Strive for Power (Slave Management, RPG)


Dec 18, 2016
I can't seem to use the lab? I have a staffed lab but whatever I click on for modifications, the "Confirm" button never activates (for the avoidance of doubt-yeah I've selected a slave as well). Further the Majorus potion doesn't seem to be working so I'm stuck on the big boobed Taurus girl quest.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
I can't seem to use the lab? I have a staffed lab but whatever I click on for modifications, the "Confirm" button never activates (for the avoidance of doubt-yeah I've selected a slave as well). Further the Majorus potion doesn't seem to be working so I'm stuck on the big boobed Taurus girl quest.
Do you have the required materials for the thing you want to do? It takes materials to change things on your slaves.
Regarding the potion not working: That is fixed in a hotfix, the game is atm at version 0.1.511


Dec 18, 2016
Do you have the required materials for the thing you want to do? It takes materials to change things on your slaves.
Regarding the potion not working: That is fixed in a hotfix, the game is atm at version 0.1.511

Ah, maybe maybe not. Where is the list of what items are needed?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
Ah, maybe maybe not. Where is the list of what items are needed?
It shows once you have selected a person and the change you wanna make, screenshot attached. For example: In my screenshot I'm missing Bestial essence


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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Added combat system with more various features. Also MAC version. Link in the first post.


Sep 4, 2016
Just picked this up and gotta say so far I'm loving it really solid design and I'm having fun figuring out all the different ways to train up and make money etc. Like everyone's said here tons of potential!


Sep 20, 2015
one of the buttons in the sexual interaction menu is covered by the give rimjob button


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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Updated to 0.2.81: added couple of quests and some scenes and interface improvements. Links at first post.


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
Can we have:

- a potion that increases and decreases the height of the characters
- a toggle switch for male characters to also have a vagina in the character creation and option menu
- ability to circumcise characters with a penis and vice versa
- pronouns for male character's appearance
- male characters can be selected in the milking due to their penis (farm)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
There seems to be a problem in the laboratory, whenever I change the character's skin color, after a few days of waiting, they get deleted


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016

  • Added mansion 'dirtiness' state and cleaning job
  • Added enhancement modifications to the lab
  • Fixed popups not taking text replacement
  • Fixed deadend occuring when selling Cali to slaver's camp
  • Fixed error applying uncivilized trait effect to the regression elixir drinker if it didn't have one
  • Fixed systematic log error occuring on reload/main menu
  • Fixed relatives showing "Mother - $name $race" on game reload
  • Fixed Tisha and Emily relationship on relatives screen
  • Fixed minor youthing potion bug
  • Fixed laboratory operations being too deadly
  • Fixed some operations not taking any resources or time
Links at the first post


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
0.3.1 version is out. Now with tutorial and web version. Links at the first post.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Just tried the web version (On newgrounds), and I somehow broke the save lol; not sure how, but after playing for a bit, if I try to save and load, the saved file doesn't seem to overwrite the previous one, so I end up loading the old save, losing my progress; If I try to make a new save, it just disappears, and doesn't matter if I try to delete the save too. The problem seems to be persistent as well, so once it appears, it'd keep happening.

Other stuff that I noticed:
1. The hair color is blonde, not blond
2. Just seems off -- If you toggle furry off, beastkins still show up, but there are no requests looking for beastkin anymore, nor an option to be one.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Just tried the web version (On newgrounds), and I somehow broke the save lol; not sure how, but after playing for a bit, if I try to save and load, the saved file doesn't seem to overwrite the previous one, so I end up loading the old save, losing my progress; If I try to make a new save, it just disappears, and doesn't matter if I try to delete the save too. The problem seems to be persistent as well, so once it appears, it'd keep happening.

Other stuff that I noticed:
1. The hair color is blonde, not blond
2. Just seems off -- If you toggle furry off, beastkins still show up, but there are no requests looking for beastkin anymore, nor an option to be one.
I'd suggest you to try standalone version, as web version is more of an experiment. Also I don't think you should see any beastkin after toggling them off unless they were generated before.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
I'd suggest you to try standalone version, as web version is more of an experiment. Also I don't think you should see any beastkin after toggling them off unless they were generated before.
I tried it before, and again today, since the web version worked; there's a problem with my computer when loading it, something about graphics card not loading (Since I'm using VM), and some sort of program link failure. (Before, it didn't even let me see the command prompt since the game screen was stuck on my screen.)
TL-DR I can't play the standalone, but can the web version, if not for the save lock.

As for the beastkin, they still generate, if you saved, refresh, then load the game again, just that they aren't beastial.
- So I'm pretty sure they'd generate as long as you come back to the game at a later point.


May 8, 2016
For some reason the "See Relatives" doesn't show fathers. Mothers, Siblings and Children show as they should though, even for the fathers.

Also on the subject of the "See Relatives" screen, it would be nice if you could see the relatives of the player character as well.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
I tried it before, and again today, since the web version worked; there's a problem with my computer when loading it, something about graphics card not loading (Since I'm using VM), and some sort of program link failure. (Before, it didn't even let me see the command prompt since the game screen was stuck on my screen.)
TL-DR I can't play the standalone, but can the web version, if not for the save lock.

As for the beastkin, they still generate, if you saved, refresh, then load the game again, just that they aren't beastial.
- So I'm pretty sure they'd generate as long as you come back to the game at a later point.
I'll try to increase amount of ram used by web version to see if anything will improve from it, but otherwise my actions are pretty limited. Btw, if you are trying to use winxp/vista simulation that might be the case.

Also halfkins are not beastkins. Beastkins are furry, halfkins are just plain catgirls. If you turn off furry they just get converted into halfkins on generation.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Also halfkins are not beastkins. Beastkins are furry, halfkins are just plain catgirls. If you turn off furry they just get converted into halfkins on generation.
Like I said, the race, Beastkin, still generates, if you reload the game; it's just that their description is normal instead of beastial: EG. 'Her body is quite normal.', rather then, 'Her body resembles human's, except for some bestial features in her face and body structure.' (Btw, it should be resembles a human's)

PS. Anyone know why the game's save doesn't wipe when you clear FireFox's history? It does with Chrome.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Like I said, the race, Beastkin, still generates, if you reload the game; it's just that their description is normal instead of beastial: EG. 'Her body is quite normal.', rather then, 'Her body resembles human's, except for some bestial features in her face and body structure.' (Btw, it should be resembles a human's)
Found an issue with code. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2015
Just got a ROYAL male Taurus from Sebastian and two things occured to me:

1. Is it normal that a Taurus can be royalty, aren't they more or less "artificial" (created from experiments) and shouldn't really have such a place in society (unless ofc he was born into the HUMAN Royal family and THAT is a whole different can of worms). Nobility I could understand

2. "Male milking": Allow to milk males for their cum. Quantity, quality and ofc social standing would determine the price (I imagine the "milk" from my royal Taurus would bring a nice buck), due to it beeing used for impregnation... or food for those decadent people that have money to do such a thing. ;)
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New Member
Mar 16, 2017
Are you still looking for writers?

Edit: Just checked the blog and noticed a link to writing help, I'll write up some stuff and send it to your email. Would $name's work or would it mess up the replacement?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Are you still looking for writers?

Edit: Just checked the blog and noticed a link to writing help, I'll write up some stuff and send it to your email. Would $name's work or would it mess up the replacement?
It will work. Don't worry about keywords, I'll likely adjust text to fit into game correctly anyway.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2015
Wow, I didn't know you've added m/m content. Checked the game, and it's surprisingly good!


May 4, 2016
Is there a list somewhere that tells us which skills are useful for which assignments? I have a forager that needs more courage, but I don't want to go out and fight... which means I need to send my forager out to hunt. But for some reason they never catch anything... Is there anything I can do to improve their chances of success?

EDIT: Also, I managed to break my savegame somehow... When I am in the Skill-Training Menu and go away to save my game, overwriting my savefile in particular will cause a bug that sends the selected servant to the selected training.
Restrictions are completely ignore, though it does reduce their skillpoints (even below 0) and deducts the cost for the training (can't drop below 0)

Want me to upload the file or send it? I don't know how or what happened, but I can reliably send my servants to training they shouldn't be able to receive. It would be one thing if they actually received the skill, but they don't! xD
They just take a paid vacation as far as I can tell...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2016
Is there a list somewhere that tells us which skills are useful for which assignments? I have a forager that needs more courage, but I don't want to go out and fight... which means I need to send my forager out to hunt. But for some reason they never catch anything... Is there anything I can do to improve their chances of success?

EDIT: Also, I managed to break my savegame somehow... When I am in the Skill-Training Menu and go away to save my game, overwriting my savefile in particular will cause a bug that sends the selected servant to the selected training.
Restrictions are completely ignore, though it does reduce their skillpoints (even below 0) and deducts the cost for the training (can't drop below 0)

Want me to upload the file or send it? I don't know how or what happened, but I can reliably send my servants to training they shouldn't be able to receive. It would be one thing if they actually received the skill, but they don't! xD
They just take a paid vacation as far as I can tell...
I don't believe forage has courage requirement.

Try to update to 0.3.33 version. It should fix bugs related to yes/no popup.


May 4, 2016
It appears to be fixed, thanks for the quick update!

I think I reached the end of the current content, so here's my inout:
-It's hard to hand over Custom slaves for the requests. I tried to sell one of my old slaves I didn't want anymore, but it way still in the list? I didn't know how much money I had at the time, so I can't tell if I actually sold it, or if I only thought I did. Also, it is hard to see what a specific slave is missing and why nothing is happening when I try to select the slave I prepared for the cutsomer. Maybe you should add something like a check-list screen after any slave is selected for a request? That way one can see what is missing any where they need to work before they hand the slave over.
-Early game is a really, really hard grind for food. I basically had to buy/find/"find" slaves that were good at survival and send them out to stripsearch the nearby woods to avoid starving. Whenever I get enough food, I switched them over to cleaning (2nd priority) and store-tending (3rd priority) to make money for new slaves.
-Mid game, the food issue stabilised, I can feed all my gatherers and cleaners and finaly concentrate on the slaving business/money/quests. I started training 1-2 slaves as soldiers and explored the various available outskirts, though I rarely managed to find capturable NPCs and when I did they rarely sold for anything (tops was 30 gold IIRC).
-Endgame starts (at least for me) when I accumulated ~10 slaves, which was ~day 500 or 600. Random trespassers were sent away, I finally managed to train 1-2 dedicated moneymakers who get me ~150-250, and I had enough cleaners/foragers to roughly break even. Depending on random events I need to pay 100 for an instantly clean mansion or buy 1000 food at the market. My oldest slaves, the foragers, are now level 90 and have enough skill points to practically master everything...
-I am level 4 and have no idea how to improve my own character apart from guessing how to do requests. Considering that I get a game over whenever I get reduced to 0 HP in combat, it feels a bit ridiculous. It would feel fairer if we had a chance of "saving" the MC as long as at least one partymember is still alive at the end of the combat (maybe possibility for bad end through betrayal of unloyal slave?). Same goes for my slaves that loose all their HP in combat. I only realised that they actually die when I noticed that one of them was missing after combat. Having the option to try saving them would be nice, otherwise I could just use throwaway slaves, or just let them grind foraging for 600 days and then sent them to the school of "learn evertyhing, then curbstomp all hostile encounters"

-Slave Optimization is hard... if I want to make them prettier, I have to buy the beautycream en masse (not a problem because of my giant pile of money), but applying even one dose requires 4 clicks, which is rather tedious or something whose effects I barely see. I also don't know if there is something better than "exceptionally beautiful", for one, it take me 5x4 clicks just to see one incremental improvement, so I "pay" 1000 gold for the beautycream and 20 clicks...
-Really timeconsuming to increase courage. Courage seems to be required for Sexual Proficiency, and soft, sexy, squishy women are rarely competent Huntresses or warriors. On the other hand, Charm is ridiculuously easy to max out. I need to spend a few days sexing them up and thats it.... wit is just timeconsuming and confidence is meh... either remember praising them, or tell them to be the headslave for a while.
-Traits sometimes appear randomly and get in the way. Beating up a newly caught/bought slave has a high chance to turn them into a masochist... it would be nice if there is a way to remove traits like these. For greater customability, a way of adding certain traits would be nice as well.
-Have yet to get around to the farm. It takes quite some RL-Time to optimise or max out a single slave you like, so I spent that time maxing my moneymakers and then I lost motivation. Will probably try to find a few taurus slaves and see how good the farm is, but... not today.