Wow, making me sound guilty before evidence has been presented! Don't worry, Bess is a sex bot. She's 100% fine with you having random, meaningless sex. If you're looking for multiple romances, though, you've got to agree to the provision that she, too, is allowed to be polyamorous, or that the both of you are romantically exclusive. Not that she currently has anyone she's interested in besides the PC. And, uh, by the looks of things, I'd have to write that someone anyway.
Apologies, that came across as more confrontational than I'd meant it to. I do feel very strongly that rampant romance and the proliferation of saccherine waifus were ultimately to CoC's detriment, but thus far you've avoided the things about it that I have problems with, so it was not meant to chastise you. It's more that sugary romance in general is a hazardous thing to work with in a game that must ultimately be about allowing the PC to have lots of sex with a wide variety of different characters, and even writers I think very highly of otherwise have stumbled when trying to indulge in heavy romance.