I think it's not that hard to imagine that, even if to us after all we have been through, the Gold/Red societies are okay as to how they work, because they woked fine before the war, and they will certainly continue to work if the war gets solved. I think the fact that you guys are trying to focus on seeing which society is inherently bad or worst. They are first colonies of ants, Golds much more primal, so for them been born from one single Queen. and working for the colony as both individuals and a groups is the best. It was stated on the first character of the Myr, that their societies do not work as humans societies do. They first obey the colony and look for the Queen, since without her they die, no more sisters and brothers to fuck. That's how they work. And they work, or they use to, before the war got so violent one side is nearly annhilated, and the other dies from their injuries. That's how bad it got. But their societies tho might need a change, it's more in the ideals department.
Perhaps the most respectful way for both to keep living is by making the UGC take complete charge of the situation. They are already prepared to erase anything living and breathing in the planet, why not a heavier intervention that doesn't end in one side dying, one making a side take dominance(Reds), and one reforming red society and rebuilding gold as it is. One part of the key to solve it is already mentioned, with the possibilities of taking reds out as labor, having them explore the galaxy and get fucked by more races. Let Steele grow a business out of both the Orange Myr, and Red Myr/Nyrean Labor. Makes for also a credit boost, while expanding the company, which is what we are supposed to be doing.
Once a closet society, it will be reformed simply by opening to the UGC and Steele.
I should also mention that the Reds are all so expanded into Gold territory, so hurt, that they could die by simply conquering the Golds completely. The Red federation could, by the simple act of time, disband. The Reds are also in a bad spot. Atleast that's what I like to think, since well, the Reds are basicaly keeping slaves drugged by their own narcotic for sex. And made an entire race addicted to their venom. And they don't even drink their honey. Even I did that.