Return to Mareth (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She opened her mouth to answer only to blink in confusion "Wait... milk? You mean my breast milk? I, have never been asked that before to be honest. I guess I don't mind, I certainly have lots to give since the mishap a few weeks ago."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Aw bollocks. Now I'm going to have to go back theeere..." He groans before trudging back to the spot where they had originally made camp, and hiding out in the woods as usual.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Great!" cried Whitney. "Just follow me, and we'll get you set up." Whitney took Castella's hand and lead her towards the red barn; pausing to grab her shirt and get dressed as they went. Entering the building, Castella found it to be well lit and warm, with a solid wooden floor rather than dirt, like most. The place was lined with a dozen stalls on each side, though they didn't look quite big enough to hold any livestock that Castella had ever seen. Coming to a stop at the last stall on the left, Whitney pulled the door open and ushered Castella in. "Ta Da!" she chimed. Sitting in the middle of the stall was what looked like a padded massage table complete with a hole where the head would rest so that a person could lay face down without turning their neck. However, there were also two much larger holes in the table at chest height. "Alright, honey, if you just take your clothes off, we can get started," Whitney beamed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Umm, all my clothes? Not just my shirt?" She undoes her tunic before setting it to the side along with her shirt and ending with her bra which sets her bountiful breasts free to the world once again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, that depends. A little extra stimulation downstairs helps a lot of girls get their milk flowing. But, if you don't think you need it, then you can keep your pants on," explained Whitney.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She thinks for a moment before sighing and getting rid of her pants and boots too. With a firm tug she gets her speedo off which exposes her erect 11 inch cock to whitney "I just don't want to make a mess in my clothes is all." she mutters while getting onto the table.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Whitey's eyes widened as she saw the bobbing cock set free. "My, you've gotten bigger everywhere, haven't you?" she asked, as she walked over to the table and lifted the lower cushion up and off. Walking over to a nearby chest, she deposited it inside before retrieving another one, and setting it in place on the table. This one had another hole in it at about hip level. Turning back to Castella, Whitney patted the table and smiled. "Well, saddle up, girl."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
the new cushion was pretty obvious as she got onto the table and laid on her front. Her breasts hung heavily through the holes and her face was perfectly aligned with the hole for it as well. Her bigger cock and balls hung down out of the lower hole that Whitney had just put down "I.... I feel rather embarrassed like this.... just hanging down under this table."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"It's a awkward the first time," Whitney agreed, as she pulled a thick leather strap across Castella's back and arms, and began pulling it tight. "But, once the fun starts, I bet you'll like it."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She grunts at the tight embrace of the leather straps "Gah... geeze... why do you have to tie me down again?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Just a little something to make sure you don't fall off. Some girls get a little skittish the first time they do this." The strap was pulled tight enough that Castella would not fall off the table, no matter how hard she struggled, and then secured with a heavy buckle. "Alright, now you just wait here, it's been a while since I used these stalls for milking, so most of the supplies are up in my attic. I'll be back in a jiffy!" Whitney called as she turned and ran out of the barn.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Sorry girl... just need to... unf... just need to cum..." She pants, as she slides her modest length in and out of the anemone's mouth, spurred on by the lust-inducing venom she'd been injected with.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Just before Elliana could finish, the anemone pulled back and off her dick with a audible pop. Reaching out, she took hold of Elliana's hips and pulled her forward, burying her nethers in the writhing tentacles atop the anemone's head. A dozen of the tiny writhing appendages coiled and wrapped around Elliana's shaft, and even more wormed their way into her slick pussy. The heat that had been building in her loins suddenly ignited into a white-hot blaze as the aphrodisiac venom was pumped directly into Elliana's most sensitive parts. [Take 12 lust damage.]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Cassey blinks in surprise as whitney runs out of the barn... leaving her naked, bound and rather helpless on the table with all her sensitive spots just hanging down below. "Are... are you serious? She just left?!" She sighs and flops her face back now "I have a bad feeling about this..."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Castella was not left alone long, and soon the sound of feet moving through the barn returned... two sets of feet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She blinks, two sets of feet? Panic starts to set in as either Withney is back with a friend or two new people have entered... and here she is stuck on a table!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
[Just go ahead and RP however you think Elliana would behave if she were completely sex-addled. The effect will wear off after she cums.]


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Elliana grabs the anemone by the wrists and tumbles down on the ground with her, before climbing on top of her face and shoving her cock inside, as her brain is completely clouded by lust, and a primal need to orgasm. "Yes! YES! TAKE IT! TAKE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT YOU BLUE SLUT!" She pants, her body completely flushed as she gives in and rapes the anemone's mouth. Her cock throbs painfully with all the venom coursing through her body, and it's hard to get the stimulation needed, but after a long time, she finally manages to build up enough pleasure to send her over the edge, blowing her modest load of warm jizz inside the anemone's abused mouth.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Castella watched as someone stepped in front of the stall she was in. With her face under the table, her vision was limited to their lower halves. Two long, slender, well toned pairs of fur-covered legs stood in the doorway; their owners clearly regarding her. "Score! I told you if we staked this place out long enough we'd get lucky," said a young woman's voice.

"Hey! I thought you said it would be a cow? This is just a... Wait, is that one of the new humans that just showed up back at the city?" A second girl's voice replied.

Meanwhile, the anemone could do little besides lay their and take the pounding before cum began dribbling out from around the shaft in her mouth; despite her best efforts to swallow.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
'Oh moon help me!' she calls out in her mind before trying to lift her head and see who is claiming her as a score.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Castella didn't have to move her head as the two strangers squatted to get a look at her. Crouched before her were a pair of incredibly lithe anthropomorphic cat-girls; one with solid black fur, no hair beyond her coat, and brilliant golden eyes. The other girl was calico colored, save for her shoulder length brown tresses, and possessed the most piercing blue eyes Castella had ever seen. Their clothing was minimal, a tight fitting pair of black shorts revealed both to be pure female, and equally snug black tank-tops hugged their A-cup breasts tightly. Both girls also wore black bandanas tide around the lower halves of their faces as makeshift masks. The black one also held a large clay jug and a funnel in her hands.

"Well, I'll be. it is one of them," said the black cat.

"Should we still do this?" asked the calico, hesitantly.

"Do you want to go back empty handed?" the black cat demanded, silencing the calico's protests.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Elliana slumped off to the side of the anemone after spending all her energy on rutting her mouth. "Sorry..." She mutters.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Elliana didn't have much time to rest as the anemone quickly scurried up beside her and shook her shoulder to get her attention. Once she had it, she leaned back on her haunches and spread her legs to reveal a seven inch long, solidly erect, blue penis. Much like the one that had been on the alpha shark, the anemone's penis was ringed at the base and just below the head by tiny wriggling tentacles. She gestured to her member, than pointed directly at Elliana's crotch.

Throughout all this, the pink anemone had been content to cuddle up next to Mina and enjoy he show her fried was putting on.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She looks at the cat girls with a sigh "i don's suppose you two would be willing to just... leave me alone? Normally I would put up some display but being strapped to a table rather removes any kind of imposing presence I might have."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Sorry, lady, but time are tough, and a girl's got to eat," said the black cat, setting the jug and funnel under Castella's hanging breasts. "Now, be good and don't scream, or we may have to nick something." With that, she reached out and placed a hand on the side of Castella's left breast, stroking the hanging teat in soft circular motions, and brushing her fingers over the nipple. Taking the breast in both hands, she firmly squeezed while steadily pulling downward, all the way to the nipple, before repeating the motion. "Come on now, give it up," she goaded when the milk didn't immediately start flowing. "Don't just sit there, get to work," she called to her companion, who tentatively reached out and began giving Castella's right breast the same attention.

The anemone wasted no time, quickly crawling over Elliana and settling between her legs with a eager smile on her face. Taking her shaft in hand, she guided the tip to Elliana's already engorged folds. The tiny tentacles circling the head of her cock, reached out and spread the moist opening, and with a firm push, the anemone was inside. If the fire in Elliana's loins had begun to fade, the aphrodisiac laden dick inside her stoked it back to a raging inferno. The anemone, for her part, seemed rather relaxed. Placing her hands on Elliana's knees for support, she slowly thrust in and out at a very casual pace, all the while smiling down at her latest conquest.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Elliana is a total wreck on the ground, barely able to move, let alone resist her urges to just take cock. She merely moans and pants as the tentacles wriggle inside her pussy.