Return to Mareth (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"I... I know dear, I was suggesting that I could do it if the rest of you thought it was a good idea."


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Mina doesn't particularly mind." The small bunny shrugged. "Mina will patrol around for a bit see if she can find anything that can help. Wanna come along, Ellie?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Alright then... I will go and see Whitney to see if she can help us out with the boat problem then. You two be safe ok?" She grabs Elliana into a hug.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She lets go with a smile and focuses on the farm as she walks off to the west, soon fading out of view.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Let's go too! Spidey, you hold down the fort!" The bunny girl left the camp with a happy spring on her step and whistling a melody like the previous ambush had never happened. "Do keep up!"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Elliana smiles and follows Mina, drawing her bow as she keeps her pace, just in case something else should try to ambush them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Draanok watched as the potion did its job. The large red welt on his side quickly turned purple, then brown, then began to fade from view entirely.

Elliana, Mina, and Isaac made their way back to the campsite, and Isaac got to work on a campfire while the two girls went off to explore. As they made their way down the beach, Elliana noticed something in the water once again. Fearing more sharks, she drew her bow, but upon seeing her target she relaxed a little. Wrestling in the surf where two of those strange creatures with tentacles for hair; anemones Isaac had called them. One of them was the same light blue that she remembered from the last time she had seen one. The other, however, was a bright pink in color. The two rolled around in the water, not fighting, or having sex, surprisingly, just enjoying the fun of horseplay. Upon seeing Elliana and Mina, the anemones abruptly stopped playing and smiled widely, before beginning to haphazardly crawl towards them in strange flopping motions, clearly unused to moving on dry land.

Castella soon found herself walking through some familiar farmland as the little farmhouse came into view. She didn't have to make her way there to find Whitney, however, as the dog-girl was out in the fields today. Castella spotted her, ho in hand, tilling up a new patch of earth on the outskirts of her land. Whitney had not noticed her yet, and so Castella was able to sneak up to within a few dozen feet of her. Once she was that close, however, Castella noticed something. In the mid-day heat, Whitney had unclasped the straps of her overalls, and tied them off at her waist. She had also taken off her shirt, it lay on the ground nearby, opting to go bare-chested, and as she worked, each swing of her ho sending her pert b-cups bouncing. She soon took a canteen from her belt and, after taking a few deep gulps from it, let the contents spill over her face and chest, causing her nipples to stiffen under the cool water, and her lips to curl into a happy smile as she shook herself off.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Hmm. It worked. Good..." Draanok murmurs, putting his armor back on and standing up to do a few stretches to make sure everything was in working order.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"They look friendly. Mina has never met one of those before." There was something quite comical and endearing in the way the moved like a baby trying to learn how to walk. "Mina doubts they can be dangerous when they can barely walk properly." She took a few tentative steps towards them extending her hands like she would to a pet. "Come here, girls. Who are the most adorable weird thingies? You are!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Cassy can only watch with wide eyes as the brazen girl farms with her shirt off... the display she put on with the water set her cock throbbing inside of her panties and she was more thankful than ever to have this speedo of holding. With a polite cough she put on her best poker face for Whitney "Hello again Whitney! It's me, Castella, it is lovely to see you again!"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Sure enough, as Draanok stretched, his side was not even sore anymore, just stiff. A little exercise quickly took care of it, and looking at the vial, he saw that it was labeled with a large stylized V.

The two anemones crawled and stumbled towards Elliana and Mina with eager smiles on their faces and writhing tentacles on their heads. Upon reaching them, the anemones quickly began rubbing their heads against the pairs outstretched hands as if they were a couple of overgrown puppies; their tentacles wrapping around, and tickling fingers and palms alike, before working their way up the forearms. As they pet the friendly anemones, both Elliana and Mina's faces flushed bright red as a sudden warmth bloomed in their loins. Glancing down, hey realized that they had both come to full erectness, and their womanhoods where quickly moistening. [Elliana takes 8 lust damaged, Mina takes 10. If your lust damage equals your max HP you give in to your carnal desires. In the meantime, use it as a benchmark for just how horny your character is.]

At the sound of Castella's voice Whitney's ears perked up, and she turned to look in her direction; her face lighting up. "Well, button my britches. Cassy!" she cried, as she trotted over and wrapped her arms around Castella in a tight hug. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you," she said, as she let go to look up at the taller woman. "I could really use some help plowing my fields right about now."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Is it just me, or... are they really hot? I kinda wanna... mmphf..." Elliana bites her lip as her arousal grows, along with the 6-incher in her pants. "Such little cuties you are." She compliments.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Cassy hugs her right back, squeezing the furry dog woman tenderly before letting go and looking down at her. "Ah.. I suppose that fits as I have come with another request. A bit of manual labor in trade for some advice at the least?" she asks, looking around the well kept fields before a light ticks in her head "Wait... did you mean literally plow these fields or was that an invitation to sex?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Upon smelling the vial, Draanok realized what it was. Vitality tonic, designed to heal wounds and speed the recovery of ones strength. He then remembered that the stuff was actually made from purified lust draft, and had a well known side effect. Draanok's shaft suddenly hardened in his pants.

As she continued to pet the cuddly blue creature, Elliana's cock became painfully erect and her pussy sodden as the slit in her gel armor reflexively opened to let her juices dribble out. The anemone breathed deeply and smiled up at her, before slowly lifting her head toward, tongue outstretched, toward the dripping snatch before her. [Take 6 more lust damage.]

"A little from column A, a little from column B," said Whitney, gesturing with her hands. "But, never mind that for now, what brings you by?" Whitney's eyes drifted to Castella's breasts, which were much larger than the last time she had seen them. "Need help with something?" She smiled.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Elliana grits her teeth and grabs onto her shoulders, before sliding her erect cock into the anemone's open mouth. "Sorry sorry sorry, I can't take this! Need to cum..."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Well... Fuck. This is awkward..." Draanok mutters, looking down at his erect dicks with a poker face. "Don't. Don't do it. Don't jerk them. Don't jerk them. Don't jerk... I need to fuck something..." He groans, looking around for one of the pussy flowers that should be nearby.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Yes actually, while I would love to make this a social visit, I have come here to seek your aid. Do you know anything about boats or making them? My parrty and I need to get out onto the water and that would be rather hard without a boat."


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The anemone's eyes widened in surprise, but she made no move to pull away, instead leaning in and taking the modest cock into her mouth with ease, and gently sucking away; staring up at Elliana the whole time with her big, uniform blue, eyes.

Draanok soon found what he was looking for. Growing up the side of a tree on creeper-like vines, were a cluster of pussy petals. The long, tube-like, flowers grew in a variety of sizes and wetness. From small dry newly budded plants, barely as big as his thumb, to huge drooping blooms he could probably fit his arm into that practically drooled nectar, and everything in between.

Whitney scratched her chin for a moment. "Nope, sorry, hun, but boating isn't really my thing. I might know someone, though," she added, snapping her fingers. "A turtle lady that lives in the lake. If you want to meet her, just throw some mashed puppy-peppers into the water, and she'll come running."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Welp. Nothing to do but fuck it. So... Fuck it." He grumbles before pulling down two of the vines that look tight enough to be a snug fit before pushing his cocks into them with a slight grunt of pleasure, and then humping away at them, letting out little pants and moans as he sates his lust.

[I was trying to break my record of going at least five pages without sex, but never mind. XD]


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She smiles happily at Whitney "that sounds perfect then! So, what can I do to earn some puppy peppers and maybe some construction tools should we need to build a boat ourselves?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, if you're looking to help out around the farm, there's a slow way, and a fast way," said Whitney.

The two flowers formed a tight seal around around Draanok's cocks, sucking in as he pulled out, and slathering the shafts with nectar.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Hmm, I shouldn't keep my team mates waiting for too long... what would be the fast way to earn these supplies?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He places his hands on the tree trunk for support as he grunts and starts pounding the flowers harder, his teeth bared as he tries to get himself off as fast as he can, his hips a blur as he humps the flowers. It isn't long before he cums with a loud groan, emptying his balls into the flowers and stepping away. With a sigh, he moves off to a different spot to sit down and watch the spider boy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, let me ask you something. How comfortable would you be with donating milk?" Whitney asked, glancing once more at Castella's considerable bust.

Draanok got back to the lake only to find that the group had left; most likely back to their original camp sight.