Trapped in Equestria 3.0 {The REAL Rp}


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There are no further words The Empress would offer: only further, warm purrs that rise in volume reflecting her long-drawn breaths in...and out...letting her serenity take hold once again as the imperial changeling enjoys her afterglow with her pet.

Amity happily soaks in the warmth of the cuddles, her body feeling like pudding right out of the oven, as if her body is melting in Segment's hooves with how relaxed and fulfilled the Princess currently is. Knowing that her Owner feels the same way, and that by all logic she has made her Owner feel this nice sets the Pet's heart aflutter and has her nuzzling the Empress affectionately as they lie there together enjoying being together. The Royal Pet is also quite happy to know that this latex puppy suit is also very good for cuddling.

N'm the Nymph squeaks, appearing suddenly in front of her silly golden sister and flails with Bene, making the pair look very silly like they are having a fierce nymph-off! With lots of squeaking!

The sudden appearance of the Nymph leads to even more flailing and squeaking on behalf of Benevolence, who is genuinely surprised by this teleportation, and further pleased by it. In and of this Benevolence flails and squeaks dotingly, very impressed and proud to see such acts. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The little nymph squeaks that the sister nymph was seen in the maze but she was too good at Hide and Seek to be found, so the squeaker hopes the sister is not sad she was not found. DarkMommy also gets booped for being so close, which makes every nymph nearby squeak very happily since they apparently find booping Mommy's nose whatever form or color she be to be an infinite source of joy.

The dark mommy nods and then gets up, all the nymphs cuddling her entirely undisturbed by this, and starts looking for the losts sister, encouraging the little squeaker to tag along to help.

The three stallions assure their golem beloved that they marveled at her expanding hind which may or may not have apparently grown to the size of a small planet which they thought was her grand plan since it was obviously such a grand-scale undertaking that only someone of her beauty, grace and ingenious would undertake; they also express their delight at having such a wonderful target to rub their many hooves all over which together with such a solid material makes for an excellent pressure massage target.

Meanwhile the The Dark Cuddle escalates in size, somehow managing to become large enough to be a literal dark sun in spite of being a black hole of a singularity, consisting of nothing but cuddles.

The earth mare shakes her head at the sudden change and wonders what the three masseurs will do with a butt of this size. She is flattered by the compliments, though, and is happy to announce the the masseurs are free to go and do what they want with her two flanks, wiggling them in their direction.

The cuddle of darkness seems to pull in and swallow any light that gets too close to it, making it seem like they are radiating darkness.

'Being in your element in your purest elemental form is better than I would have imagined it, but considering that this is happening in our heads, this probably just means that you simply imagined it better than I did.' she giggles and continues to nuzzle the all-encompassing darkness that surrounds them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Art usually means something to do with magic. Don't ask me the finer points, I'm a crystal pony so you need usually a unicorn or a scholar to get the real knowledge: these things take decades to learn beyond 'Shiny light, point away from face'," Long Shot offers with a somewhat of a wry smile but the he brightens, having nodded as well as listened close to Rivet, all the while the pair have continued towards the center of the city. "And really, you sound spot on. With skills like yours I can almost promise you will have employers competing to get somepony of your skills in their stable."

Rivet's head whirls as Long Shot more or less confirms the existence of a power completely unbounded by the laws of science. Or at least, science as he understood it. Really he shouldn't be surprised given that this new world held untold wonders, but he can't help but feel shocked... And excited. The urge to discover and understand runs deep within the young earth pony.

Rivet is also heartened by the assurance of security in his new situation. Hopefully he would be able to find some work soon and begin to situate himself within ponyville. He itched to get his hooves dirty and start a project or two... Or three. Maybe he could even learn a little bit about this Art that Long Shot spoke of. His memory drifts back to the sign directing him to the Sorceress Cobalt...

"Long Shot, do you know of anyone called Cobalt? That's another name I ran by while journeying in the wilderness. Is she someone important like the Empress?"

Whatever his companion's answer, Rivet will go through the motions of attaining his citizenship. If there is someway to advertise his skills to the local business owners, rivet will try to obtain some stable employment. Hopefully with the prospect of a steady income, he could negotiate lodging for the night somewhere. Nice as Long Shot was, Rivet was eager to establish some measure of independence.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The dark mommy nods and then gets up, all the nymphs cuddling her entirely undisturbed by this, and starts looking for the losts sister, encouraging the little squeaker to tag along to help.

The little squeaker practically clings to Dark Mommy's nose alongside those who decided to hug said dark mare as they find her moving while they hang onto her to be a super fun adventure!

'Being in your element in your purest elemental form is better than I would have imagined it, but considering that this is happening in our heads, this probably just means that you simply imagined it better than I did.' she giggles and continues to nuzzle the all-encompassing darkness that surrounds them.

The three masseurs focus their considerable strength to give their down-to-earth lady's ample rump an all-over squeeze, exerting it in a slow, growing pressure that has lost none of its touch in spite of the lady's flanks growing; if anything the greater surface lets their pressure holds to widen further under their marveling gaze, so much so that one stallion wonders if they are seeing a gemstone rather than just beautiful ground here.

Meanwhile in the Dark Singularity of Cuddles, the entirety of the black hole reflects every nuzzle with interest even as his echoing voices respond with utmost affection coloring his voices: 'We shadows have the greatest joy when the share our dance with someone we treasure, beloved. I could do this out there physically in a dark manor while the fireplace crackles to create our song, although dancing among the stars is perhaps even more beautiful since you eclipse even their shine.'

Amity happily soaks in the warmth of the cuddles, her body feeling like pudding right out of the oven, as if her body is melting in Segment's hooves with how relaxed and fulfilled the Princess currently is. Knowing that her Owner feels the same way, and that by all logic she has made her Owner feel this nice sets the Pet's heart aflutter and has her nuzzling the Empress affectionately as they lie there together enjoying being together. The Royal Pet is also quite happy to know that this latex puppy suit is also very good for cuddling.

The Empress takes her sweet time consuming the radiance of love pouring out from her pet all the while nuzzling said latex puppy before at long last she rests her muzzle to Amity's, riveting her eyes looming over her pet's before speaking up while letting her voice resonate within her thorax so as to further spread a full-body warmth all across her pet's body - simply because she can and wants to do so.

"Now that we have you dressed for the part of your true self, Pet...I think it is time for your walkies" There is a very clear tone of mirth in The Empress' voice as she gives a quiet laugh before kissing her pet's nose to end her sentence. "Walkies, my little silly puppy. Right under the loving gaze of your empress to help you set onto your four squeaking paws and let your grow secure under a watching pair of eyes so that you can stride like the proudest of your Empress' troopers who became her first Honor Guard. You can even get a shiny collar if you like, and a treat if you behave extra well."

The sudden appearance of the Nymph leads to even more flailing and squeaking on behalf of Benevolence, who is genuinely surprised by this teleportation, and further pleased by it. In and of this Benevolence flails and squeaks dotingly, very impressed and proud to see such acts. 

N'm takes the grandiose flailing of tiny forehooves as her sneaky chance to boop her shiny sister. She also looks irredeeably smug after succeeding in it, like she did the most impressive thing in the entire world.

"Long Shot, do you know of anyone called Cobalt? That's another name I ran by while journeying in the wilderness. Is she someone important like the Empress?"

As the pair of stallions have chatted they have approached the very core of the city whereupon they find a very large structure. At first glance it seems like a pillar with its structures on the outsides creating a very fine looking circular form whereupon large while marble stairs lead up to a wide number of open entryways through which all manner of citizens go in and out, often carrying paperwork, while sign posts are left out at apparent keypoints; at said spaces are some rougher types looking at the apparent sign posts.

Long Shot takes Rivet onto the sides so they are not in anyone's way before looking Rivet with that smile a little wider. "The Sorceress Of Stars? Yes, I know her. She is a local  who came to town long ago. She has an observatory on the mountain in the Everfree and most folk hire a bounty hunter team to escort them there. Why, are you hoping to ask her to read your fate? Or to ask her for a personal enchantment?"
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The little squeaker practically clings to Dark Mommy's nose alongside those who decided to hug said dark mare as they find her moving while they hang onto her to be a super fun adventure!

The dark mommy looks around for the lost sister they didn't find, and soon asks the little nymphs if they want to help her look around to find her more quickly, telling them that she's likely somewhere hidden in the cloud maze.

The three masseurs focus their considerable strength to give their down-to-earth lady's ample rump an all-over squeeze, exerting it in a slow, growing pressure that has lost none of its touch in spite of the lady's flanks growing; if anything the greater surface lets their pressure holds to widen further under their marveling gaze, so much so that one stallion wonders if they are seeing a gemstone rather than just beautiful ground here.

Meanwhile in the Dark Singularity of Cuddles, the entirety of the black hole reflects every nuzzle with interest even as his echoing voices respond with utmost affection coloring his voices: 'We shadows have the greatest joy when the share our dance with someone we treasure, beloved. I could do this out there physically in a dark manor while the fireplace crackles to create our song, although dancing among the stars is perhaps even more beautiful since you eclipse even their shine.'

The earth mare purrs, causing a resounding earthquake around her entire body. She may not be as soft as the other six, but the three masseurs will still find touching her massive butt to feel very nice. Also, she is made of onyx, so the ground literally is one massive gemstone.

'A dance of light-devouring darkness sounds quite delightful, doesn't it?' the dark mare responds, nuzzling the surrounding darkness, 'A universe full of stars, but all light simply vanishes into our singularity of darkness as we dance through the cosmos.'

She gives the darkness around her an affectionate kiss.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Empress takes her sweet time consuming the radiance of love pouring out from her pet all the while nuzzling said latex puppy before at long last she rests her muzzle to Amity's, riveting her eyes looming over her pet's before speaking up while letting her voice resonate within her thorax so as to further spread a full-body warmth all across her pet's body - simply because she can and wants to do so.

"Now that we have you dressed for the part of your true self, Pet...I think it is time for your walkies" There is a very clear tone of mirth in The Empress' voice as she gives a quiet laugh before kissing her pet's nose to end her sentence. "Walkies, my little silly puppy. Right under the loving gaze of your empress to help you set onto your four squeaking paws and let your grow secure under a watching pair of eyes so that you can stride like the proudest of your Empress' troopers who became her first Honor Guard. You can even get a shiny collar if you like, and a treat if you behave extra well."

Amity inhales deeply in a soft gasp as her Empress' words run through her, each syllable taking hold and coloring her in Segment's will. The latex-coated puppy giggles as she's kissed, blushing a little. "But your Pet already has a collar." Amity says sweetly, pawing at her slightly twinkling choker signifying her place as a Royal Wife and Pet. "Though if its this collar glamored to appear more like a traditional leather collar that could be really nice." The Princess coos, softly kissing her Owner's neck and shoulder sweetly. "The fact that this one can not and will not ever come off me is something that still makes my heart flutter. I've been claimed as an absolute law of the universe, can you even imagine how good the feels?!" At this point Amity is a very gushing latex pet, nuzzling her Owner and radiating great amounts of love as her head swims with happy thoughts about her choker and matching anklets. 

N'm takes the grandiose flailing of tiny forehooves as her sneaky chance to boop her shiny sister. She also looks irredeeably smug after succeeding in it, like she did the most impressive thing in the entire world.

Benevolence scrunches her nose comically before reaching out a hoof to boop the N'm back, but does so very slowly as to allow the Nymph to dodge if they wish or to be booped if that is desired as well. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
At this point Amity is a very gushing latex pet, nuzzling her Owner and radiating great amounts of love as her head swims with happy thoughts about her choker and matching anklets. 

"You still think your Empress is bound by something as simple as something being too many?" purrs the looming form of the Empress eve as she nuzzles her pet assuringly. "Do you not know who I am, pet, or are you playing like the silly latex puppy you are? The Empress knows more than the mortal mind can conjure into through, my dear little pet~" The Empress takes another pause just to further nuzzle her pet, feeding on all that delicious love. "If I will it then your collar becomes a shiny leather one that draws you always to my side. If I will so then it shines like the stars on my beloved bride's night sky. If I will it, then it will sparkle with the gentle warmth of a sun without the burning touch of its glare."

Benevolence scrunches her nose comically before reaching out a hoof to boop the N'm back, but does so very slowly as to allow the Nymph to dodge if they wish or to be booped if that is desired as well. 

N'm's nose *honk*'s comically at the boop like a very loud clown car, prompting the dreamer to titter so much she curl up from heaving thorax muscles while her giggles fill the air.

The dark mommy looks around for the lost sister they didn't find, and soon asks the little nymphs if they want to help her look around to find her more quickly, telling them that she's likely somewhere hidden in the cloud maze.

The squeaker asks for DarkMommy to do it and please hurry, the nymphs want to meet their sister. Chroma can sense genuine worry from the watery nymph constructs.

'A dance of light-devouring darkness sounds quite delightful, doesn't it?' the dark mare responds, nuzzling the surrounding darkness, 'A universe full of stars, but all light simply vanishes into our singularity of darkness as we dance through the cosmos.'

She gives the darkness around her an affectionate kiss.

The onyx is pressed, squeezed, almost crushed, and receives a kiss for every hoof tracing across her muscular mountain: that makes for twenty-four loving touches upon her face while all across her onyx flanks the strong touches move relaxing the tension while ridding any stress lingering.

The darkness in return, holds the dark mare before pressing a kiss onto her muzzle, leaving a few tiny stars trailing there. Although there is no commentary she can feel he loves how the fields of stars fit her like gemstones in a ring socket.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"You still think your Empress is bound by something as simple as something being too many?" purrs the looming form of the Empress eve as she nuzzles her pet assuringly. "Do you not know who I am, pet, or are you playing like the silly latex puppy you are? The Empress knows more than the mortal mind can conjure into through, my dear little pet~" The Empress takes another pause just to further nuzzle her pet, feeding on all that delicious love. "If I will it then your collar becomes a shiny leather one that draws you always to my side. If I will so then it shines like the stars on my beloved bride's night sky. If I will it, then it will sparkle with the gentle warmth of a sun without the burning touch of its glare."

Amity coos as she is nuzzled, pressing into her Owner lovingly as the Empress' words flow through the Pet and wrap all around her, filling the Princess with sensations of warmth and wonder at the power and prestige of the being holding her.  "My Owner~" The Pet giggles headily, nuzzling the Empress in return with much tenderness and enthusiasm. Such a wonderful Owner Segment is, and Amity not only feels completely safe in her care, but lucky and exceptionally special to belong to and by molded in the image of such a great Empress. 

N'm's nose *honk*'s comically at the boop like a very loud clown car, prompting the dreamer to titter so much she curl up from heaving thorax muscles while her giggles fill the air.

Benevolence too is caught in quite a giggle fit by such a silly display. She is also quite happy that N'm wanted to be booped and enjoyed the booping. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Such a wonderful Owner Segment is, and Amity not only feels completely safe in her care, but lucky and exceptionally special to belong to and by molded in the image of such a great Empress. 

"Yes, yes I am: the greatest and most loving empress on this entire galaxy, " purrs the imperial ruler, enjoying the deep sloshing within her pet doing so causes as well as the degree of it that her scepter almost rises to another charge. With the faintest of blushes she nuzzles her pet further before her lidded eyes gaze into Amity's, burning with curiosity now. "Tell me, pet: would the darkest of leathers as your collar be fitting your form? Wouldn't that endless dark befit you so?"

Benevolence too is caught in quite a giggle fit by such a silly display. She is also quite happy that N'm wanted to be booped and enjoyed the booping. 

N'm The Nymph is also very happy and squeaks as much to her sister.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Yes, yes I am: the greatest and most loving empress on this entire galaxy, " purrs the imperial ruler, enjoying the deep sloshing within her pet doing so causes as well as the degree of it that her scepter almost rises to another charge. With the faintest of blushes she nuzzles her pet further before her lidded eyes gaze into Amity's, burning with curiosity now. "Tell me, pet: would the darkest of leathers as your collar be fitting your form? Wouldn't that endless dark befit you so?"

Amity wiggles a bit more as she is drawn into her Owner's eyes, herself blushing a bit as she feels her insides slosh with all the Goop Segment has graciously given her. "That would look very nice on my coat, as the choker it self does." Amity states warmly. "But would it not resemble this very latex suit you've dressed you your Pet in? Perhaps a more striking color might compliment this darker than dark material so perfectly coating and shaping your Pet as you desire, my Empress?" The Princess punctuates her statement with several reverent kisses on her Owner's throat, as if offering tribute to Segment in turn for all this attention the Pet is being bathed in constantly, much to her glee.

N'm The Nymph is also very happy and squeaks as much to her sister.

Benevolence squeaks in return that N'm had done a very good honk, and the surprise usage of it was very amusing and well done.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"The Sorceress Of Stars? Yes, I know her. She is a local  who came to town long ago. She has an observatory on the mountain in the Everfree and most folk hire a bounty hunter team to escort them there. Why, are you hoping to ask her to read your fate? Or to ask her for a personal enchantment?"

Rivet laughs nervously. "I wasn't aware that her talents were available for hire. No, I was just curious. I've got some... Personal questions, and I thought maybe she might be a mare with some answers. It's nothing to worry about, so let's just get this citizenship thing squared away. One hoof after the other, right?"

Inwardly, Rivet groans at his fumbled attempt to deflect the conversation. More than anything, he wants to know how he got here and the way Long Shot described her, it sounded like Cobalt might have an explanation. Who better to explain cosmic anomalies, than a sorceress of the stars? But he didn't want anyone to know his motives just yet. No need for people to think he was some sort of freak when he desperately wanted to fit in... Come to think of it, it probably would have been less suspicious to say that he was interested in a fortune telling or some other innocent ploy... Blast it, he was terrible at this!

Rivet awkwardly realizes that he's been thinking to himself for an inordinate amount of time. He smiles at longshot and gestures at the bureaucratic hustle before them. "Shall we? Erm, I mean if you want to that is... You've already been so kind, guiding me around. I'm sure I could figure the rest out, if you've got somewhere else to be."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Princess punctuates her statement with several reverent kisses on her Owner's throat, as if offering tribute to Segment in turn for all this attention the Pet is being bathed in constantly, much to her glee.

The Empress purrs quietly, allowing her pet to speak further by busying herself on feeding on the offered kisses as well as posing grandly, accepting this as her due. It seems she is willing to let her pet continue on this color suggestion so far.

Benevolence squeaks in return that N'm had done a very good honk, and the surprise usage of it was very amusing and well done.

N'm squeaks in general at Benevolence, proceeding to squeak-squeak-squeak at a very rapid pacing but with no real point to it except for happy squeaking for squeaking's sake - and thn boops the yellow nymph with the ball they were playing with!

"Shall we? Erm, I mean if you want to that is... You've already been so kind, guiding me around. I'm sure I could figure the rest out, if you've got somewhere else to be."

Long Shot raises a moderately curious eyebrow at his slightly...unique companion before eyeing the city hall and resting his eyes on the grandiose pillar of architecture, rich in supports and decorative wood pieces without losing its rustic beauty, irregardless of the throngs at its entrances. "Only if you are certain," Log Shot answers after a thoughtful moment. "Third floor is for immediate paperwork and covers most things. It also has the Bounty Hunter's Office. Second one covered business licenses I think..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Empress purrs quietly, allowing her pet to speak further by busying herself on feeding on the offered kisses as well as posing grandly, accepting this as her due. It seems she is willing to let her pet continue on this color suggestion so far.

"Your Pet must admit that the Royal Blue of Luna's mane immediately springs to mind..." Amity admits bashfully. "Your Pet thinks such a color would go very well with the beyond black of  this wonderful latex coating  and your Royal Purple kisses all across it." The Princess blushes and looks sweetly into her Owner's eyes. "Of course your special Purple would be wonderful as well, as would a very bright Silver that would look nearly white and invoke both Sisters." The latex Pet explains respectfully. "Perhaps with the blue collar you could turn the heart name tag to your Purple?" Amity adds, holding up the sparkling blue heart dangling from her choker before peppering kisses all across her Owner's muzzle, too enthralled to resist as she's held in the powerful gaze of the Empress. 

N'm squeaks in general at Benevolence, proceeding to squeak-squeak-squeak at a very rapid pacing but with no real point to it except for happy squeaking for squeaking's sake - and thn boops the yellow nymph with the ball they were playing with!

Benevolence squeaks in surprise at being booped before joining in the barrage of happy squeaking with N'm, quite enjoying the booping and squeaking that is occurring here. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Only if you are certain," Log Shot answers after a thoughtful moment. "Third floor is for immediate paperwork and covers most things. It also has the Bounty Hunter's Office. Second one covered business licenses I think..."

Rivet nods reassuringly. "I'll have to get a feel for this place by myself at some point. Thank you for all you've done. We'll have to grab a bite again sometime. It'll be on me next time." He smiles in what he hopes is a friendly manner.

After bidding farewell to Longshot, Rivet with start for the stairs of the town hall. He weaves in and out of traffic, making his way to the third floor. First order of business will be getting his citizenship. Then he'd visit the business registration and see if anyone had need of a prospective craftspony. Opening his own shop was too much too hope for, but he'd seen plenty of workshops walking around town with Longshot. His first choice would be working with anything mechanically, but he'd be perfectly happy assisting with potion making or blacksmithing.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The squeaker asks for DarkMommy to do it and please hurry, the nymphs want to meet their sister. Chroma can sense genuine worry from the watery nymph constructs.

Dark mommy nods and covers the whole area in darkness, not allowing anyone to see anything. The golem is doesn't like this since it can't see any approaching "enemies" like this, so she tries to make a run for it in order to escape, realizing too late that this allowed Shadow Chroma to notice its location and wrap it up. The nymphs get a clear picture of what she did via a mental link.

The onyx is pressed, squeezed, almost crushed, and receives a kiss for every hoof tracing across her muscular mountain: that makes for twenty-four loving touches upon her face while all across her onyx flanks the strong touches move relaxing the tension while ridding any stress lingering.

The darkness in return, holds the dark mare before pressing a kiss onto her muzzle, leaving a few tiny stars trailing there. Although there is no commentary she can feel he loves how the fields of stars fit her like gemstones in a ring socket.

The earth mare is quite happy with her three little masseurs, feeling quite relaxed and comfortable from the attention they gave her. She asks them if there's any kind of service that the mare could give to them in return.

The dark mare giggles at the tiny stars, careful to not have her hungry darkness swallow them whole since she likes them as an accessory. She puts them onto her muzzle and embeds them into her dark form, causing the stars to blink and flicker like candles that are gently being blown onto.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Perhaps with the blue collar you could turn the heart name tag to your Purple?" Amity adds, holding up the sparkling blue heart dangling from her choker before peppering kisses all across her Owner's muzzle, too enthralled to resist as she's held in the powerful gaze of the Empress. 

The Empress smiles down at her pet before gazing down, riveting her gaze onto the collar that survived the onslaugh of the latex by being first assimilated into it before then it was deposited around the puppy's new neck safely and snugly. The Empress considers its form in silence broken only by her soft purring, enjoying its warm as well as soft reverberations as those shudder their joined forms like a very delicate massage on the insides. Finally The Empress deigns to light up her horn letting the light it sheds cast away some of the silvery glow at the ground level. That very silvery glow then sinks into the dark leather that first turns into the darkest of the dark blue hues into which the white glow suffuses, giving the material of dark blue a very soft glow of pure white, all the while the heart shaped tag turn a potent hue of purple without losing its lightless quality. 

The Empress smiles wickedly at her Art at work.

Benevolence squeaks in surprise at being booped before joining in the barrage of happy squeaking with N'm, quite enjoying the booping and squeaking that is occurring here. 

N'm is all too happy to make a full squeak-fest of the to squeaker who clearly are having fun squeaking and flailing their hooves at one another. Therefore she squeaks and flails even more!

After bidding farewell to Longshot, Rivet with start for the stairs of the town hall. 

There were not that many workshops as it were: not in the sense of it being an independent business or such an enterpretation as they were more akin to someone's expanded house, home or garage expanded to fit their hobby. On the other hand there were several businesses on the streets whose signs, albeit in equine use, were easy to understand and which could cover Rivet's skill uses.

The interior of the city hall is a mess; throngs and throngs of locals, especially ponies, fill the many halls as they wait, wander or proceed - everyone is on their way somehere and Rivet finds directions easily enough. His destination will be in the second floor apparently with the citizenship office. Now as to getting there, it seems the interior is built so the stairs are...quite difficult to find in this maze of strange building...

The dark mare giggles at the tiny stars, careful to not have her hungry darkness swallow them whole since she likes them as an accessory. She puts them onto her muzzle and embeds them into her dark form, causing the stars to blink and flicker like candles that are gently being blown onto.

Every eye in the Dark Singularity Of Cuddles gazes in quiet rapture at their dark beauty too mesmerized by the beauty of darkness in which the stars now shine, only holding her with a slight hold to better marvel at her form's beauty. One of them even has a tear in his eye, such is the moving power of her looks.

Meanwhile the Dark Mommy gets lots of happy applauses from the water nymphs who have been looking. In fact all of the nymphs have been watching, making the resulting happy sounds at the sister's discovery quite loud but more importantly, they squeak happily at Dark Mommy as well.

The three masseurs assure their beloved that being allowed to do this is service enough: no one they can think of has been allowed such a task like this, especially with such mound of granite! One of them even kisses her flanks on both sides just to marvel at the quality of the material claiming her form could inspire a thousand small statuettes to be carved on it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Every eye in the Dark Singularity Of Cuddles gazes in quiet rapture at their dark beauty too mesmerized by the beauty of darkness in which the stars now shine, only holding her with a slight hold to better marvel at her form's beauty. One of them even has a tear in his eye, such is the moving power of her looks.

The three masseurs assure their beloved that being allowed to do this is service enough: no one they can think of has been allowed such a task like this, especially with such mound of granite! One of them even kisses her flanks on both sides just to marvel at the quality of the material claiming her form could inspire a thousand small statuettes to be carved on it.

The dark mare quite gladly tells her beloved one that she's all his to cuddle, allowing him to marvel at her, explore every part of her if he so desires... practically anything he wants to do is fine.

The earthen mare is a little sad that she cannot actively do anything for her little masseurs, so she tells them that they can always come forward if they have an idea... maybe taking care of another part of her, maybe just cuddling with her or maybe explore some caves...

Meanwhile the Dark Mommy gets lots of happy applauses from the water nymphs who have been looking. In fact all of the nymphs have been watching, making the resulting happy sounds at the sister's discovery quite loud but more importantly, they squeak happily at Dark Mommy as well.

Dark Mommy is happy to have helped the little squeakers and their new friend happily pounces the next nymph to cuddle her all over, squeaking happy chirps while doing so.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The dark mare quite gladly tells her beloved one that she's all his to cuddle, allowing him to marvel at her, explore every part of her if he so desires... practically anything he wants to do is fine.

The earthen mare is a little sad that she cannot actively do anything for her little masseurs, so she tells them that they can always come forward if they have an idea... maybe taking care of another part of her, maybe just cuddling with her or maybe explore some caves...

The darkness closes in, practically encapsulating the mare in a cocoon of the tips of his hooves tracing all across her while eyes all around her fill the spaces within it - yet each eye is clearly filled with loving focus for her reflecting how the attention on each hoof is distinct and clearly has a mind of its own even as they wander each to their own ways along her body.

The three artists share a look before one of them asks for a nap inside her cave knowing it to be an excellent napping spot and the second one asks if her tap could get him a long drink.

Dark Mommy is happy to have helped the little squeakers and their new friend happily pounces the next nymph to cuddle her all over, squeaking happy chirps while doing so.

The nymphs pile up on their newest sister, forming a happy pile of squeaking hugs as they welcome her to the squeaking swarm of squeaks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The nymphs pile up on their newest sister, forming a happy pile of squeaking hugs as they welcome her to the squeaking swarm of squeaks.

The little golem greets every single one of the nymphs with a hug, a noseboop and a squeaky chirp, but constantly forgets who she already greeted, resulting in an endless loop of cuddles, boops and squeaks.

The darkness closes in, practically encapsulating the mare in a cocoon of the tips of his hooves tracing all across her while eyes all around her fill the spaces within it - yet each eye is clearly filled with loving focus for her reflecting how the attention on each hoof is distinct and clearly has a mind of its own even as they wander each to their own ways along her body.

The three artists share a look before one of them asks for a nap inside her cave knowing it to be an excellent napping spot and the second one asks if her tap could get him a long drink.

The dark mare's reaction is quite varied, but positive through and through. She purrs, hums and even squeaks as the darkness caresses every part of her dark body, be it her hooves, her muzzle, her boobs or her marehood... everything seems to feel simply delightful to her at this point.

The earthen mare brings the first of them in front of her cave, which due to her incredible size is a truly massive cavern, the inside lined with smooth and rounded flourescent crystals that glow gradually less, the further you go in. A scent of wet rocks washes over him, mixed with a strange feminine hue that clearly speaks to his male parts.

The second one also has his wish granted, placed onto her mountain-sized tap that to her is merely a little wet with her crystal clear milk, which to him is a massive lake of it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Empress smiles down at her pet before gazing down, riveting her gaze onto the collar that survived the onslaught of the latex by being first assimilated into it before then it was deposited around the puppy's new neck safely and snugly. The Empress considers its form in silence broken only by her soft purring, enjoying its warm as well as soft reverberations as those shudder their joined forms like a very delicate massage on the insides. Finally The Empress deigns to light up her horn letting the light it sheds cast away some of the silvery glow at the ground level. That very silvery glow then sinks into the dark leather that first turns into the darkest of the dark blue hues into which the white glow suffuses, giving the material of dark blue a very soft glow of pure white, all the while the heart shaped tag turn a potent hue of purple without losing its lightless quality. 

The Empress smiles wickedly at her Art at work.

Amity gasps in awe of the transformation of her treasured choker into a beautiful dog collar that meets and surpasses her imagination in every way. Feeling of her Owner staring down on her as the transformation takes place reminds her exactly how completely Segment has power over her Pet as she is held tight in a latex suit that has changed her very physical nature and now the eternally locked choker that symbolizes how she is invariably the property of her wives which she is completely helpless to change or escape. As she is locked in her Empress' hooves, knowing her very existence can be altered at the will of the Empress holding her, Amity shudders with deep feelings of love and submission, so fulfilled to have been taken in her entirety by Segment. Amity feels like the most perfect and fortunate Pet in the universe now.

N'm is all too happy to make a full squeak-fest of the to squeaker who clearly are having fun squeaking and flailing their hooves at one another. Therefore she squeaks and flails even more!

Benevolence too increases her flailing and squeaking, squeaking to the point that her voice cracks from the extent of her squeaking.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
His destination will be in the second floor apparently with the citizenship office. Now as to getting there, it seems the interior is built so the stairs are...quite difficult to find in this maze of strange building...

Rivet makes his way up the stairs to the second floor, trying to get to the office while avoiding a head-on collision.

"Citizenship office..." He murmurs to himself. Traversing this labyrinth of bureaucracy seems oddly familiar to Rivet, although with his absence of memory, he can't quite place the feeling's origins.

Rivet will try his best to locate the department devoted to processing new arrivals in Ponyville. If he can't find the citizenship office, he will likely go through the motions of asking directions in his typical shy and rambling manner. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Rivet will try his best to locate the department devoted to processing new arrivals in Ponyville. If he can't find the citizenship office, he will likely go through the motions of asking directions in his typical shy and rambling manner. 

As it turns out this is a new kind of a hell: the stairs are longer than a year, the offices become a maze of impossible turns, the bureucrats try their best to help via long strings of helpful guides...and all of it seems quite like a perpetual motion machine- and then Rivet literally bumps into the door of Citizenship Managemet Office. In there Rivet can see a griffon's shape literally looming over towers of paperwork and a single desk loaded with said work. The griffon appears to be mostly black of the burned charcoal kind, at least at a short glance, and writing something with a quill.

As she is locked in her Empress' hooves, knowing her very existence can be altered at the will of the Empress holding her, Amity shudders with deep feelings of love and submission, so fulfilled to have been taken in her entirety by Segment. Amity feels like the most perfect and fortunate Pet in the universe now.

"Impressed, are you, pet? I am The Empress of more dimensions than I have care to keep count of: I've brought to heel entire species of warmongers, triumphed over highest of deities and crashed the deepest monsters to dust - I could, can and will remake entire reality to my whim!" Suddenly falling quiet the Empress again purrs, yet she does so with incredible warmth that brings up wisps of the darkest purple hues from her lance of a horn, all of which draw together into the likeness of a heart overhead, even closing her eyes before beginning her tender nuzzling. "Not that I plan to do more than rule happily over my growing empire, build it to be everlasting and then spend my idle days with my wives and our most beloved Imperial Family Pet; I ought to even have some paintings made of the three of us lounging in a garden while you play at our feet like the precious pet you are."

Benevolence too increases her flailing and squeaking, squeaking to the point that her voice cracks from the extent of her squeaking.

N'm pauses at some undefined point, and just beams happily at her sister, looking incredibly happy so far.

The little golem greets every single one of the nymphs with a hug, a noseboop and a squeaky chirp, but constantly forgets who she already greeted, resulting in an endless loop of cuddles, boops and squeaks.

This infinite looping of booping causes a few nymphs to "flee" with play-scared squeaks to the refuge by some dozing nymphs - said nymphs are unsurprisingly latched onto something every nymph knows by their round shapes, their inviting warmth, their infinite goodness, the infinitely varied taste and the love each nymph has for the orb and which is as big as their love for the Mommy attached to said round thing - although several others leap at the new sister and squeak at her before nuzzling her to see how she reacts to sister/brother nuzzles.

The earthen mare brings the first of them in front of her cave, which due to her incredible size is a truly massive cavern, the inside lined with smooth and rounded flourescent crystals that glow gradually less, the further you go in. A scent of wet rocks washes over him, mixed with a strange feminine hue that clearly speaks to his male parts.

The second one also has his wish granted, placed onto her mountain-sized tap that to her is merely a little wet with her crystal clear milk, which to him is a massive lake of it.

The Dark Delights proceed at a steady pace yet it is also added to by a choir of voices that rise as whispers: 'Have I told you recently how absolutely beautiful you are, beloved? And how no painting nor memory record would ever do justice to your beauty as I hold you so very much like the most beautiful dark diamond?'

The earthen mare's tunnel seems very inviting for the first artist who peers in and licks the entrance before stepping in but asks if the cavern has any rules to abide or preferences for treatment - rushing instantly to add that he only wishes to be on his best behavior and ensure that he is welcome for a repeat visit to what is clearly a Cave of Wonders.

The second artist gives his offered drink several tasting licks to see how the flavor comes through, both on the surrounding areas for extra spice as well as the main area and then the tap itself, all in the name of curiosity.

The third artist continues his massage efforts sloly and steadily but cannot help but comment that the lady has a lovely posterior.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Impressed, are you, pet? I am The Empress of more dimensions than I have care to keep count of: I've brought to heel entire species of warmongers, triumphed over highest of deities and crashed the deepest monsters to dust - I could, can and will remake entire reality to my whim!" Suddenly falling quiet the Empress again purrs, yet she does so with incredible warmth that brings up wisps of the darkest purple hues from her lance of a horn, all of which draw together into the likeness of a heart overhead, even closing her eyes before beginning her tender nuzzling. "Not that I plan to do more than rule happily over my growing empire, build it to be everlasting and then spend my idle days with my wives and our most beloved Imperial Family Pet; I ought to even have some paintings made of the three of us lounging in a garden while you play at our feet like the precious pet you are."

Amity looks up at her Owner and the massive heart in her personal color created overhead warmly and beaming with love as the Royal Pet clings tighter nuzzling her Empress very energetically. "Your Pet thinks this sounds like a very good idea." The Princess giggles. "Your Pet also hopes dearly that she will receive as many marks of ownership from all of her Owners. Your Pet would love to be immortalized wearing them all over to show how treasured and kept she is."

Though she doesn't say it aloud, feeling it would be a bit uncouth to harp on such a thing, Amity is very relieved to hear that with all her power Segment desires only the same sorts of things Amity herself does. She has long sense come to trust the Empress fully and implicitly to not be evil, but it still feels wonderful to hear this glorious being of pure dominance and power devoting herself to loving her wives and helping her subjects.

Such sentiments as well as the boasts have the Pet clinging to her Owner in a mixture of swooning and affection to express her happiness in Segment's goals.

N'm pauses at some undefined point, and just beams happily at her sister, looking incredibly happy so far.

Benevolence beams back before hugging her 'sister' whole-heartedly out of the amount of joy these activities are bringing the Yellow Queen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As it turns out this is a new kind of a hell: the stairs are longer than a year, the offices become a maze of impossible turns, the bureucrats try their best to help via long strings of helpful guides...and all of it seems quite like a perpetual motion machine- and then Rivet literally bumps into the door of Citizenship Managemet Office. In there Rivet can see a griffon's shape literally looming over towers of paperwork and a single desk loaded with said work. The griffon appears to be mostly black of the burned charcoal kind, at least at a short glance, and writing something with a quill.

Rivet approaches the desk, trying not to stare as he is presented with yet another sentient creature he had never seen before. He clears his throat, hoping to attract the griffon clerk's attention.

"Erm- Hello there! I was hoping that you help me obtain citizenship in your settlement... Or whatever will allow me to work and live here. My name's Rivet by the way!" Rivet notices his hooves shuffling on their own and abruptly stops the nervous movement. "So... If you need me to fill out some paperwork, or interview me. By all means... If possible, could we skip the interview? If there is one, I mean."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This infinite looping of booping causes a few nymphs to "flee" with play-scared squeaks to the refuge by some dozing nymphs - said nymphs are unsurprisingly latched onto something every nymph knows by their round shapes, their inviting warmth, their infinite goodness, the infinitely varied taste and the love each nymph has for the orb and which is as big as their love for the Mommy attached to said round thing - although several others leap at the new sister and squeak at her before nuzzling her to see how she reacts to sister/brother nuzzles.

Their new sister squeaks and chirps, giggling happily at the nuzzles of all her new siblings. She tries her best to nuzzle the nuzzlers, but is too vastly outnumbered to actually manage to get close to actually managing to nuzzle them all. To make up for that, she boops many of the noses, always causing a silly boop sound when she does.

The Dark Delights proceed at a steady pace yet it is also added to by a choir of voices that rise as whispers: 'Have I told you recently how absolutely beautiful you are, beloved? And how no painting nor memory record would ever do justice to your beauty as I hold you so very much like the most beautiful dark diamond?'

The earthen mare's tunnel seems very inviting for the first artist who peers in and licks the entrance before stepping in but asks if the cavern has any rules to abide or preferences for treatment - rushing instantly to add that he only wishes to be on his best behavior and ensure that he is welcome for a repeat visit to what is clearly a Cave of Wonders.

The second artist gives his offered drink several tasting licks to see how the flavor comes through, both on the surrounding areas for extra spice as well as the main area and then the tap itself, all in the name of curiosity.

The third artist continues his massage efforts sloly and steadily but cannot help but comment that the lady has a lovely posterior.

The dark mare is quite flattered and if she wasn't as pitch black as she is, she'd actually be seen blushing. What can be seen, however, is that the darkness seems to swallow more and more light, their dark singularity of cuddles expanding further.

The dark mare herself happily presents herself to the surrounding darkness, offering every part of herself to be cuddled.

The earthen mare is quite happy to feel the little artist on her tap drink her milk and lick her around and over her tap, his licks rewarding him with different flavours. Her breast tastes like a crystal clear water that has run through miles of rocky sediment, her areolas, standing out with their glowing brightness, are rather sweet and sour to the taste, similar to sweetened cranberries and the tap itself is very sweet and milky. She hopes that he'll find his favourite taste and keep licking her.

She is also flattered by the third's comment, telling him that he can keep marveling at her massive flanks or just go ahead and get lost somewhere inbetween the mountainous cheeks and snuggle into them.

The first one gets his own answer: 'You can do whatever you want, so long as you don't hurt me... rub yourself all over my folds, caress my clitoris, take a bath in my juices or just go and take a nap inside the cave... decide quickly, though. Otherwise I might get too aroused by your presence in front of my cave to still give you much of a choice.'

Her point gets quite an emphasis when a wave of her scent washes over him, clearly showing her needy state to him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Erm- Hello there! I was hoping that you help me obtain citizenship in your settlement... Or whatever will allow me to work and live here. My name's Rivet by the way!" Rivet notices his hooves shuffling on their own and abruptly stops the nervous movement. "So... If you need me to fill out some paperwork, or interview me. By all means... If possible, could we skip the interview? If there is one, I mean."

Inside the office Rivet gleams a great deal of information from the griffon. Firstly she is large in size, girth and muscle, all three of which are clearly defined by the lines as well as contours that take place along her feathered body. The black plumage surrounding her neck and head seem to ripple constantly under muscles' movements mirroring a greyer overt tone of her body with less obvious ripples. Her eyes shine with similar colors that carry a strong blue tint in them. The griffon's first reaction is to wave a taloned forelimb towards the mess in front of her and to look down at her desk: it seems she is seated on her hind quarters a short distance from the table and having noted she has someone in her office the griffon shuffles to close the distance and leans in to reach a very large set of talons - three of them in total per limb, forming a cruel looking grip - across the table and for Rivet.

"Welcome to Pon'yvill'" she begins with a very clearly spoken tone that is strong but also distinctly feminine. "I am Cassio. I oversee citizen papers. Come in and close the door. Lots of people want to come in, Ponyville is good home, yes? Many come here, so the process is easy. Sit down, I will ask you some questions." 

Such sentiments as well as the boasts have the Pet clinging to her Owner in a mixture of swooning and affection to express her happiness in Segment's goals.

The Empress is loathe to remove herself from constantly engulfing her pet in a cocoon of cuddles but it is somethign she must do: she strides up but enjoys seeing her final work being absorbed into the latex puppy's body leaving Amity's form stainless as well as shiny in the room's illumination. She spends a small while enjoying the sight before pulling the leash's business end to her hold and looking down at her puppy. "Sit, puppy. I am going to review your current level of training. Impress me and you will get a treat for every trick you perform well."

Benevolence beams back before hugging her 'sister' whole-heartedly out of the amount of joy these activities are bringing the Yellow Queen.

N'm is surprised....but then she hugs her sister back quietly, nuzzling back happily although without rambunctious energy she was full of a while ago, too happy for this hugging to want to do much more.

Their new sister squeaks and chirps, giggling happily at the nuzzles of all her new siblings. She tries her best to nuzzle the nuzzlers, but is too vastly outnumbered to actually manage to get close to actually managing to nuzzle them all. To make up for that, she boops many of the noses, always causing a silly boop sound when she does.

A few nymphs "flee" in play-fright causing a few others to boop their sister in happy retaliation adding their very own clever variations of a sound to the mix often with something silly like a honking car horn, a watery splash or the cry of an animal up to and including the trumpeting of an elephant going off at noise level that one brave little nymph makes almost loud but not too loud.

The dark mare herself happily presents herself to the surrounding darkness, offering every part of herself to be cuddled.

The darkness all but cocoons the dark mare in its hold trailing both kisses and hooves all across her form before often squishing some parts of her body be it her head or limb of choice or even her mane in their hold before marveling into her mind directly how beautiful the darkness finds it, frequently taking time to kiss even single details there with pink-glowing affection leaving tangible after-effects behind.

Her point gets quite an emphasis when a wave of her scent washes over him, clearly showing her needy state to him.

The thirsting artist loves the taste and takes his sweet time sampling the several areas before venturing to explore the aerolas, paying special attention to them to discover the vivacity of them to its fullest in case they have some hidden detail to them while not at all secretly securing some ideas where he might harness the powerful flow to store some of this delicious milk.

The Explorer on the other hoof settles to snuggle the clitoris, hunting it down with ease and then snuggling it before affording it several teasing licks, treating it like a lovely lady he is in very close contact with and whom he wishes to entertain. The fact the lady's juices may spill upon him he consider's a very delightful bonus that may come with proper pressure.

The final admirer simply stares in awe and watches before reaching his tail to trail along the second entrance seeing what the lady thinks of two possible entrances being plundered while reveling at the feel of her flanks under his hooves.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
the griffon shuffles to close the distance and leans in to reach a very large set of talons - three of them in total per limb, forming a cruel looking grip - across the table and for Rivet.

"Welcome to Pon'yvill'" she begins with a very clearly spoken tone that is strong but also distinctly feminine. "I am Cassio. I oversee citizen papers. Come in and close the door. Lots of people want to come in, Ponyville is good home, yes? Many come here, so the process is easy. Sit down, I will ask you some questions." 

Rivet tentatively places his hoof against the Cassio's dangerous looking claws for a shake and offers a nervous smile. He goes close the door to the office and returns, sitting at the other end of the desk on his haunches.

"Y-yes, Ponyville seems like a nice enough place to live. I'd really like to find a place here. So please, ask away, " Rivet says hoping that his amnesia won't prevent him from answering the griffon's questions fully and honestly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Y-yes, Ponyville seems like a nice enough place to live. I'd really like to find a place here. So please, ask away, " Rivet says hoping that his amnesia won't prevent him from answering the griffon's questions fully and honestly.

The griffon has a talongrip like a guillotine's blade but Rivet survives the experience without any losses, sans an aching hoof and some grazed fur on his forehoof. In the time that he takes to close the door Cassio settles a little further onto the desk with a sigh and drags up a sheaf of papers in front of herself, peering at them intently. Once Rivet is in front of her she rivets her eyes on the pony's oculars with full focus letting him experience the chilling sensation of being a griffon's sole focus.

"Name?" Cassio asks steadily. "Is your choice, if you need new name then say."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The Empress is loathe to remove herself from constantly engulfing her pet in a cocoon of cuddles but it is somethign she must do: she strides up but enjoys seeing her final work being absorbed into the latex puppy's body leaving Amity's form stainless as well as shiny in the room's illumination. She spends a small while enjoying the sight before pulling the leash's business end to her hold and looking down at her puppy. "Sit, puppy. I am going to review your current level of training. Impress me and you will get a treat for every trick you perform well."

Amity immediately sits up obediently for her Owner, like a good and well trained Puppy, wagging her tail slightly and looking up at her Empress dutifully, waiting for further orders so she can further please Segment. 

N'm is surprised....but then she hugs her sister back quietly, nuzzling back happily although without rambunctious energy she was full of a while ago, too happy for this hugging to want to do much more.

Benevolence is quite touched by the Nymph's hug, softly patting N'm's back and nuzzling the Nymph delicately in thinks to her new friend for being so kind to her. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The griffon has a talongrip like a guillotine's blade but Rivet survives the experience without any losses, sans an aching hoof and some grazed fur on his forehoof. In the time that he takes to close the door Cassio settles a little further onto the desk with a sigh and drags up a sheaf of papers in front of herself, peering at them intently. Once Rivet is in front of her she rivets her eyes on the pony's oculars with full focus letting him experience the chilling sensation of being a griffon's sole focus.

"Name?" Cassio asks steadily. "Is your choice, if you need new name then say."

Rivet shifts nervously under the severe gaze of the Griffon.

New name? Maybe more people came to Ponyville under tenuous circumstances than Rivet realized.

"Rivet is my name, " Rivet answers, "I'm an earth pony from lands... Well, far from here anyway."