I *like* Ember, but s/he's such a variable-heavy nightmare (like some unholy proto-Bess) that I'd never even mention him/her in passing, simply because the variable soup would necessitate a half dozen different descriptors.
Re: emails: You'd have to ask Gedan/Fen that. I put the doc back in the code pile -- apparently they're all coded in, just don't have anything to proc them appearing.
Ok I thought it was different reason than this too many variable to acount for. That sad that if you make some interactions for your TiTS crewmembers Bess/Ben will be again out of luck

ahh well mala suerte.
Lack of triggers for emails...let see if I can come with some ideas that maybe make them start to appear in our ingame codex mailbox ^^
-For spam mails it could be made something like function that send randomn picked of them in set intervals of time (that time intervals can be made as quasi-randomn value too). And first spam mail appear around 12 hrs after we started playing so still before NT one mail (that spam so we all know their should start show up pretty soon).
-Syri mail...well with spam mails set up to show up randomly and the one mail needed for this one is there it would be easy now to trigger (as long game somehow know that the prereq mail was send to us)
-Anno one (similar system like with spam to show up after randomn set up time after we last time meet Anno (funny cuz it could so accidentaly show up when we come back to her for whatever reason))
-Both Celise (pretty much similar setup to spam mails can be used)
-Kiro (errr did I meantion already about that randomn spam mails setup?)
-Saen (not have any better idea than set to come after randomnly picked hours after complementing Phoenix distress call)
-Rival (somewhere between 12 to 24 hours after we unlock Tarkus coords)
(Oh my most triggers seems would be just game pick randomn number that will be amount of hours that need pass since some other event and then send us mail...hope someone else can come with more..."complicated and less lame sounding idea" as those email need start comming to us someday, right?)