Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I'm pretty sure the reason why Myrellion isn't really a favorite on alot of people's lists is because of how dark and really depressing it is, as well as how it brought in the horrors of war into a primarily smut game.

So yeah, lots of boners will be killed.

I know what you mean. It's like when certain people of an avian variety :allears:  went to town on Victor, and it's not like I'm disagreeing, but holy hell reading some of the posts it's like he's the Satan of Satan, the worst parent in existence, his right to make a child should be taken from him. I now don't like reading anything about him because I'm instantly reminded of what every anti-Victor said.
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Aug 27, 2015
I would be lying if I said I was looking forward to that in any way, but Nonesuch is a skilled writer and seems invested in making the project as good as it can be. I wish him well in creating new content, even if it isn't particularly interesting to me.

Also, I don't believe it would be mandatory content. So, again, those that don't want to deal with heavy, life-or-death decisions that affect incomprehensible numbers of lives don't have to. :D  

Idk if FoM is going to be a thing. I do know Plantation Quest will be. Which is fine to ignore, Mist! So long as you don't mind the planet being taken over by Snuggle and all the cute wildlife being consigned to corporate slavery.

All it takes for evil to triumph...

That's up to Fen.

Just like the Nursery was, then.
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Aug 27, 2015
Also, though, if the Plantation Quest isn't a murky swamp of moral grays, half-measures, and lesser-of-two-evils "good" resolutions, I'll probably be willing to do it. I just need a halfway decent good ending. :p  

Yeah, there'll be a good ending. (Probably not a "You saved the day unconditionally and everything was great forever after" ending though, because I'm the kind of twat who really liked New Vegas.)

Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah, there'll be a good ending. (Probably not a "You saved the day unconditionally and everything was great forever after" ending though, because I'm the kind of twat who really liked New Vegas.)

Gee Newtons 3rd law can be applied here. For every action there is a reaction. 9_9


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't need some "Everyone lived happily ever after ending", I need something that doesn't just amount to "This faction wins no matter what happens unless you nuke the planet and kill everyone".

Every time I see someone make an arguement for the Gold's holding the line without serious outside help I wonder if I'm remembering right that Gildenmere is the only Gold city with no Red Military presence and Kressia is the only occupied city that has any resistance left in it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Every time I see someone make an arguement for the Gold's holding the line without serious outside help I wonder if I'm remembering right that Gildenmere is the only Gold city with no Red Military presence and Kressia is the only occupied city that has any resistance left in it.

Regardless of which side wins there is going to be outside help. Namely Steele. The golds would just need a little more help than the reds. Or smarter help at least. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
That's what I mean, without the Kui-tan protecting the Gold's as walking wombs, or the UGC evacuating them, the Reds will just roll over them the moment Damocles gets a more important assignment regardless of if Steele gets involved or not.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Every time I see someone make an arguement for the Gold's holding the line without serious outside help I wonder if I'm remembering right that Gildenmere is the only Gold city with no Red Military presence and Kressia is the only occupied city that has any resistance left in it.

From what I remember, there actually is more Gold Territory, it's just behind Gildenmere and since the front lines only just reached the Gold Capital that's where the focus of the planet is. It's just that if Gildenmere falls, then the Gold's automatically lose, hence why the Reds want to nuke it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
That's what I mean, without the Kui-tan protecting the Gold's as walking wombs, or the UGC evacuating them, the Reds will just roll over them the moment Damocles gets a more important assignment regardless of if Steele gets involved or not.

Those aren't the only two options. Neither of those involve Steele. Which is why I said the golds would need smarter help. Brute force is not the only way to turn the tides in gold favor. There are plenty of ways to drive back an invading force other than rush at them and destroy them face to face. 


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Those aren't the only two options. Neither of those involve Steele. Which is why I said the golds would need smarter help. Brute force is not the only way to turn the tides in gold favor. There are plenty of ways to drive back an invading force other than rush at them and destroy them face to face. 

I said it in the other Myrellion thread and I say it again, Steele is in no real position to offer help.

He has no cloud what-so-ever to bribe/force the UGC to help the Golds, Steele is powerless on the global level..


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
I said it in the other Myrellion thread and I say it again, Steele is in no real position to offer help.

He has no cloud what-so-ever to bribe/force the UGC to help the Golds, Steele is powerless on the global level..

And as I said in the other thread you are only thinking from a direct confrontation standpoint. I offed possible alternatives that did not rely on Steele to fight personally, nor required Steele to supply or get the UGC to aid them. All it takes is some imagination. The writers are literal gods of the Tits universe. Anything can happen. And fantasy and fiction writting is FULL of oppressive armies being fought back against by a weaker force. It's pretty common really. 


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
And as I said in the other thread you are only thinking from a direct confrontation standpoint. I offed possible alternatives that did not rely on Steele to fight personally, nor required Steele to supply or get the UGC to aid them. All it takes is some imagination. The writers are literal gods of the Tits universe. Anything can happen. And fantasy and fiction writting is FULL of oppressive armies being fought back against by a weaker force. It's pretty common really. 

It is a common trope, yes. It is also an idiotic one and most of the times a weakpoint in the plot.

You know what is able to defeat a strong, opressiv force? A stronger force.

How do you want to force the Reds to accept anything? To defeat a nation you need to destroy their armies and/or cripple their economy (which basicly ends up being the same tbh). This is well beyond the scope of Steele.

There is no *realistic* way to ensure the Golden victory anymore. They are basicly a comatoise patient, kept alive by the UGC. Evacuate them or they will lose the moment the Xenogen loses interest in them.


Aug 27, 2015
It is a common trope, yes. It is also an idiotic one and most of the times a weakpoint in the plot.

You know what is able to defeat a strong, opressiv force? A stronger force.

How do you want to force the Reds to accept anything? To defeat a nation you need to destroy their armies and/or cripple their economy (which basicly ends up being the same tbh). This is well beyond the scope of Steele.

There is no *realistic* way to ensure the Golden victory anymore. They are basicly a comatoise patient, kept alive by the UGC. Evacuate them or they will lose the moment the Xenogen loses interest in them.

I wouldn't have supposed Steele would have the power to fucking destroy two planets, but hey.

Gold victory defined as "they totally kick the Reds' butts and rule the planet" isn't realistically achievable, but thrashing out a peace treaty policed by the U.G.C. certainly is. There's no reason why the Reds would be particularly driven to continue prosecuting the war - their pre-conflict borders are secure, both sides are fatigued at this point and all but the die-hards actually want things to devolve back to the nukes vs. poison gas thing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
It is a common trope, yes. It is also an idiotic one and most of the times a weakpoint in the plot.

Only if it isnt handled right, just like any other plot point. The idea that there are no good plots about a weaker force overcoming a stronger one is rediculous. Almost no fiction story has the good guys be stronger than the bad and then win. And there are a lot of good fiction stories out there.

You know what is able to defeat a strong, opressiv force? A stronger force.

Your right. I forgot that tactics play absolutely no role in a fight at all. 

How do you want to force the Reds to accept anything? To defeat a nation you need to destroy their armies and/or cripple their economy (which basicly ends up being the same tbh). This is well beyond the scope of Steele.

There are many ways. On way would be to make it too painful for the reds to keep fighting. Both sides are exhausted at this point. Interup supply lines, invoke riots, and like I said before, attack the trench wife situation. Thats a huge potential weakness if exploided properly. Again, you don't have to completely destroy them. You just need to make it so that continuing the war as it is is not worth the effort. THAT does not require a superior military force. 

Or, if your Steele is more evil they could develop a way around the reds defense against the golds chemical weapons.

Or, if you are more subtle you could manipulate the reds into pissing off the UGC such that they support the golds. Either through tricking them into doing something or fabricating evidence. Or if the UGC doesn't want to get involved you could get them to just leave like they do if you nuke the base, then broker a deal with mercenaries or some big company that says the golds will give them exclusive rights to something they make, like tit honey or chemical weapons or what have you so that they supply the golds with some men or equipment. The people on myrellion are not technologically advanced, so it wouldn't take much from far more advanced people to put the hurt on them. Again, they don't need to be completrly destroyed, just pressured into giving up on their need for fighting the war. Which probably won't be THAT hard to do considering its been going on for 7 years.

Maybe that scientist who is working on making mods out of red DNA finds a way to neutrilize the effects of red venom and can be convinced to share that with Steele.

All of these are, again, off the top of my head. Imagine what would be possible it given actual thought. There are no limits to what can happen in a fictional setting. And it can certainly be believable if handled well. Like Nonesuch said, it doesn't have to be the golds completely destroying the reds. They just have to be pressured into bringing an end to the war and accepting the golds demands.
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Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
You know what is able to defeat a strong, opressiv force? A stronger force.

How then do you explain the Vietnam War with this logic of yours?

Cause as it was the NVA and Vietcong were not a stronger force then the American army but they still won. The reason why was simple: they used tactics that let them strip the U.S. of its major advantages.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
The US didn't use their strongest force though. If Vietnam had oil, it would have been nuked.


Aug 26, 2015
The US didn't use their strongest force though. If Vietnam had oil, it would have been nuked.

Citation needed.  I'm pretty sure "don't use these things or we're all going to fucking die" was pretty well-established by then.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
That was more of a joke than anything. But in all seriousness, I think we definitely would have used a nuclear bomb to win if the USSR didn't have any. Something something Cold War proxy excuse.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
En. Weird I getting feeling that Myrellion may get second way to blow it up by using nukes/secret base self-destruction if thoughs of this thread would be followed ingame.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Finding a way to immunobooster style insta break red venom addiction and exposure would be utter and absolute hell on the red efforts.  Especially if you can aerosolize it and  drop it everywhere in red territory and then live stream the the results of the rose veiw vanishing.

Like I like Red venom as mechanic to min lust in general scenes but in every serious scene going into it's effects and how you view people while on it, it's fucking horrifically creepy.   Not just the arousal but the dependence and overinflation of the other person. I can't actually go near lieve  anymore. 

It's like would this relationship really survive the magic being stripped away?   When even under that stuff  and it's utter warping of personal perceptions she can't really talk about her old love. 


I'm guess Fazian quest is major anti red points?  Though I guess it anti gold too. 

Is it bad of me that my response to her speech and kidnapping muh boy Faz about the eye was well who's dick didn't you suck?   Followed by why not use ceasefire to turn POWs into third party good will cards and look good when the Golds susposedly won't (can't) take them. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Finding a way to immunobooster style insta break red venom addiction and exposure would be utter and absolute hell on the red efforts.  Especially if you can aerosolize it and  drop it everywhere in red territory and then live stream the the results of the rose veiw vanishing.

Exactly. That can be a huge weakness if attacked properly. A large number of reds own trench wives. If they all started rebelling it would throw a huge chunk of the army into disarray. 

It would also be nice poetic justice if that were what brings them down or shifts the tide less in their favor. 

Like I like Red venom as mechanic to min lust in general scenes but in every serious scene going into it's effects and how you view people while on it, it's fucking horrifically creepy.   Not just the arousal but the dependence and overinflation of the other person. I can't actually go near lieve  anymore. 

Your not alone. Forced Red venom is not really popular with a lot of people. One of the reasons Lieve was listed as my most hated character in the game. 

It's like would this relationship really survive the magic being stripped away?   When even under that stuff  and it's utter warping of personal perceptions she can't really talk about her old love. 

I dont remember this part. Who can't talk about her old love? 

Is it bad of me that my response to her speech and kidnapping muh boy Faz about the eye was well who's dick didn't you suck?   Followed by why not use ceasefire to turn POWs into third party good will cards and look good when the Golds susposedly won't (can't) take them. 

You can say that to the general chick? Do you have to take the bribe to say that?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Exactly. That can be a huge weakness if attacked properly. A large number of reds own trench wives. If they all started rebelling it would throw a huge chunk of the army into disarray. 

It would also be nice poetic justice if that were what brings them down or shifts the tide less in their favor. 

Your not alone. Forced Red venom is not really popular with a lot of people. One of the reasons Lieve was listed as my most hated character in the game. 

I dont remember this part. Who can't talk about her old love? 

You can say that to the general chick? Do you have to take the bribe to say that?


Buff Gold Ant send you on a mission to track down her ex she got seperated from. 

You can't. I just wanted to say it. 

The Golds get favor by the UCG becasue they prositute themselves and work the PR whistle hard and don't have a standing sex slave operation and that's not bad.   Prostituion is the worlds oldest profession and perfectly respectable. 

Get better diplomats with less pride. 


Oct 15, 2016
I'm pretty sure the reason why Myrellion isn't really a favorite on alot of people's lists is because of how dark and really depressing it is, as well as how it brought in the horrors of war into a primarily smut game.

So yeah, lots of boners will be killed.

that's me in a nutshell. I go from fucking BBW nanomachine "slime" girls and a few shortstack, fairly non-furry species to a bleak and distressing environment.  I said as much in the necro thread but as I imagine it is for a lot of people it's the red's and trench wives that really hurt the planet for me. There is nothing comfortable or fun about golds enslaved by drugs and exploited for sexual abuse. That plus a lot of what I'm reading here makes for a less fun time then I was banking on. I really did expect up until getting into red-town that my feelings would be "stuck up dom ants vs giant tits" with a leaning toward the former. Not giant tits vs unwilling sexual slavery.

It really drove home that for all the player's exploits very few of them (according to memory) active rape or the removal of consent. Even the zil you drug are grounded in a sexualised society where od'ing one could be expected