Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
see, Noob got the idea for the emotitext. Although why he's telling the world hes gay, his own choice. :p  

Edit - Just wanted to be absolutely sure everyone knows. I was joking, not attacking.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
How dare you assume my sexual orientation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Cuz you said it about loud. Weel as long you inteligent one not dumb as floor brick it will be a no issue.

After so many pages...I wonder how much more stuff could be disscussed here still. Recently seems some of subjects from this thread started to slowly leaking out into rest of the forum.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
So this is what it feels like to be next-tier level on the forum totem pole, makes me feel like Prince.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Before Gedan comes in with the hammer, try to avoid using colored text too much. There's a reason it's not easy to access. Mostly due to horrible colors.


New Member
Jul 21, 2016
I wasn't sure whether to put this here or report it as a bug, but with ceresprin being a pretty cool TF I noticed it conflicted with the Treatment in a weird way. I mean I know it's basically a carryover from CoC, but I feel like the bovine legs could be updated to change covering based on if the player suddenly gets covered in scales/bark. Hooves are cool, and using ceresprin after getting treated is an easy way to get a forest god look, but this minor detail is fucking me up.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
Quick idea : what ever side you support in winning the war gives you a unique reward
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Quick idea : what ever side you support in winning the gives you a unique reward

I would love to get an shipmate out of it..

A Red Myr if you helped the Federation win, a Gold Myr if you accidently helped the Goldies and ...someone else if you create a truce..

But I kinda doubt that this will happen, because it would be a lot of work and extremely hard to pull off, if you want to make everyone happy..

Also, I kinda got the feeling that the pro-Red writing camp kinda thinned out *sigh*


Aug 27, 2015
Gonna address some stuff that was brought up in Ideas, so there's not two Shitstorm the Planet threads going at the same time.

1. I'm not sure why Golds getting evacuated is being touted as a good outcome. It's better than them getting completely wiped out, but it's a fucking awful outcome for pretty much all concerned. Firstly: Imagine your entire race getting turfed off Earth by ayys and told never to return because another nation is threatening to completely exterminate you. That's a type of unimaginable trauma that's going to define your people for the rest of time, and not in a good way. Secondly: This other planet the gold myr are being taken to, let's call it Xalestine. Is there anyone else living on Xalestine? What we have been shown so far in TiTS is if a planet is remotely livable *it has a ton of shit living on it*. Are the Xalestinians particularly happy about this solution the U.G.C. have foisted upon them? Are you not potentially creating a whole host of new problems with this wholesale upheaval? Thirdly: Think about what it tells the Reds. Threaten the shit out of whatever you like, either it will fall in line or the U.G.C. will step in and completely remove the problem for you. People with a massive wide-on for the nyrea take note - they're a lot less advanced than the Golds, and are already partially subsumed into the Federation.

Tl;dr I will be deeply pissed off if Gold evac is presented as a totally acceptable solution. Peace treaty feat. Reds giving at least some of the territory back has to be an option Savin, no matter how throbbing your boner for poisonous fascist ethnic cleansers is.

2. Building on the last point, not sure why everyone thinks the Nyrea being in charge would be great. Because a single tribe let you become their leader on the basis that you beat the shit out of them, I guess? They're an aggressive and war-like race capable of sexual parasitism with an attitude towards gender that'd make an Iranian imam flinch. Things would be worse if you substituted the Reds for them. Underdogs =/= good guys, people.

Magic Ted

Forum God
Aug 26, 2015
Personally, I've always been pro-you-can't-do-anything. If we're going to touch on various realistic portrayals here and there in our oddly grimdark game, might as well make it plucky adventure hero can't actually solve this planet-wide problem. Maybe not even in the Fallout Epilogue. Pft, make your choice here entirely meaningless, you recommend a thing and push for it and they're all, "Hmmm we'll think about it." And they don't.

And then we go onto the next planet of cool and interesting things.


Jan 8, 2016
Personally, I've always been pro-you-can't-do-anything. If we're going to touch on various realistic portrayals here and there in our oddly grimdark game, might as well make it plucky adventure hero can't actually solve this planet-wide problem. Maybe not even in the Fallout Epilogue. Pft, make your choice here entirely meaningless, you recommend a thing and push for it and they're all, "Hmmm we'll think about it." And they don't.

That's completely realistic and also utterly unfun for the players.

Even the Vault Dweller managed to solve the Gecko/Vault City problem, and that guy was a moron.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Tl;dr I will be deeply pissed off if Gold evac is presented as a totally acceptable solution. Peace treaty feat. Reds giving at least some of the territory back has to be an option Savin, no matter how throbbing your boner for poisonous fascist ethnic cleansers is.

Yeah, it's distressing that Savin presented that as the pro gold option. I really really hope Fenco has not locked that in as the official options for how that plays out because it's only slightly better for the golds than the nuclear destruction ending. 

Not only does it screw the golds over, it still lets the reds get away with all the horrible shit they are doing. There needs to be an ending that holds the reds accountable for all the horric war crimes they commit. Maybe the peace ending will have some kind of slap on the wrist or something but I doubt it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
1. I'm not sure why Golds getting evacuated is being touted as a good outcome.

That's the pro-gold ending? Jeez that sounds more like a pro-red ending to me, if the Golds get evacuated  wholesale then the Reds get everything  they want except the satisfaction of committing genocide. What the hell is the red ending like?


Aug 26, 2015
That's the pro-gold ending? Jeez that sounds more like a pro-red ending to me, if the Golds get evacuated  wholesale then the Reds get everything  they want except the satisfaction of committing genocide. What the hell is the red ending like?

The reds get everything they want and the satisfaction of committing genocide.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
The reds get everything they want and the satisfaction of committing genocide.

So our options basically amount to: The Reds win and the Reds win even harder
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Last I heard the gold queens were just going to go into captivity, where their children would be raised into right-minded confederate citizens. ;p  I'm actually glad there isn't some 'everybody's happy' route just to placate some of our more... disturbed regulars so far.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Last I heard the gold queens were just going to go into captivity, where their children would be raised into right-minded confederate citizens. ;p  I'm actually glad there isn't some 'everybody's happy' route just to placate some of our more... disturbed regulars so far.

I don't need some "Everyone lived happily ever after ending", I need something that doesn't just amount to "This faction wins no matter what happens unless you nuke the planet and kill everyone".

And having kids taken from their mothers and brainwashed to hate their mothers doesn't seem like all that great from any angle. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
I don't need some "Everyone lived happily ever after ending", I need something that doesn't just amount to "This faction wins no matter what happens unless you nuke the planet and kill everyone".

I mean, shit, if you really want there to be no other option than the reds winning you could at least have the pro gold side fail. It would still be complete bullshit to me but at least your Steele has the choice of actually trying to help the golds instead of always supporting them getting fucked no matter what, and at least you can fight the reds instead of always supporting them even if you end up loosing. 

Again, that would still be bullshit to me but it would be better than kicking them out and pretending like you are on their side.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Honestly, with the endings we're being given, just leaving the status quo as it is would be better than doing anything.

Don't we save the entire planet of Tarkus, twice?

Once from sexbot revolution (and the entire galaxy along with it), and from the pirates blowing up something essential for the two halves of the planet. Buuut then there's Mhen'ga where we... um make Penny's job slightly easier? o_O  So it seems to me what we do on planets is incredibly varied.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2016
Don't we save the entire planet of Tarkus, twice?

Once from sexbot revolution (and the entire galaxy along with it), and from the pirates blowing up something essential for the two halves of the planet. Buuut then there's Mhen'ga where we... um make Penny's job slightly easier? o_O  So it seems to me what we do on planets is incredibly varied.

The pirates were bluffing.. There was no danger for Tarkus *before* you waltzt in.

Also, according to Hand So, the Sexbot-revolution needed the Codex or something similiar so it was Steele once again who endangered everybody.. =P

About the topic at hand.. I'm starting to wonder how the forum is split when it comes to Red vs Gold..

But I stand at my opinion: The Gold are just as bad as the  Reds and just lost.

We need to keep those two apart or there will never be peace. The fairest option? Relocate both if you want, but the logistics are much worse than just to relocate Gildenmere.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm honestly for separating them, because let's all be honest here we know that the Gold's and Red's will be at each other's throats again the moment the UGC pulls out of Myrellion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
It's relative to what's happening on each planet. Nothing is happening on Mhen'ga, because it's not a place with some ominous looming threat or terrible circumstance, so we just go around and help individuals with whatever happens to inconvenience them.

Which is why Mhen'ga is my favorite planet by a huge margin.

I'd love to see more planets based around a series of individual character or small-scale conflicts as opposed to grandiose threats. It's much more interesting, in my opinion, and nowhere near as complicated.

Yeah what won me over to Mhen'ga was the Naleen female, her late night invitation was a pleasant surprise. I personally hope there's future content for her eventually.

And looking back, Myrellion is the only huge scale thing story wise and it isn't high in my list of favorites, just look at all the arguments it made in the forms. As long as there's no nuking I'm content to let the U.E.G handle negotiations.
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It's relative to what's happening on each planet. Nothing is happening on Mhen'ga, because it's not a place with some ominous looming threat or terrible circumstance, so we just go around and help individuals with whatever happens to inconvenience them.

Which is why Mhen'ga is my favorite planet by a huge margin.

I'd love to see more planets based around a series of individual character or small-scale conflicts as opposed to grandiose threats. It's much more interesting, in my opinion, and nowhere near as complicated.

Aside from the up-coming fate of Mehn'ga where you can sell or save them from slavers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2016
Aside from the up-coming fate of Mehn'ga where you can sell or save them from slavers.

Wait, wait wait, what? When was this made a thing?


I would be lying if I said I was looking forward to that in any way, but Nonesuch is a skilled writer and seems invested in making the project as good as it can be. I wish him well in creating new content, even if it isn't particularly interesting to me.

Also, I don't believe it would be mandatory content. So, again, those that don't want to deal with heavy, life-or-death decisions that affect incomprehensible numbers of lives don't have to. :D  

I would be surprised if it was mandatory, but I see what you mean now about Mhen'ga.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
And looking back, Myrellion is the only huge scale thing story wise and it isn't high in my list of favorites, just look at all the arguments it made in the forms. As long as there's no nuking I'm content to let the U.E.G handle negotiations.

I'm pretty sure the reason why Myrellion isn't really a favorite on alot of people's lists is because of how dark and really depressing it is, as well as how it brought in the horrors of war into a primarily smut game.

So yeah, lots of boners will be killed.
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