... Except the Reds are pretty obviously designed around it.
Wait, what's the problems with the golds? Aside from issues with sexism (which both sides have), I don't see the issue?
I support the natural orange myrs, the true underdogs that suffer from the racism of both sides, as Juro explains to the player. To bad none exist.
If no orange Myr naturally exist, how can they suffer persecution? And even if all Myr are forcibly converted to orange though air mutagens or what have you, nothing would change. They'd fight over who was most orange or some nonsense.
What you've described is Third Reich's view of western democracies. They knew that there was nothing 'feel-good' about Soviet mindset, or weak about it's people, what's with additional 3 to 6 years of Civil War and several major conflicts with it's neighbors. Their view on Soviet union was more along the lines of 'savage, backwards hordes of subhumans lead by a clique of rulers (commie/Jewish) they won't be willing to die for'. That last point is the only thing there that's applicable to the Myr War, and in fact points to one of Reds' major smart decisions: not to execute the Queens or loyal queen supporters en mass in captured cities; not to enslave and plunder on the same level as the Nazis. Had they made the wrong choice, they would have faced a lot more resistance. That's a major deciding factor in the war, alongside their ability to somehow utilize blitzkrieg tactics without mechanized units, their immunity to logistic and the mind-boggling incompetence of the Gold Myr.There's actually a kind of interesting way in which the gold myr are how the Germans viewed Soviet Russia: sneaky, subversive, large but weak and cowardly, preaching a feel-good cultural mindset, ripe for being brought down by a swift kick from a proud, strong nation.
The big thing that the golds do that the reds don't is that they're partnered withthe Umbrella CorporationXenogen, but since this is literally the only reason they still exist I'm willing to give them a pass.
Hey, uh, I'm getting locked out of the palace after rightfully taking Taivra as my subject and then leaving to turn in the quest immediately. If I stick around for a little while I get the Nyrean Royal trait, which prevents me from being locked out... Is this intentional? Does Our Glorious Queen get pissed if I subjugate her and run off to finish my errand?
the PC never sees the actions or consequences
Problem is, the Reds were constructed like they were written by three to five different authors who had different ideas and feelings on what the Reds were. The Golds too, to a lesser extent.
Annnnd because of that, now you end up with people saying "But Nehzara contradicts Lieve, and Lieve contradicts Sellera, and Sellera contradicts Irellia, and Irella contradicts bleh."
And so peeps come into my documents and say "But the Codex or Nehzara said this!" and I'm like "Well, Codex or Nehzara is wrong, because Savin said differently yesterday." Or even stuff from this thread now spilling into Anzhela doc.![]()
So I'm guessing Savin is glad we learned this lesson before reaching the puppyslut planet...
The real difficulty is that the PC never sees the actions or consequences of the things the Reds or Golds are purported of doing, so can only form an opinion based on all the competing secondary information they receive instead.
So basically the problems with the golds are that they're losing militarily and that they're cowards? I wouldn't necessarily agree with the latter. They're less warlike, though.
I'll continue to sit over here rooting for the underdogs.
Can't see any similarities aside from the Nazi-exploitation-like look of Red's uniform. They have no racial theories, no occult shit, no wonder-weapon building,no super-soldiers growing(dammit Jim). Militarism is a farily universal trope; their brands of discipline and rigid hierarchy are Heinlein-like. Germans like Empires, people like Red Myr - Federations (SMAC's Spartan Federation says hello).