Return to Mareth (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[Yeah... Totally unrelated. XD I'm sure everyone will be happy to see him get a few tentacles up his butt... And the answer to your "totally unrelated" question is no. :p]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[Defy Danger with Wisdom 3+5+2= 10 ...barely, but I did it!]

Not letting the horrible creature distract her, she jumps to the side at just the right moment to avoid the grabbing tendrils. "How do we kill such a creature!? I don't think any of us carry fire!" She lifts her mace and casts Magic weapon! [1+1+2= 4 lol nope] But it fizzles in her hand due to her confused mental state. "Curses... come on cassey, focus!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[Oh sure, lets just... light my steel mace on fire... that is how this works right? You can just stick it in and pull out a fire weapon?]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[No, you can pull out a chunk of wood that isn't burning at one end, and toss it onto the monster. That's what I was planning to do if MY LUCK HADN'T FAILED ME.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(Defy Danger: 6+6+2 xD)

Elliana effortlessly dodges the grasping, phallic vines, leaping in the direction of the fallen treant. She pulls out her spear and thrusts it into the dark eye of the treant. (Does the treant count as restrained, or do I need to hack and slash?)


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
[Defy danger: 1,5,+1 Total:7 Waaaaaaah... that's cutting very very close.]

Mina drew her oversized great sword keeping it low near the ground, trying her best to keep track of the vines before dashing in towards the lumbering giant... or she would have done so if she didn't get one of her feet tripped by the encircling vines. As she came crushing in the sand, another two or three of the phallic vines lashed at her but she managed to roll to the side and jump back to her feet. "Waaaaah... too close."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Draanok was the first to feel the grip of the treant's tentacles. As the things lashed at him, his fighter's instinct forced him to raise his arms to block. Only too late did he realize the folly of the move as the corrupted vines coiled around his arms, holding them tight. Meanwhile, several other tentacles slithered in from behind him and latched onto his ankles. With a swift tug, Draanok was pulled off his feet and yanked taut, suspended in the air. He was not the only one, either. Isaac's legs and abdomen had been ensnared, and he was being steadily dragged toward the greater mass of tentacles, as he batted futilely at the one on his legs with his bow. Mina had nearly suffered the same fate as the boys when her foot was caught, but to her relief Carla snatched the tentacle holding her and brought it to her mouth, where her serrated teeth easily cut through the thing. "Careful, little girl," she barked.

Meanwhile, Castella, and Elliana, burst through the wall of tentacles to confront the sitting tree-man together. Even on its ass, the treant was a good deal taller than either of them, and Elliana had to jump just to reach its head with her spear. Just as she though the tip of her weapon was about to hit home, the treant's hand shot up and caught the weapon mere inches from its face. Then seeing Castella trying to call upon magic, it lifted the spear along with Elliana into the air and tossed them at Castella. The two of them went down in a heap together, and the treant let out a rumbling chuckle as Castella actually ended up on top of Elliana; the smaller woman's face buried squarely in her large bosom.

[Well, that first round wasn't so bad now, was it? Everybody keep in mind that when you roll a six or lower on anything other than damage, you get a point of XP. In case it wasn't clear, the treant is not restrained, it just can't move from its current location. Draanok needs to Defy Danger again to get out of the tentacles grip, or things are going to get worse for him. Now, what does the party do next?]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(So... lemme get this straight. Since I don't roll, he's restrained, which means he should go down like nothing. If he's not restrained, I need to roll to determine the outcome of the Hack and Slash. Which is it?)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
[Sorry if I'm explaining this badly, Woider. Kinda' tired at the moment. No, the treant is not restrained, he's just rooted in place. So, you have to roll Hack and Slash to hit him, but if you move away from him, he can't follow you without disengaging the tentacles that are trying to get frisky with the rest of the party.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
(He is not restrained, as in he can still fight, but he can not move as he is using his tentacles in the ground which roots him in place.)

"Ooof! I'm sorry Elliana!" She gets off her lover and helps her to her feet before looking around with her eyes falling to the fire "Elliana, light your arrows on fire and shoot him! I will try to keep him off you!" She raises her mace and casts Magic Weapon again! (3+5+2=10 Woo!) Her weapon glows with the silver light of the moon! "Yes! Second try!" She charges the creature and swings her mace [Hack and Slash 6+6= 12 HOLY!) and slams her mace into the creature! [4 melee, 3 magic, 7 damage total]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"That won't work! Too small a flame!" She yells, before rapidly pulling her bow and loosening at an arrow at the treant. (5+4+2 = 11) It connects with the creature's hollow eyesocket for (1d8... 6 damage).

(This is not a called shot, just flavour text)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Draanok squirmed in the grip of the tentacles, two of the things slithered up his pant legs and poked out above his belt, before gripping the leather strap and pulling his breeches down; underwear and all. With a swift yank, the tentacles wrapped around his ankles pulled his legs apart, putting his manhood on display for all to see. Isaac received much the same treatment, his leather armor being pulled off by the multitude of tentacles, until he was as naked as the day he was born. "Little help!" he cried, as his legs were forced open, and his arms tied behind his back.

Meanwhile, outside the ring of tentacles, the resounding crack of metal against wood rang through the air as Castella's mace hammered into the side of the treant, splintering its woody armor, and revealing soft spongy flesh underneath. Before it could retaliate, however, Elliana's arrow streaked through the air, planting itself in one of the monster's eyes. It rolled on its haunches and roared in agony as it clutched its face.

[Thank you for clarifying for me Floozer. So, what does the party do next?]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Nooooope! Nopenopenopenopenopenope!" Draanok yells, squirming and struggling in the grip of the tentacles and trying to break free, but he knew it was useless.
But, he could still help. Sort of.
"Mina! The fire! Grab one of those pieces of wood shove it in the hole if you can!" He yells.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Thanks!" The bunny girl shouted without shifting her gaze to the ferocious display of the shark woman. "Owe you one!" The grin in her face telling of how excited the small barbarian was. She would have gladly gone into a frenzy is the rogue's advice did not sound so darn adequate at the moment. Fire had messed up the seed, maybe it would work on the treant after all.

She summersalted backwards almost theatrically as she landed right next the small fire they had going. She did her best to kick some ember up towards where the rogue was being menacingly raised ( Generic move to help out?: 5+1+1dex... sorry, you're gonna be deflowered it seems =/) before taking two of the longer burning brands and investing towards the main body of the wooden monster. ( HnS: 7+6+2, 7+1 dmg)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Elliana takes a deep breath and fires twice, now into the exposed fleshy interior of the treant. (4+5+2 = 11, 5+2+2 = 9) The first shot connects with the vulnerable spot. (1d8... 4 damage) and the second goes off by a little, hitting a more protected spot (1d8 - 1d6... 4-5... so no damage on the second one.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Castella, and Elliana, were distracted from their attacks for a moment as the tiny terror, Mina, rushed past them toward the towering monster. The creature's massive fist came down like a thunderbolt, leaving a small crater in the sand, but Mina wasn't there. Stepping to the side, she hopped into the treant's lap and danced up its stomach to plunge the burning stick into its second eye. She was forced to jump back, landing between Castella, and Elliana, as flames erupted from the treant's face and raced across its body as if it were made of tinder, coving the monster in fire in short order.

The treant roared and rose to its feet, tearing loose from the vines protruding from is lower half. The vines holding Draanok, and Isaac, suddenly went limp, dropping them unceremoniously to the ground. Meanwhile, the treant batted and clawed at its burning body, tearing chunks of its bark of and flinging them aside in a blazing shower until it had removed the burning armor and stood there completely uncovered. Beneath the hard wooden armor was a white fleshy mass that expanded as the creature readjusted to being out of its shell. Its basic shape was still the same; a barrel shaped body supported on two stubby legs, with long spindly arms reaching near to the ground. What had changed, however, was its head. The creature's cranium expanded and stretched outward into a wide circular cap, almost like... a mushroom. Sure enough, the treant standing before them was no plant, but a fungus; complete with a toadstool cap for a head. One of its eyes was indeed put out, but the other, though singed around the edge, regarded the group with unabashed fury, as its now revealed mouth opened into a toothless roar, and the behemoth charged.

[Kei take a point of XP for that failed roll, which would have been Defy Danger. Angel, you're free so make the most of it. Now, what does the party do next?]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[I hope I stay that way lol. :p]
[9! Finally!]

Draanok immediately unsheathes his swords. "Okay! We got it exposed! All we gotta do is slice it up!" He yells, running right at the treant and making three wide slashes across its body, two of them hitting for 5 and 6 damage, before jumping back.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[Darn... he got out... I mean yay! Lucky Draanok!]

"A mushroom? It was a giant mushroom in wooden armor?" Cassey asks while shaking her head "Oh never mind, it is still angry!" She swings her mace again, aiming for it's spongey body to bring it down to size. [HnS 4+2=6] Of course, she some how manages to miss spectacularly.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Castella charged the massive mushroom, only to be blindsided by its long arm reaching around her and seizing her by the waist. The creature lifted her towards its gaping mouth, head first, but just before it could bite down, Draanok's swords sunk deep into its belly, and sliced outward, splitting its belly open. The creature dropped Castella immediately, clutching at the open wound before finally toppling onto its side and laying still. A final gurgle escaped its mouth and the spawn of Marae disintegrated into a cloud of purple smoke, leaving behind only a few of the white spores that dotted its cap.

[Congratulations, the party defeated the enemy. Everyone gets one XP for discovering the fungal spawn of Marae, and the party gets six mushroom spores.]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[Darn it. She escaped!]

Draanok pants heavily before keeling over and falling onto his back.
"Fuck... That... Shit..." He groans.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
[wow, spiteful much]

She lands with a thud, grunting at the impact. "Ugh... I suppose that works out as well."