Return to Mareth (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She squeaks lightly at Whitney's blatant desire, wrapping her arms back around her and pushing into the kiss, keeping her lips open for Whitney's tongue just in case. Feeling her partner still dressed, she starts trying to undo her clothes and get her naked as well.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"That's... more... like it." Mina let escape with bated breath between each of the anemone's incisive thrusts. It felt so good to let oneself go and surrender to the mindless drilling of the monster girl. The bunny had her eyes closed shut her small cock sliding against the anemone while still partially coated with semen and her tight but accommodating pussy flooding warm with her own juices and precum. She kept rocking along as she slid her hands on the girls backside and took a hold of the anemone's cute round ass cheeks, slapping them and groping every so often.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Whoa there, honey," said Whitney, breaking the kiss and shooing Castella's hands away from her buttons. "Be fore we get too far, I was wondering if you might be willing to try something a little... different?' she asked.

The anemone didn't let up, hammering into Mina with reckless abandon, until her cock began to swell slightly, and she went rigid.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She raises a brow at that "Different? Different how? What did you have in mind?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Oh, something a little-" Whitney held up the rope she had brought with her. "-Kinky?" she whispered, pleadingly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She blinks and looks a bit nervous "you... want to tie me up with that rope don't you?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The bimbo bunny realized what was happening one or two heartbeats too late. "No! Not insi..." But it was a done deal as the pink anemone huge cock twitched hard and started pumping white hot cum not only inside of her pussy but almost pressed against the barbarian's cervix. That was too much for the bunny to withstand as it triggered her own climax, rope after rope of sticky white flowing both inside of her and between them leaving the girl with the dopiest look and smile on her face. "Ah... now Mina went and did it. Mina is so getting preggers with that." She sounded frustrated but her body and expression betrayed sheer bliss and contentment.

[The way you left it I could have avoided an internal shot but since the anemone, while being friendly and compliant so far, is a monster I decided simply saying no or trying to push her off while under her and in the heat of the moment would not make a lot of sense so... Bun in the oven roll: Roll(2d6)+0: 4,4,+0 Total:8 Is an anemone cock an option in this case?]


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
[Indeed it is, the only question is, do you want it to replace your current penis, or be added next to it. And since it was a pink anemone, it's going to start off fairly big; say a base eight, plus one to four inches.]

The anemone's hips bucked uncontrollably as she came, burying her cock as deep inside Mina as she could, while unloading her seed inside her. After almost a minute of climax, the anemone finally settled down, her cock softening inside Mina. With her work done, she then pulled out of Mina in one swift yank and, without so much as a backwards glance, began making her way back to the water.

"Mmm hmm," replied Whitney, pulling the rope taught. "What do you say, up for trying something a little daring?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
[Upgrade the current one on the next long rest I think, nice inches with three tentacle crowns pattern as the original? The bunny will probably tip forward when she gets erections from now on. =p]

Mina kept heaving with deep breaths, her brain trying to assimilate her current situation as a huge pool of cum formed by her gapped, but quickly closing pussy. She always tried to avoid getting creampied as she did not really intend to raise a child if she could avoid and despite having always been in the clear so far, this time she simply had a feeling that something had changed. The bunny shrugged, doppy smile still on her lips as she added to her colleague watching. "Ellie... ask her if she knows... of a boat or something useful. Mina paid the iron price."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Cassey looks around nervously before sighing. "Ok... fine. But you better let me go if I tell you to... putting a great deal of trust in you by agreeing to this Whitney."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(Sorry for the delay in posting... haven't been well today.)

Elliana walks over, keeping herself out of lunge-distance for fear of another stinging. "So... anemone? Do you know how we can get to the centre of the lake, where that goddess Marae is?" She asks, keeping an eye on any movements the anemone might be making.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The anemone regarded Elliana with only partial interest, before casually motioning further down the beach.

"Oh, don't you worry, I'm not going to tie your hands and feet... just everything else," Whitney assured. "I saw it in one of those weird picture books one time, and I've wanted to try it ever since. Just hold still while I get you set up." Whitney had clearly practiced what she was doing, as she brought the rope to bear in a blur of motion, securing it around Castella's neck and shoulders before crisscrossing it down her body several times over in a diamond pattern that eventually took the rough outline of a leotard. Soon the shibari was complete; the ropes pulled tight across Castella's body. The twin holes that her breasts protruded through wrapped around the base of her teats keeping them slightly squeezed, and the pair of coils slung between her legs pressed snugly against her womanhood and anus before being drawn tightly up between her rear cheeks. Every move she made, even drawing breath, caused the robe to rub or squeeze some part of her body; usually her nethers or chest. Fortunately, the rope that Whitney had used was surprisingly soft. "There, what do you think?" she asked, as she admired her handy work.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She shivers and shudders and Whitney ties her up in a method she has never even thought about before "It's... well rather different to be honest. Just breathing makes it rub against me." she says with a shakey voice as the ropes brush her pussy once again "It feels so lewd... and yet I think I could get used to it." She says while giving Whitney a smolering look, her cock throbbing at full mast now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Ellie... Mina doesn't think she wants you to follow her." Mina slowly walked towards the surf herself trying to clean herself in the water and get properly dressed once more. "Mina thinks she wanted to say that there is something or a path down this way." She said as she pointed the way the anemone had pointed.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Mmm, you look good in it," said Whitney, as she took in the sight. "Now wait just a moment, while I get gussied up a little." She ducked behind a changing screen in the corner of the room, and Castella watched as each article of clothing Whitney had been wearing was tossed over the top to hang. First her overalls and socks, then her shirt, and finally, a set of frilly pink panties. After a few minutes, she stepped out and Castella was once again treated to the sight of the dog-woman in her bedroom wear. Once more, Whitney had donned her black embroidered corset that stopped just below her breasts, as well as matching black elbow gloves and stockings secured with garters. This time, however, she did appear to be wearing panties; or at least something that resembled them. On closer inspection, the article of clothing covering Whitney's nethers was actually made of black leather, and had a round hole in it, just above her womanhood. "Sorry, I haven't had time to pick up anything new since the last time you were here," she said, as she stepped closer to the bed. "I hope you don't mind."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Let's go check it out, then." Elliana says, making her way further down the beach to look for whatever the anemone had pointed her to. Perhaps a shallow "bridge" out to the centre? Or a boat?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Cassey just smiles and shakes her head "I don't mind in the slightest. Now... why don't you come over here and show me how much you like this new get up of mine?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Mina nodded as she finished dressing up. Her steps felt a little odd as she approached the huntress, a little phantom fullness still between her legs. "Yes, ma'am. Mina hopes the rest of the adventure will be as fun as it's start."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"As your start, or our start?" She asks, as the two of them walk along the shore, treading down the grass and dirt. "Because you came here much earlier than we did, right?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Mina meant this adventure in particular. Three shark girls down, two devilish cute anemones conquered." She flashed a toothy grin. "And it's just the beginning! What next? A kraken threesome? A treasure chest filled with shiny stuff? Where is your sense of adventure?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Whitney sauntered over to the bed and paused to look Castella up and down before taking a knee and pulling a large wooden box out from under her bed. Hefting the small treasure chest onto the mattress, she beckoned her to have a closer look. "We'll get to that soon enough, don't you worry. But, as I recall, the last time we did this I was doing all the receiving. Well, this time I'd like to do some giving, but since I don't have a pecker of my own-" Whitney opened the box, revealing a collection of dildos that ran the gamut of shapes, colors, and sizes, "-I'm going to need a little help."

Down on the beach, Elliana and Mina had been walking for the better part of an hour before a small structure finally began to grow on the horizon. As they drew closer, it took shape; a small dock with a single small row boat tied off next to it.

As Draanok continued to monitor the campsite of his fellow adventurers, something on the wind caught his attention. A harsh crunching sound, that could only signal the approach of something big making its way through the brush, was steadily getting louder.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"The pink cutie was right!" Mina began to run excitedly towards the lonely dock with stretched arms and every once in a while doing a little crisscross. "A boat ride!"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Draanok's head turns as if on a spring, and he quickly clambers higher into the branches. It was probably a Minotaur or something. Easy enough to get the drop on them. And from his position, that would be a literal statement. For a moment, he considers warning the spider boy that there's something coming, but shakes his head when he realises that it would give his position away, and instead focuses on the source of the sounds.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Well what do you know... this is pretty great, yeah! I mean, unless some monster is going to attack us while we row out." Elliana chuckles, as she join Mina on the dock, looking around and inspecting the premises. (Discern Realities... 2+6+2. Questions: Has anyone been here recently? Is there anything useful around? Is the boat seaworthy?)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her eyes widened in awe at the massive collection of sex toys and for a moment she is at a loss for words "Oh my goddess... you really have been a lonely girl haven't you?" She lookss over the toys with blushed cheeks since most of them are animal style cocks "How.... how about that one... it looks like a horse..."

(And no one is surprised at all)
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