Select the "Browser version" from this page: Might I have the link? And I do hope my saves actually stick around as... Yeah it was not fun losing 11 hours of work. It's a great game but MAN, working through all of that again is not fun given how huge the game is.
Thanks. And I didn't mean take my saves from another site. But that gamejolt won't lose my save like the previous site I used. As in delete them.Select the "Browser version" from this page:
And no, the browser version won't take your saves from another page.
I get your point and your problem with that kind of illogical story telling.I don't want to sound too critical of this extremely well-developed game, but I've come to a pet peeve in the story. I've hit the part where the last Fragment is in the Waterspirit and they want to go through this elaborate and difficult process to take it out of her. Why in the hell would they even do that? If it's that difficult to extract it, and she's well protected by soldiers and our heroes, why not leave it there? Removing it is just asking for the enemy to steal it, we're doing their work for them. Isn't it safer where it is than anywhere we could take it to?
I call this a pet peeve because similar plot points show up so often. It's so frequent in fact that if there is ever a list of shit to not do when you're a hero akin to the Evil Overlord List, this should be right near the top: "If the evil villains need something to complete their plan and it's at the end of a difficult gauntlet or inside a deathtrap or has an elaborate and mind-melting puzzle to find it or something similar, leave it where the hell it is. Absolutely do not retrieve it, because the moment you do the villains will thank you for doing the work for them and steal it from you".
You know how Raiders of the Lost Ark should have ended? When Indy figured out that the Nazis were digging in the wrong place because they had only half of the information needed from the amulet and thus the staff was the wrong length and the sun laser pointed to the wrong spot on the map, he should absolutely have not gone to dig up the Ark at the correct coordinates. Instead, having the amulet in his pocket, he should have gone the fuck home and made sure that thing got locked up where nobody could ever get to it. Then just sit back and laugh knowing that Belloq and the Nazis will be up to their eyeballs in sand with nothing to show for it because they don't have the right location. Hopefully, Hitler will have a few of them executed for their failure. Then, later after the war when the Nazis are gone and there's no more threat, then go dig it up. It's not like the thing's going anywhere!
Instead, he went and found the thing and the whole world was in danger. Just like how the Avalanche team retrieved the Black Materia from the Temple of the Ancients and sure enough Sephiroth stole it from them and put the world in danger with Meteor. Just like has happened over and over. Leave the Maguffin where the hell it is!
I get your point and your problem with that kind of illogical story telling.
My thought about it in Renryuu, and what makes it different from your example, is that, not only does the enemy already know the location of the fragment, it's also putting the water spirits life at risk. The water spirit is vital for the entire country, and Raziel's group have proven to be strong enough to get what they want, so moving the fragment is supposed to protect her life and also prevent Raziel from getting the fragment. Contrary to your example, the heroes are not leading the enemy to something they don't know yet, but rather try to be faster than the enemy to hide it somewhere new. Hide it somewhere the enemy doesn't know.
Maybe there are still logical holes in the story, but I hope that explanation makes my own way of thinking about those events more clear.![]()
If you get this message, it most likely means that you missed the small update from version 20.02.02 or .03 to 20.02.08 in which the weak mummy scene was added.Not sure if this has come to your attention or not, but I found the "Weak Mummy" scene doesn't work properly (Shown bellow). After initiating the scene, this error appears. This also prevents the menu form opening (Says loading before repeating the same error message) and soft locks the game.
View attachment 11668
Looking around in the files and following this directory, I was unable to locate the files mentioned. I checked both the Hi-Drive and MEGA update downloads to see if only one was missing the files, with both missing them. Not sure if it was simply not added to the update package or something else has occurred.
Don't know what version your playing but the game does have it's own autosave slots in the case of the current build 20.02.08 it's slot 19 - 20 if you don't like it you can turn it off with the book by your bed otherwise just dont save past 18I'm stuck in Larielle's dungeon. The stupid autosave kicked in and erased over my save before entering the dungeon and now I can't leave. That autosave is frustrating as hell when it overwrites my current save automatically instead of having its own slot, it keeps me from being able to backtrack.
Don't know what version your playing but the game does have it's own autosave slots in the case of the current build 20.02.08 it's slot 19 - 20 if you don't like it you can turn it off with the book by your bed otherwise just dont save past 18
If you get this message, it most likely means that you missed the small update from version 20.02.02 or .03 to 20.02.08 in which the weak mummy scene was added.
Use these update files for 20.02.08!H1pHzSCR!ly9Ebs8J_FJJaGGpOf6NrvUzJ9kkchPvST4-MY_u31g before updating to the newest version 20.03.02 to fix the issue.
The update files always have in name for what version they are, for example "Renryuu Ascension 20.03.02 - Update files for version 20.02.08 or later only!" mentions that it's only for version 20.02.08 or higher. Skipping updates when using the update files causes you to miss files, and gives you errors like for this missing image.
Maybe it corrupted when you first applied it making you miss them?That's definitely odd, I did apply that update (All other scenes have worked and I am caught up with current released content) and have been consistent with getting the updates as they have released. Not sure why or how this particular part of a past update was missed, seeing as the scene itself plays out just without the image. I moved the two image files into the folder which has solved the missing image issue along with the softlock issue. Thanks for providing the update including the two files, though it is still a mystery to me how I managed to not have those two particular image files.
I can't fully recall how I got it. It was either by getting three cowgirls and meeting the blonde one at Whisperwind farm. Or finish Chiyo's gold license exam and get the skill from the Sphinx. Unsure which of the two it was.By the way is there any skill to leave the enemy with 1hp since capture is easier the less hp the enemy has and some of them have cloths break?
Yep get it from Sphinx finally could advance further with Chiyo so completed her test then talking to Sphinx when you "answer" her third riddle you get itI can't fully recall how I got it. It was either by getting three cowgirls and meeting the blonde one at Whisperwind farm. Or finish Chiyo's gold license exam and get the skill from the Sphinx. Unsure which of the two it was.
1. Use the "Box of Ash" you got from the previous boss to remove their invulnerability. The full details for all features of the raid are in the bottom of the walkthrough in the FAQ section.Hi, I'm stuck in a few places and would appreciate some help.
1) I can't damage the bosses in the challenge level of the Spire of Courage. Armor Crashing doesn't work. How do I bypass their defense/magic res?
2) I can't find the King of Amagal. I run around the tower clicking on everything, but nothing happens.
3) Chiyo's gold license? Amarinthe beach? Seaside tower? I'm not getting any of these (playing version 20.03.02). I'm sure there's some missing requirements, but I can't figure out what they are. Could someone link to the most recent walkthrough, because the ones I find on google aren't helpful.
Also, a bit of feedback. This is an amazing game. Lots of games could be good, but end up boring because they're desexualized, or else the game is sexualized but unplayable because the content is shit. Not many out there hit both nails. Yours does, so good job. Still, one annoying thing is that some of the tests are impossibly hard. Like "follow the light" in the poison dungeon. There's no way anyone without autism can remember each and every square the light touches. The only way to solve it is to pull up the walkthrough and follow the floorplan. Everyone gets stuck every now and again, and walkthroughs are good when that happens, but when the walkthrough is the default option, that's probably a sign that the test is too hard.
The person you're missing is the maid Mary. You need to talk with her at the throne room while Elly is in your party to make her available on the selection screen of headmaid Ryia.Hi everyone,
I need your helpI have all girls that can get preggo with Ren seed, except :
Im missing in CG room, page 4 one last girl, it still black, she is on page4 on left upper,mean left from Zady and up from Irinlia. Can someone telling me her name, so I can find her and working on it. thx in advanced
ps: still cant find this secret path, im long max my team lv99 in orchel, did searching evwrywhere. Maybe our RenSaotome answer to it ???
To unlock it you have to have all
the characters on level 99 and
have 1,000,000 Gold, after that,
a secret passage opens in Orchel.
Trust me, this is 100% reliable.
There is no secret prison or bath in Orchel. That comment was obviously meant as a joke.@RenSaotome:
ty for the fast answer about Mary.
And done with Mary & now i remember it, as i playing this game for the first time, i unlock Mary very fast and after sometime, there's a newer version, around that time i cant upgrade and must delete the app and install anew and start to play from the start again & total forgetting her.
And here someone asking about the secret prison & bb did answer here:
I did searching everywhere in Orchel, maybe bb are trolling us !!? :-(
So its best to asking you as the creator about it & im done that secret bath long ago
And i know only a secret prison in the castle