Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Aug 26, 2015
You may have to wait outside Taivra's palace for a few hours to make the subjugation or wedding official, at which point you'll be able to have sex with her.

You made contact with the probe at some point during the events at the palace, which means you've hit the end of the story for now.  The next planet, Uveto, is still being written and not available at this time, so you're as far in the story as you can get.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Wasn't there supposed to be a golden myr girl who got her chitin-covered hands on some throbb and now has to deal with having something between her legs and a hightened libido?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Still it could work if there was a sliding scale between which side is favored by the deal, with at least 5 or 6 options and if you didn't do enough sidequests (specifically with high ranking characters) then the deal could shift in a different direction by 1 or 2 tiers. That way it would still encourage completing the Myrellion content without missing one quest and the RNG genocide-ifying the gold myr so something.

Since it's a peace council, I don't see a group of different races peacefully agreeing to genocide an entire race. Although, now that I think about it, if no one was able to come to an agreement, then that could happen. But with the UGC and that Research Organization likely being a part of the council, they would do their utmost to steer the conversation away from peacefully saying "Hey guys, let's wipe out an entire population." The worst I can think of happening would be one of the two races being relocated to another planet. That would mean that the characters you met from that race, unless they were already a part of the other race's society, would likely disappear from the game. It would be the same thing as genocide in terms of them no longer having the capability of being interacted with, but with no...deadly connotations. We could have it so that depending on which quests you do and how many of them you do, you would have more pull with that faction. Instead of RNG, you would have a percentage of that faction that would vote with you. if you get enough total support between all the factions then your idea would be guaranteed to work. No, but then if you didn't have enough support then we would be back to the whole RNG thing. I mean, at least with this method, you have a guaranteed chance to get what you want, but there would still need to be an amount of randomness to it. There would have to be some amount of RNG to the options. I mean, if you wanted your way in their politics you should have spent more time with its citizens. The thing with having multiple choices is that it's not a binary outcome. Plus, even if you hadn't garnered enough support, who's to say that they weren't going to vote for that option in the first place. We could make it so that the RNG excludes the "remove X race from the game" options. Because, if you think about it, it's would be highly unlikely that either race would have enough pull to make such a thing happen. The RNG would instead only choose from a selection of cooperation between the races. That way, it's more like a "well they came together in the end, but they didn't do it in the way you exactly wanted" type of scenario as the worst case. The only way to even get the council to vote for the "genocide" option would be to have done most of the quests in the first place; having so much pull with each race that they would be willing to say "I agree, we shouldn't be on our home planet anymore." What about that type of thing?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
K.I.S, Keep It Simple, I think we are running the risk of getting too bogged down if we reach that stage. With Tarkus I feel it was different because the choices were relatively simple but with long term consequences. Here on Myrellion it's a slog no matter how you look at it if we go into detail


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
That's why I don't see it as something that needs to be done for the planet to be considered "done." It's akin to the Tarkus thing (I always mix up the planet names).


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Fair enough, I just try to keep in mind that unless I'm writing it, really complicated stuff should stay in the "what if" pile. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ah, makes sense. Then, in standard TiTS forumite fashion, I shall endeavor to attempt to write such a beast. I doubt I would be able to finish it, but I think it is certainly a great "what if" and would serve as great head canon fuel and give me some practice in writing out my thoughts. The biggest thing I could see being a writing nightmare would be that if one race got removed from the planet, then all of their locations would have to be rewritten and stuff. That would probably be a turnoff to writing up anything where one race leaves/dies...


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Although, I would probably need to come up with a list of "endings" for Myrellion. There's the Orange Myr ending that some people seem to like, but what other endings would be acceptable?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Although, I would probably need to come up with a list of "endings" for Myrellion. There's the Orange Myr ending that some people seem to like, but what other endings would be acceptable?

Siding with the reds, siding with the golds, uplifting nyrea to leadership, send them all back to the stone age, just to name 3 off top of head


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Wasn't there supposed to be a golden myr girl who got her chitin-covered hands on some throbb and now has to deal with having something between her legs and a hightened libido?

There's a difference between a list of ideas and a list of things people are actually going to do.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Siding with the reds, siding with the golds, uplifting nyrea to leadership, send them all back to the stone age, just to name 3 off top of head

So, I've been reading the story bible and the wiki articles on the red and gold myr, but I don't see anything about their motivations for continuing the war. Is there anyplace else that I could look to read up on the Myr? As it stands, I don't see them as wanting anything more than the complete destruction of the other race. Hence the escalation of weapons of mass death. I'm sure peace talks may have tried to be made, but since they obviously weren't successful and I haven't seen anyone talking about them, then I don't know what the two races were trying to gain from the peace. Therefore, I ask someone: what does siding with one side over the other mean? what would it entail?
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Aug 27, 2015
So, I've been reading the story bible and the wiki articles on the red and gold myr, but I don't see anything about their motivations for continuing the war. Is there anyplace else that I could look to read up on the Myr? As it stands, I don't see them as wanting anything more than the complete destruction of the other race. Hence the escalation of weapons of mass death. I'm sure peace talks may have tried to be made, but since they obviously weren't successful and I haven't seen anyone talking about them, then I don't know what the two races were trying to gain from the peace. Therefore, I ask someone: what does siding with one side over the other mean? what would it entail?

Siding with the reds would mean a facts-on-the-ground scenario where Gildenmere is swiftly overwhelmed and the queens taken prisoner. Likely what would happen then is the golds would be exiled/evacuated from their own planet en masse and forced to set up elsewhere, probably as kui-tan fuckpets. The Federation would likely face U.G.C. sanction but nothing serious, and Myrellion would in general be more settled from then on.

Siding with the golds means reinforcing the peace via the U.G.C., because there's no way the golds can win militarily. The reds would be made to give up their conquered territory and some sort of anti-nuke-and-chem treaty would be signed. There'd be plenty of hard feelings on both sides but nobody would get mass ethnically cleansed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Did the red myr need any land at the start of the conflict? It doesn't seem like any of the land they have taken, if lost, would cause overcrowding. If anything, due to the war, they would have ample room in their original plot of land. I don't see them being able to adequately use the newly gained territory.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Did the red myr need any land at the start of the conflict? It doesn't seem like any of the land they have taken, if lost, would cause overcrowding. If anything, due to the war, they would have ample room in their original plot of land. I don't see them being able to adequately use the newly gained territory.

Less need for land more want for imperialism. Doesn't help the reds and golds have apparently been butting heads for generations over ideology differences and possibly racism.


Aug 26, 2015
Neither side should have enough population to adequately use the land.  Personally, even in the best scenario for the golds I don't see the reds giving the land back as likely or even feasible, there simply aren't enough gold myr to populate the lost cities anymore.  Even with Irellia shitting out kids left and right there's still going to be years before there's enough golds to even begin filling one city back up.  The reds can just squat on the land for a few decades until it's theirs by default, also known as the California method.

Since Fen is the main pro-gold writer and also has a massive hardon for the kui-tan, the "good" ending for the golds is probably the one where they become fucktoys for racoon dick, and possibly the reds get their venom forcibly bred out of them to keep it from starting a whole new drug crisis in the galaxy at large once it inevitably gets offplanet and into the hands of people without the standards the red allegedly possess regarding its use.  I'm less than overjoyed at this, though trust me, any ending option where the reds get their venom sterilized is one I will go for even if it means the gold myr are basically doomed to subservience.  I like the golds, but I don't like them that much.
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Aug 27, 2015
Did the red myr need any land at the start of the conflict? It doesn't seem like any of the land they have taken, if lost, would cause overcrowding. If anything, due to the war, they would have ample room in their original plot of land. I don't see them being able to adequately use the newly gained territory.

It'll be some Franz Ferdinand type scenario. A lack of resources hasn't been mentioned at all, indeed land wastage is mentioned as a contributor to the spread of cockvine. Gold and red myr are simply two different people who have lived next door for some time.

Since Fen is the main pro-gold writer and also has a massive hardon for the kui-tan, the "good" ending for the golds is probably the one where they become fucktoys for racoon dick, and possibly the reds get their venom forcibly bred out of them to keep it from starting a whole new drug crisis in the galaxy at large once it inevitably gets offplanet and into the hands of people without the standards the red allegedly possess regarding its use.  I'm less than overjoyed at this.
Between red ant venom, cockvine and the inevitable nyrean/QOTD population explosion, I doubt anyone is going to be particularly happy about the discovery of Myrellion in a few decade's time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I like the idea of your conquered queen and the kingdom she founded becoming a subdivision of Steele Mining. It'd be an effective way of channeling the Nyrea and help the Reds who were so militarized after generations of fighting them.


Corrupter of Tainted Space
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I can see basically three ways to end if it we wanted to go with the basic sort of options you see in every RPG like this:

1. Dredge up as much negative PR on the reds as possible and utilize Juro's bias to Lyralla to convince him (and the UGC by proxy) that the reds are a scourge with no hope of civility. UGC fleet commits mass genocide to prevent red infection, picking any red nukes out of the air with precision starship fire. Out of the three, this is probably the one we'd never do. A bit of a stretch, etc.

2. Assist the reds in performing a successful surprise attack on Gildenmere, taking the city before any nukes can be fired, then dealing with the fallout from the U.G.C.

3. Work up a peace treaty, then convince both sides to sign it. Might require doing some quests for reputation with the reds to boost your reputation. You've already saved the golds from a terrorist attack if you can talk to Irellia. Might require some jogging back and forth and haggling over provisions before finally getting it signed.

#3 is the one I'd most like to do. I'd be pretty fine if #1 and #2 were left on the cutting room floor.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Since Fen is the main pro-gold writer and also has a massive hardon for the kui-tan, the "good" ending for the golds is probably the one where they become fucktoys for racoon dick, and possibly the reds get their venom forcibly bred out of them to keep it from starting a whole new drug crisis in the galaxy at large once it inevitably gets offplanet and into the hands of people without the standards the red allegedly possess regarding its use.  I'm less than overjoyed at this, though trust me, any ending option where the reds get their venom sterilized is one I will go for even if it means the gold myr are basically doomed to subservience.  I like the golds, but I don't like them that much.

Would Fen actually consider that to be a good ending? Also, I wouldn't want to do something as drastic as removing a trait from a race. That would be similar to removing snake venom from all snakes on Earth. The red venom may not be as much of a defense mechanism as snake venom is, but it was a part of their evolutionary chain, so they had to have needed it for something at one point. As for the worry about it being a drug, well that can be applied to anything. There will always be people with low standards. Their could be some kind of sanction where if a Red Myr visits any planet that doesn't allow the use of their venom, they would have to take a suppressant of some kind. That way, the reds could keep their venom and people who don't have to worry as much if they encounter a red off world. They could also do what America did to Japan and not allow the red myr to not have a standing army.

3. Work up a peace treaty, then convince both sides to sign it. Might require doing some quests for reputation with the reds to boost your reputation. You've already saved the golds from a terrorist attack if you can talk to Irellia. Might require some jogging back and forth and haggling over provisions before finally getting it signed.
I was thinking of having checks to determine if X event was accomplished for Y person, if it was then that person would be more likely to support you when it comes to forming the Peace Treaty. Although, even with that, depending on the thing you are proposing, they may be not as onboard with it. If it's something that would be like "Kill all the Red Myr, dat'll breeng peese", even if you saved their race from a nuke, they wouldn't likely be voting with you.
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Aug 26, 2015
Also, I wouldn't want to do something as drastic as removing a trait from a race. That would be similar to removing snake venom from all snakes on Earth. The red venom may not be as much of a defense mechanism as snake venom is, but it was a part of their evolutionary chain, so they had to have needed it for something at one point. As for the worry about it being a drug, well that can be applied to anything. There will always be people with low standards. Their could be some kind of sanction where if a Red Myr visits any planet that doesn't allow the use of their venom, they would have to take a suppressant of some kind. That way, the reds could keep their venom and people who don't have to worry as much if they encounter a red off world.
Bottled red venom is already a thing and causing a drug crisis in Gildenmere.  Regardless of what it may evolutionarily have been used for, leaving it in place is grossly irresponsible if the red myr aren't forcibly sequestered on Myrellion and arguably even if they are, because even if you make it illegal the first enterprising criminal to come to Myrellion will have a field day.

I don't want an option to go kill all the reds, that would be ludicrous and grossly overreacting at that.  I do want the option to eliminate the threat of red venom permanently, because I consider it a danger to the entire galaxy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Bottled red venom is already a thing and causing a drug crisis in Gildenmere.  Regardless of what it may evolutionarily have been used for, leaving it in place is grossly irresponsible if the red myr aren't forcibly sequestered on Myrellion and arguably even if they are, because even if you make it illegal the first enterprising criminal to come to Myrellion will have a field day.

I don't want an option to go kill all the reds, that would be ludicrous and grossly overreacting at that.  I do want the option to eliminate the threat of red venom permanently, because I consider it a danger to the entire galaxy.

I see your point on that. I would love for it to be a choice, I was just saying that I personally wouldn't want to pick that option. I prefer options that give you...well...options (hence the venom suppressant). Yes, it may make things more difficult, but you still have the option to choose. When the reds become spacefaring, they could find a planet and settle it so that it so that the chemical isn't outlawed. There would just be stringent customs on that planet to prevent any of the chemical to leave in bottled form. Plus, I don't think the criminal would be too keen on shoving it up their ass. If the container breaks, they're pretty much fucked. Besides, the Red Myr pill is already a thing. Any enterprising seedy character could just force TF someone into a red myr and cultivate the drug that way.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
 I think that there should be multiple ends, aa peacefull one (because of classic solution), a "good" for golden ( that would be 9/10 end with the extinción of the red myr), a good forma the red (that would be or "the final solution of the atomicof bombof" or basically that the goles become trench wived, for sure this ones are the harder since Golds are obviously full suported by UGC, or at least Juró looks like full suporting Golds, but maybe doing an option were Juro runs away with that golf myr would be allowned for an "easy mode" were the UGC just stands still), a "good but not so good after all" were despite win their population gets so los that they wont survive much longer, a "bad" were they just all de making the planet radioactive and you cant go back there, and maybe a "the enemy of my enemy" were some third faction rises and pulls back reds, making them to be only surviving on Kresia, and being on the same situation than Golds they just have to join forces or perish alone each one on their city, maybe there would fit as a threath of peace that all leaders take the orante myr TF, of course there will be needed that both myr fully thrust on you. Those would be the more standart ends, but doesnt have to be worse


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Between red ant venom, cockvine and the inevitable nyrean/QOTD population explosion, I doubt anyone is going to be particularly happy about the discovery of Myrellion in a few decade's time.
I believe Queen of the Deep Lakes is just her title whereas she referred to her kind as the Water Queens. I could also be wrong. Point is, Water Queens much easier to type than her title


Aug 26, 2015
Besides, the Red Myr pill is already a thing. Any enterprising seedy character could just force TF someone into a red myr and cultivate the drug that way.

It only becomes a thing if you help McAllister and the Umbrella Corporation make it a thing.  Doing this is arguably the second-most evil thing you're allowed to do shy of blowing up Tarkus, because there's a reason I call Xenogen Umbrella.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Is a peace treaty something that both sides would be willing to consider? Or has the lore about them made it so that they would be unable or unwilling to sit down and discuss possible ways of peacefully ending the war?
Oct 15, 2015
On Red Myr Venom: Something that no one else seems to bring up is the wide array of aphrodisiacs/hormones/etc that seem to be rampant in a lot of the other species in TITS. The Xenogen shop keeper on Myrellion, Nev- her species sperm is addictive. She takes treatments to make it less so, but there were no laws in place forcing her to. The Lethian shopkeeper on New Texas has crazy hormones.

Considering the wide array of parasites/aphrodisiacs/drugs that can affect even Steele (with their nanobots!) it seems dangerous to put anything at all in your mouth (or orifice of your choice)