heat that it adds into the steam thereafter it makes sure to spread very widely, in effect creating a steam sauna for each of its beloveds that it tints in the respective Arts to make them feel more at home while it trails several more solid points along their  bodies; the first key parts it pays attention to is every mare's mane, their tails, and then the fur on their bodies; upon all three it breathes gently as it lets its Art tell it how a mare's looks would be best washed or treated, allowing the finer details of the steam bath to be altered by every mare's own wishes that it projects to them. After all, a lady should enjoy her steam bath the most since it is her personal massage even if it is a communal activity in this field of stars.

The majority of nymphs are very curious of this new kind of development but they are a bit scared by the odd events being about their mommies, which produces several worried squeaks from the nymphs who fly up in a buzz of watery wings, squeaking at the mares responsible in clear mental inquiry of what this is about as these nymphs find it a little scary as changes. The climbers on the other hoof are very few but take leaping dives onto the mammaries, bouncing on them gleefully and audibly squeak-laughing so clearly it rings among the stars around them. The few nymphs who did not belong to those two hide between their own suddenly big palaces, peering out safely from under the bouncy fortresses.

'This feeling is simply divine, my love.' the light Chroma cheers in excitement, 'Like a very elaborate sauna combined with a very relaxing massage.'

'Remember that you can do just about anything you want to, so long as it's nice and for cleaning purposes.' the air mare adds before the earth mare continues as she turns herself from a regular grey rock into a beautiful, yet sadly dull, onyx, her eyes two glowing and polished rubies embedded in diamonds: "I think this should make cleaning more practical... maybe you could even polish me until you can see your reflection on my flank... at least you could if there really was much coming from you that can be reflected.'

The shadow mare seems to feel quite relaxed and simply purrs, while the aether Chroma giggles from the tickling feeling.

The flame and the water Chroma work together and create some steam to direct at the necromancer, wondering if they can clean him as well.

When the mares see the concerned looks on the nymph's faces, they give them encouraging smiles and prod themselves to show how much of a nice bouncy castle they make so that the nymphs know that they have nothing to worry about. The mares seem to have something different in mind now, creating a storm with dark rain clouds raining milk instead of water on top of the earth mare who turns herself into a very colourful transparent amalgamation of all sorts of gemstones and minerals, many caves running through her body that all seem to end on the shadow mare's belly. The rain runs into and through the caves, turning them into a fun adventure park while the light mare makes sure that the light effects with all the colours look simply amazing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
'Oh dear?'' calls a musically soft voice right beside Knife before the gentlest of tugs pulls at the green hound's tail with a force similar to a tiny pup nomming on their dad's tail for fun. 'Won't you please sit down a while longer. We need to iron out a few more details before e venture to the wonderful world of Neigh Orleans.' Loaranna turns her head carefully but slowly to peer at Jacky as she continues: 'I'm certain Jacky would not begrudge us a tour once we are done with the finicky details of this meeting.'

<cut to Jacky>
Before the alicorn prince said anything else to the world leader's spouse, he drew in a deep breath. With an observant eye, one may catch the collar around the alicorn's neck gleamed in the brightly lit room.

Jacky's collar seemed to be made out of some metal alloy. The collar seemed a little too dark to be made out of gold, but the collar still had a luxurious sheen to its finish. The luster created an apparent contrast between it and the black markings on the collar's surface. The markings were colored with a black that seemed to absorb whatever light touched it.

The warm glimmer was short lived however, the soft gleam fading away as quickly it took for Jacky to compose himself again.

“Oh!” “Yes!” “Now that my blushing spell is over, we can focus on conversation on another topic.” “I would like to explain my initial plan to encourage diplomacy between Neigh Orleans and The diamond dogs.”
Jacky announced after his brief exhale. The red hue that once covered Jacky's cheek have vanished. His posture has also changed in favor of a more erect position.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Completely unable to comprehend a way to express her love and gratitude, the puppy lets out small pleasured barks between a barrage of loving and appreciative licks to her Owner's face to thank her for doing all of this for and to her Pet.

The Empress takes her sweet time as her body sets the pace. At first she draws out as before, right up to her tip, feeling her puppy's pecker all but erupting repeatedly but also how its efforts are in vain while the puppy underneath her is almost insane from being held on the edge, and then once again hilts herself but feels a rush of goop spill from all of the tips of her scepter, filling the pup on the inside and energizing what the latex pet might need and just plain filling the pet to weigh down its body as a mark of possession. Yet she also shifts her face to enjoy all these licks, purring warmly in appreciation.

'This feeling is simply divine, my love.' the light Chroma cheers in excitement, 'Like a very elaborate sauna combined with a very relaxing massage.'

For every mare his efforts are the same: he proceeds with a slow but powerful hold, letting the steam work its literal magic. It is a massage as much as it is an intimate cuddle but also a mane treatment as the shadow traces small details in the bodies of the mares to let tiny details slip in, like an upgrade that sneaks in rather than require treatment, calling for each change to happen in a slow unfolding. And yet, the shadow stallion in the star-filled void gestures his gangly limbs to his two loves.

'Do approach dears: I promise not to resist,' whispers his voice to them, right before each mare is kissed on her lips several times with each kiss full of love he feels for her.

The rain runs into and through the caves, turning them into a fun adventure park while the light mare makes sure that the light effects with all the colours look simply amazing.

The nymphs are slow to be brave but they happily take to plashing in the water, especially the rain; it seems to draw every nymph in range to it, so much so that every water nymph wants to go there to frolic like a milk-drunkard high on their mommy's milk except this is a very large pile if water nymphs, all of whom are squeaking as they flitter in the rain.

Even N'm looks at the rain and squeaks at her golden sis, nodding at the rain to indicate she thinks they should go join in the sillyness.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Empress takes her sweet time as her body sets the pace. At first she draws out as before, right up to her tip, feeling her puppy's pecker all but erupting repeatedly but also how its efforts are in vain while the puppy underneath her is almost insane from being held on the edge, and then once again hilts herself but feels a rush of goop spill from all of the tips of her scepter, filling the pup on the inside and energizing what the latex pet might need and just plain filling the pet to weigh down its body as a mark of possession. Yet she also shifts her face to enjoy all these licks, purring warmly in appreciation.

Feeling her body weighed down with the massive rush of Goop leaves the latex Pet shuddering into her Owner's neck, the sensation of being so filled, her insides that  much more claimed by her Empress, is almost too much for the Princess to take. The sheer mass of the filling she's getting is obviously impossible under normal circumstances and makes the fact she has been utterly transformed into her Owner's perfect Pet all that much more obvious. Her whole body trembling with desire, too heavy to move from its place even if the wonderful pressure of the Empress weren't there and unfathomably pleased to be pinned down by her, Segment's helpless latex-coated Pet continues to lick the Empress as best she can even as her every breath catches in her throat and comes out as a pleasured whimper. 

Even N'm looks at the rain and squeaks at her golden sis, nodding at the rain to indicate she thinks they should go join in the sillyness.

Benevolence agrees with a pleased giggle, deeply happy to have made friends with the Nymph. 
Last edited by a moderator:


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
From the forest scant meter away comes a... sound. As Rivet's brain has no reference it is without compare but there is no mistaking a monster's cry. A second later there is a violent rustling of crashing trees as a thing six ponies tall and eight wide emerges. It stands on four large limbs all of which are equal length, its head sports nothing but two tiny pinpricks of light and a massive gaping maw full of teeth, its entire body is covered in thick scales that radiate an emerald glow. 

The two others charge it with a resounding battle cry while the third waves his graved hoof at the creature. "Quickly, before it sees you! Run for it, we've got you covered!" 

Rivet can see that the beast is turning to meet the charge of the pair, leaving him a clear run on the right side of the path while the fight happens on the very left of it.

Rivet freezes, realizing he gave away is position. But before he can think over whether to obey the pony knight or run, he catches sight of the enormous monstrosity and his jaw drops to the ground. What in the world was that thing!? No doubt with those teeth, it would find Rivet a tasty meal... Or snack rather.

Rivet wastes no time. Given the choice between a giant, scaley, glowing beast and the pony knights, his decision is easy. He bolts for the open ground on the right side of the path, putting the warriors between himself and the giant monster. If there a large rock or tree, Rivet will use it for cover.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For every mare his efforts are the same: he proceeds with a slow but powerful hold, letting the steam work its literal magic. It is a massage as much as it is an intimate cuddle but also a mane treatment as the shadow traces small details in the bodies of the mares to let tiny details slip in, like an upgrade that sneaks in rather than require treatment, calling for each change to happen in a slow unfolding. And yet, the shadow stallion in the star-filled void gestures his gangly limbs to his two loves.

'Do approach dears: I promise not to resist,' whispers his voice to them, right before each mare is kissed on her lips several times with each kiss full of love he feels for her.

The nymphs are slow to be brave but they happily take to plashing in the water, especially the rain; it seems to draw every nymph in range to it, so much so that every water nymph wants to go there to frolic like a milk-drunkard high on their mommy's milk except this is a very large pile if water nymphs, all of whom are squeaking as they flitter in the rain.

Even N'm looks at the rain and squeaks at her golden sis, nodding at the rain to indicate she thinks they should go join in the sillyness.

The water and fire mares give their beloved necromancer a playful look, soon approaching him, looking like each other's mirror image as the approach, only their colour being different.

Once they reach him, the water mare gently pushes him onto his back before she starts a thorough cleaning session which doubles as a massage. She begins with his hooves, gently carressing them for cleaning purposes as she makes sure to remove every bit of tensed up muscles she can find with carefully applied pressure and magic.

The flaming mare on the other hand swells up with heat that radiates from her body for a different kind of approach at cleaning. She approaches from his back, giving him a full body massage by rubbing herself against him, cleaning every part of his back by evaporation of the dirt. The heat she carefully lets flow into the stallion's back also greatly aid to remove the tension from his muscles.

'Is this to your liking, dear?' they ask in unison.

The remaining five mares seem to enjoy their own massages, particularly the shadow mare seems quite comfortable in his dark embrace. Their dark forms seem to not only wrap around each other, but almost merge since they are barely even distinguishable with the naked eye.

The mare of light has quite the opposite effect, a clear cut line between their forms marking the border between light and dark, which makes looking at their embrace quite confusing for a brain to process yet also quite interesting.

The aether mare pulses with love and cuddles the shapeless form hugging her, giggling with excitement and happiness.

The air mare seems to have taken a turn into the direction of a little game, hugging her beloved in a continuous pounce that results in both of them spinning faster and faster.

The earth mare is the only one saying anything, patiently waiting: 'Won't you polish all my jewels?'

The mommies notice how the nymphs seem to be drawn in by the water and decide that they might as well create a big hollow ball of clouds in which it rains into every direction at once with lots of smaller clouds inbetween, forming something resembling a maze. The mommies encourage the little ones to take a look inside, telling them that there are tasty surprises hidden in there for them.

The earth and shadow mares do still hope that some of the nymphs will use the numerous slides that end in a very dark embrace, but they are patient and unwilling to force any nymph to do it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Her whole body trembling with desire, too heavy to move from its place even if the wonderful pressure of the Empress weren't there and unfathomably pleased to be pinned down by her, Segment's helpless latex-coated Pet continues to lick the Empress as best she can even as her every breath catches in her throat and comes out as a pleasured whimper. 

"Maybe I should just keep you like this and parade you before my generals so that they could know just what manner of a helpless little latex pup you are behind that thin illusion of power?" purrs the Empress as she leans in to kiss, nibble and nip along that latex muzzle enjoying its taste against her fangs. "You would love that, wouldn't you, puppy? With your very own feeding bowl so that every single one of my highest commanders could marvel at the wonder that you are and praise you for being such an exemplar latex pet for your Empress!"

Benevolence agrees with a pleased giggle, deeply happy to have made friends with the Nymph. 

N'm The Napping Nymph takes off to the air gently hoisting the ball and boops the golden nymph's nose with it - the golden nymphs being Bene just means N'm thinks she is a visiting sister in her dreams. She is looking at her golden sister while squeaking and booping Bene, and seeing if Bene will react to the ball either booping her nose or trying to rapidly buzz around her tempting her to bat at it, while keeping its speed from being too fast.

Rivet wastes no time. Given the choice between a giant, scaley, glowing beast and the pony knights, his decision is easy. He bolts for the open ground on the right side of the path, putting the warriors between himself and the giant monster. If there a large rock or tree, Rivet will use it for cover.

In a flash of flickering moments, the pair crash into the roaring beast as the third trooper runs to Rivet, nudging the equine not too gently with his helmeted head to keep running. "Run, straight ahead. Ponyville is near. We-"

A crash and quaking of the ground interrupts the ground, throwing the equines almost off of their feet; a glance reveals that the green beast has sunken its limbs, all four of them, into the ground, and is ripping chunks of it up to flail or throw them at its two enemies, who dart in rapidly to smash a lance to its sides with a clear bellow of hurt following soon after. "We can keep it busy! Move!"

The dirt path continues ahead clear. It seems to end abruptly at a cleared area where torches have been set alongside a watch post which peeks up. Behind those in turn seems to loom some manner of a large settlement, drawing into the distance. It would be a short dash to cover the ground, presuming one of those monsters is not lying in ambush.

The earth mare is the only one saying anything, patiently waiting: 'Won't you polish all my jewels?'

The necromancer himself nswers with a warm purr of his own as he nuzzles one mare after another and kisses them as thank you without letting the steam spa abate, but rather allows the darkness in the clouds to thicken its hold to better massage every one of the mares in turn, letting their own actions define how they enjoy their massages, including the ability to offer a highly physical approach if the mare in question enjoys is. The dark mare blending with her masseur prompts the cloud to grow to better let her blend with it in the most intimate of embraces, in a strange yet natural contrast of the light mare whom the dark shade holds with the utmost care and tenderness, which is reflected on the pink mare's care in particular. The stone mare, on the other hand, can feel a large stallion hugging her from behind before his hooves gently morph to something oozing polish matter before he begins rubbing it in with a warm purr along her neck. 

The earth and shadow mares do still hope that some of the nymphs will use the numerous slides that end in a very dark embrace, but they are patient and unwilling to force any nymph to do it.

The cloudy park is a grand success but the other slides are also liked among the former climbers who squeak at least thrice louder than they milder sisters who happily hop in small hops amid the rain clouds squeaking happy as a little nymph can whereas the slider nymphs play at being little torpedoes chasing each other in the slides - and the maze has the bravest of them all venturing in and playing at being scared by the experience even if it is clear they are having fun from their hearts' content.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Maybe I should just keep you like this and parade you before my generals so that they could know just what manner of a helpless little latex pup you are behind that thin illusion of power?" purrs the Empress as she leans in to kiss, nibble and nip along that latex muzzle enjoying its taste against her fangs. "You would love that, wouldn't you, puppy? With your very own feeding bowl so that every single one of my highest commanders could marvel at the wonder that you are and praise you for being such an exemplar latex pet for your Empress!"

The latex Pet moans and whimpers in pleasure, her mind now awash with the idea of being paraded around in front of other high ranking military officials. The thought of being seen in such a way does sound very arousing, her true self revealed. A nagging bit of her mind does however hang up on her reputation in the past continuity, not being respected and seen by some as having slept her way to the top. This fear is easily overwhelmed by the full feeling inside her depths, her Owner pinning her down, and kissing the helpless Pet all across her eager face. Nothing short of an actual battle could break the coated Princess out of her submissive bliss, and aside from a tinge of apprehension her heart begins to flutter of being shown off by her oh so dominant Empress.

N'm The Napping Nymph takes off to the air gently hoisting the ball and boops the golden nymph's nose with it - the golden nymphs being Bene just means N'm thinks she is a visiting sister in her dreams. She is looking at her golden sister while squeaking and booping Bene, and seeing if Bene will react to the ball either booping her nose or trying to rapidly buzz around her tempting her to bat at it, while keeping its speed from being too fast.

Benevolence watches the nymph flutter about this way and that as the Queen absorbs many a snout boop. After noting the path her playmate takes so she can gauge her speed and distance, Benevolence carefully boops the Nymph in return when she can do so without having to poke to fast or too hard.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The cloudy park is a grand success but the other slides are also liked among the former climbers who squeak at least thrice louder than they milder sisters who happily hop in small hops amid the rain clouds squeaking happy as a little nymph can whereas the slider nymphs play at being little torpedoes chasing each other in the slides - and the maze has the bravest of them all venturing in and playing at being scared by the experience even if it is clear they are having fun from their hearts' content.

Any of the lucky nymphs in the cloud ball can find all kinds of delicious cakes and cookies hidden within the maze, encouraging them to keep going until they either feel like doing something else or are simply not hungry any more.

The earth mare smiles as she feels the little nymphs slide through the colourful caves in her body, making them shift as they go, even directing them so that some nymphs slide right next to each other for a bit or past each other.

Below, the mare of darkness excitedly awaits the nymphs' arrival, her cleavage used to guide the nymphs and the milk onto her belly for a very soft landing on what looks like the blackest cloud imaginable. She doesn't show it much, but she really looks forward to some cuddling.

The necromancer himself nswers with a warm purr of his own as he nuzzles one mare after another and kisses them as thank you without letting the steam spa abate, but rather allows the darkness in the clouds to thicken its hold to better massage every one of the mares in turn, letting their own actions define how they enjoy their massages, including the ability to offer a highly physical approach if the mare in question enjoys is. The dark mare blending with her masseur prompts the cloud to grow to better let her blend with it in the most intimate of embraces, in a strange yet natural contrast of the light mare whom the dark shade holds with the utmost care and tenderness, which is reflected on the pink mare's care in particular. The stone mare, on the other hand, can feel a large stallion hugging her from behind before his hooves gently morph to something oozing polish matter before he begins rubbing it in with a warm purr along her neck. 

The air mare seems to enjoy it most when he brushes through her mane and tail like a steamy breeze while the aether mare seems to love having her softest spots kneaded and carressed.

The dark mare purrs the loudest when he rubs her belly and nuzzles and snuggles into the darkness around her.

The light one seems to like it most when he takes care of her hoofsies, gently humming and glowing brighter whenever he does.

The earth mare, however, seems quite indifferent to the actual location, but he can clearly notice that her legs tend to kick a little whenever he polishes a part of her that is still rough.

The fire and water mares are encouraged by his own purring. The much larger flame mare keeps the necromancer warm and snuggly on herself, licking through his mane with her a flaming tongue to clean it, while the water mare continues to scrub him, now going for his chest and belly. She rubs him quite affectionately, using many parts of her body... her hooves, her cheeks, her own belly, her breast, her rear... anything seems to be eligible for cleaning to her.

The whole scene is surrounded in a fog that gets thicker whenever the water touches the flame mare, though, and soon they are additionally in somekind of sauna.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The dirt path continues ahead clear. It seems to end abruptly at a cleared area where torches have been set alongside a watch post which peeks up. Behind those in turn seems to loom some manner of a large settlement, drawing into the distance. It would be a short dash to cover the ground, presuming one of those monsters is not lying in ambush.

Rivet takes a moment to catch his breadth before continuing.

What was that thing?

Rivet might have thought himself prepared for anything after leaving the other space, but his confidence has taken a thorough beating after the encounter with the giant glowing monster. Clearly, this land was more dangerous than he had initially thought. The young pony exhales slowly, before continuing on his way, keeping a vigilant eye out any other malicious interlopers.

Catching sight of the city, Rivet forgets his worries for a moment as the technically part of his brain starts clicking away. How in the world did creatures with only hooves and mouths manage to create such a sprawling and sophisticated settlement? He eyes his own appendages ruefully, recalling the dexterity in which the pony knights wielded their weapons. He had a lot to learn.

Rivet approaches Ponyville cautiously. Hopefully someone here could give him some directions... And maybe some food. Apparently getting transported from the netherverse worked up quite an appetite, because Rivet is starving. Hopefully there was some way for him to barter for goods and services here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Nothing short of an actual battle could break the coated Princess out of her submissive bliss, and aside from a tinge of apprehension her heart begins to flutter of being shown off by her oh so dominant Empress.

Segment presses herself until her visage covers her pet's entire field of vision but halts feeling her unraveling scepter release another frothing geyser of thickened goop inside her pet, needing several long breaths of air that she draws right from her latex pet's mouth forthwith before she proceeds with her continued purring knowing full well the suit provides from the surroundings or creates from the Art the needed air, letting her practically breathe through kissing her pet, which stirs her nethers something fierce with each breath.

"No no no, my latex puppy. These generals know that their Empress is truly blessed to have such a pet and would simply love to have you in my presence showing what a marvel and wonder you are, why I bet you would inspire them just by entering the room and feeding from your bowl while I groom your mane," purrs The Empress with a careful voice that is as slow as it is enunciated lest Segment's breath waver more than it already does. "It is not a question of it they will approve, but how much and how many will adore you or find your adorable - because you are all those things!"

Benevolence watches the nymph flutter about this way and that as the Queen absorbs many a snout boop. After noting the path her playmate takes so she can gauge her speed and distance, Benevolence carefully boops the Nymph in return when she can do so without having to poke to fast or too hard.

N'm squeaks in sudden surprise and rubs her nose before happily squeaking as she darts away from the ball, but glances tellingly behind her to see if the ball chases her, her blue eyes wide with happy excitement.

Any of the lucky nymphs in the cloud ball can find all kinds of delicious cakes and cookies hidden within the maze, encouraging them to keep going until they either feel like doing something else or are simply not hungry any more.

The earth mare smiles as she feels the little nymphs slide through the colourful caves in her body, making them shift as they go, even directing them so that some nymphs slide right next to each other for a bit or past each other.

Below, the mare of darkness excitedly awaits the nymphs' arrival, her cleavage used to guide the nymphs and the milk onto her belly for a very soft landing on what looks like the blackest cloud imaginable. She doesn't show it much, but she really looks forward to some cuddling.

The adventurers soon prove to want company and multiply on the spot using their prizes like adventurers would rations to form total parties ranging from four to nine in number as they brave the mystery of the strange labyrinth the brave explorers are in; the cloud nymphs on the other hand are far too content to do more than curl up in the clouds between hopping amid them lazily, squeaking as they fly in errant patterns while a few even hug their pillow clouds to do so because Nymph Reasons; the remaining torpedoes seem to find their slide adventures super fun and fly up in he stange gravity-varied air to nymph-five their tiny forehooves before splashing about in their own slides, squeaks ringing in the void.

The whole scene is surrounded in a fog that gets thicker whenever the water touches the flame mare, though, and soon they are additionally in somekind of sauna.

Every mare he offers the best his knows in both hugging as well as the arts of massages, even purring with them in his stallion self as much as the shadowy saunas that glide their touches upon their ladies to focus just a little extra on their preferred areas or even kissing along those ranges for curves, clearly loving every detail; the him on the other hand rumbles contently as he mirrors his emotions into the actions of his shadow while enjoying this treatment...although he does wrinkle his lips as he feels his body inadvertedly reaction to such lovely mares on him all over, especially with Chroma's hind quarters being such marvels and so very close!

Rivet approaches Ponyville cautiously. Hopefully someone here could give him some directions... And maybe some food. Apparently getting transported from the netherverse worked up quite an appetite, because Rivet is starving. Hopefully there was some way for him to barter for goods and services here.

Ponyville is not a small hamlet but rather a large sprawling view of pastoral houses, thatched houses all of them with sun-kissed coloration as streets unravel in lazy lines rather than strict lines with denizens from all three pony tribes out in the snow - however there are hunched humanoids of greatly higher vertical reach as well in the populace but where ponies wear little winter gear the humanoid forms are often fully clad in gear, and always with some head wear. The snowy village glows as several windows have a light in them while houses frequently have some kind of decorations on them alongside rich colors. As the village is sparsely populted Ponyville seems to sprawl all across a large amount of snowy ground, including the shore of a very distant lake Rivet can see far far away with his eyes.

A few buildings do stand out but Rivet would need to focus on them to take in their details rather than the looming silhouettes. That also applies to the populace as Rivet thinks he sees a few of them stand out prompting the idea that some of the locals could be intestigated. Or maybe Rivet could just wander in...


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Segment presses herself until her visage covers her pet's entire field of vision but halts feeling her unraveling scepter release another frothing geyser of thickened goop inside her pet, needing several long breaths of air that she draws right from her latex pet's mouth forthwith before she proceeds with her continued purring knowing full well the suit provides from the surroundings or creates from the Art the needed air, letting her practically breathe through kissing her pet, which stirs her nethers something fierce with each breath.

"No no no, my latex puppy. These generals know that their Empress is truly blessed to have such a pet and would simply love to have you in my presence showing what a marvel and wonder you are, why I bet you would inspire them just by entering the room and feeding from your bowl while I groom your mane," purrs The Empress with a careful voice that is as slow as it is enunciated lest Segment's breath waver more than it already does. "It is not a question of it they will approve, but how much and how many will adore you or find your adorable - because you are all those things!"

Amity moans in agonized pleasure, her voice cracking as the sensation and realization that she is breathing through her Owner sets in and fills her mind with that much more submissive fulfillment. That she and her Empress are sharing the same air now coats the captive Pet inside like the latex has her outside. She feels as if her Owner has now claimed even her vital systems and made them her own. The wave of pleasure this brings weighs the Princess down just as her Empress does, and makes the feeling of helplessness and submission seem all that much deeper and more absolute like a lightless sea of infinite calm for just the two of them. 

The further rush of Royal Goop so wonderfully fills the Unicorn, who feels her belly fuller many times over than any time she was impregnated by her Empress. The sheer weight of the Goop inside her shows Amity pleasures she's never even thought of before, she feels so content and complete. Seeing that her narrow waist has barely even shifted in size adds to the surreal sensation, showing the unfathomable power of Segment, her creation, and her ability to manipulate even the physical structure of her deeply filled and claimed Pet. 

The words of the Empress cause her Pet to relax completely, body releasing all tension and joining its mind and heart which swim in a vast galaxy made entirely of Segment's charisma, love, and power. Any one of these things alone could surely steal the heart many a mythical Knight of olde, but Amity gets to experience a being who exhibits all three, at once, and directed all towards her. Truly for this the Princess considers herself a fortunate soul smiled upon by Heaven.

N'm squeaks in sudden surprise and rubs her nose before happily squeaking as she darts away from the ball, but glances tellingly behind her to see if the ball chases her, her blue eyes wide with happy excitement.

Benevolence catches on, and with a gleam in her own crimson eyes directs the ball to follow along behind the Nymph in silly, looping patterns like a drunk bumblebee with severe vertigo in a windstorm. In fact it is this very mental image the Yellow Queen uses to create the motion path of the ball. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The adventurers soon prove to want company and multiply on the spot using their prizes like adventurers would rations to form total parties ranging from four to nine in number as they brave the mystery of the strange labyrinth the brave explorers are in; the cloud nymphs on the other hand are far too content to do more than curl up in the clouds between hopping amid them lazily, squeaking as they fly in errant patterns while a few even hug their pillow clouds to do so because Nymph Reasons; the remaining torpedoes seem to find their slide adventures super fun and fly up in he stange gravity-varied air to nymph-five their tiny forehooves before splashing about in their own slides, squeaks ringing in the void.

The elemental mares are quite amused to see the nymph create more and more copies of herself to not miss any part of the entertainment.

The sliders will find that the slide is anything but straight, winding itself in the most random figures sometimes, combining loopings, corkscrews, spirals and a lot more, sometimes even just changing the gravity to make the sliders go in spirals through an otherwise straight tunnel.

For the explorers of the cloud, Chroma has a new method to entice them to play: The sweets now show themselves a little and try to dash off once a nymph gets too close, creating a little game of catch with a chasable reward.

Only the dark mare seems to only want to snuggle nymphs between her massive body and her large soft hooves.

Every mare he offers the best his knows in both hugging as well as the arts of massages, even purring with them in his stallion self as much as the shadowy saunas that glide their touches upon their ladies to focus just a little extra on their preferred areas or even kissing along those ranges for curves, clearly loving every detail; the him on the other hand rumbles contently as he mirrors his emotions into the actions of his shadow while enjoying this treatment...although he does wrinkle his lips as he feels his body inadvertedly reaction to such lovely mares on him all over, especially with Chroma's hind quarters being such marvels and so very close!

The mares are quite content, wriggling in his embrace, enjoying the massage more than anything, loving how he works his way through the marshmallow-like flesh that gives way to even a slight touch.

Bones' reaction doesn't go unnoticed by Chroma, though, and the water and fire mares grin at each other.

The flame mare rolls over to now lie on her belly, Bones right atop of her large hot body. He can feel his head now rest between what feels like two very large pillows, warming him from below as her tail wraps around his neck like a massive scarf.

The water mare proceeds to work on massaging his thighs, which means that her rear is right in front of his face, the two soft flanks wobbling enticingly with every movement. Her equally soft breasts rest on his chest, her harder nipples clearly sensible at their peak. He could even get a clear view of her marehood if it wasn't for her semi-transparent tail blocking the way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The words of the Empress cause her Pet to relax completely, body releasing all tension and joining its mind and heart which swim in a vast galaxy made entirely of Segment's charisma, love, and power. Any one of these things alone could surely steal the heart many a mythical Knight of olde, but Amity gets to experience a being who exhibits all three, at once, and directed all towards her. Truly for this the Princess considers herself a fortunate soul smiled upon by Heaven.

The Empress purrs as she collapsed further upon her pet letting her body's entire weight come down, yet it is without any event save for the imperial changeling altering her rapid breaths to far deeper ones while her lips turn their lips to long, passionate yet also sensuous grapples where hers are always the dominant ones. The latex suit provides Amity with the support needed to hold up her owner, who feels lighter than a feather despite resting all over her pet, letting only that brightly shining tail to emerge through the large cascade of Segment's own powerful purple tail that sweeps across it like a cape encircling said tail, just like her body is curling around her pet's. "Mine~" she hisses softly into Amity's mind, her voice now possessively soft. "Mine precious pet, my shining star in the court room, my treasure hoard, my dear little sillyness singularity."

Benevolence catches on, and with a gleam in her own crimson eyes directs the ball to follow along behind the Nymph in silly, looping patterns like a drunk bumblebee with severe vertigo in a windstorm. In fact it is this very mental image the Yellow Queen uses to create the motion path of the ball. 

The target of the ball is not the best of flyers but she is good in turning so quite soon this turns into a bumbling dash of a nymph scrambling - while giggling audibly - away from a drunk bumblebee, often using the playground as he diving course to try to avoid the bumblebee, with varying results that mostly cause a few nymphs to bump, squeak and dart away, finding the ball fun to flee from.

Bones' reaction doesn't go unnoticed by Chroma, though, and the water and fire mares grin at each other.

The flame mare rolls over to now lie on her belly, Bones right atop of her large hot body. He can feel his head now rest between what feels like two very large pillows, warming him from below as her tail wraps around his neck like a massive scarf.

The water mare proceeds to work on massaging his thighs, which means that her rear is right in front of his face, the two soft flanks wobbling enticingly with every movement. Her equally soft breasts rest on his chest, her harder nipples clearly sensible at their peak. He could even get a clear view of her marehood if it wasn't for her semi-transparent tail blocking the way.

The Torpedo Nymphs are audibly squeaking or squee-ing, depending on if they are in a spiral or not, often trying to boost themselves to go even faster with fluttering of their wings, all the while clearly having fun at this water park.

The exploring parties, being large now enough so as to be brave, do not rush in but rather march as one squeaking horde of curiosity after the treats often forgoing adventure or mysterious corners in order to try to acquire the treats they see - including the use of their Water Art to try anything from tiny tsunamis to whirlpools to try to nab the noms for their party's nomming!

The dark mommy on the other hand may just find a few squeakers in front of her holding their hooves up, signing their want to be picked up for hugs.

N'm's playing has prompted a few other squeakers to join in; apparently they find the idea of escaping a ball very fun game to play.

The shadow sauna proceeeds carefully, purring as its motions continue despite it lovingly nibbling along an exposed ear or neck fur just for a taste of something it loves.

The necromancer himself, in spite of his willpower, finds his own stallionhood slowly throbbing as his body reacts to the amount of lovable lady in his reach and then reaches in to kiss, lick and nibble upon those mounds of marvel while sniffing that most enticing of entrances.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The Torpedo Nymphs are audibly squeaking or squee-ing, depending on if they are in a spiral or not, often trying to boost themselves to go even faster with fluttering of their wings, all the while clearly having fun at this water park.

The exploring parties, being large now enough so as to be brave, do not rush in but rather march as one squeaking horde of curiosity after the treats often forgoing adventure or mysterious corners in order to try to acquire the treats they see - including the use of their Water Art to try anything from tiny tsunamis to whirlpools to try to nab the noms for their party's nomming!

The dark mommy on the other hand may just find a few squeakers in front of her holding their hooves up, signing their want to be picked up for hugs.

N'm's playing has prompted a few other squeakers to join in; apparently they find the idea of escaping a ball very fun game to play.

The nymphs in the slides who are flapping their wings notice that they are going faster and faster the more they flap them, seemingly without a limit.

The explorers dind many things scattered around, ranging from edible treats over toys to play with to shiny gems. The earth mommy even tells them that there is a crystal nymph hidden in the area who will flee until caught. Then it will make for a fun playmate.

Shadow mommy carefully picks all the cuddly squeakers up and sets them into her large hoof, nuzzling the tiny things before eventually cuddling them into her chest, surrounding them with softness and the calming sound of her dark beating heart.

Since the little ones seem to want to be chased by balls, light Chroma creates some wisps that will chase after them if they are spotted, stopping when they can't see them any more for a few seconds. Any nymph caught by them will glow like the wisp, now on their side and aiming to catch other nymphs. Only a dark orb, many of which shadow Chroma scattered throughout the area can turn them back.

The shadow sauna proceeeds carefully, purring as its motions continue despite it lovingly nibbling along an exposed ear or neck fur just for a taste of something it loves.

The necromancer himself, in spite of his willpower, finds his own stallionhood slowly throbbing as his body reacts to the amount of lovable lady in his reach and then reaches in to kiss, lick and nibble upon those mounds of marvel while sniffing that most enticing of entrances.

The five snuggled and massaged Chromas all join together to form a snuggly hug pile, all of them nuzzling and snuggling each other and the darkness surrounding them. The earth mare seems to be quite keen to be polished to shine brighter than any diamond ever did before, despite being a black onyx.

Water Chroma is quite glad to see Bones so eager for the scent of her quite obviously very wet snatch, bringing her soft cheeks closer to him, not by moving but by growing larger, her ass soon dominating most of his field of view.

On her other end, she seems quite eager to say hello to a good friend, booping it with her nose as if to knock on the door, her nostrils clearly enjoying the masculine scent.