Heh you know I was talkning about other kind of chimera
Speaking of pre-def names I feel sometimes urge to add such in my mod too but still not creative with names for them.
hehe famous forum or other sources names? For first I may have few options to include. But that after I manage lay foundation for human(ish) npc that would provide in near future ppl with phoenix TF
At this point, I've reached the point that I just want to play as an Elf. That's why I'm just a Human with Pointed Ears
Heh you know I was talkning about other kind of chimera
Speaking of pre-def names I feel sometimes urge to add such in my mod too but still not creative with names for them.
The Wuxia one right? Ranma Lean Tan black hair blue eye speedy fighter that starts with pumped speed strength and toughness and the iron hands perks.
Of Pai Mei
Yeah I not have any mod in making....yet.
Which rank of Iron Fists? I or some of higher ones? Iron fists also seems would be fitting to give Job: Monk and mantic body parts (but I need clear other tf to work on this one)
Anyway it's hilarious how I talk about my mod stuff in other mod thread....lol such akward situation.
PS. Yeah I think it won't be trouble to add this pre-def PC to choice list (just will add 2-3 more to not add one new)
So... I fought Kelt at the farm and spared his life. Is there a way to get him back?
Also, can you guys make the prison something that can be disabled?
So... I fought Kelt at the farm and spared his life. Is there a way to get him back?
Also, can you guys make the prison something that can be disabled?
Is it possible for a herma to become a male again? I just want to have that platinum blonde hair color. I wonder if the blue egg is working.
Eye color.
We have character descriptors for what seems like every part of the body but that. Tits and FoE have customization options for eye color; is it possible to add it to CoC? It would definitely add to the immersion of the game.
Asummary of all the added stuff would be awesome (couldnt find one though, not sure if because didnt searched enough),since the changelog got reaaaaally big and its hard to find "added"insertadded scene here"" between all the balances and bugfixes.
To boil it down (others can add to it) Glacial Rift and Volcanic Crag. Rift has a new storage chest (to upgrade your one from the Bog) with a few new encounters, Volcanic Crag lets you get the TF Dragon item along with a friendly npc to sex up or spar with. Pure Jojo is sexable now if you meet his requirements or he can be made into Joy if you put a bimbo liquor in your storage for awhile and let him chase a thief. Quite a few transformations now change your stat caps and Minerva purification is in.
According to the Helspawn Questline, Helia says that the main PC has golden (?) yellow eyes and in Ormael's mod you can get Violet eyes I think... So yeah, other than that...
Could someone list the items and ways of increasing cum production? I just love messy orgasm :$
Could someone list the items and ways of increasing cum production? I just love messy orgasm :$
Off the top of my head, for items there's Succubus' Delight and Succubi's Dream, and there should be at least a few more. Increasing your ball size will increase production as well. As for perks, the one's not related to things picked when making your character or leveling anyway, there's Magical Virility from the cum witch in the dungeon after clearing it, a perk from the Christmas Elf that improves with future meeting with her, male perks from Fera and a Corrupt Marae, I think at least one of the Valentine's and Thanksgiving events have at least one perk for this as well, and there should be several more that I can't remember or haven't found yet. Some transformations might effect the cum multiplier stat too, though you might have to play around with that to be certain.
There are definitely things I missed, but other than those there is also the save editor. Hope that helps, and if not you might try both the standard game's wiki and the revamp one, or just stay here and hope for some more answers. Or just play around in game and find things on your own. That ones always fun, if rather time consuming if you're in a hurry.