TiTs confessions...


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2018
Bad guy choices in games are usually boring because they tend to be the 'I'm not roleplaying and I don't care about these unnamed NPCs, just give me the best loot' types of choices rather than something affectively wicked. Same with good guy choices, really, lots of them are just 'wow, you did a quest and now everything's good for us forever; here's ten feel-good points'.

One of my favorite scenes in any video game is the part in KotOR II where Kreia asks you what you think you're doing giving money to/beating up some rando NPC. The Exile basically tells her that it felt like the good and/or evil thing to do and she shows the guy either getting robbed immediately or taking out their frustration on someone else by beating them up. Her point was that if you want to do real good or evil you're not going to get there with shallow acts of self-satisfaction; that really saving someone or inflicting true cruelty has to be a cascading effect that can cause great change.

TiTS has honestly got some good examples. What you can do to Sera is pretty darn evil but it's also interesting. It's causing a lifetime of bad decisions to catch up with her and all it takes is the slightest push.


Sep 17, 2018
I play characters who are 99% kind, but always buy Sera. I normally cannot deal with anything non-consent but there's just something about how you kinda help her grow as a person that appeals to me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
I find it difficult to judge what a hard Steele is going to do with the initial description since I keep thinking it's just a constantly angry persona who does Stupid Evil things simply because.

If I could bank on it being reliably twisted and calculating (like, say, the Emperor Palpatine type of villain or, lacking that, someone who's at least willing to help or withhold help based on their plans for the long game) I'd probably be more willing to try my hand at playing such a Steele.

As the game is set up though, my Steele inevitably ends up wielding kindness as a weapon - getting people on their side, gaining allies left and right just to spite dear ol' cousin who's constantly running around alone or with one other person. It works really well when I do a Lucifier run because I can imagine every inflection to land just the right way when Steele speaks, like there's another reason why they help but the sense of "good" still feels genuine to the listener.

Really makes me roleplay a lot more that way; I'd get frustrated if the personality I chose had even the slightest chance of torpedoing what I'm trying to do without being able to do anything about it :>


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Never played as anything outside the male gender. Similarly, I never played with a masculine manly PC (The furthest I've gone is androgynous and even still that was for one of my traps), All of the males I've played are fembois, whether they've had a penis, a pussy, or both even. I don't play shemales, femherms, females, neuters, or anything else similar.

I've never played as a Merc. It just never appealed to me for some reason. I've always been drawn to Smuggler, I've managed to immerse myself in creating a character of the PC in my head somewhat based around it, and its gimmick is very easy for me to get used to and thus abuse over and over (Plus I'm a ranged player all day every day, never done melee main as well). x3

Similarly in terms of things that I don't do because they don't appeal to me, and to add to the chain above.. I've never, nor do I think I'll ever, play a Hard personality Steele. The very sole reason being that TiTS definition of someone who's a hardass is very inconsistent when written tbh, but the general idea I've seen 90% of the time is "Hardass = Straight up Heartless Asshole" or something similar to that.
And yet speaking as someone who can, when I'm feeling it, be blunt and brutally honest and thus come off as a asshole to others myself because of that, that bugs me in some way. Idk. I try to imagine hardass personality as simply blunt, gruff, and rather no-nonsense/professional, probably only seen as an ass simply depending on the person but not overall heartless, but obviously not everyone sticks to that, and while some do follow it as well it just ends up being more back and forth about what a hardass actually is for the PC. But in general the "Hard" personality just turns me off because of how it's usually written from what I've seen.

I mean fuck, at least I can expect a Nice Steele to act nice and polite, or a mischievous Steele to be a cocky little shit when I play the game. Hardass Steele on the other hand idk how they're gonna be in scenes exactly. And straight up assholes in porn (The personality kind, not the kind between the rear cheeks lol) never appealed to me for obvious reasons and can be an easy "Nope fuck this shit I'm out".
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Aug 27, 2015
On the flip side though I like Ramis's content, especially the new stuff, because Ramis has a preconception that any pretty-looking boy must be a little sissy-thing. If Steele keeps pushing against that by working out with her, not having a uselessly small dick, going all in on her snu snu then she gives off a sense that she's impressed -and- ridiculously turned on. In those scenes she uses words like sissy as a challenge because she knows it bothers a Steele who's trying not to be one. "Hey, do one more sit up, you're not a sissy, are you?".

I wouldn't have made her recruitable if it wasn't possible to do that. I love big amazon bullying small trap content, but it's clearly unfair to lock people into those roles. Similarly if you're a guy PC and chafe at being automatically in charge...


Feb 23, 2016
For example Moriarti in BBC sherlock is gay. Is that a problem?

I thought he had a gf, when he was trying to frame Sherlock at the end of S3?

In itself no. But when you hear the writers talking, how they wanted to create the biggest, most threatening lunatic in the world. Their looney and threatening image of man is gay... That's what I have a problem with.

Maybe I'm misreading this, but you're saying you take offense with the fact that he is a lunatic, and gay? I don't think the gay factor was part of the lunacy, rather they just happened to make him gay. And he happens to be a lunatic. I'd go out on a limb and say they're unrelated. I've seen this complaint come up a lot everytime someone who is in a minority gets portrayed in a bad way, feels like people just want to be upset because a minority was portrayed in a negative manner, when I highly doubt the creators vision was that of the character being bad BECAUSE they are a minority in some way.


May 28, 2016
Same, I've not played TITS in recent weeks and completely missed the Halloween content, to my everlasting dismay. How do I go back to it on windows again? I know that you can set the date on your phone to halloween if you download it but I normally play on computer and I'm not sure if its similar? (didn't want to make a whole new post for what must seem to be a stupid question, thanks guys)


Sep 17, 2018
Same, I've not played TITS in recent weeks and completely missed the Halloween content, to my everlasting dismay. How do I go back to it on windows again? I know that you can set the date on your phone to halloween if you download it but I normally play on computer and I'm not sure if its similar? (didn't want to make a whole new post for what must seem to be a stupid question, thanks guys)
If you type 'tistheseason' you can turn on seasonal content when out of season.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I don't really play TiTS for the smut. What is there is nice, but I mainly play because I enjoy the game without necessarily masturbating to every sexy scene. Sometimes i play for a while to get myself into a gutterminded mood, then pop onto some gayer sites for a grand finale.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I don't really play TiTS for the smut. What is there is nice, but I mainly play because I enjoy the game without necessarily masturbating to every sexy scene. Sometimes i play for a while to get myself into a gutterminded mood, then pop onto some gayer sites for a grand finale.
We do have a bit of a lack of le big gay, as of late..... I know someone was working on a big buff guy that was pure homo, and he even had a friendship path for herms and females, as well as a bunch of other cool stuff. but that was a while ago. No idea where it is, as of right now. Cant even remember the title.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Sin #4: I play too many smut games in general, but TiTs is the biggest offender.


Well-Known Member
You mean the cheat? so custom input? Is that only a backer thing?

Yeah you can either type it into the special command function at the V-Ko unit on Mhen-ga or just type it anywhere but doing it with the codex up is the best way to do so without making your character do things accidentally. Also no it’s not backers only anybody can use cheat codes as long as they know them.
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Maybe I'm misreading this, but you're saying you take offense with the fact that he is a lunatic, and gay? I don't think the gay factor was part of the lunacy, rather they just happened to make him gay. And he happens to be a lunatic. I'd go out on a limb and say they're unrelated. I've seen this complaint come up a lot everytime someone who is in a minority gets portrayed in a bad way, feels like people just want to be upset because a minority was portrayed in a negative manner, when I highly doubt the creators vision was that of the character being bad BECAUSE they are a minority in some way.

Well consider this... In Elementary no one I know of felt offended that they made Moriarty female and combining his character with that of Sherlock's love interest. It was genius, a superb red herring, a magician's trick. Same thing wtih making Lucy Liu Watson because she's a great Watson.

But I think the issue here is that his being gay feels like it was tacked on to the villain because it is an additional negative trait. This happens a lot, especially in anime. The Sissy Villain and Depraved Homosexual are two of the most common ways gays are portrayed and their character is generally two dimensional (just like the gay joke friend which is #1). I have no problem with a villain being a "sissy" or a homosexual being a psycho or lunatic (I've written several), but routinely we hear about and see indications of a sexuality that doesn't help with characterization and one has to wonder why the only gay person in all of these stories written by straight people has to be the villain.

I can't speak on it in this instance tho. I don't watch BBC's Sherlock I just know about the tropes. Elementary is easier for me to get into.

I don't really play TiTS for the smut. What is there is nice, but I mainly play because I enjoy the game without necessarily masturbating to every sexy scene. Sometimes i play for a while to get myself into a gutterminded mood, then pop onto some gayer sites for a grand finale.

Damn that's another sin of mine. I don't fap to TiTs... like it makes my dick hard... sometimes, but if I get randy enough to actually bust a nut I go watch porn or make a booty call. I really enjoy turn based combat too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
I enjoy editing the wiki more than playing the game
Pretty sure you're like one of only 5 people that actually care enough to edit the damn thing. For that, I salute you, good sir!

Sin Nr. 1

Every so often I go back to Mengha and see Syri.
How is that a sin? If anything, it would be a sin to not go there just to visit her every once and a while!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2018
I literally have more than 10% of the edits on the the TiTs wiki

I am also the the metaphorical garbage can of the coc wiki's considering that i am literally the only one there that marks spam bots nowadays (on the old one at least)

Also i don't even really play anymore i just go to the github read scenes there and then go to the editing if i'm in the mood
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Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
I've seen this complaint come up a lot everytime someone who is in a minority gets portrayed in a bad way, feels like people just want to be upset because a minority was portrayed in a negative manner, when I highly doubt the creators vision was that of the character being bad BECAUSE they are a minority in some way.
The issue isn't "this person is bad because they're a minority", the issue is "this is the only character of that minority, and they're portrayed negatively". Like when the only black person in the whole cast is the bad guy, or the only woman in the whole cast is a brainless love interest who doesn't affect the plot. Same thing if you only have one gay person and they're nothing but a walking stereotype. It doesn't happen all the time, but it still happens a lot, and it's really obvious when you know to look for it.

I know this example will probably piss some people off, but look at Leia in the original Star Wars movies. She's the only woman who does anything that affects the plot in all three movies - other than people in the background, she's one of only three women in those movies, five if you count the dancers at Jabba's - and Luke has to rescue her, twice. That's the sort of thing I'm talking about. When your only gay character is the villain, or your only character who's not white gets killed in the first half of the story. That makes it look like only straight cis white men can be heroes, and that's bullshit.

Anyway. My other TiTS sin is always picking 'Infertile' in character creation. No kids for me, ever, period.


Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2016
Anyway. My other TiTS sin is always picking 'Infertile' in character creation. No kids for me, ever, period.
Why, tho? Youre missing out on so much!

Also, yes, this....
I know this example will probably piss some people off, but look at Leia in the original Star Wars movies. She's the only woman who does anything that affects the plot in all three movies - other than people in the background, she's one of only three women in those movies, five if you count the dancers at Jabba's - and Luke has to rescue her, twice. That's the sort of thing I'm talking about. When your only gay character is the villain, or your only character who's not white gets killed in the first half of the story. That makes it look like only straight cis white men can be heroes, and that's bullshit.
Does irk me a pretty decent bit. You just dont dis the OG Space Waifu. Unless you have a deathwish, that is.

Slab Bulkhead

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
Why, tho? Youre missing out on so much!
I don't like kids. I just can't deal with them. If I was in a serious relationship, I'd have gotten snipped long ago. So anything dealing with pregnancy is anti-sexy to me. I mean, c'mon, I've written five different cowgirls and none of them lactate. :p

Also, yes, this....

Does irk me a pretty decent bit. You just dont dis the OG Space Waifu. Unless you have a deathwish, that is.
Nope, no diss. Not saying anything bad about Leia as a character, just that she's a good example of what I'm talking about - my issues are that she's practically the only woman in the movies and she still has to get rescued. My problem isn't her, it's how the writers treated her. But it's good to see her stepping up and taking charge of things in the new movies. (Please, let's not argue about the new Star Wars movies here.) And as a lifelong Marvel fan, it's good to see them finally having their movie heroes be more than just white dudes. "Black Panther" and "Ant-Man and the Wasp" were both awesome. :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
Why, tho? Youre missing out on so much!
Of course, it's every 20-something's dream to raise literal tons of kids, most of whom you can't remember who you had them with without a list, who might not even be named, taking up your at least 200 year lifespan. If you're not raising the infinite kids yourself and giving up your life, you're just being a cunt who dumps the burden on others and contributes to overpopulation. I realize that those going overboard on preg content is probably a minority, but even only a couple kids in this situation is pretty dumb. It's possible that when my Steele hits her midlife she'll consider children with a few individuals and raise them properly, but there's adventuring to be done until then.