oh i forgot to give you this! but the thing is, ive visited her many times.
Try new update.
oh i forgot to give you this! but the thing is, ive visited her many times.
her stats are still stagnate
You somehow got NaN in her affection. I'm not sure how... If you finally got real PC, just remove flag "COC.ISABELLA_AFFECTION".
I can, but I have no idea what caused it.
If only i had the tools to look into it.
Playing one save through ongoing development with multiple major overhauls is generally bad idea...
so, do mind just sending the file back, with all flags related to isabella reset? (just leave the file for a few minutes)
well, might as well try it.
If you want to report bugs, it's not a good idea to use ages old save. Especially since current beta version is explicitly declared as not compatible with old saves.
hmm, any way you can create my character in a new file? i just dont want to restart and have to recreate my character again...
It's... Sort of the whole point.
whoa HUGE Bug! when i try entering the vr pod (new file btw) THIS HAPPENS! heres the file as well
but, seriously, though, im not spending 500 getting my character back to where it was? are you sure its 100% impossible to fix this by just resetting flags?
Fixing what exactly? The whole problem is that I have no idea what else could be wrong but pretty sure that something is.
the situation with isabella, i mean, i haven't seen anything else gotten screwed up (aside from bugs)
Lead by curiocity, you enter Stellar Furnace. You look ar^#R*&
{ location: name ‘Stellar Furnace’; function ‘shop (presumably)' }
*@#&%#hat the? It feels a bit like direct condection with holodeck interface, but such things can only work with direct contact. It is hard to think in norm&^@%#$*
{ protocol: verbose deprecated; stream/representation enabled }
{ connection request: from object; id vendor; race ‘arctic fox morph (presumably)'; gender unclear; location ‘behind counter’; position ‘chair (presumably); hind paws on counter; arms (presumably, possibly paws) behind head’ }
{ input from vendor: welcome; this name undefined; this id nemo; notify { shop state disabled; embassy state enabled }; request response }
{ output to nemo; greeting; this name ‘Nerali Steele’; request { protocol; shop state extended; embassy faction; nemo race } }
{ input from nemo: protocol ‘mind connection, limited’; shop state ‘trading license pending, expected time over 100 years’; embassy faction { name undefined; id { guild, ‘stellar furnace’ } one of }; this race { kitsune; action ‘jumps over counter to show nine fluffy tails’ }; request response }
So, uh, trying the mod out for first time (le gasp) and... uh... this...
Also, typos! "curiosity" "connection" - Without having it fixed to be readable I can't help beyond that