Return to Mareth (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Ugh, because you tried to cut my neck the first time we met so of course we will blame you before anything else. you are a violent, rude and demanding person with no redeming qualities other than your ability to hurt other people and that doesn't do you any good either!" She pushes past him and checks the cow woman for any injuries or possible demon taint.

( Discern reality, 6+1+2 =9, what is wrong with her if anything?)


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yes, well, that's because I fucking hate clerics!" He snaps at her, loud enough for the entire camp to hear, before walking off back to the forest, muttering to himself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Ugh... stay here, I'm going after him. Not just gonna let him dump this... cow off like that and expect us to take of care of her." She says, following him into the woods.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
She finds him up in a tree, tossing his knife up in the air and catching it on the way down. He catches sight of her approaching, and looks down.
"What do you want? Come here to accuse me again like that slut cleric of yours? Haven't you made my life miserable enough already?" He snarls.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"I don't even know who you are, so how about you tell me, first and foremost? Atleast before you begin to bark orders like I'm some kind of child." She glares back. "I'm Elliana. Elliana Quinta."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He glared down at her for a long moment before looking away. "Draanok. Formerly Lawrence Marek." He mutters.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Lawrence? That sounds like a very human name... wait, you were... you were human once, weren't you?" She asks.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"..... Yes. I was. And I hated it." He says, leaning his head back against the trunk of the tree. He suddenly seems rather tired and worn out. Then, he takes a deep breath before letting the beans spill, after almost twenty years keeping it in...

"I wasn't from your area. I originally lived in a land far, far away from yours. I had a happy, peaceful life. For ten years, we lived in peace and contentment. That is... Until the church of Ecthain came along." His face twitches, a sneer making its way onto his face for a moment before dying away.
"They just... Popped up out of nowhere, knocking on the gates of our town, and asking for shelter for a while. They ended up staying. At first, they were rather harmless, only talking among themselves, and to whoever went there to find out more about their religion. Within a year or two, they came to become the major religion in our town, and... That's when they showed their true face..." He takes a breath before continuing.
"They called us misguided heathens... Pagans of an old, dead god. We worshipped someone else back then..." He murmurs, his hand briefly touching his small pouch before returning to the hilt of his shortsword. "Anyway... My mother and father... They were priests of the old god. Now there was, of course, an uneasy truce between us and them. And it didn't last long. In a grab for power, the leader, Father Otis, commanded that all the heathens must be purged. They... They broke down my door, and dragged my mother, kicking and screaming, out onto the street. They took her to their temple, then proceed to rape her, with each member taking a turn, before they finally skinned her alive, and then burned her body at the stake for the whole town to see." He closes his eyes for a moment.
"My father was out with my little sister, and I had been hiding at home when I saw those Ecthainists coming. That's... How I saw it all. Anyway... My father, he grabbed me from the house, and we immediately fled, taking one of his horses and riding it all the way to a nearby town. There, we got a lodging at an inn... And we settled into an uneasy sleep. I believe I was... What, thirteen or fourteen at the time... And my sister was twelve." He shakes his head, then takes another breath before continuing.
"Early next morning, a strange feeling woke me up, and I could not see my father. But... I heard yelling from the street. I immediately ran to a window and cracked it open, just in time to see these Ecthainists dragging my father away, and a few more... My neighbours, I later realised... Storming into the inn. I immediately grabbed my sister's hand and ran, barely making it to the back door without being seen. We got on the horse, and then we were on the road again... We rode and rode for ages... Two days passed, and we were hungry and thirsty, but I was too scared to stop. I finally did only when my sister began begging and pleading for food. That's when we stopped, ate some berries, and drank our full from a nearby stream before continuing. Sometime later, the horse died from overexertion, and we decided to hoof it. I walked and walked and walked... Carrying my sister when she was too tired to move... And finally collapsing by the side of road." He takes another breath before continuing.
"A merchant from your town happened to be passing by, and picked us up. Then, he took us to a doctor and left us there before continuing on his way. One thing led to another, and my sister and I wound up in an orphanage. I was practically living on the streets then, since the orphanage had no money. I had to keep body and soul together. And that of my sister too. Having no marketable skills, I turned to a life of crime. Stealing, pickpocketing, basically doing whatever I could to get money. Fast forward to around... Nine years down the line. My sister... Was found murdered. And I was blamed, since I happened to be in the area, and... I didn't have an alibi. I was cleared, later, but... It stayed with me. I started doing odd jobs, trying to live up to the last words she ever told me. She wanted me to go straight again... And... That's how I wound up here." He says, bringing the tale to a conclusion.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"No idea. Found her getting raped by a bunch of imps. Killed most of them." He lets a slightly sadistic grin slide onto his face. "Then, I dragged her back here. Don't know why. I guess she's alone out here." He says, shrugging.
"Oh, and..." He looks down at her with a glare. "If that damn cleric finds out about any of what I just told you... I'll hurt you. Bad." He says, narrowing his eyes at her.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"That's more than enough." He says, grinning, but not the fun kind. "Don't tell that cleric... And I won't have to hurt you. The bunny and the spider boy are fine. Deal?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"No. Because you don't strike me as someone I would ever want to make deals with. Goodbye, Draanok." She says, before turning to leave.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Riiiight. Walk away like a coward!" He says to her back, laughing cruelly as she walks away.
"Ahhhh... Stupid bitch. Why did she even come here, then?" He grumbles to himself, before his hand drifts to his pouch, and he takes out the little pendant that had he had hidden in there. He immediately sobers up as he looks at it, then back at Elliana. He knew he should apologize, but... Why? It felt good... It felt good to hurt people, like the world had hurt him... But again... It was wrong. He was supposed to be working with them. Not fighting them...


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"He is just gonna keep showing up, won't he?" The bunny hoped along the cleric trying to assist her in some manner. "Lost child in dire need of a spank and a hug afterwards. Mina likes spanking but not the kind that he needs. Think she will be alright, Cassie?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Castella examined the bova, she noticed something strange. A lump in her belly, just above her mons, as if something large had been inserted into her womanhood. As she worked, Carla squatted on the other side of the cow-woman, resting her elbows on her knees. "Aw, no hello for me?" she asked, with feigned hurt in her voice. "I thought you'd at least miss me a little." Carla adjusted her position to angle her pelvis just enough to let Castella peek behind her hanging loincloth, and catch sight of her half erect phallus. It was every bit as huge as Castella remembered it, the tip nearly brushing the sandy ground as it swayed between Carla's legs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I'm sorry Carla, I didn't mean to be rude but when I see someone in obvious trouble I tend to focus on them." She looks up at her and smiles warmly "It is very good to see you. You will be very happy to know that our child is healthy and strong. I couldn't ask you about names so I went with Natalie. So far she looks like a shark skinned human but that may change... I don't know how growing up works here."

She looks back down and frowns at the cow. "There is... something inside of this woman, like an object deep inside of her... womanhood." She looks down at the cows crotch "We have to take it out..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Inside?" The bunny's ear twitched with a small whimper. "Like..? Not cool!"

Someone was going to have and take it out, might as well get it done as soon as possible and her hands were the smallest ones around so... "Mina hopes you will forgive her for not buying you dinner first." The barbarian slowly inserted her small hand up the lactabovine trying to reach for whatever it was.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As much as Carla wanted to say to Castella, she was absorbed by the spectacle in front of her as Mina rolled up her sleeve and went to work. To Mina's surprise, she got the first four fingers in without any resistance whatsoever; likely dew to the twin facts that the lactabova was much larger than an average girl, almost seven feet in height, and the fact that she was likely used to taking the mammoth shlongs of minotaurs. Deeper, and deeper, Mina reached, past her wrist, and all the way up to her elbow, before her hand finally impacted something hard, round, and as big as a baseball. Doing her best to wrap her fingers around the object, she drew her hand back with a long sucking sensation, as if the bova's pussy didn't want to let go. In fact, rather than cringing or wincing, the cow-woman let out a low moan as she was penetrated once again. Finally, with one last mighty pull, Mina freed her hand with a loud wet pop.

Looking at the object in her dripping hand, Mina found that it was definitely organic in nature. It looked like it was made of wood, and had the dark pitted surface of a peach pit, but was far larger than any seed she had ever seen. Upon revealing it, Carla's eyes widened in shock, and she tried to snatch it from Mina. "It's a seed of Marae!" she shouted. "Throw it in the fire!" she cried.

Meanwhile, as Draanok sat in his tree, a sudden slight tremor shook his perch. Then another, and another. Each time the shaking got a little more powerful, as if the earth were shuddering in tune to some distant beat. Looking deeper into the forest, he spotted something that made him swallow hard. In the distance, the tops of trees were bending left and right, as if they were being pushed past by something very big.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuckity fucking fuuuuck! He immediately scrambles down the tree and runs for the camp. Whatever it was was way too big for him to handle.

"Oi! Massive giant thing coming this way! Get ready for a fight!" He screams.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Elliana jumps up and readies her bow, notching an arrow and aiming in the direction of the scream. "What?! What is it?!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Don't fucking know! But it's big!" He yells back, his eyes wide as he grabs his swords and unsheathes them, for what little good it would do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Looking at the seed sent shivers down her spine and she was quick to grab the seed and throw it in the fire pit. Draanok running over in fear made something click in her mind. "Oh sweet moon preserve us... was this woman a trap all along?!" She cried, getting to her feet and raising her mace. "Did that seed call this giant?!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Seed? What seed!?" Draanok yells before catching sight of the thing in the fire. His eyes widen. "Oh shit. This is not good..." He groans, gulping as he turns to face whatever is coming through the trees.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Mina looked down to the seed in her hand and curious as the bunny girl might be, they couldn't afford the time to experiment if whatever was coming was as large as it sounded like. "Here goes nothing!" she exclaimed as the tossed the small object in the fire. "But Mina does this under protest!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As the party readied themselves for battle, the hissing and popping noises of the seed in the fire were suddenly drowned out by the sound of splintering branches and thunderous footfalls, as a creature as tall as a tree burst from the edge of the forest, and stepped down onto the beach. It was shaped like a man, with to legs, two arms, and a head, but that was where the resemblance ended. The thing's entire body was covered in moss-spattered bark like that of a tree. It plodded forward on two stumpy legs that were much too short for its size, causing its comparatively spindly arms to brush the ground with its knuckles as it walked. From the top of its head, as well as its hunched shoulders, grew branches like those of the forest canopy; save that the leaves were as black as midnight. Despite its skewed proportions, and sinister foliage, the most unnerving feature of the tree-man was its eyes; black, sunken pits in the front of its head, from which emanated a dark purple light. The thing sniffed the air a few times before its gaze zeroed in on the campsite.

"It's a twisted treant!" cried Carla. "The spawn of Marae!"

At the sound of Carla's warning, the treant fell onto its backside, and innumerable vines sprung from its feet and hindquarters, to burrow into the sand around it. At once the sand around the camp erupted into twisting writhing vines that reached almost to the overhang they were camped under. The fleshy stalks lashed and coiled at the air trying to find purchase on anything they could grab. And all at once the party noticed that most of the vines possessed bulbous tips, that looked very familiar to anyone who had seen a man's nethers before.

[Okay, each member of the party needs to make a Defy Danger roll to avoid getting snared by the tendrils, before they make any other actions. Please limit yourselves to three moves between each of my posts while we're in combat, unless you roll a six or lower on anything, in which case stop so I can describe what happens to you. With that out of the way... What does the party do?]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[What does the party do? Preferably run for their lives. *Nervous laugh*]

[Defy Danger: Rolled a 5. Seriously? My luck chooses to fail me NOW!?]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
[Well, hopefully others will do better. Let's wait and see, before we continue. On an unrelated note, has Draanok ever been with another man?] :smuggo: