[RPG] Renryuu: Ascension


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016

there are some pointer/bug :

1. i play on Android, alittle old smartphone (huawei). Since the last version, i play from the start and at the first phase, when i get in fighting, only playing 2-5 minute, that apps/game lagg so much, that i cant playing anymore, must always close the app and restart again. The previous version dont have such problem and later in story game its gone with this heavy lag. ok you said its bc of my old fone, but im playing over 10 mobile game on my phone and its the second game, that have this "bug" , i play 3D game like dragon nest mobile gl, its 3-4gb big and have alot 3D, i can playing it, only loading longer , but its still playable.

2. bug on the boss in the begus west tower, where you must have elly to unlock the door. After i kill that boss, only get a blackscreen, i did wait 1-2 minute, but nothing happend, just close app and load from save file, i skipping that boss. In the spire, there the same boss too, the same problem. And at the new spire dungeon, after i kill boss, only get a blackscreen too.
Wonder if other android player here have the same problem as i have ??!!

3. did you forget about in castle maid Louise ??!! She dont get any scene

4. about sphinx/centaur like Mozaik. As one can see, her P is at the front, but in the xxx scene, its look like Ren do her "backdoor" and she get pregnant?! Look so unlogic, maybe you changing it in the future ??

5. the second scene/quest of Moriko dont unlock, previous version i have it, but not on latest version. I did clear all others quest, only quest last stand is left, get all girls that can pregnant, my team are lv70-80

thats all
1-2. If those are android issues than there is little I can do. The port to android is done via a thrid party program and skript, as I have very little knowledge about such ports and wouldn't be able to do it myself otherwise.My apologizes for any inconveniences this causes, but I prefer a port that is buggy for a few people over no port at all.

3. I didn't forget her. I know that she doesn't have a scene yet.

4. It's explained in the scene that she has two pussies, a human one at the front and one at her back from her lower body. Therefore it's not illogical that he can fuck her pussy from behind and get her pregnant, it just seems strange as it's unusual for her race to have two pussies.

5. Hard to say what you're missing without knowing any details. But if the quest worked fine before then you're probably still missing a trigger for it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016

This is not the Christmas update yet! I want to get another update done around Christmas with two special Christmas events. The previous Christmas scenes will also be unlocked again. :)

This update focuses mostly on the overview map and improves the resource gain and adds new features. Not everything is done yet but I think I made a good improvement to the system.

Changes in update 19.12.15:
- New research tree for the overview map.
- New buildings and production chains.
- Many buildings now cause upkeep. The upkeep is the amount of gold you need to spend for each turn you advance in the overview map. This is supposed to stop spamming the turn end button, especially for players that don't have much gold yet. (Obviously it won't stop people with millions....)
- After meeting the merchant Darude in front of the castle you get 1 offer each for selling or buying something, which changes each turn.
- Small chance of a fire each turn. Fire causes +300 gold upkeep until the damage has been repaired.
- The building cost reduction and mining speed are now research project and were removed from the skilltree. (You get the skillpoints back when you already had it).
- Costs of buildings and the amount they produce have changed.
- Work area near Aldlyn can be entered through the worldmap. It contains Akai's workshop. She can construct a new gun for Elly and sells gun attachments.
- "Gun attachments" added as a new equipment slot for Elly. The only one you can find outside of Akai's shop is at the snowruin where Elly brings you after you helped her during the first encounter with her. It's a target scope to increase hit and crit chance slightly.
- CG scene with Akai after you finish the construction of the special gun. You start it by selecting "Ask about Akai".
- Added the new screen for your vanguard units. You can enter it via the blue button below the tutorial, exit and turn end buttons. (The units on the overview map shouldn't be visible anymore)
- Added a message on the CG screen that will appear once to explain that you can trigger pregnancy when replaying scenes.

The random events for the newspaper, the equipment for vanguard units and the unit cap isn't done in this update and will be added later.

Other stuff:
- The update took longer than I wanted once again and didn't advance the parts that I wanted to focus on more. That's why my New Year's resolution is already clear. Get back to updates about every 2 weeks, finish the sex scenes for all main girls and finish all patreon stretch goal rewards. The rewards include the scenes for all elves in Orchel (CGs are almost all done by now) and a hellhound village which currently has 6 new hellhounds designed for and sex scenes are in the works.
- I have some CGs that got made over the years but are unlikely to be used anymore. That's why I thought it might be a good idea to reveal them on discord as a little treat over the holidays and get some feedback what you guys think about them.
- Another idea I had for Christmas was to make a little quiz on discord and give out Renryuu T-shirts as rewards. I'll anounce the time and day ahead of time once I know when I'll be able to do it. :D

The Renryuu discord can be found at https://discord.gg/A79WrBq

--- Downloads ---
Hi-Drive: https://www.hidrive.strato.com/share/ijp41t-our


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
If I update the game, will I lose all the progress I've made?
On android you can simply download the apk file and install it. The game will get updated automatically and keep your saves.
On every other system, if you have the previous version you can use the update files to update the game to the newest version. If you missed one or more updates in between you can re-download the full game and move your save files from the old to the new game folder. I explain both in this video:



Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016

The Christmas special is now available! :)

- Resources on the overview map are now color marked in dialog boxes.

- A Christmas elf has appeared in the castle in Aldlyn and is waiting for you to play with her

- Fixed a bunch of bug and corrected spelling mistakes, including some bugged constructions on the overview map.

- A second Christmas elf is at the Twin Ale Tower in Begus and needs your help to find some presents that she lost in Begus.
After helping the second elf you get to a screen where you can customize a girl, who will receive a sex scene around New Years Eve with all the details you picked. Out of curiosity I'd be happy if everyone could post their final result of what combination they liked the most.


MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!CpQXwBDS!wwZlWRrPWoGzZX5h0-MlRQ
(Hi-Drive links will be updated later)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Found a couple of bugs.

When I went through the Twin Ale Towers from the North and entered the actual tower, when I left it wasn't allowing me to talk to the exit guards. Not sure why.

Also, when I was at the igloo and went in, it started the Sia 1st meeting even though I've already completed her content with her at the castle.

Also, is there any actual CG part for the first Elf in the CG section?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Also, is there any actual CG part for the first Elf in the CG section?
The christmas elf is a time limited event and won't get added to the CG screen. You can re-play her scene at the note hanging on the wall in your castle if you unlocked it during the Christmas time.
She also can't get pregnant.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2016
The christmas elf is a time limited event and won't get added to the CG screen. You can re-play her scene at the note hanging on the wall in your castle if you unlocked it during the Christmas time.
She also can't get pregnant.

But I always start from the beginning, so Than i can't replay her scene.. :eek:

edit 1: Why not add Holiday tab to scenes? o,o

edit 2:@RyenSaotome I had question, but i forgot to ask yesterday, do you plan to add more countrys?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
But I always start from the beginning, so Than i can't replay her scene.. :eek:

edit 1: Why not add Holiday tab to scenes? o,o

edit 2:@RyenSaotome I had question, but i forgot to ask yesterday, do you plan to add more countrys?
- I'll probbaly keep the note in the castle to replay old christmas scenes this time. While you won't be able to "play" the scene in the world when you missed them, you still get all scenes at any time this way.
- I don't plan to increase the worldmap any further.



The first update for 2020 is now available!

Sadly the CGs for the custom girl from the Christmas update aren't done yet, so she'll have to wait for next update. But at least I could advance my goal of giving all main characters sex scenes by adding Sandra to the impregnation candidates.

Update changes:

- Mira now gets a stronger healing spell at level 30 and a stronger group healing spell at level 40 after she became a blessed angel. If she's already past these levels entering the CG room will "fix" the issue.

- Grime has a new event, which starts at the sleeping chambers when you had the first dialog with Akai at the work area, and have entered the Amaranthe beach at least once. Afterwards her good path CG scnee and impregnation is available from the CG room or by talking to the headmaid to ask her to bring Grime to your secret bedroom.

- Sandra has new events. After finishing her previous events, including the gambling scene at the Newkungu casino, and obtaining both the mithril lock pick and mithril pickaxe, a new dialog will start at the sleeping chamber. After finishing the quest with Bob talk with Sandra again at the sleeping chamber for a follow-up quest, which will bring you to an optional haunted house full of riddles.
The haunted house is optional and doesn't need to be finished to get Sandra's new scene, but finishing it will change Sandra's class and give her a few new skills. (The solution for all riddles in the haunted house are in the walkthrough)
To trigger Sandra's new scene talk with her again at the sleeping chambers after she has given you the quest to return to Glen after Bob's events.

- The android version should now display the proper image and name of the app, instead of "RPG Maker".

--- Downloads ---
Hi-Drive: https://my.hidrive.com/share/ijp41t-our
MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!CpQXwBDS!wwZlWRrPWoGzZX5h0-MlRQ
Walkthrough: https://my.hidrive.com/lnk/aeKINoKw
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New Member
Dec 11, 2019
I already did the mission on the island, but I still don't know how to unlock the scenes with Naomi and Shanna. What should I do?
What about the elves in Orchel?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
I already did the mission on the island, but I still don't know how to unlock the scenes with Naomi and Shanna. What should I do?
What about the elves in Orchel?
Did you already have the events at the secret onsen? You can only get the scene with Naomi and Shanna afterwards, and only when you don't tell him to close the peeping hole.

The elves at Orchel will all receive CG scene, but it'll take a bit to put them all into the game. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2016
I was having trouble with the display freezing intermittently. The game was still responsive (based on sounds) so while out of combat, I could navigate to the save menu and then restart the program, but it was still easy to miss dialogue (and really annoying).

I did some digging and it looks like this is a problem with the core script of RPG Maker MV: See https://steamcommunity.com/app/363890/discussions/1/276237094327448139/?ctp=2#c1630790506931902538 and https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/inde...-window-is-left-unfocused-for-a-while.115895/

It looks like it's already fixed in the open-source development version of the core script (pull request #191), but MV's last main release (1.6.1) was before this fix was in. I don't know what can be done on the development side to make use of the latest core script changes, or if it might be better just to wait for the next main MV release. On the player side, you can apply the fix yourself:

In the www/js/ folder, open rpg_core.js.

Search for this line in the Graphics.render method (as of Renryuu 20.01.12, I found it on line 1872):
if (this._skipCount === 0) {
Change the line to the following:
if (this._skipCount <= 0) {
Save your changes and re-run the game.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016


- Akai got a new event. It's a short scene that start when you talk with her at the workshop after having her first scene and when you were at the beach at Amaranthe before. (This requirement was taken away from Grime's event with Akai. I originally wanted to combine them, but that would mean you only get the scene for Akai when Grime is on her good path, so I changed it.)
- Kurohime got new CGs for her first and third scene (both sex scenes). The second scene, the blowjob, has not been changed but due to the huge difference in art quality, I'll probably replace it later as well. Her first scene got slightly adjusted to fit the CGs better.
- New CG for the earthspirit sex scene in the forest near Ebron. [The CG remakes can be seen at the CG room!]
- The cowgirl Maxine appears at the Whisperwind farm after you've captured and released at least 3 cowgirls. She only has a short dialog so far.
- The book next to your bed now has the option to reset Irinlia's events (the Millwater murder case). The option for a "good path" was added to the end of these events, which happens when you give her to the soldiers rather than throwing her into your dungeon to rape her. Currently this only brings her to the Ironholm prison, but I want to add more "good path" events for her later. Also, Tsubaki's wound during the event with Irinlia isn't permanent anymore. Instead it's a debuff that reduces her max health until you removed it, for example by sleeping.
- The player now has the option not to rape Moriko during the chase of a criminal with her. (There is no reset for her events, as they don't change the outcome). The choice, whether to rape her or not, at the end of the chase now determines whether you leave her on the good or bad path. It's not possible to rape her anymore after making the choice to let her be.
- The CG scene for the custom girl of last years Christmas special is now done! Enjoy having fun with the girl of your dreams~
- I made a new system to save the party formation whenever the party is split, for example at the bathhouse. I had to manually apply it everywhere, so hopefully I haven't forgotten any places. :D
- I added a kiss during the dialog with Sandra before her first time events.
- Fixed some bugs, including problems with the butcher and research on the overview map.
- Fixed spelling mistakes.



Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
The new update 20.02.08 is now available at MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!CpQXwBDS!wwZlWRrPWoGzZX5h0-MlRQ

The main purpose of this update is to fix bugs during the events with Naevy and Moriko. If your party disappeared after the events with Naevy, you can enter and leave the bathhouse to reset your party back to normal.

As little extra, I also added the CG scene for the weak mummy girl.


May 28, 2019
now i may have to start over because i screwed the cop girl just to get her pic to show up now she is on the path of evil. i am tring for a good path just wish you could get the one girl in the dungeon on a good path his brothers girl.


New Member
Mar 2, 2020
Hi, can someone tell me how to change the kingdom polices? i cant remember how lol.. (like increase taxes etc)


New Member
Mar 2, 2020
hi thanks, i found him.. for some reason i was thinking it was papers in the bedroom lol..

so i got another question.. i got the quest Magic License to get the silver license for Chiyo.. i goto the training area and cant seem to trigger the test? not sure what to do..


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
hi thanks, i found him.. for some reason i was thinking it was papers in the bedroom lol..

so i got another question.. i got the quest Magic License to get the silver license for Chiyo.. i goto the training area and cant seem to trigger the test? not sure what to do..
The walkthrough explains every event with requirements step by step for main characters. ;)
The quest "Magic License" starts with 45+ relationship after you "catched" her while changing in her room.


New Member
Mar 2, 2020
The walkthrough explains every event with requirements step by step for main characters. ;)
The quest "Magic License" starts with 45+ relationship after you "catched" her while changing in her room.
Hi and thanks for the reply :)

Yeah I had a look at the walkthrough to get help for that but it didnt really help.. like.. I had the scene where she was changing and the relationship is 60+ (cant remember just know its over 60) and i have the quest in my log... but when i go to the small building next to the fort that has all the papers etc.. I cant get it to activate.. like.. i talk to the lady in the back and she goes on a few things.. ending with that i have to wait a few days before doing the next level.... i went back to the castle and slept 5 times and came back and she says the same thing.. so im a little lost..

also.. loving the game... not sure when the version im playing came out (only started playing it a few days ago) but any idea when more of the main story will come out? it has me hooked now lol.. is there any current way to make the other countries alliance with you or is that with the main story continuation? how about any way to take over other countries? sorry i know a lot of questions all in one lol..

i was kinda excited when the queen asked about marriage... was kinda hoping for the option to do it and bring her country into mine and have me the ruler of it to lol..


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016
Hi and thanks for the reply :)

Yeah I had a look at the walkthrough to get help for that but it didnt really help.. like.. I had the scene where she was changing and the relationship is 60+ (cant remember just know its over 60) and i have the quest in my log... but when i go to the small building next to the fort that has all the papers etc.. I cant get it to activate.. like.. i talk to the lady in the back and she goes on a few things.. ending with that i have to wait a few days before doing the next level.... i went back to the castle and slept 5 times and came back and she says the same thing.. so im a little lost..

also.. loving the game... not sure when the version im playing came out (only started playing it a few days ago) but any idea when more of the main story will come out? it has me hooked now lol.. is there any current way to make the other countries alliance with you or is that with the main story continuation? how about any way to take over other countries? sorry i know a lot of questions all in one lol..

i was kinda excited when the queen asked about marriage... was kinda hoping for the option to do it and bring her country into mine and have me the ruler of it to lol..
Sleeping does never advance the time for something. A message like that only means you don't have all requirements to start the next step. Are you sure you had the dialog with Chiyo at the sleeping chamber to start the silver exam quest line?

The version number is in the year-month-day format, so you can always easily tell how old a version is. The release date is also shown in the title screen. ^^
The main story is on hold, and will be for a longer time. I need to finish everything I started before I can advance the time and take the next big steps. Alliances and war are also in this group of things that are on hold until I get other stuff done.


New Member
Mar 2, 2020
Sleeping does never advance the time for something. A message like that only means you don't have all requirements to start the next step. Are you sure you had the dialog with Chiyo at the sleeping chamber to start the silver exam quest line?

The version number is in the year-month-day format, so you can always easily tell how old a version is. The release date is also shown in the title screen. ^^
The main story is on hold, and will be for a longer time. I need to finish everything I started before I can advance the time and take the next big steps. Alliances and war are also in this group of things that are on hold until I get other stuff done.

Hi thanks for the reply again :)

Yeah, I walked in.. she was getting changed.. i went back in and spoke to her she was fine.. came back a little later and spoke to her when the relationship with her was about 55.. she spoke to me and gave me the quest to help her get the silver license.. when i talk to her atm she just tells me where to go..

ah ok then yeah im playing current version.. I also get things waiting until others are done was just wondering how close it was lol.. i also get these kind of things take time.. :)

So sleeping does not effect this quest? i dont know what to do.. i might just go start a new save.. do a few things different haha..


May 28, 2019
hay ryen i have a question when will we get to have some fun with all the girls in the other village south of the desert. plue's well we get to wet are whisle with the water spirit too. the game is really good is there going to be a way to change the one chickes mind in your dungen are is she going to hate you for ever lol. sorry about my crappy spelling never liked school it was to boring.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2019
Is there any chance this game will ever be uploaded into newgrounds? As the website I played this game on just auto deleted my save... Which I put 11 hours into :S
Know there is download option but.... I legit do not feel safe or comfortable with downloading games unless it's on steam.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2016

The update 20.03.02 is now available!

- If your quest with Sandra for Bob didn't finish due to a bug in the last update, talking with Sandra will mark the quest as done now.
- Removed the Christmas elves, but you can replay all Christmas scenes at the note in the sleeping chamber.
- The CG scene for the weak mummy was added to the CG room.
- Added a reset option for Lace to bring her back to the start of the secret prison events. From there you now have the option of her good path. There are no CG scenes for her good path yet, nor does she get out of the prison yet.
- New event with Hellhound. It starts in the volcano in Amagal where you find orangium for Vampire, when you have Hellhound's and Vampire's events advanced far enough.

--- Downloads ---
Hi-Drive: https://my.hidrive.com/share/ijp41t-our
MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!CpQXwBDS!wwZlWRrPWoGzZX5h0-MlRQ

hay ryen i have a question when will we get to have some fun with all the girls in the other village south of the desert. plue's well we get to wet are whisle with the water spirit too. the game is really good is there going to be a way to change the one chickes mind in your dungen are is she going to hate you for ever lol. sorry about my crappy spelling never liked school it was to boring.
Do you mean the elf village Orchel? All the elves there will get some fun with Ryen eventually. :) Same for the water spirit. If you played the game for a while, you'll notice that I don't leave any girls untoched. XD It just takes a lot of time to get content for them all.
Lace get's the option to reset her events and go on her good path in the update I posted above. ;)

Is there any chance this game will ever be uploaded into newgrounds? As the website I played this game on just auto deleted my save... Which I put 11 hours into :S
Know there is download option but.... I legit do not feel safe or comfortable with downloading games unless it's on steam.
Last time I checked newsground didn't support games with such a large file size as Renryuu. Not sure if that was the only reason, but back then I came to the conclusion that the game won't get posted on newsground.
But I have a browser version available at gamejolt, if you prefer not to download it.