The Tentacle Beast and the Nursery



It's quite funny to read that Briget is breastfeeding the Tentacle but I don't quite think you should be able to birth it there :p


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I think its pretty funny that robomom can keep the tentacle under control.  


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I think its pretty funny that robomom can keep the tentacle under control.  

Well its not like the tentacle can mind control a robot, at least I don't think that's how psionics work in TiTs.


I didn't start this thread intending for shitposts. But it was amusing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
*Robomom breaks Steele's spine with overly-powerful hug*

You may be paralyzed for life, but you are loved. That's what really matters, right? :p  

But seriously, I imagine two centuries of being Robomom has made Briget more than capable of handling anything that Steele manages to pop out. Barring giving birth to some kind of horrible psionic space elder god or something...

I bet that's what's in "Tainted Space." A horny Cthulu with a preg fetish.

... I am in full shitpost mode, aren't I? I need to go back to work, Christ.

Tainted space is apparently a nanite infested area of space


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well nanite infested or not that not rule out some horny Cthulu with preg fetish hiding there :D

Of that vision of robomom breaking PC spine...well why not break pernamently all limbs too so PC will really be open to fell robomom love :) Oh well that would be not good unless it would be due to PC been in tainted spce then comming back to Briget and infecting her with some nasty nanites ^^


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Whose to say we don't meet a horny psionic chutulu god with an unbirthing fetish
Edit: Random idea! What pheonix NPC that needs to unbirth for whatever reason.  Maybe the result of sickness from pollution of his homeworld.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Umm does unbirthing fetish is still ok in fengames?

If yes then that chtulu would be of sure size to be into this.

As for phoenix one...I hope ypou mean that one of rebirthing bird than CoC-ish phoenix :D


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
As for phoenix one...I hope ypou mean that one of rebirthing bird than CoC-ish phoenix :D

Ugh, don't remind me.  CoC has a lot of incredible stuff, but their take on phoenixes fell flat on me.  I can kinda/sorta get it, but thats where the hype ends.  

Also, not sure on if unbirthing should be a thing.  It sounds like something that would probably be on the blacklist.  It is pretty much on the edge for me even, it takes a good concept and plenty of writing talent to make it sexy in my eyes.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
*Robomom breaks Steele's spine with overly-powerful hug*

You may be paralyzed for life, but you are loved. That's what really matters, right? :p  

But seriously, I imagine two centuries of being Robomom has made Briget more than capable of handling anything that Steele manages to pop out. Barring giving birth to some kind of horrible psionic space elder god or something...

I bet that's what's in "Tainted Space." A horny Cthulu with a preg fetish.

... I am in full shitpost mode, aren't I? I need to go back to work, Christ.

I fail to see the shitpost, I only seeing being friendly with jokes. What am I missing that is shitposting?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Ugh, don't remind me.  CoC has a lot of incredible stuff, but their take on phoenixes fell flat on me.  I can kinda/sorta get it, but thats where the hype ends.  

Also, not sure on if unbirthing should be a thing.  It sounds like something that would probably be on the blacklist.  It is pretty much on the edge for me even, it takes a good concept and plenty of writing talent to make it sexy in my eyes.  

Well the strange eggs you find that actually hold tentacle monsters kinda do unbirth themselves into you, so it's somewhat there. But it's not a true unbirthing as I understand the term, so dunno on how kosher unbirthing is in TiTs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well the strange eggs you find that actually hold tentacle monsters kinda do unbirth themselves into you, so it's somewhat there. But it's not a true unbirthing as I understand the term, so dunno on how kosher unbirthing is in TiTs. long Fen approved something even this tentacle seemly unbirthing that this one case was and O.K. in Fen book. Thou trying pull this ut to ask for more may not be the best way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
I don't mean to discriminate against psychic tentacled abominations, or question the nursery;s no Steele left behind policy, but is it really your child?

Demand a DNA test!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well if we demand DN test Savin may then in response add stuff about how those princesses absorbing some of egg host dna intot them and then ita; :Supp bishies I got your DNA too.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
...I am in full shitpost mode, aren't I? I need to go back to work, Christ.

...You can turn it off?

This makes me sad that there isn't more tentacle content. Especially the Hypnotic one.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
1% chance of finding it and in only two areas though! Frankly at this point both the player and the PC should know what they're getting themselves into whenever something that suspicious happens.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
as an RPG player

"Hey, the planets you'll be visiting are dangerous, alien places! Be very careful about what you pick up!"

Are you not a smut player/CoC Veteran? I mean, the PC is headcanonly descended from the CoC PC so it's in their genes but...

I mean, it kinda does. Not the tutorial but the flavor text throughout the planet and also just before you enter the wilderness. Not to mention it's a Fengame. Everything in the wilderness can and will rape you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'm not saying we need to signpost the egg or things like it in a meta sense with big bold letters saying, "WARNING: NON-CON SCENE AHEAD," but I am saying that making it more readily apparent that the player might encounter those situations organically would be a good thing. It might encourage people to save more often, too. Because that's obviously a problem, judging by how many people post asking how to save edit away their fuck-ups as opposed to loading a backup save.

This egg is larger than most you’ve heard about and warm to the touch. Whatever is inside there, it’s still alive and moving. Your Codex identifies it as species UHS-1045. There’s no real data aside from a warning of danger and a high value for living eggs on less reputable markets.

Seems like a legit warning.

But maybe an immediate warning from the codex when picking up the egg would suffice.

Of course curiousity is a dangerous thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
It's on the first planet, noobie. A planet where you can also pick up mangoes that are purely positive things fairly regularly. Also, my first assumption as an RPG player would be that it's a unique/rare item potentially used for something later down the line, not that it's going to trigger a non-interactive scene where my PC is temporarily brainwashed and forcibly impregnated.

And you can pick it up and carry it around for a long time, honestly. Since the scene doesn't trigger until you fly to another planet, you can pretty easily just forget about it completely. There have been some players that haven't even associated picking up the egg with what triggered that scene. I've seen at least one post talking about that. That's a case of skim-reading, but still. There's some issues with the tentacle egg.

Unless, again, that kind of thing was common, advertised, and a known threat. If it was instilled in the players during the tutorial that, "Hey, the planets you'll be visiting are dangerous, alien places! Be very careful about what you pick up!" it might not be as bad, but that would still need some less dramatic examples to condition the player into being suspicious before throwing something like the tentacle egg at them.  

I'm not saying we need to signpost the egg or things like it in a meta sense with big bold letters saying, "WARNING: NON-CON SCENE AHEAD," but I am saying that making it more readily apparent that the player might encounter those situations organically would be a good thing. It might encourage people to save more often, too. Because that's obviously a problem, judging by how many people post asking how to save edit away their fuck-ups as opposed to loading a backup save.

You mean my "Bad Tentacle" thread? I remember posting about how closely it resembled the mango fruit and would've been easily passed. The response was most thought it well deserved for not reading repetitive text as well as not checking and tidying up inventory before leaving. Which were two things I could easily see happen.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I suppose you could consider the egg and tentacle rape the real warning to new players that bad shit might go down if you do /anything/, so be prepared.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
I suppose you could consider the egg and tentacle rape the real warning to new players that bad shit might go down if you do /anything/, so be prepared.

TiTs never really came off as that much of a roguelike and getting knocked up because the warning message has implications of being something of a risk/reward sort of deal that you have no way of actually countering the risk (to my knowledge) feels cheap.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Eh, that's actually decently fair. I personally would make it much more apparent than that.

Everyone wants everything to be super obvious. Back in my day games were literally unplayable. Fucking S/NES games with their difficulty permanently set to Sadistic.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Sell your tentacle eggs to Anno.  Nobody knows what she does with them...  but when you fly off, even if you do so immediately after sale, it won't go batshit insane.