Return to Mareth (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her eyes widened and she gasps loudly as the tip of the dildo along with 3 inches of it slip easily into her ass which earns a loud moan from the plush priestess below Whitney "Oooooh goddess! Why does that feel so good?!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Hmm, looks like someone likes having her back door played with," said Whitney. "Well, lets see how you like this." Placing her thumb on the end of the smaller dildo, she pushed forward, sinking another four inches into Castella's rear; stopping once she reached the small knot at the base. "Now, take a deep breath, hun." Pressing her palm against the circular base, Whitney gave one more firm push, and the knot slipped past Castella's anus, lodging in place.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Cassey lets out a high pitched squeal of bliss as her ass is stuffed full of fake dog dick, her body convulsing with pleasure as she suddenly hits orgasm, sparying her above average load all over the bed below her while her pussy squeezed and tugged on the didlo inside of it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Whitney pulled hard on the ropes circling Castella's waist, burying her strap-on as deep as she could as her friend climaxed. Feeling Castella's female juices spray against her thighs brought a look of glee to Whitney's face. "Well! Looks like someone likes it in the backdoor, alright." Falling onto her backside, Whitney let Castella slump onto her side, the horse dildo sliding out of her with a wet pop. As she sat there, Whitney looked at Castella's deflating cock, and got an idea. "Hold still a sec, hon." Reaching for the end of the canine dildo still lodged in Castella's ass, she took hold of the small disc at its end and gave it a firm wiggle while pulling up. The pointed tip of the toy was suddenly pushing down on, and tickling, a part of Castella that she didn't even know she had; her prostate. Whitney smiled to herself as Castella's dick reinflated like a party balloon. "Don't go fallin' asleep on me now. You still got work to do," she said, as she slowly spread her legs, revealing her own drenched womanhood.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She groans loudly as her cock is forced back up to full mast and she looks over at Whitney's soaking went cunt. She nods and gets back up to her knees, reaching a hand over to rub at her slit while the other rests on the panties holding the fake cock in place "You gotta lose this first..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unbuckling the leather strap, Whitney slipped out of the harness and tossed it to the side. With her muff uncovered, the heat radiating off of it was palpable. Whitney spread her legs again, holding them out so straight that she was practically doing the splits. "Alright, hun, I'm all yours."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Mmm, yes you are." She suddenly dives forward and drags her tongue up Whitney's slit, sucking on her little clit before pushing her tongue inside of her and swirling it around.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Whitney's hands clasped on the back of Castella's head, and she let out a low groan. "Ooh yeah, work that tongue, baby."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She swirls her tongue around inside of Whitney's sopping wet cunt for a few minutes before pulling herself back and giving Whitney a shove so she falls onto the bed back first. With a grin she lines up her throbbing cock and pushes it inside with a loud moan of bliss.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As Elliana and Mina continued to examine the boat, a flicker of movement caught Mina's attention out in the water. She couldn't be sure, but she thought it looked like a fin disappearing beneath the waves.

As Draanok sat in his tree, he thought he heard something on the wing coming from the direction the vine beast had wondered off in. It almost sounded like shouting.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"What in tarnation...? Can't a guy just relax in his fucking tree for five minutes without some stupid shit happening!?" He growls to himself before getting to his knees on the branch and trying to discern the source of the shouting.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Draanok was able to pick out the sound of a woman's voice, or at least her grunts and groans, as well as several other voices talking and laughing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
His bony ears flick in the direction of the sounds, and he frowns a little. Sounded like someonewas getting fucked. Could be a random orgy... But it also could be demons. He had to check it out...
He slowly climbs down the tree, before carefully making his way to the source of the sounds, trying to stay hidden.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Oi, Ellie." She called the other girl's attention before jumping out of the boat and up the pier for higher ground. "Mina thinks there is company about."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Company?" She replies with a raised eyebrow. "You mean from the water?" She asks, following her just in case. "I hope it's not another of those anemone... I don't want a third stinging."


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Yes, from the water." She kept her eyes searching for movement. "Looked more like one of those shark girls. Maybe."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Oh, like Clara? Or was it Carla? I can't really remember, to be honest." Elliana says, peering out over the lake from their position. (Discern Realities roll... 3+5+2 = 10, so 3 questions. What is about to happen? What should I be on the lookout for? What here is not what appears to be?)


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Draanok picked his way through the underbrush, the sounds of getting louder as he went. Sure enough it was the sound of people in mid coitus, and not too far away. [Defy Danger to avoid detection.]

As Elliana and Mina watched, the fin broke the surface again, this time much closer. Now they could clearly see that it was not the black and green striped pattern of a mutant shark, but the dull grey of a normal one. It slipped back beneath the waves as it closed the distance with the dock, and for a moment nothing happened. Then a pair of eyes peeked over the edge, and a familiar voice called out. "Oh, it's you again." Carla climbed up onto the dock in all her sopping wet glory. Towering over the two much smaller women, her long wet hair hung around her face, and the only piece of clothing she wore, her loin cloth, clung to her like a wet tissue, outlining her considerable equipment for all to see. "Elliana, right?" she asked, looking to the ranger, as she wrang out her hair.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
[6 + 2 (Assuming DEX would be an appropriate modifier.) Also, side note. You didn't reply to Floozer's post.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The bunny's eyes darted to Elliana as she jumped back making some ground between her and the newcomer. "Do you know her, Ellie?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Yeah, I do. Hey Carla." She smiles, walking over to her. "By the way, I got some great news for you."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
[Thank you for the reminder Arch.]

Whitney half moaned, half yelped as Castella thrust forward. To her surprise, she slid inside Whitney with incredible ease, burying herself to the hilt with little resistance.

"Don't worry, little bunny, I don't bite," said Carla, pulling her lips back in a big toothy grin. "Now, what's this about news?"

Draanok picked his way through the woods, avoiding the odd fallen branch, and sticking to the cover of the underbrush. Dropping to his stomach to avoid detection, he closed the last few meters to the source of the commotion. Peeking through the leaves of the bush he was under, he was treated to quite the sight. At least a dozen imps and glimmerlings were flitting through the air and perched in the branches of nearby trees surrounding a restrained figure on the ground. The figure turned out to be an enormous woman with cow-like features. She was easily eight feet tall, at least she would be standing up, with incredible curves. Small bovine horns curled up from the sides of her human-like face, piercing a wild mop of brown hair. Her heaving breasts were each bigger than Draanok's head, and her massive hips and ass looked like they could nock a door down if she swung them hard enough. Her long fur-covered legs ended in bovine hooves, and a whip-like tail lashed underneath her.

Wrapped around the Lactabova's arms were what looked like the roots of trees, holding them out to her sides and pinning her to the ground. Meanwhile, several thick vines were tied around her legs and secured to nearby trees; holding them open. Between those legs a bright red imp thrust furiously into her exposed womanhood, while a line of eight more imps and glimmerlings stood behind him, cocks stoked to throbbing erectness, as they glance around each other and urged their companion to hurry up. At the same time, the Bova's mouth was occupied by the petite cock of a blue-haired glimmerling sitting on her face, and each of her breasts had the lips of an imp latched onto the nipple, and suckling greedily. After a few more thrusts, the imp between her legs went rigid and spasmed as he reached his climax. No sooner had he finished then he was thrown aside by the glimmerling behind him, who eagerly took his place. Though it all, the Bova writhed and groaned in a mix of pleasure and anguish as she was repeatedly violated by the smaller demons.

Overseeing the whole spectacle was a larger than average glimmerling with flowing red hair, and surprisingly modest curves for her kind. She sat on a tiny chair carved from an old stump, and wore a leotard made from vines, and leaves. As the other demons molested the Bova, she spoke loud enough for all to head. "Good, good, keep it coming. The seed needs more water to bloom." As she spoke, the glimmerling came hard before moving to make way for the next participant. In that moment, Draanok got a good look at the Bova's pussy. Despite being puffy and pink, clearly the group had been at this for some time, not a drop of semen escaped from between her folds before yet another dick was forced between them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
His eyes widen at the sight, and his hands unconsciously drop to his swords. But no... A flat out fight right here would be dangerous, to say the least... Instead, he looks about for something to aid him in the fight that was soon to come.

[Discern Realities: 7. What around here can be useful to me?]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The bova, herself would likely have a few things to say to her captors if her restraints were cut, and imps were notoriously cowardly, prone to fleeing the field when their leaders were slain. Beyond that, there was enough cover to let him get to within a short sprint of the large group of off guard demons waiting in line, and the trees could make for decent cover if it came to ranged weapons. As Draanok surveyed the scene, yet another imp emptied his balls into the restrained cow-woman before being replaced by another glimmerling. Suddenly, he noticed the sexual charge in the air that usually accompanied demon orgies, as corrupted energy was released in into the surroundings, and he felt himself becoming hard in his pants. [Take 4 lust damage.]


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Crap. This wasn't going to take much longer before... He shakes his head, trying to clear it, then focuses his gaze on the glimmering sitting on the chair. She was clearly the leader here... And with that thought, he unsheathes his blades and charges out, heading right for her!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The lead glimmerling's eyes widened in shock at Draanok's sudden appearance; as did the eyes of every other demon in the area. "Intruder!" she shrieked."Capture him, and add his water to the seed!" she commanded.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Well, Castella did give birth to a healthy young hybrid girl... herm. We named her Natalie, and luckily we found a babysitter for her in Tel'kara whilst were out here again." Elliana smiles.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Not if I can fucking help it!" He yells back, swinging his swords around as he heads straight for the leader, trying to close the distance between them before she can do anything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Mina can see the little one's good looks came from both parents." The bunny tried to flash a toothy grin. "Nice to meet ya. Mina is the name."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"She's a friend, don't worry. A bit of a ditz, but that just adds to her charm." She adds, before putting an arm around the bunnygirl's shoulder.