Spam emails

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Lottie's Nice Time for Roo was different because it was Netori instead of Netorare. That's when the protagonist is the one doing the stealing. Most people are fine with the PC giving, but don't get me wrong, I still found it super mean to Lottie.

Also it's kind of funny. Like you just know that Embry is monogamous. And if you keep Anno on your ship it's unlikely she's having sex with anyone else. Headcanon is that Steele is just irresistible.

Not sure why Nice Time for Roo is so popular in Japan when they're obsessed with pure virgin waifus.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I've always wanted to know what was Gats' reasoning behind it as I came relatively late to the party, but I never understood what was with Lottie's harassment. Perhaps it was because I never exploread each of her branches, but I didn't know why you had to do such mean stuff to a girl who simply wanted to be fit. One thing's dominance and a different one is to put someone under such intense humilliation because potato.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Are those not in-game? Huh, was wondering why I never got any. Laaaaaaame. 

Here's a link to what's written, if anybody's interested. 

I would like to see one thing about your dad's e mail added to game.  you printing out  the attached photo of your dad mom and you and placing beside your bed  could even be a various in  ship sleep with random scene with anno or someone who knows your dad n is  sleeping with you about it.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm just throwing out because I may have missed what happened, but is it possible to get spam emails from your mother or something? It doesn't even to be anything sexual or something like that.


Aug 27, 2015
I've always wanted to know what was Gats' reasoning behind it as I came relatively late to the party, but I never understood what was with Lottie's harassment. Perhaps it was because I never exploread each of her branches, but I didn't know why you had to do such mean stuff to a girl who simply wanted to be fit. One thing's dominance and a different one is to put someone under such intense humilliation because potato.

It was an odd one, particularly in light of us not getting anything quite like it before or since. Some of the stuff he mooted for her pregnancy expansion was even worse, so much so he was asked to discontinue it. I guess because of CoC's corrupt/pure dichotomy he felt he had to put in mean options to give ballast to the nice ones. However, Lottie would have worked fine if there had just been "get her fit" and "get her comfortable with being fat" options, it's not as if totally-corrupt NPCs were thin on the ground.

I seem to remember that to begin with, Lottie cucked you if she wound up fitter than you - and similar things happened at the end of some of the other routes, possibly? Basically a lot of it was set up to "justify" abusive sex scenes. It stands as testament as to why doing Nice Time for Roo in any way is best off avoided.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I think it was just a simple dom scene, not a I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN one. I don't remember if there were any other scenes like it, but I know you could get out of the one I'm talking about by having high cum output. Which I found hilarious because I realized no one in TiTS could really dom my PC without getting the tables turned on them with such high cum output. (Imagine: Cumflated Sera)


Aug 26, 2015
Also it's kind of funny. Like you just know that Embry is monogamous. And if you keep Anno on your ship it's unlikely she's having sex with anyone else. Headcanon is that Steele is just irresistible.
Anno is a roaming follower and will go have sex with Kaede if they're on the same planet.  Steele may or may not be involved.  Embry explicitly says that she's loyal but doesn't mind if you say you're sleeping around.  Thus far TiTS has avoided CoC's glut of one-true-wuv waifus, which I consider overwhelmingly positive.  What the individual authors probably thought was sweet together meant the Champion was an utter scumbag.

That said, I haven't looked at Bess yet.  For all I know Jim pulled that shit with her, though I should hope he knows better since Embry handled it well.

Not sure why Nice Time for Roo is so popular in Japan when they're obsessed with pure virgin waifus.

Japan's culture has a lot of repression going on.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
Anno is a roaming follower and will go have sex with Kaede if they're on the same planet.  Steele may or may not be involved.  Embry explicitly says that she's loyal but doesn't mind if you say you're sleeping around.  Thus far TiTS has avoided CoC's glut of one-true-wuv waifus, which I consider overwhelmingly positive.  What the individual authors probably thought was sweet together meant the Champion was an utter scumbag.

That said, I haven't looked at Bess yet.  For all I know Jim pulled that shit with her, though I should hope he knows better since Embry handled it well.

Japan's culture has a lot of repression going on.
That's true, stopping clearly very sexual people from having sex with other people while the PC is out there slutting it up without punishment is pretty douchey. Anno was pretty clear from the get go she was in a relationship with Kaede, but does the open ended relationship thing with her.   


Aug 27, 2015
I think it was just a simple dom scene, not a I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN one. I don't remember if there were any other scenes like it, but I know you could get out of the one I'm talking about by having high cum output. Which I found hilarious because I realized no one in TiTS could really dom my PC without getting the tables turned on them with such high cum output. (Imagine: Cumflated Sera)

No, the cute failed-dom scene is what Gats ended up doing instead of the Nice Time for Roo he originally intended to put there. When he was originally cooking up Lottie on the old /vg/ threads he had this idea where she started going with this minotaur, and you either got to beat him up and hate fuck her or you "enjoyed" it. Thankfully common sense prevailed.

Having massive cum output doesn't somehow make you impervious to being dommed. In my experience, the PC having ridiculous sexual attributes makes them more, not less, easier to control. What it probably would make you impervious to, however, is getting anywhere near a prospective domme's vagina once she knew about it. So good going there.


Aug 26, 2015
That's true, stopping clearly very sexual people from having sex with other people while the PC is out there slutting it up without punishment is pretty douchey. Anno was pretty clear from the get go she was in a relationship with Kaede, but does the open ended relationship thing with her.   

It's not even that the waifu brigade are sexual people.  Many aren't before the Champion gets involved.  If you go through the content of any given character, it often turns sappy as they fall in love with the Champion.  Okay, I can enjoy a good romance story.  The Champion will then be just as romantic with every other girl they come across. Soon they've got a whole string of women each convinced that they're the one, and almost none of whom know about any of the others.  It's like every single one of them was written with the assumption that they were it, they were the only one.  The only one for whom that excuse even kind of flies is Marble, who at the time really was the only one.


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2015
It's not even that the waifu brigade are sexual people.  Many aren't before the Champion gets involved.  If you go through the content of any given character, it often turns sappy as they fall in love with the Champion.  Okay, I can enjoy a good romance story.  The Champion will then be just as romantic with every other girl they come across. Soon they've got a whole string of women each convinced that they're the one, and almost none of whom know about any of the others.  It's like every single one of them was written with the assumption that they were it, they were the only one.  The only one for whom that excuse even kind of flies is Marble, who at the time really was the only one.

Well the only ones that aren't sexual before the champion comes along are Marble and Amily, unless I'm mistaken?

And yeah, they do kind of know about the others when they're all in camp.


Aug 27, 2015
It's like every single one of them was written with the assumption that they were it, they were the only one.  The only one for whom that excuse even kind of flies is Marble, who at the time really was the only one.
Half because the writers all looked at the waifus that were already there and used them as a template, and half because so many people, when they are writing their extra special snowflake, do not give two fucks about the world around her.


Aug 26, 2015
Only about half the girls go to the camp.  Those that do typically pretend that none of the others are there.  Helia has like two threesome scenes with Kiha and Isabella, Urta notices that Marble is in your camp, that's about it.  The Champion can also have about three or four townhouses in Tel'Adre he/she drops in on, and some more scattered about the rest of the setting.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Pretty sure almost everyone you have sex with in either CoC or TiTS knows you're (the PC) not monogamous.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Only about half the girls go to the camp.  Those that do typically pretend that none of the others are there.  Helia has like two threesome scenes with Kiha and Isabella, Urta notices that Marble is in your camp, that's about it.  The Champion can also have about three or four townhouses in Tel'Adre he/she drops in on, and some more scattered about the rest of the setting.

To be fair, a lot of that is from a position of practicality.  Not every author is always going to be around to write interactions to explain how their characters respond to other romance options and it can be quite an undertaking actually writing such interactions.  I made the effort for Amily and Izma, Fen did a bit for Urta with Marble as well, though eventually we all gave up.  You actually tended to get more flak for limiting relationships in CoC rather than punishing players for pursuing multiple given just how much content limiting would be going on then.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I had always found it strange that monogamy was so central to so many characters. I realize the writers come from societies that are monogamous but it was strange to me that only Helia and Izma were completely open to sex with others without convincing. I suppose demonic corruption might have made it to where people would only have sex with those they trusted/loved but it seemed in town everyone was ok with fucking anyone they wanted. Still the character the author sees and wants cannot be forced into a mold others want without serious flaws showing up. To make interaction easier it seems like any NPC would need to be ok with the PC's love life just because of the nature of the game. I can completely see how interaction between NPC's would be really hard to do in evolving and multi authored games like these. 


Aug 26, 2015
 Helia has like two threesome scenes with Kiha and Isabella, .

and sophie, and valeria, and vapula, and edryn, and the fox twin foursome(the last two arent followers though). apparently she can have sex with izma if you possess her, but im not sure if i believe the wiki on that. Helia is one of the characters who notices the most of the others.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
apparently she can have sex with izma if you possess her, but im not sure if i believe the wiki on that.

Totally wrote that. 

Hel even hangs out with Rath and builds a still. She basically notices and hangs out with every character I liked. Except Ember, because fuck writing for Ember. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Aww Savin ya no like dragons? Buuuu....

On mails thing...can we have hope some of those you had in that gdoc would find their way ingame over next few weeks?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Aww Savin ya no like dragons? Buuuu....

On mails thing...can we have hope some of those you had in that gdoc would find their way ingame over next few weeks?

I *like* Ember, but s/he's such a variable-heavy nightmare (like some unholy proto-Bess) that I'd never even mention him/her in passing, simply because the variable soup would necessitate a half dozen different descriptors. 

Re: emails: You'd have to ask Gedan/Fen that. I put the doc back in the code pile -- apparently they're all coded in, just don't have anything to proc them appearing. 


Aug 26, 2015
Totally wrote that. 

Hel even hangs out with Rath and builds a still. She basically notices and hangs out with every character I liked. Except Ember, because fuck writing for Ember. 

I stand corrected on that, then.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I *like* Ember, but s/he's such a variable-heavy nightmare (like some unholy proto-Bess) that I'd never even mention him/her in passing, simply because the variable soup would necessitate a half dozen different descriptors. 

Re: emails: You'd have to ask Gedan/Fen that. I put the doc back in the code pile -- apparently they're all coded in, just don't have anything to proc them appearing. 

Ok I thought it was different reason than this too many variable to acount for. That sad that if you make some interactions for your TiTS crewmembers Bess/Ben will be again out of luck :( ahh well mala suerte.

Lack of triggers for emails...let see if I can come with some ideas that maybe make them start to appear in our ingame codex mailbox ^^
-For spam mails it could be made something like function that send randomn picked of them in set intervals of time (that time intervals can be made as quasi-randomn value too). And first spam mail appear around 12 hrs after we started playing so still before NT one mail (that spam so we all know their should start show up pretty soon).

-Syri mail...well with spam mails set up to show up randomly and the one mail needed for this one is there it would be easy now to trigger (as long game somehow know that the prereq mail was send to us)

-Anno one (similar system like with spam to show up after randomn set up time after we last time meet Anno (funny cuz it could so accidentaly show up when we come back to her for whatever reason))

-Both Celise (pretty much similar setup to spam mails can be used)

-Kiro (errr did I meantion already about that randomn spam mails setup?)

-Saen (not have any better idea than set to come after randomnly picked hours after complementing Phoenix distress call)

-Rival (somewhere between 12 to 24 hours after we unlock Tarkus coords)

(Oh my most triggers seems would be just game pick randomn number that will be amount of hours that need pass since some other event and then send us mail...hope someone else can come with more..."complicated and less lame sounding idea" as those email need start comming to us someday, right?)


Aug 26, 2015
Ok I thought it was different reason than this too many variable to acount for. That sad that if you make some interactions for your TiTS crewmembers Bess/Ben will be again out of luck :( ahh well mala suerte.

Here's a little secret: if Captain Steele was a predefined character with a set look, gender, and personality, writing sex scenes in TiTS would be much easier than it is.  All that variety we enjoy in character design and attitude comes at the cost of accounting for all that variety every time Steele speaks, every time his/her gender could be relevant, every time having legs could be relevant.  It's hard work, and most players will only see two or three versions of the final product.  I consider this worth it, because I love transformation, but it's always important to remember that it comes with that complication.

Charcaters like Bess don't double this, they multiply it.  Now each possible version of Steele could interact with each possible version of Bess.  Unlike in CoC we now have some useful tags and automation methods to check if Penny's variable cock will stretch your ass out or not, but they can only do so much, especially when body types and personalities get involved.  Thus is why one Bess is more than enough, and why few if any authors will do much to support her in the future.  It's not that she's a bad character, she's not.  It's that her very presence makes any scene intensely more complicated unless it ignores the very thing that she's made for.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
1,788 acount for variables I meant Ember not PC. As Savin blamed that for reason Helia not had any interaction written for camp dragon(ess). Also for Bess/Ben I mean crewmembers that Savin written.

As for your post. As much I aware PC variable appearance is nightmare for writers to acount (with like part-leithan versions of him/her having little to no barely any scenes) I know too that at least 25% people playing TiTS doing it for all those TF that we can make PC go throu. Also for any author that will involve in scene that s/he written including somehow Bess/Ben with acounting for all variables would deserve for respect (and probably some of praise too) for done work.


Aug 26, 2015
945 acount for variables I meant Ember not PC. As Savin blamed that for reason Helia not had any interaction written for camp dragon(ess). Also for Bess/Ben I mean crewmembers that Savin written.

Ember, as the proto-Bess, suffers the same issues.  Ember only has one personality in the final cut, which makes things easier, but CoC only has tag support for the Champion, and Ember has plenty enough diversity to be a huge pain to script.

Variable crewmembers should try to keep it locked down to a small set of options.  Penny's cock is fine.  Celise having two specific modes is fine.  Embry gradually going from male to female is fine.  Bess...well, she's in the game, good for her, but don't be surprised if what you have now is pretty much all you get, just like Ember fans shouldn't be surprised she was only implemented as far as necessary to be properly functional.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It'd be even better if Followers interacted with each other more, like random scenes on the ship.   But meh, takes too much effort for so little gain.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It'd be even better if Followers interacted with each other more, like random scenes on the ship.   But meh, takes too much effort for so little gain.

But fleshing the followers out would be a interesting concept to try in TiTS if it was ever done.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Bess...well, she's in the game, good for her, but don't be surprised if what you have now is pretty much all you get, just like Ember fans shouldn't be surprised she was only implemented as far as necessary to be properly functional.

Yeah, and it's a shame, too. Like, Bess will probably never get any interaction with any other crew members because she's so damn complex (unless Jim does or for all I know already has written it). You have no idea how many people were *begging* for a Dragon Girl Four-Way when Ember/Kiha/Helia were all at camp, and God knows I'd have loved that, but writing just for Proto-Bess was daunting enough to keep me from doing it.

Not to mention the coder nightmare both characters are pretty much ensures they'd probably never get even a normal xpak in.